Freshman English: Readings and Lab
Fall 2014 and Spring 2015
College of Science

Mondays 外教 203, class periods 3/4, 10:20am-12:10pm,
Wednesdays 新生大樓 403, class periods 1/2, 8:10-10:00am

Professor Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
(the first Google hit for 'Karen Chung')

TA: Melissa Hsiung 熊偌均


Total class meetings and important dates Spring 2015
Join: Class Facebook Group
Facebook: Karen on Ivy League Analytical English
Readings Spring 2015

師德文教 CET Hello! E.T. 大師開講 articles on English learning
First 12 CET articles in one single pdf file

Goals of Course
E-mail and miscellaneous requirements
List of somewhat shorter novels for book report assignment
How to configure Thunderbird (POP3/SMPT) IMAP
News and podcasts
Grade calculation
Outside Work
Study aids and resources
Inputting KK/IPA symbols
English TTS (text to speech) (good for proofreading); Chinese TTS
Google in English

Spring 2015: 31 class meetings

     February 2015: 25;
2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30;
(Holiday; no class), 6 (Holiday; no class), 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29;
4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27;
1, 3. 8, 10, 15, 17.

     Spring 2015: Last day of semester: Thursday, June 18, 2015
     Final exam: June 24, 2015
新生大樓 403

Class Facebook group:

Important dates (Spring 2015):

Cancel-add: February 24-March 7 (cancel: till March 8)
February 27 holiday (no class):
Friday, February 27
Finalization of class schedules:
March 16-20
Application period for withdrawing from a course:
March 9-May 22
NTU Azelea Festival begins:
March 14
Tomb-Sweeping Holiday (no class for fe on Wednesday April 1 and Monday April 6):
April 1-6
Online application for second chance at exemption from advanced English class
(subject to change):
March 23-27
Mid-semester online student course evaluations:
March 23-May 1
Taiwan University marathon:
March 28
(no midterm will be given for this class): April 20-24
End-of-semester online student course evaluations:
June 5-18
Last day of class:
Thursday, June 18
Final exams:
June 22-26
Freshman English final exam:
Wednesday, June 24, 8:10-10:00am, in 新 403
Summer Vacation:
June 29-September 6

February 25
) Welcome back! and class list.

a. Print out, read and translate the part assigned to you of:
          "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout" by Patrick Wayland
   Word    pdf     audio file
          From: Taiwan Tales – One Country, Eight Stories: A Multicultural Perspective   
Taipei: Lone Wolf Press, 2014 Amazon   (free sample available)
Make sure you bring the printed text to each class!

      b. Add your translation to the document on Google Drive by March 9th.
          We will check and edit each other's work to assemble a readable,
          consistent translation of the whole story.

      c. Listen to and take notes on ICRT DJ Keith Menconi's
          Taiwan Talk interview with author Patrick Wayland:
          Listen from the beginning of the audio file to the 4:52 point;
          shorter file of just the Wayand interview.
          Bring notes to class for discussion on March 18.

(3) Poems for Memorization and Recitation: Spring 2015 (with audio files)   Word   pdf
      Print out the Word file and bring to each class.
      The poems will be covered at different times during the semester.

(4) Gilmore Girls pilot cloze exercise

 Watch the Gilmore Girls pilot a few times
      if for some reason you haven't already.
      Then print out and do the cloze exercise on Scene One.
      When you've done your best, look for the transcript
      of the scene, and mark your work with a red pen. Take
      special note of the words you had trouble hearing correctly.
      Check everything online that you're not sure of,
      e.g. "Jack Kerouac." Count up the number of errors and
      write it in the upper right hand corner of the paper (e.g. -58).
(5) Storytelling exercise
      Tell an extemporaneous story about something that you
       experienced over winter break. It must have a story arc (also called a narrative arc), with:
      1. Exposition:
The introduction of the story in which characters are introduced, setting is revealed.
      2. Rising Action:
A series of events that complicate matters for the protagonist, creating a rise in the story's suspense or tension.
      3. Climax:
The point of greatest tension in the story and the turning point in the narrative arc from rising action to falling action.
      4. Falling Action:
After the climax, the unfolding of events in a story's plot and the release of tension leading toward the resolution.
      5. Resolution:
The end of the story, typically, in which the problems of the story and of the protagonists are resolved.


March 2
(1) Announcement regarding summaries of CET articles,

     a. There are only a few CET articles left, and a couple more
will be written and made available during the semester.
CET articles will be assigned individually.

        For next Monday: Read and summarize
CET 19 (issue 88).
        Subscribe to Email Updates here.
New students take notes on CET 1 and 2.

     b. 親愛的英文: You will continue to read and take notes
on about two lessons from this book every week.
Like last
semester, your summaries for this book and the CET articles
are to be uploaded to Google Drive before the Monday morning
after they are assigned. Check your work before submitting
for spelling, grammar, content, and other errors!

      For next Monday: Read and summarize chapters 33 and 34
      (new students: also do chapters 1 and 2).

     c. Ms. Chung and Melissa will discuss note-taking skills.

     For this semester's new students:
Here is information on how to buy the book
作者: 史考特•科斯博 (Scott Cuthbert)
出版社:本事文化  2014

Available at 政大書城 台大店
台北市大安區羅斯福路3 段301 號B1
電話:02-33653117 營業時間:每日上午10:30至下午10:30
(They sell it for less than the online price.)

(2) Finish in-class storytelling exercise based on something
that you experienced this past winter break.

March 4

(1) A new CET article is out; join Ms. Chung's
      Email Updates
list to access.

(2) You will receive your marked final exam from last semester
      back today. Correct it carefully and resubmit on Monday 3/9.

(3) Begin reading and translating
"Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."


March 9
(1) a. Submit to Google Drive class notes, notes on Cuthbert 33 and 34,
      (and 1 and 2 for new students), notes on
CET 19 (issue 88;
      CET 3 for new students
listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes, notes on Cuthbert 35 and 36
      (and 3 and 4 for new students; also CET 4), listening log.

      b. Make sure your translations for
"Roger Jergenson’s Flyout"
      are uploaded to Google Drive by today!

(2) Submit your corrected final exam from last semester.

(3) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

March 11
(1) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

(2) Pay attention this week to the different usages of 了 and 的 in Chinese:
      also note what the Mandarin 2nd tone sounds like when it occurs at the end of an utterance.

March 16

(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes, notes on Cuthbert 35 and 36,
     (and 3 and 4 for new students), listening log (also CET 4.
     For next Monday, submit class notes, notes on Cuthbert 37 and 38
     (and 5 and 6 for new students; also CET 5), listening log.

(2) Share what you've noticed about the different usages of 了 and 的 in Chinese:
     also the Mandarin 2nd tone when it occurs at the end of an utterance:
     postponed till Wednesday 3/18.

(3) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

March 18
(1) Discuss and hand in Gilmore Girls pilot, scene one cloze exercise.

(2) Discuss the ICRT Patrick Wayland interview.

Discuss the differences in the use of
了 and 的 in Chinese:
     also the Mandarin 2nd tone when it occurs at the end of an utterance.

Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

March 23
(1) Final exams will be returned. Submit to Google Drive class notes,
      notes on Cuthbert 37 and 38, (and 5 and 6 for new students);
      (CET 5 for new students), listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes, notes on Cuthbert 39 and 40
      (and 7 and 8 for new students), notes on CET 21 (this has been
      emailed to you; also CET 6 for new), listening log.

(2) Discuss the differences in the use of 了 and 的 in Chinese:
     also the Mandarin 2nd tone when it occurs at the end of an utterance.

Discuss the ICRT Patrick Wayland interview.
     Listen from the beginning of the audio file to the 4:52 point;
     shorter file of just the Wayand interview.

Book sharing: 鄭貞銘, 丁士軒. 百年大師, 二冊. 台北: 源流, 2015.

Part assignments for Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 1.
     You will perform this scene in groups of three on Wednesday, April 8.

Lorelei: Rory: Luke and Joey:
David Hsieh
David Pun

Vincent Tzu-yi
Alex Kao

David Yen
Vincent Tsung-hsun

(6) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

March 25

(1) Dictation.

Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."


March 30
(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes,
      notes on Cuthbert 39 and 40, (and 7 and 8 for new students);
      notes on CET 21, (CET 6 for new students,) listening log.
      For next Wednesday, submit class notes, notes on Cuthbert 41 and 42
      (and 9 and 10 for new students), notes on Melissa's email article
      (sent to you via Mailchimp), (CET 7 for new students,) listening log.

Dictation 2.

Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

April 1
(Holiday; no class)

April 6
(Holiday; no class)

April 8
(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes,
      notes on Cuthbert 41 and 42, (and 9 and 10 for new students);
      notes on Melissa's email article, (CET 7 for new students,) listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes, notes on Cuthbert 43 and 44
      (and 11 and 12 for new students), notes on Melissa's email article
      (sent to you via Mailchimp), (CET 8 for new students,) listening log.

Dictation 3.

Perform Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 1; give feedback.

April 13
(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes,
      notes on Cuthbert 43 and 44 (and 11 and 12,
      plus CET 8 for new students), listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes, notes on Cuthbert 45 and 46
      (and 13 and 14, plus CET 9 for new students), listening log.

Finish performing Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 1; give feedback.

(3) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

April 15

(1) Dictation 4.

(2) Last performances of Gilmore Girls, scene 1; discussion.

(3) Email your suggestions for improving CET 89 to Ms. Chung TODAY, with Cc: to Melissa.

(4) Watch the video and read the transcript of scene 2 of Gilmore Girls pilot carefully
and check all the words and references you're not sure of. Bring any questions
you can't solve on your own to class on Monday 4/20. If you have time, continue on
to the next scenes as well.

April 20
(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes,
      notes on Cuthbert 47 and 46 (and 13 and 14,
      plus CET 9 for new students), listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes, notes on Cuthbert 47 and 48
      (and 15 and 16, plus CET 10 for new students), listening log.

Book sharing: That Quail, Robert, by Margaret Stanger, 1966.

(3) Go over Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 2; scene 3 for Wednesday.

(4) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

April 22
(1) Dictation.

Go over Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 3; scene 4 for Monday 4/27.

Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

April 27
(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes,
      notes on Cuthbert 47 and 48 (and 15 and 16,
      plus CET 10 for new students), listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes, notes on Cuthbert 49 and 50
      (and 17 and 18, plus CET 11 for new students), listening log.

(2) Book sharing: The Girl Next Door, by Augusta Huiell Seaman (1879-1950).
      If you read this (or any other) book and submit a short book report on it,
      you will receive extra credit. This book is out of copyright and available on
      Gutenberg (text) and Librivox (audio).

(3) Some of your essays will be returned; the rest will be returned on Wednesday 4/29.
      Correct and resubmit on 4/29 and 5/4, respectively.
      For reference: letters exchanged with blind author, Tom Brennan.

(4) Go over Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 4.

(5) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

April 29
(1) Dictation.

(2) The rest of your essays will be returned.
      Correct and resubmit on 5/4.
      For reference: letters exchanged with blind author, Tom Brennan.

      Short story by Tom Brennan: You'd Be A Nerd If...

Go over Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 5. Gilmore Girls part and scene assignments.

(4) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

May 4
(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes, notes on the final two chapters
      of Cuthbert, 49 and 50 (and 17 and 18, plus CET 11 for new students),
      listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes (plus notes on Cuthbert 19 and 20,
      and on CET 12 for new students) and listening log.

(2) Hand in your revised endings for "Don't Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit"
      with Chinese translations: paper, gmail and Google Drive.

(3) Book sharing: How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When,
      Where, and Why It Happens, by Benedict Carey. New York: Random House, 2014.
      (I got it in paperback at Cave's)

Melissa's Amazing IPA Handout!
Melissa will teach the International Phonetic Alphabet as used for General American English.

(5) Go over Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 6. Practice your part! Performance dates TBA
      (= To Be Announced)!

(6) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

(7) Link to interview with translator of Mo Yan's books into Swedish,
      Anna Gustafsson Chen 陳安娜; her Facebook page.

(8) OPTIONAL Extra Credit Assignment:

Read and/or listen to:
     The Girl Next Door
, by Augusta Huiell Seaman (1879-1950).
      If you read this (or any other) book and submit a short book report on it,
      you will receive extra credit that will be added on to your final grade for the course.
      The book is available as an ebook in different formats on Gutenberg,
      and it is available as an audio book on Librivox.

      Please follow the same structure In your written report as you used last semester
      in your oral book report, and also ANSWER THE QUESTIONS in this survey form (pdf)
      if the book you read is The Girl Next Door.

      Due date: June 15, 2015.

May 6
(1) Dictation.

(2) Go over Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 7.

(3) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."


May 11
(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes
      (new students: notes on 19 and 20, plus CET 12), listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes (plus notes on Cuthbert 21 and 22,
      and on CET 13 for new students) and listening log.

(2) Any questions on IPA?

(3) Go over Gilmore Girls pilot, scenes 8, 9 and 10. Practice your part! Performance dates TBA
      (= To Be Announced)!

(4) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

May 13
(1) Dictation.

(2) Go over Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 11, 12 and 13.

(3) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

May 18
(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes and summary of CET 22 (issue 89)
      (new students: notes on 21 and 22, plus CET 13), listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes (plus notes on Cuthbert 23 and 24,
      and on CET 14 for new students) and listening log.

(2) Go over stresses, pauses, intonation, meaning of Gilmore Girls pilot, scene 13.
Practice your part!
Performance date: June 3.

(3) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

May 20

(1) Go over Gilmore Girls 14 and 15.

(2) Dictation: pan, pen, pain.

(3) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

(4) Remember to bring poetry handout to class!

May 25
(1) Submit to Google Drive class notes (and for new students,
      notes on 23 and 24, plus CET 14), listening log.
      For next Monday, submit class notes (plus notes on Cuthbert 25 and 26,
      and on CET 15 for new students) and listening log.

(2) Finish going over stresses, pauses, intonation, meaning of
      Gilmore Girls pilot, scenes 15 and 16; hand in.
      Practice your part!
Performance date: June 3.

(3) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

May 27

(1) Dictation.

(2) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

(3) Remember to bring poetry handout to class!

Gilmore Girls performance date: June 3.

June 1
(1) Hand in notes; make sure you make up all missing work from Cuthbert,
      also how to teach Taiwan students about count vs. non-count nouns;
      also how to get Taiwan learners to pull away from the written text and use their ears.

(2) Write down all items you might still get wrong in Cuthbert p. 173-182.

(3) Go over remaining Gilmore Girls scenes in class, individually.

(4) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

June 3
(1) Gilmore Girls Performances.

(2) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."


June 8
(1) Hand in notes, including your notes on which items of Cuthbert p. 173-182
      you might possibly get wrong or have problems with;
      also make sure you make up all missing work from Cuthbert or other assignments.
Final performance of Gilmore Girls, entire pilot episode; share feedback.

Hand in entire marked-up Gilmore Girls script.

Final evaluation
and Summary of Class Notes (submit as two separate pdf files)
      for Freshman English are due
June 15.

      I. End-of-semester evaluation:
      Part 1: evaluate the class, teacher, homework assignments,
what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
— everything about the class this semester.
      Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,

how prepared for class you were, how much you learned from the class,
how much effort you put into this class.
      Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English?

      II. Organized summary of your class notes:
      Go through all your old notes, and organize them into a summary of main points,
including notes on the CET articles. You do not have to include every single detail
from your notes; try rather to combine notes that are about the same thing and to generalize.

      Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
before emailing both files to Ms. Chung at:
and Melissa at no later than June 15, 2015.

Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

June 10
(1) Read and translate "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout."

Final summary and evalution of course due Monday 6/15.

June 15
(1) Final summaries and evaluations due today.

(2) Hand in class notes.

(3) Finish reading and translating "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout." Reread in class.

June 17

(1) Finish reading and translating "Roger Jergenson’s Flyout." Reread in class.

(2) Poetry, if there's time.

June 24

Final exam: Wednesday, June 24, 8:10-10:00am, in 新 403

Fall 2014: 34 class meetings

     September 2014: 15, 17, 22, 24, 29;
     October 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29;
     November 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26;
     December 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31;
     January 2015: 5, 7.

Last day of semester: Friday, January 9, 2014
     Final exam: Wednesday, January 14, 2015
新生大樓 403

Fall 2014 Important dates:

Cancel-add: September 15-27
Application period for withdrawing from a course:
September 29-December 12
Finalization of class schedules:
October 6-10
Double Tenth National Day (no class):
Friday, October 10
Online application for exemption from advanced English class:
October 20-24 (tentative)
Mid-semester online student course evaluations:
October 13-November 21
(no midterm will be given for this class): November 10-14
Anniversary of the Founding of Taiwan University (no class):
Saturday, November 15
NTU Campus Fair:
Sunday, November 16
New Year's Day/Founding Day of the ROC
(no class)
: Thursday, January 1, 2015
End-of-semester online student course evaluations:
December 26, 2014-January 8, 2015
Last day of class:
Friday, January 9, 2015
Final exams:
January 12-16, 2015
Freshman English final exam:
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 in 新 403
Winter break:
January 19-February 23, 2015
Chinese New Year's Eve:
Saturday, February 18, 2015


I. Books
Required textbook:

1. 親愛的英文,我到底哪裡錯了? (fb)
作者: 史考特•科斯博 (Scott Cuthbert)
出版社:本事文化  2014

Available at 政大書城 台大店
台北市大安區羅斯福路3 段301 號B1
電話:02-33653117 營業時間:每日上午10:30至下午10:30
(They sell it for less than the online price.)
You will read and take notes on about two lessons from this book every week.

Optional picture dictionary for vocabulary-building:
2. English-Chinese Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd edition.
Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme & Norma Shapiro. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2009.
Available at 台大出版中心 (總圖旁)

This is a collection of the most high-frequency and useful words in English.
You may know many of them already, but almost certainly not all of them.
Setting up a program for yourself to learn a few pages of the vocabulary a day -
the pictures make it easier - means you are likely to have important words
ready when you need them in a pinch.

II. Other materials
1.  Dictionaries
     Check ALL words you're not COMPLETELY sure of here –

 Merriam-Webster Online (GA [= General American])

     b.  Cambridge Advanced Dictionary (GA and BE [= Standard Southern British English])

Checking your grammar with Google
    Read this and follow the instructions to check your work
    BEFORE submitting any assignment:
    Using Google as a Usage Barometer, by Jerome C. Su.

Hello!ET (CET) 師德 articles on pronunciation, by Karen Chung

4. Excel spreadsheet with individual pronunciation points

    and issue number of related CET article:
    Use for pronunciation improvement plan.
    Available over Google Drive; use your gmail address to access the folder.
5. Simplified English novels
    Extra credit given for one-paragraph summary of each book you read
    Record of books read on Sheet Two of Pronunciation Plan file.
    Simplified novels are fine - the originals are usually too long and difficult.
    Try the library, or Bookman's, Crane's, Lailai, or Cave's, and exchange with classmates.
    FYI: Literary genres include: novel, short story, drama, poetry, essay.

For reference: About Poetry: English Prosody Plus Selected Literary Terms

7. Book sharing: Ms. Chung will occasionally share a book with the class that she is currently reading:
    you are encouraged to do so too!

III. Readings:
1. Learning How to Exert Self-Control (Word) by Pamela Druckerman
    The New York Times Sunday Review, September 12, 2014
    pdf   MP3 file

2. Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit by Tom McCarthy
     From: Things I’ve Learned from Women Who’ve Dumped Me   Ben Karlin, ed.

IV. Technology
1. Always use your NTU email account for class business.

2. Join: the Class Facebook Group
3. Join: Karen on Ivy League Analytical English
on Facebook
4. Everybody must have a gmail account and be added to Google Drive, to post, read and edit class assignments.
5. Submit your Echo practice listening log, update your pronunciation plan and your reading list, add new vocabulary, and enter errors and corrections WEEKLY in your Excel file on Google Drive.
6. Submit your weekly class notes into a Word file on Google Drive.
7. Free recording software: Audacity
8. Optional: Online Flash Cards
9. Optional: Free audio books are available on Librivox

(will be added to week by week, and is subject to change at any time)

September 15
Introductions; class list

(2) Format for name on homework – in upper right hand corner, left justified:

    Rita Lin 林玉梅
    Freshman English
    September 18, 2013

Times New Roman 12 pt for text,

Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5pt for IPA symbols,
       新細明體 12pt
for 中文

 Each student is required to send an e-mail message to the professor and TA Melissa with an English quote you like, together with its source. (Example: "Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think." Niels Bohr (1885-1962), Danish physicist) It must be a verifiable quote, CORRECTLY FORMATTED, containing no errors. Here is a sample so you know what format to use.

     The purpose of this is (1) to collect the e-mail addresses of everyone in the class, so we can all use them for class communications; and (2) to remind you right at the beginning of the semester of the importance of producing careful work that is not filled with sloppy mistakes. Make sure you sign your name to every e-mail you write! Put "fe quote" in the subject line. Pay attention to correct format; for example, leave a space before and after (parentheses) like this. Without a space it looks like(this)and this is not acceptable in English written format.

     Every student must also register with the New York TImes and subscribe to their daily news digest (these are free, as is access to up to ten news stories a month). You will be asked to choose the kinds of news you'd like to receive. The aim of this requirement is give you at least a passing familiarity with current international events, and for you to get used to using English-language news media sources. Include this sentence in your email: "I have subscribed to the New York Times news digest."

The New York Times (US):
The New York Times homepage:

       In addition, include your gmail address, so we can add you to Google Drive, and
mention which musical instrument(s) you play.

This assignment is due September 24.

(4) Print this out and bring it to class: Learning How to Exert Self-Control (Word) by Pamela Druckerman
The New York Times Sunday Review, September 12, 2014  pdf  
       It is numbered from 1 to 13; some of you will be assigned a part to prepare to read and translate precisely next         class.
       Listen carefully
to this
MP3 file and use it to learn correct pronunciations; mark stresses on your text.
       Enter the new vocabulary in your Excel file on Google Drive and learn it; there will be a quiz on it.

Read and summarize
CET article #1 (issue 69) and CET article #2 (issue 70)
      and include in next Monday's class notes.

) Read and summarize Cuthbert, chapters 1 and 2.

(7) Learn and sing: My dame has a lame tame crane

September 17
(1) Learn and practice Mini-conversations 2 and 4; practice on 9/22; perform on 9/24

(2) Review: My dame has a lame tame crane

Read and translate: Learning How to Exert Self-Control

September 22
(1) Class list and
and photographs; hand in class notes, including summary of
      CET article #1 (issue 69) and CET article #2 (issue 70) and Cuthbert 1 and 2;
and summarize CET article #3 (issue 71) and Cuthbert 3 and 4 and include in next
      Monday's class notes.

(2) Read and translate
: Learning How to Exert Self-Control.

(3) Practice Mini-conversations 2 and 4

September 24
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 2 and 4
learn Mini-conversations 3 and 4-bonus sentence

(2) Read and translate: Learning How to Exert Self-Control

September 29
(1) Upload or add class notes to Google Drive, including summary of CET article #3 (issue 71)
      and Cuthbert 3 and 4;
      summarize CET article #4 (issue 72) and Cuthbert 5 and 6 and include in next Monday's class notes.

(2) Practice Mini-conversations 2 and 4-bonus sentence.

(3) Read and translate
: Learning How to Exert Self-Control.

Book: Don't Make Me Think! Revisited, by Steve Krug.

October 1
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 2 and 4-bonus sentence; learn Mini-converations 5 and 6.

(2) Read and translate: Learning How to Exert Self-Control.

Book: Old Before My Time.

October 6

(1) Upload class notes, including summary of CET article #4 (issue 72) and Cuthbert 5 and 6 to Google Drive;
      summarize CET article #5 (issue 73) and Cuthbert 7 and 8, and include in next Monday's class notes.
      Make sure to do your 10 minutes a day of Echo practice, and record it in your listening log!
      Also, begin drawing up a pronunciation plan for yourself, using the Excel file provided.

(2) Review Mini-conversations 5 and 6, to be performed on Wednesday 10/8.

Read and translate: Learning How to Exert Self-Control.

(4) Vocabulary quiz on
Learning How to Exert Self-Control on Wednesday October 8.

(5) Book:
秦始皇: 一場歷史的思辨之旅 by NTU professor 呂世浩.

October 8
(1) Vocabulary quiz on Learning How to Exert Self-Control.

(2) Perform Mini-conversations 5 and 6.

October 13
(1) Upload class notes, including summary of CET article #5 (issue 73) and Cuthbert 7 and 8;
      summarize CET article #6 (issue 74) and Cuthbert 9 and 10 and include in next Monday's class notes.

(2) Last performance of Mini-conversations 5 and 6.

Learn Mini-conversations 7 and 8, to be performed Wednesday 10/15.

(3) Choose a SIMPLIFIED or original English NOVEL give a 5-minute oral book report on
      with a PARTNER in November-December. Here are three lists of suggested books to choose from,
      though your choices are not limited to these: 1   2   3   Sample titles
      Do NOT choose any of the following: Harry Potter, The Little Prince, Lord of the Rings,
      The Chronicles Of Narnia, Charlotte's Web, or any other children's literature!
      Title and author of the book and the names of both partners are due MONDAY OCTOBER 27 with your notes.
      Correct format: Austin, Jane. Sense and Sensibility  (Penguin Readers Level 3).
                                Retold by Cherry Gilchrist. New York: Penguin, 2000. 46pp. Paper.

October 15
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 7 and 8;
Mini-conversations 9 and 10.

(2) How to check your English grammar BEFORE submitting any assignment:
     Using Google as a Usage Barometer, by Jerome C. Su.
     Try using Google News as your corpus for better results:

(3) Read carefully, take notes, and include in your class notes summary for Monday 10/20:
      Web page: 32. Schwa elision in English, under Introduction to Phonetics I.

Read and translate: Learning How to Exert Self-Control.

October 20
(1) Submit class notes, including summary of CET article #6 (issue 74), Cuthbert 9 and 10,
and Web page: 32. Schwa elision in English, to Google Drive;
      summarize CET article #7 (issue 75) and Cuthbert 11 and 12, and include in next Monday's class notes.

Read this second article in Chinese from 商業周刊 on using Google and other online tools
      to check your English grammar:
     This article has gone viral on Karen on Ivy; as of this writing it has been viewed over 30,000 times!

Review Mini-conversations 9 and 10; perform on Wednesday October 22.

(4) Finish r
eading and translating: Learning How to Exert Self-Control.
      After we finish the whole piece, we'll go around the room to reread it,
      with each student reading one sentence; then we'll discuss it briefly in class.

(5) There will be a quiz on phrase and compound noun stress on Wednesday October 22.
      Review CET article #5 (issue 73) for help preparing for the quiz.

(6) Listen carefully in the spoken Mandarin around you for second tone syllables at the end of sentences.
     Are they actually pronounced with a standard second tone? Or do they sound more like a third tone?

(7) New reading: Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit    pdf    MP3
     by Tom McCarthy. From: Things I’ve Learned from Women Who’ve Dumped Me.
     Ben Karlin, ed. New York & Boston: Grand Central Publishing, 2008. p. 102-110.

     Print out the file, check all the words you don't know, and read ahead for meaning.
     If your number is 14-33, SUBTRACT 13 for your number for this piece.
     If your number is 1-13, then ADD 20. This reading goes up to part (31).
     Use the MP3 file to help yourself prepare!

(8) Submission via email of the simplified novel you will be reporting on next semester is due
      next Monday, October 27; use correct bibliographic format!

      Correct format:  Austin, Jane. Sense and Sensibility  (Penguin Readers Level 3).
                                   Retold by Cherry Gilchrist. New York: Penguin, 2000. 46pp. Paper.

      Include the English and Chinese names and student numbers of the members of your pair or group.

      To prepare for the oral book report:
      1. Write down all new vocabulary items with meanings, make an outline; turn in next semester;
      2. Meet and discuss book with your partner(s); 3. Presentation will be five minutes long per group;
      4. Book title, author, key words on board; 5. 2-3 sentences on author; 6. Summary of plot;
      7. 2-3 parts that impressed you most; 8. Your evaluation of the book on a scale of 1-10.

(9) Book sharing:
     1. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, by Malcolm Gladwell. (2002)
     2. The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way, by Amanda Ripley. (2014)
     3. Things I've Learned From Women Who've Dumped Me, ed. by Ben Karlin. (2009)

October 22
Quiz on phrase and compound noun stress.

(2) Perform
Mini-conversations 9 and 10;
      learn Mini-conversations 11, 12 and 13

October 27
(1) Hand in class notes, including summary of CET article #7 (issue 75) and Cuthbert 11 and 12;
summarize CET article #8 (issue 76) and Cuthbert 13 and 14
, and include in next Monday's class notes.

(2) Discuss book chosen for oral report: format!

(3)  Perform Mini-conversations 9 and 10;
         learn Mini-conversations 11, 12 and 13, to perform on Wednesday 10/29.

(4) Finish re-reading Learning How to Exert Self-Control and discuss.
      If there is time, begin reading and translating
Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

October 29
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 11, 12 and 13;
Mini-conversations 14 and 15

(2) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

(3) Work on book report.

November 3
(1) Upload to Google Drive class notes, including summary of CET article #8 (issue 76) and Cuthbert 13 and 14;
summarize CET article #9 (issue 77) and Cuthbert 15 and 16, include in next Monday's class notes.

(2)  Perform Mini-conversations 11, 12 and 13; learn Mini-conversations 14 and 15, to be performed on Wednesday 11/5.

(3) Discuss book report.

(4) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

November 5
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 14 and 15;
Mini-conversations 16 and 17

(2) Sign-up for oral book report dates.

(3) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

November 10
(1) Upload class notes to Google Drive, including summary of CET article #9 (issue 77)
      and Cuthbert 15 and 16
; summarize CET article #10 (issue 78)
      and Cuthbert 17 and 18
and include in next Monday's class notes.

(2) Start thinking about date to meet with Melissa/Ms. Chung for "dress rehearsal" of oral book report.

(3) Review Mini-conversations 16 and 17, to be performed on Wednesday 11/12.

(4) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

November 12
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 16 and 17;
Mini-conversations 18 and 19.

(2) Make date with Melissa/Ms. Chung for "dress rehearsal" of oral book report.

(3) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

November 17
(1) Hand in class notes, including summary of CET article #10 (issue 78) and Cuthbert 17 and 18;
summarize CET article #11 (issue 79) and Cuthbert 19 and 20 and include in next Monday's class notes.

(2)  Perform Mini-conversations 16 and 17, taking care to pronounce all consonants clearly,
       and review Mini-conversations 18 and 19
, to be performed on Wednesday 11/19.

(3) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

November 19
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 18 and 19;
Mini-conversations 20 and 21.

(2) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

November 24
(1) Hand in class notes, including summary of CET article #11 (issue 79) and Cuthbert 19 and 20;
summarize CET article #12 (issue 80)
and Cuthbert 21 and 22 and include in next Monday's class notes.

(2) Review Mini-conversations 20 and 21.

(3) Oral book report:
Alexandra and Heidi: Lord of the Flies, by William Golding.

(4) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

November 26
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 20 and 21;
Mini-conversations 22 and 23
(moved to 12/01).

(2) Oral book report:
Carol and Angel: The Stolen White Elephant, by Mark Twain.

Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

December 1
(1) Hand in class notes, including summary of CET article #12 (issue 80) and Cuthbert 21 and 22;
summarize CET article #13 (issue 81)
and Cuthbert 23 and 24
      and include in next Monday's class notes.

Learn Mini-conversations 22 and 23, to be performed on Wednesday 12/03.

(3) Oral book reports:
1. Bill and Amy: Saving Private Ryan, by Max Allan Collins.
2. Allison and David Hsieh: Animal Farm, by George Orwell.

(4) Christmas music survey.
      Here is the Christmas carol page.

(5) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

December 3
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 22 and 23;
Mini-conversations 24 and 25

(2) Oral book reports:
1. Eric and Dennis: The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
2. Benson and Vincent 楊子頤: No One Writes to The Colonel
   (El coronel no tiene quien le escriba), by Gabriel García Márquez.
3. Kenny and Jason: Barchester Towers, by Anthony Trollope.
4. Jerry and Andy: Positions with White Roses, by Ursule Molinaro.

(3) Christmas music will be distributed to those planning to play an instrument on December 24 (Christmas Eve).
      Here is the Christmas carol page.

December 8
(1) Hand in class notes, including summary of CET article #13 (issue 81) and Cuthbert 23 and 24;
summarize CET article #14 (issue 82)
and Cuthbert 25 and 26
      and include in next Monday's class notes.

Review Mini-conversations 24 and 25, to be performed on Wednesday 12/10.

(3) Oral book reports:
1. Coco and Sophie: Daddy-Long-Legs, by Jean Webster.
2. Stephen and Roger Tsui: The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison.
3. Felix and Alex: The Pearl, by John Steinbeck.
4. Eddison and Vincent 楊宗勳: The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde.

(4) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

December 10
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 24 and 25;
Mini-conversations 26 and 27

(2) Oral book reports:
1. Brandyn and William: Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson.
2. David Pun and Roger Lo: Frankenstein, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.
3. Sofia and Corrine: The Uncommon Reader, by Alan Bennett.
4. Kevin and David Yen: For One More Day, by Mitch Albom.

(3) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

December 15
(1) Hand in class notes, including summary of CET article #14 (issue 82) and Cuthbert 25 and 26;
summarize CET article #15 (issue 83)
and Cuthbert 27 and 28
      and include in next Monday's class notes.

Review Mini-conversations 26 and 27, to be performed on Wednesday 12/17.

Give feedback on oral book report assignment: What did you learn from the assignment? Please share any other thoughts you have on the assignment with the class.

(4) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

December 17
(1) Perform Mini-conversations 26 and 27;
Mini-conversations 28 and 29
, to be performed Monday, December 22.
      This will form the oral part of your final exam grade.

(2) Print out and bring to class on Wednesday December 24 this handout of Christmas carol lyrics   pdf   html  

(3) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

December 22
(1) Hand in class notes, including summary of CET article #15 (issue 83) and Cuthbert 27 and 28,
summarize CET article #16 (issue 84)
and Cuthbert 29 and 30
and include in next Monday's class notes.

Perform Mini-conversations 28 and 29. This will form the oral part of your final exam grade.

(3) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

(4) Print out and bring to class on Wednesday December 24 this handout of Christmas carol lyrics   pdf

December 24
(1) Sing Christmas carols   pdf   html   Bring any instruments you have that you would like to play!


December 29
(1) Upload class notes, including summary of CET article #16 (issue 84)
      and Cuthbert 29 and 30
to Google Drive;
summarize CET article #17 (issue 85)
and Cuthbert 31 and 32,
      and include in next Monday's class notes,
your last set of class notes
for the semester.

(2) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

(3) Final evalution and Summary of Class Notes (submit as two separate pdf files)
      for Freshman English are due January 5:

      I. End-of-semester evaluation:
      Part 1: Evaluate the class, teacher, homework assignments,
what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
— everything about the class this semester.
      Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,

how prepared for class you were, how much you learned from the class,
how much effort you put into this class.
      Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English?

      II. Organized summary of your class notes:
      Go through all your old notes, and organize them into a summary of main points.
You do not have to include every single detail from your notes; try rather to combine
notes that are about the same thing and to generalize.

      Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
before emailing both files to Ms. Chung at:
and Melissa at no later than January 5, 2015.

December 31
(1) Read and translate Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

January 5, 2015
Submit your class notes, summary of CET article #17 (issue 85) and CET article #18 (issue 86), and of Cuthbert 31 and 32,
      to Google Drive.

(2) Reread Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit   MP3

(3) Class discussion on "Don’t Leave Too Much Room for the Holy Spirit".

(4) Compound noun and phrase stress practice.

(5) Discuss the final exam. And don't forget to send your class evaluation and
      organized summary of your notes, both in pdf format, to both Ms. Chung and Melissa!

January 7, 2015
(1) TBA.

The Freshman English final exam will be held on
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 in 新 403

Goals of Course

This course will concentrate on four main areas:

     (1) Pronunciation training. Everybody must keep a pronunciation, grammar and class notes journal. A summary of your class notes is due every Monday.

     (2) Reading and translation practice. This semester we will mainly be reading essays and possibly short stories, though additional texts may be assigned. Normally, individual students will be assigned to translate a given passage of the reading beforehand. Each of the passages will be read, translated orally into good Chinese, discussed, and sometimes acted out in class. The reading will be followed by a class discussion, and almost always by a short quiz, usually on vocabulary and compound and phrase stress. Students are actively encouraged to relate what they read and learn to their own life, experiences, and feelings, and to listen attentively to what their classmates have to say. Also, for each simplified English novel or other English book you read on your own and submit a short summary of, you will receive extra credit. Everybody must keep a record of the books you read.

     (3) Listening and oral practice with online resources. There will normally be one online listening assignment a week requiring written answers to listening comprehension questions. We will correct the assignment of the previous week and a new assignment will be given every Wednesday. You may work with your classmates or friends on the listening part of the assignment, but you must do your own work answering the questions. 50% or more will be deducted on assignments that are not handed in on time. Click here for suggestions on how to approach the listening assignments.

     (4) Various oral presentations, including a book report first semester and possibly a dramatization second semester.
     This is not a composition course, and we unfortunately have too large a class and not enough time for lots of conversation practice. You must create opportunities for yourself to get practice in these areas. If you would like composition practice, however, you could consider keeping a blog. You may even be lucky enough to get feedback on what you write! Or find a language exchange partner on Remember in any case that you are responsible for your own education – the NTU faculty and staff can help you with only part of it!

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E-mail and miscellaneous requirements

E-mail: Every student must use your NTU e-mail account. Each student is responsible for ensuring that their e-mail inbox is able to receive and send mail at all times.

     In the first week of class, each student is required to send an e-mail message to the professor with an English quote you like, together with its source. (Example: "Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think." Niels Bohr (1885-1962), Danish physicist) It must be a verifiable quote, CORRECTLY FORMATTED, containing no errors. Here is a sample so you know what format to use.

     The purpose of this is (1) to collect the e-mail addresses of everyone in the class, so we can all use them for class communications; and (2) to remind you right at the beginning of the semester of the importance of producing careful work that is not filled with sloppy mistakes. Make sure you sign your name to every e-mail you write! Put "fe quote" in the subject line. Pay attention to correct format; for example, leave a space before and after (parentheses) like this. Without a space it looks like(this)and this is not acceptable in English written format.

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     Pronunciation and grammar journal: You are required to keep a running record of specific sounds and other areas you need to work on in your pronunciation in a small notebook, based on feedback you receive in class. You are also required to keep a record of all grammar points and corrections made in class and in your written work. You are expected to have your journal open and ready throughout each class, without being reminded. You will be asked to write and hand in a summary of your pronunciation and grammar journal at the end of each semester. You can use this page to insert IPA/KK symbols into Word and other documents.

     Oral book report: Each student will be asked to choose a simplified or original novel to read with a partner and give a 5-minute oral book report on. Here are three lists of suggested books to choose from, though your choices are not limited to these; do NOT however choose any of the following: Harry Potter, The Little Prince, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles Of Narnia, or any other children's literature:,6903,1061037,00.html

You may read your book in the original if you choose, but most works are quite long and difficult, with an overwhelming number of unfamiliar vocabulary words. The intention of this assignment is simply for you to become better acquainted with English literature, and for you to have an enjoyable reading experience. Hopefully, once you have gotten through, understood, and enjoyed an entire abridged and simplified work in English, you will want to explore more books, maybe also in simplified form, but eventually you may want to tackle a novel in the original. DO NOT COPY FROM ANY SOURCE WITHOUT CITING THE SOURCE. This is plagiarism and an extremely serious offense; in the US it is grounds for dismissal from the university.

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     News reading: Every student must register with the New York TImes and subscribe to their daily news digest (these are free, as is access to up to ten news stories a month). You will be asked to choose the kinds of news you'd like to receive. The aim of this requirement is give you at least a passing familiarity with current international events, and for you to get used to using English-language news media sources.

The New York Times (US):
The New York Times homepage:

UK Media:
The BBC World Service homepage:

The Guardian Unlimited (UK):,12904,-1,00.html
The Guardian Unlimited homepage:

Poetry from the MPR's Writer's Almanac (optional): If you'd like a poem and a "today in literature" summary delivered to your e-mail inbox every day, sign up here:
Writer's Almanac homepage: also has a Classic Poem Daily (optional):

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Podcasts: If you have an MP3 player, iPod, or smart phone, podcasts are a great way to listen to class listening files anytime, anywhere. You can also download an enormous variety of files you choose yourself. You can even produce your own podcast for others to listen to!

iTunes is one popular way to download podcasts. Select "United States" as your country for the largest selection. Check out the free university courses available on iTunes U!

     Here are some pages with podcasts to choose from, subscribe to or download, then copy to your MP3 player:

BBC podcast feeds:
NPR podcast directory:
Nature magazine podcast:
Podcast directories:

     Handouts will be posted on this Web site. You are responsible for printing them out yourself.

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     Grade calculation

     Grades will be calculated on the basis of:

     1. Attendance. Note that missing more than three classes or being late to class more than five times without good reason is sufficient grounds for receiving a failing grade for this course; being late disturbs everybody else in the class, so make a concerted effort to be in class on time.


     If you must miss class or be late let Ms. Chung and Melissa know by e-mail or otherwise beforehand; or as soon as possible afterwards if you really can't get in touch beforehand. Don't just fail to show up for class and not offer an explanation – even if it's "I overslept", please explain.

     2. Homework, including listening assignments and pronunciation/grammar summaries
     3. Quizzes (usually given after we finish reading and discussing each text)
     4. Oral presentations
     5. Class participation
     6. Attitude
     7. Progress made
     8. Final exam
     Extra credit will be given to students who do independent research on a class-related topic and share their findings with the class.

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Notes regarding grading policy:
     Taiwan University now uses a letter grade system like the one used in US universities. Please do NOT ask for a precise percentage breakdown of how your grade is calculated. You should be able to see from the above that each person's situation is different, and things like "attitude" and "progress made" are difficult to quantify. If, for example, you make great progress after the middle of the semester, your earlier grades will count less. If your grades fluctuate a lot and you do not have a very positive attitude toward learning, all of your grades will be counted just as you earn them; points will be taken off from your final grade if you have often been late or absent from class, or are missing assignments or handed them in late. It's really quite simple - do good work and you get good grades. Your final exam will test your ability in the key areas covered in class; it is not "arbitrary." Very often it is consistent with the work you have done throughout the semester, and therefore your final grade may be close to your final exam grade. Do not conclude that because of this, your final grade is simply decided by your final exam grade. If you have questions not covered in these notes, please e-mail Ms. Chung. But please do NOT come to complain about a grade or demand an explanation for it unless it is clear there has been in error in calculation, e.g. of an exam score. Rest assured that we teachers spend a LOT of time taking many different factors into consideration before finally deciding on each and every grade we give.

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Here is a list of recommended dictionaries and reference works. Please use an online English dictionary with audio files (e.g. the Merriam-Webster is one of the best) to check the pronunciation of any word you encounter that you aren't sure how to pronounce. You have no excuse for getting a pronunciation in a poem or written exercise wrong in class! Get used to relying on your ears rather than on your eyes when it comes to pronunciation!

      The following paper dictionary is highly recommended: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: The Living Dictionary. 5th Edition. 2009. Essex: Pearson Education. Available at Crane's in hardcover or paperback. It comes with a CD-ROM (requiring about 500MB of disk space) which offers definitions, audio files of pronunciation of the entry in British English (online version also available; or you can check the standard British English pronunciation on and U.S. English, plus exercises and many other excellent features. It gives word pronunciations in IPA symbols, which are very close to the KK system you are familiar with.

      The above dictionary doesn't include very difficult or technical words; you can get these from the online dictionaries, or get another English-English desktop dictionary, available for purchase at local English book stores such as Bookman, Crane's, Lai Lai and Cave's.

     Here's a page on How to Choose a Dictionary.

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      US English-English dictionaries usually use a strange (for you) set of pronunciation symbols based on English spelling habits, which may be difficult to get used to at first. You will find a pronunciation key on each page of the dictionary to help you. Here's the pronunciation key to the American Heritage Dictionary, which is representative of this kind of pronunciation symbols. If in doubt, use an online dictionary with audio files and listen to the correct pronunciation!

      A pocket edition of one of these English-English dictionaries is handy for class use; most English-Chinese dictionaries published in Taiwan are full of errors, especially in the KK pronunciations of words. Electronic dictionaries are handy and very popular among students these days, but they are also not always as reliable, since they are mostly produced domestically; they will probably be missing some words and definitions, and the pronunciation in KK symbols may not be accurate. But some include a huge database of several good English-English dictionaries, and are very useful. Shop carefully.

     The best English thesaurus, in my opinion, is: The Synonym Finder. 1987. Emmaus: Rodale. 1361pp. Paper. Available at Bookman Books 書林.

      In my view, the very best Chinese-English dictionary is one compiled on the Chinese mainland: 漢英辭典. 修訂版. 1995. 北京:外語教學與研究出版社. 主編:危東亞. This now seems to be out of print, so the following is a good substitute: 新世紀漢英大辭典 A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary. 外語教學與研究出版社, 2003. Purchase at 秋水堂 台北市羅斯福路三段333巷14號
(02)2369-5999. You may have to put in a special order. It takes about six weeks for the book(s) to arrive.

      See homepage and the Language and Linguistics page for links to more online dictionaries, including Chinese ones.

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Outside Work

     All students are encouraged to advance their English skills on their own, outside class. Here are some ideas on how to do this; also please visit Extras on this site for some resources to get you started:

      Read English newspapers and magazines (many available free online – see Extras or do a search), novels (simplified ones are OK!), materials on the Internet, anything else of interest;

     Listen to the radio – programs like Studio Classroom or Ivy League (if you are on Facebook, you might want to consider joining the Karen on Ivy League Analytical English fan page), FM93.1 and ICRT (100.7), which broadcast BBC programming every weekday morning, 6am-7am for FM93.1, and 7:00-7:30am for ICRT: listen to the BBC's daily Learning English feature with text and audio; and other Internet broadcasts from around the world (see Extras); you can now download lots of audio programs on the Internet to your MP3 player – see section on podcasts above;

     Watch English language TV programs, e.g. sitcoms and the news, and movies: movies and other videos/DVDs can be borrowed and viewed in the AV library;

     Speak and write English with friends: you may want to set up a language exchange, meet English speakers through activities in Taipei's foreign communities, or just practice with classmates – don't be shy! Finding and writing to an e-mail pen pal is another good way to practice English – try joining a special interest discussion group (see Extras) and send a note to someone who says things you think are interesting. Keep a blog.

     Here's a Topical list of resources in the Language Learning workshop from SIL International – it contains lots of good ideas on language learning.

     Please write Prof. Chung if you have other good English-learning ideas to share!

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Study aids and resources

Reading and thinking:
Interrogating Texts: 6 Reading Habits to Develop in Your First Year at Harvard

2. How to Write More Clearly, Think More Clearly, and Learn Complex Material More Easily by Michael A. Covington

Format and Hanyu Pinyin:
3. English formatting workbook – good for practice:

4. Punctuation explained

5. Clean up cluttered Web pages with Readability

6. Hanyu Pinyin 漢語拼音Tutorial: Teach yourself Pinyin

7. Pinyin tone mark converter

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Computer skills:
8. David Pogue's Tech Tips for the Basic Computer User

Compound stress, word endings, grammar:
9. English compound noun stress rules

English plural and past tense pronunciation rules

11. Verb Tense Tutorial
Explanation of the simple past in English
More verb practice

Pronunciation, listening, the Echo Method, phonics, adverbs:
12. English Central

13. Facebook: Karen on Ivy League Analytical English

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14. Sesame Street: Demonstration of how the "Echo Method" works
Learn phonics with "Silent E"
Learn English adverb formation with the "LY" song

Language exchange and audio books:
15. Language exchange site: Livemocha

16. Free audio books: Librivox

17. More free audio books

Inputting KK symbols:
18. Online KK symbol editor page

19. Copy-and-paste IPA symbols

1. Merriam-Webster (American English)

2. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (American and British English)

3. Macmillan Dictionary (American and British English)

4. Howjasay (British English pronunciation)

5. The Free Dictionary (American English pronunciation)

OneLook Free Dictionary (Good for patttern searches)

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