國立台灣大學    National Taiwan University      國際企業學系    Department of International Business

Asset Securitization (graduate level)

File Name Description
Introduction-1.pdf 不動產證劵化簡介一
AS_Ch01-Introduction-2.pdf Chapter 1 資產證券化導論 (資產證劵化之簡介二)
AS_Ch02.pdf Chapter 2 證券化之發行架構
AS_Ch03.pdf Chapter 3 住宅抵押貸款的特質與風險
AS_Ch04.pdf Chapter 4 房貸證券之一:房貸轉付證券
AS_Ch05.pdf Chapter 5 房貸證券之二:擔保房貸憑證
AS_Ch06.pdf Chapter 6 房貸證券之三:房貸型衍生性證券
AS_Ch07.pdf Chapter 7 貸款銀行的角色與各相關機構之作業流程
AS_Ch10.pdf Chapter 10 房貸證券之訂價
AS_Ch11.pdf Chapter 11 汽車貸款債權證券
AS_Ch12.pdf Chapter 12 信用卡債券證券
AS_Ch13.pdf Chapter 13 商業性不動產抵押貸款證券
AS_Ch14.pdf Chapter 14 其他類型證券化商品
Time Value of Money.pdf Introduction of the Time Value of Money
Interest Rate Term Structure.pdf Introduction of the Term Structure of Interest Rates
Practices in Excel.xls Several Computational Examples of Different Mortgage Instruments
Count.xls A VBA Program to Generate the Frequency Histogram