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Project at a Glance

Summary of COSS Academic Excellence Program in 2016: 

1. Teaching
♦Objective: Construct a high-quality teaching and research environment; Spearhead curriculum reform and innovation
•Design policy-driven research courses and advanced practicum courses
•Integrate core-skill courses (e.g. social science classics, IT skills, language and writing, communication, quatitative training, and research methods)
•Promote inter-disciplinary joint courses (e.g. CS+X)
•Increase the number of courses taught in English and courses related to East Asia studies 
•Invest in cultivating high-quality research assistants 
♦Expected Outcomes:
•Updated courses and performance-driven teaching 
•Core social science knowledge and skills 
•Promotion of international exchange and research among COSS faculty and students, and recruitment of overseas students to study in COSS
•Research-driven teaching that achieves  synergy between teaching and research 
2. Research
♦Objective: Promote cross-disciplinary research and cooperation; Dilever research works that link theory and practice
•Enhance research capabilities and combine policy analysis with academic research 
•Inspire COSS members to build inter-department or inter-college research teams
•Encourage international cooperation and comparative works, particularly those unique to East Asia
•Strengthen top-tier inter-disciplinary research on emerging behavioral sciences
•Spearhead Taiwan-centric studies related to local economic, political, and social development 
•Cooperate with acaemic publishers and publish books and book series 
•Continue to publish international journals
•Assistant Departments to elevate the quality of published journals 
•Hold international conferences and seminars
♦Expected Outcomes:
•Increased number and percentage of journal papers that ranks at top 15% and 40% in terms of five-year imapct factor 
•Elevated academic and social impact of books, book chapters, and policy white papers 
•Publications on Taiwan studies that deepen local understanding and enhance interantional impact 

3. Cross-sector Parnership
♦Objective: Strengthen cooperation with governmental agencies and private sector organizations
•Promote policy research that excert both academic and social impact
•Develop policy analysis and social practice courses 
•Design internship programs in cooperation with government agencies and private sector organizations
•Recruit teachers with professional experiences and strenghthen practice training
•Develop skills that meet labor market demand in IT era
♦Expected Outcomes:
•Increased influence of COSS on major national policies and social development 
•Curriculum and research reforms realized through policy analysis and social practice courses 
•Enhance competitiveness of COSS graduates

4. Internationalization
  ♦Objective: Foster international exchange with key sister schools and expand opportunities for faculty and student members to engage in international cooperation programs
•Encourage international cooperation and comparative studies
•Increase the number of East Asia studies courses conducted in English
•Strengthen international exchange summer programs
•Recruit excellent overseas students
♦Expected Outcomes:
•Enhanced international visibility and reputation of COSS 
•Stronger ties with East Asian countries and more top-tier studnets are wiliing to study in COSS