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Green Technology Lab, BSE, NTU

People / Awards

Pan was named as "2023 Class of Influential Researchers" by I&EC Research ACS
  • 發布單位:Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering

Pan was named as "Influential Research" by I&EC Research, ACS.

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (I&EC Research) is pleased to announce its seventh annual Class of Influential Researchers, which focuses on researchers in Asia, Australia, and the broader Pacific Region. These researchers are in approximately the first 10 years of their independent careers. Our team of editors reviewed nominations received through an open call.  With the publication of this editorial, we are also delighted to announce the virtual special issue (VSI) containing the invited articles from the 2023 Class of Influential Researchers {}. This VSI collection includes 38 articles, and the authors represent laboratories in China, Australia, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, India, and Singapore. This VSI places a spotlight on the work of this talented group and allows our readers to learn about their research. Readers may also be interested in revisiting the I&EC Research 2017–2022 Classes of Influential Researchers. (1−12)

Editorial article:

VSI homepage:

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