202“Reproducing Multicultural Citizens: Citizenship Pathways of Southeast Asian Immigrant Mothers in Taiwan.” special issue on Migration and Citizenship Pathway. Ethnic and Racial Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2441905
2024 (with Minjeong Kim) “The Emerging Second Generation in Asia.” Introduction for the special Issue. Ethnic and Racial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2436072
202“Negotiating Ambivalent Identities in Geopolitical Contexts: Second-Generation Youth of Chinese Immigrant Mothers in Taiwan.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2436069
202“Contesting Boundaries and Navigating Identities: Second-Generation Adult Children from Cross-border Marriages in Taiwan.” International Migration Review, online first, DOI: 10.1177/01979183241242369
2023 “Geopolitical Multiculturalism in East Asia.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint, online first, , DOI: 10.1111/apv.12396
2023“Navigating Childrearing, Fatherhood, and Mobilities: A Transnational Relational Analysis.” The Sociological Review, DOI: 10.1177/00380261221143586
2022"Contested Skills and Constrained Mobility: Migrant Carework Skill
Regimes in Taiwan and Japan."
Migration Studies 10:37. DOI: 10.1186/s40878-022-00311-
“Shifting Borders and Migrant Workers’ Im/mobility: The Case of Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 31(3): 225-246. DOI:
2022 (with Yuk Wah Chan) “The Politics of Sanitization: Pandemic Crisis, Migration and Development in Asia-Pacific.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 31(3): 205-224. DOI:10.1177/01171968221129382
2022 (with Yuk Wah Chan) “Rethinking the Migration-Development Nexus in the Post-Covid Era.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 31(3): 324-335. DOI: 10.1177/01171968221126573
2022 (與簡永達)〈越南牛頭與台灣仲介:跨國招工網絡的彈性重組〉,«台灣社會學»43: 1-50。
Children across the Pacific.”
Contexts 18(2):
42-47. DOI: 10.1177/
2019 “From
Reproductive Assimilation to Neoliberal Multiculturalism: Framing and
Regulating Immigrant
Mothers and their Children in Taiwan.” Journal of Intercultural Studies
40(3): 318-333. DOI:
2018 “Bridging
Ethnic Differences for Cultural Intimacy: Production of Migrant Care Workers
in Japan.”
Critical Sociology 44(7-8): 1029-1043. DOI:10.1177/0896920517751591.
with Yi-Fan Wu] “Exceptional
Membership and Liminal Space of Identity: Student
Migration from Taiwan
to China.” International Sociology, 31(6): 742-763.
- “Deferential Surrogates and Professional Others: Recruitment and Training of Migrant Care Workers in Taiwan and Japan.” Positions: Asia Critique, 24(1): 253-279.
- <做父母、做階級:親職敘事、教養實作與階級不平等>,«台灣社會學», 第27期,頁97-140。
- “Compressed Modernity and Glocal Entanglement: The Contested Transformation of Parenting Discourses in Post-war Taiwan.” Current Sociology, 62(4): 531-549.
- "Segmented Incorporation: The Second Generation of Rural Migrants in Shanghai." The China Quarterly, 217: 243-265.
- (與吳伊凡合著)<去中國留學:旅中台生的制度框架與遷移軌跡>,«台灣社會學刊»,第50 期,頁1-56。
- (與吳伊凡合著)<在「祖國」與「外國」之間:旅中台生的認同與畫界>,«台灣社會學»,第22 期,頁1-57。
- “White Privileges, Language Capital, and Cultural Ghettoization: Western Skilled Migrants in Taiwan.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(10): 1669-1693.
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- “Migrant Women’s Bodies as Boundary Markers: Reproductive Crisis and Sexual Control in the New Ethnic Frontiers of Taiwan.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 33(4): 833-861.
- “New Global Politics of Reproductive Labor: Gendered Labor and Marriage Migration.” Sociology Compass 2(6): 1801-1815(中譯 再生產勞動力的新全球政治學)
- <合法的奴工,法外的自由:外籍勞工的控制與出走>,«台灣社會研究季刊»,第38期,頁107-150。
- <階層化的他者:家務移工的招募、訓練與種族化>,«台灣社會學刊»,第34期,頁1-57。
- <女人何苦為難女人? 雇用家務移工的三角關係>,«台灣社會學», 第八期, 頁43-97,南港:中研院社會所。
- “Negotiating Social Boundaries and Private Zones: The Micropolitics of Employing Migrant Domestic Workers.” Social Problems 50(4): 525-549.
- “Political and Social Geography of Marginal Insiders: Migrant Domestic Workers in Taiwan.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 12(1-2): 99-126.
- “They Have More Money But I Speak Better English: Transnational Encounters Between Filipina Domestics and Taiwanese Employers.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 10(2): 133-161.
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Gender & Society 17(2): 187-208.
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- “Working in a Neon Cage: ‘Bodily Labor’ of Cosmetics Saleswomen in Taiwan.” Feminist Studies. 29(1): 21-45.
“Subcontracting Filial Piety: Elder Care in Ethnic Chinese Immigrant Families in California.”
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- “Networking Capitalism: Network Construction and Control Effects in Direct Selling.” The Sociological Quarterly 34(2): 165-184.
- <跨越國界的生命地圖:菲籍海外家務勞工的流動與認同 >,«台灣社會研究季刊»,48: 169-218。
- <人際關係與經濟活動的辯證:傳銷商的網絡建構與權力關係>,«台灣社會學研究»,第四期,頁1-50,南港:中研院社會所。
- <銷售女體,女體勞動: 百貨專櫃化妝品女銷售員的身體勞動>,«台灣社會學研究»,第二期,頁47-81,南港:中研院社會所。
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