What is Engineering Science
Engineering Science is the combination of engineering and science. The advancement of technology must be achieved by engineering and the development of engineering depends on science. The research directions in our department consist of opto-mechatronics, information & computational science, applied mechanics, naval architecture & ocean engineering.
The advancement of technology must be achieved by engineering and the development of engineering depends on science. The research directions in our department consist of opto-mechatronics, information & computational science, applied mechanics, naval architecture & ocean engineering. The main feature of the Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering is to integrate systems and technologies, while focusing on educating students with multidisciplinary skills and the ability of technology integration.
Educational Objectives
The educational objectives of the department are to offer students fundamental trainings of engineering analysis and multidisciplinary trainings of opto-mechatronics, information & computational science, applied mechanics, and naval architecture & ocean engineering. We provide classroom training and cutting-edge research opportunities in the broad fields of engineering science and ocean engineering.
Research Direction
•Integration of Opto-Mechatronic Systems
•Information & Computational Science
•Applied Mechanics
•Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineerin