Calculus 4: With Applications to Economics and Management (微積分4:在經濟商管的應用)

Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

NTU (Spring 2019)

Time: Monday, Thursday, 10:20-12:10pm, at Sin Sheng Building 203 (新203)

Office Hour: 12:10-1pm after class or by Email appointment

Course Syllabus

Textbook 1: Stewart (2016), Calculus, 8th ed., Cengage.

Textbook 2: Simon and Blume (1994), Mathematics for Economists, W. W. Norton.

Class Topics:

0. [Calculus 3 ] Partial Derivatives
                          Economic Application: MPL, MPK, and MRS

1. [4/22, 4/25] Sequences and Series (11.1-2); Application of the Completeness Axiom
                          Economic Application: Utility Function Representation

2. [4/29, 5/ 2 ] The Integral Test and the Comparison Tests (11.3-4)

3. [5/ 6 , 5/ 9 ] Alternating Series and Absolute Convergence (11.5-6);
                          Power Series (11.8-9)

4. [5/13, 5/16] Constrained Optimzation: FOC (A Summarize of 18.1-5)
                          Economic Application: Profit/Cost of Cobb-Douglas Production

5. [5/20, 5/23] Kuhn-Tucker Conditions/Meaning of Lagrange Multiplier: K-T Conditions (18.6-19.1)
                          Economic Application: Peakload Pricing, Revenue Maximizing Ads and Shadow Price

6. [5/27, 5/30] Envelope Theorem (19.2)
                          Quiz 2

7. [6/ 3 , 6/ 6 ] Second Order Conditions (19.3); Worksheet for SOC
                                   Constraint Qualifications/Proof of FOC (19.4-5)

8. [6/10, 6/13] Exchange Economy

9. [6/20] Final Exam

Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

Last modified on 2023-03-27