「90年的人來車往,望盡人生百態,歲月風華。」Crowds and vehicles have passed by National Taiwan University for 90 years, and I have seen the vicissitudes of life and the elegance of age.

「我們一個是千里眼?一個是順風耳?」So is one of us a person who can see really far, and the other who can hear voices a long way off?

「當然在知識的殿堂,圖書館裡。」She is of course in the library, the palace of knowledge.

「我只遠觀70年,但是聽到了千言萬語,風聲鳥鳴。」I have only observed it for seven decades, but I have heard innumerable words and the sounds of the wind blowing and birds chirping.

「那媽祖婆婆身在何處?」Then where is the Sea Goddess Mazu?

「哈哈!當然在校務的核心,行政大樓中。」You must be joking! She is of course in our administration building, the core of school affairs.

大門與傅鐘爭論不休……NTU Front Gate and Fu Bell argued endlessly……

一位剛入學臺大的女學生經過大門When a female student who just got admitted to National Taiwan University passed the front gate,

對著大門說:「終於找到大門位置了,讓我不會在校園裡迷失方向。」Saying to it, “I’ve finally found the front gate. I won’t get lost on campus.”

穿過了椰林大道Then she passed through Royal Palm

對著傅鐘說:「聽見傅鐘在這裡,我知道去哪兒繳學費了。」And said to Fu Bell, “hearing the sound from Fu Bell, I know where to pay my tuition.”

守護著臺大,也指引著臺大人的方向So it is not the most important where Mazu is
It is important that NTU Front Gate and Fu Bell are around……
To protect National Taiwan University and give NTU students directions

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The archive Ji Lu originated from the National University Archives Joint Exhibition organized by National Taiwan University. The origin concept is based on Taiwan’s endemic sika deer. The record is used as a homophonic, and the backstage is named after the mascot-Record • Ji Lu (DD) becomes National Taiwan University The core endorsement of archives, the promotion of the concept of archives is not only about official documents, but also extends to all levels of activity records.
