青年論文指導獎,中國電機工程學會,M.S. Thesis Supervision Award (1st Place), The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Taiwan, 2002.
指導學生獲教育部「九十七學年度大學校院積體電路電腦輔助設計軟體製作競賽」佳作, Honor supervision for the IC/CAD Contest, Ministry of Education, July 2005.
指導學生獲教育部「九十三學年度大學校院積體電路電腦輔助設計軟體製作競賽」特優, 1st Place supervision for the IC/CAD Contest, Ministry of Education, July 2005.
博士生黃耀文榮獲2004微軟學者 (Microsoft Scholar)
博士生蘇林天生獲Student Award in the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology for the paper on "Quantum Switching and Quantum String Matching" August 2010
博士生黃耀文獲提名Best Paper Award (2nd place), 2004 International World Wide Web Conference, New York, New York, May 2004
碩士生蘇偉誠榮獲Best Paper Award, 2001 Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Systems, Seoul, Korea, Dec. 2001