Curriculum Vitae
Pei-Chia Lan
Distinguished Professor of Sociology, National Taiwan University
1 Roosevelt Rd. Sec. 4, Taipei, 106, Taiwan
2024-25 Stanford-Taiwan Social Science Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
- Ph.D. in Sociology, Northwestern University
- Certificate in Women's Studies, Northwestern University
- M.A. in Sociology, National Taiwan University
- B.A. in Sociology, National Taiwan University
- Sociology of Gender
- Sociology of Work
- Migration and Globalization
- Qualitative Research Methods
Deputy editor of Gender & Society (SWS official
journal), 2023/8-2026/12
Founding director, Global Asia Research Center, National Taiwan University,
President, Taiwanese Feminist Scholars’ Association, 2021-2022
Advisory Board of United Nation Women, Progress of the World’s Women
2019-2020 Report Sociologists for Women in Society's Global Feminist
Partner, 2023
Programming Committee for the Sex and Gender Section, American Sociological
Association, 2022
Editor-in-chief of Taiwanese Journal of Sociology,
Editorial Board of China Quarterly, 2023-2028
Editorial Board of Contexts (ASA official journal), since 2016
Editorial Board of Asian and Pacific Migration
Journal, since 2018
Editorial Board of Asian Journal of Women’s
Studies, since 2023
Editorial Board of Gender & Society (SWS official
journal), 2014-2017
Editorial Board of Social Problems (SSSP official journal),
Editorial Board of Women’s Studies International
Forum, 2008-2022
Editorial Board of Taiwanese Sociology, 2007-2009
Editorial Board of Journal of Women’s and
Gender’s Studies, 2014-2017
- Visiting Researcher, Institute of Advanced Studies, Waseda University, Nov.-Doc. 2019
- Exchange Professor, Kyoto University, October 2019.
- Visiting Scholar, CCKF-European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan, Tuebigen University, July 2019.
- Radcliffe-Yenching Visiting Fellowship, Harvard University, 2011-2012.
- Global COE Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, summer 2012.
- Fulbright Scholarship, New York University, 2006-2007.
- Ministry of Technology (Taiwan) Book Manuscript Grant, 2015-2018, Research Grant, 2018-2020.
- National Science Council (Taiwan) Research Grant, 2001-2002, 2002-2004, 2004-2007, 2007-2009, 2009-2012, 2012-2015.
- International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) Visiting Scholarship, Leiden, the Netherlands, June-September 2005.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Working Families, University of California, Berkeley, 2000-2001 (supervisors: Arlie Hochschild and Barrie Thorne)
- 2020 Most Influential Humanities and Social Science Book Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
- 2019 Best Humanities and Social Science Book Award, Academia Sinca.
- 2019 Distinguished Scholars Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
- Distinguished Scholars Award, National Science Council, Taiwan.
- ICAS Book Prize: Best Study in Social Science, International Convention of Asian Scholars.
- Distinguished Book Award, Sex and Gender Section, American Sociological Association.
- Distinguished Young Scholars Award, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
- Fu Shih-Nien Research Award given by National Taiwan University.
- Wu Da-Yiu Research Award given by National Science Council in Taiwan.
- Sally Hacker Graduate Student Paper Award given by the Sex and Gender Session of American Sociological Association.
- Graduate Student Paper Award given by the Family Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems.
- Honorable Mention for the Braverman Award given by the Labor Studies Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems.
Teaching awards
Distinguished Teaching Award, National Taiwan University 2015.
General Education Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2014.
Teaching Excellence Award, National Taiwan University 2007, 2008, 2021.
“Contesting Boundaries and Navigating Identities: Second-Generation Adult Children from Cross-border Marriages in Taiwan" International Migration Review, online first, DOI: 10.1177/01979183241242369.
“Reproducing Multicultural Citizens: Citizenship Pathways of Southeast Asian Immigrant Mothers in Taiwan.” special issue on Migration and Citizenship Pathway. Ethnic and Racial Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2441905
[with Minjeong Kim] “The Emerging Second Generation in Asia.” Introduction for the special Issue. Ethnic and Racial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2436072
“Negotiating Ambivalent Identities in Geopolitical Contexts: Second-Generation Youth of Chinese Immigrant Mothers in Taiwan.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2436069
[with Chieh Hsu] “Differential Portrayal of New Immigrants' Children in Mainstream Media: Corpus-based and Frame Analyses” (in Chinese). Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy. In press.
“Geopolitical Multiculturalism in East Asia.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint, online first, , DOI: 10.1111/apv.12396
“Navigating Childrearing, Fatherhood, and Mobilities: A Transnational Relational Analysis.” The Sociological Review, DOI: 10.1177/00380261221143586 DOI: 10.1177/01979183241242369
- “Global Domestic Work” in The Cambridge History of Global Migrations, vol. 2, edited by Donna Gabaccia and Madeline Hsu, Cambridge University Press.
"Contested Skills and Constrained Mobility: Migrant Carework Skill Regimes in Taiwan and Japan." Comparative Migration Studies 10:37. DOI:
“Shifting Borders and Migrant Workers’ Im/mobility: The Case of Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 31(3): 225-246. DOI:
(with Yuk Wah Chan) “The Politics of Sanitization: Pandemic Crisis, Migration and Development in Asia-Pacific.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 31(3): 205-224. DOI:10.1177/01171968221129382
(with Yuk Wah Chan) “Rethinking the Migration-Development Nexus in the Post-Covid Era.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 31(3): 324-335. DOI: 10.1177/01171968221126573
“Global Domestic Work” in The Cambridge History of Global Migrations, vol. 2, edited by Donna Gabaccia and Madeline Hsu, Cambridge University Press.
- “From Reproductive Assimilation to Neoliberal Multiculturalism: Framing and Regulating Immigrant Mothers and their Children in Taiwan.” Journal of Intercultural Studies 40(3): 318-333. DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2019.1598952.
Children across the Pacific.”
Contexts 18(2):
42-47. DOI: 10.1177/
1536504219854717. - “Carework: Cultural Frameworks and Global Circuits.” Pp. 417-425 in Handbook of Cultural Sociology 2nd edition, edited by Laura Grindstaff, Ming-Cheng Lo, and John Hall. London and New York: Routledge.
- Struggling to Raise Children: Globalization, Parental Anxieties and Unequal Childhoods (In Chinese). Taipei: SpringHill Publishing.
- 2018
- Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- “Bridging Ethnic Differences for Cultural Intimacy: Production of Migrant Care Workers in Japan.” Critical Sociology (online first). DOI:10.1177/0896920517751591.
- “The Paradox between Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization: Student Migration across the Taiwan Strait.” Pp. 97-111 in New Chinese Migrations: Mobility, Home and Inspirations, edited by Yuk Wah Chan and Sin Yee Koh. London and New York: Routledge.
- [co-author with Yi-Fan Wu] “Exceptional Membership and Liminal Space of Identity: Student Migration from Taiwan to China.” International Sociology, 31(6): 742-763.
- “Deferential Surrogates and Professional Others: Recruitment and Training of Migrant Care Workers in Taiwan and Japan.” Positions: Asia Critique, 24(1): 253-279.
- “Compressed Modernity and Glocal Entanglement: The Contested Transformation of Parenting Discourses in Post-war Taiwan.” Current Sociology, 62(4): 531-549.
- "Segmented Incorporation: The Second Generation of Rural Migrants in Shanghai." China Quarterly, 217: 243-265.
- "Direct Sales Work." In Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia, edited by V. Smith. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publication.
- “White Privileges, Language Capital, and Cultural Ghettoization: Western Skilled Migrants in Taiwan.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(10): 1669-1693.
- “Cultures of Carework, Carework across Cultures.” Handbook of Cultural Sociology, edited by John Hall, Laura Grindstaff and Ming-Cheng Lo. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. 438-448.
- “Migrant Women’s Bodies as Boundary Markers: Reproductive Crisis and Sexual Control in the New Ethnic Frontiers of Taiwan.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 33(4): 833-861.
- “New Global Politics of Reproductive Labor: Gendered Labor and Marriage Migration.” Sociology Compass 2(6): 1801-1815.
- “Global Cinderellas: Sexuality, Power and Situational Practices across Borders.” Pp.1-30 in East Asian Sexualities: Modernities, Gender and New Sexual Cultures, edited by Stevi Jackson, Liu Jieyu and Woo Juhyun. London: Zed Books.
- “Legal Servitude, Free Illegality: Migrant “Guest” Workers in Taiwan.” Pp. 253-277 in Asian Diasporas: New Conceptions, New Frameworks, edited by Rhacel Parrenas and Lok Siu. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Global Cinderellas: Migrant Domestics and Newly Rich Employers in Taiwan. Durham: Duke University Press.
- “Bringing Globalization Home” Arena Magazine 85 (Oct- Nov): 23-26.
- “Surrogate Family, Disposable Labor and Stratified Others: Transnational Domestic Workers in Taiwan.” Pp. 210-232 in Asian Women As Transnational Domestic Workers, edited by Shirlena Huang, Brenda Yeoh and Noor Abdul Rahman. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish.
- “Negotiating Social Boundaries and Private Zones: The Micropolitics of Employing Migrant Domestic Workers.” Social Problems 50(4): 525-549.
- “Political and Social Geography of Marginal Insiders: Migrant Domestic Workers in Taiwan.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 12(1-2): 99-126.
- “They Have More Money But I Speak Better English: Transnational Encounters Between Filipina Domestics and Taiwanese Employers.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 10(2): 132-161.
- “Maid or Madam? Filipina Migrant Workers and the Continuity of Domestic Labor.”
Gender & Society 17(2): 187-208.
- [reprinted in Gender through the Prism of Difference (third edition), edited by Maxine Baca Zinn, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo and Michael A. Messner. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2005]
- [reprinted in Global Dimensions of Gender and Carework, edited by Litt Zimmerman and Christine Bose. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006]
- “Working in a Neon Cage: ‘Bodily Labor’ of Cosmetics Saleswomen in Taiwan.” Feminist Studies. 29(1): 1-25.
- “Among Women: Filipina Domestics and their Taiwanese Employers across Generations.” Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy, edited by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Hochschild, pp. 169-189. New York: Metropolitan.
- “Subcontracting Filial Piety: Elder Care in Ethnic Chinese Immigrant Families in California.”
Journal of Family Issues: 23(7): 812-835.
- [reprinted in At the Heart of Work and Family: Engaging the Ideas of Arlie Hochschild, edited by Anita Ilta Garey and Karen V. Hansen. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2011]
- “Networking Capitalism: Network Construction and Control Effects in Direct Selling.” The Sociological Quarterly 34(2): 165-184.
- “The Body as a Contested Terrain for Labor Control: Cosmetics Retailers in Department Stores and Direct Selling.” In The Critical Study of Work: Labor, Technology, and Global Production, edited by Rick Baldoz, Chuck Koeber, and Phil Kraft, pp. 83-105. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
“Bargaining with Patriarchy: Taiwanese Women Hiring Migrant Domestic Workers.” Anthropology of Work Review 21 (3): 9-14.
Francis B. Nyamnjoh, Insiders and Outsiders: Citizenship and Xenophobia in Contemporary Southern Africa. American Journal of Sociology 112(6): 1964-5.
Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Domestica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence and Rhacel Salazar Parrenas, Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration, and Domestic Work. Work and Occupation 29(2): 257-60.