- 學術專題研究:
- 公共政策諮詢:
- 產業策略分析:
- 鼓勵本院教師就其在中心所做學術專題研究,爭取在國內外重要學術期刊上發表研究成果。
- 出版學術專書,以提升本院的學術研究水準。
- 就本中心議題研究與經濟領域的初步成果,出版 Working Papers 序列。
- 積極邀請國際知名學者與本院教師合作研究,籍以建立國際學術合作關係。
- 將定期舉辦國際學術研討會,加強本院及本校與國際學者交換研究心得。
- 強化本院與國際學術機構、大學出版品及研究動態之交換。
- 透過本中心的學術研究及國際合作交流活動,積極推動本院博碩士研究生參與經濟理論及實證研究工作,以加強人才培養。
- 本中心將積極與政府部門合作,舉各項講座、專題研討及推廣教育課程,積極培訓政府部門財經專業人才。
- 提高本院及本校公共經濟議題的學術研究成果與交流動態之國際知名度,將設立本中心專屬網站,並將中心研究成果及 Working Papers 序列上傳。
- 專屬網站由專人管理維護,提供即時公共經濟議題的資訊供各界參考。
- 透過研究中心的推動,希望在5年內大幅提昇院內同仁在SSCI,TSSCI的論文發表數量與品質。
- 希望5年內成為東亞地區研究公共經濟相關議題的重鎮。
【Mission Statement】
Due to the recent trends of globalization, regional economic integration, and
the rise of China, Taiwan now faces a great and unprecedented challenge. Seeing
this, it was recognized that NTU, as the nation’s flagship university, should
respond by further strengthening its capabilities in the areas of theoretical,
empirical, and political economics. With this goal in mind, the center was
conceived to be an integrated platform that policy makers could quickly access
to get the most thorough of all possible evaluations and recommendations on
economic policy.
【Main Objectives】
- In Research:
To more thoroughly probe economic questions through a strengthened theoretical
foundation. With the guidance of deep theoretical understanding, we seek to
engage in relevant research and create useful new knowledge.
- Policy Advising:
To strengthen institutional research and provide public policy solutions.
Through an understanding of institutional economics, provide timely and incisive
advice to policy makers.
- Industry Analysis:
To strengthen applied research and evaluate business strategies. Through an
understanding of real world business strategies, provide the private sector with
pointed and effective advising.
【Specific Goals】
- To provide direction to the research efforts of academics at NTU and assist
them in having their work published in important journals.
- To publish academic works that raise the quality of research at the
- To maintain an updated record of relevant research being done at the College
of Social Science, including a list of active working papers, which is to be
posted on the website.
- To actively seek out opportunities for our academics to cooperate with
accomplished international scholars.
- Via regular international conferences, to promote the exchange of ideas
between our University and the rest of the world.
- To exchange ideas on research topics with the international academic
community and ensure that the College of Social Sciences and the Economics
Department has its “finger on the pulse” of international academia.
- Human Resource Development:
- To further develop the potential of our graduate students here at the
University by helping them get involved in research work.
- To actively educate policy makers through conferences, lectures, and other
educational events.
- To maintain a website that augments the dynamic interaction between our
Center, our University, and the world.
- To ensure that said website is updated constantly and always reflects the
latest developments in Public Economics.