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2008 Asian Conference on Applied Micro-Economics/Econometrics

主辦:台大社科院公共經濟研究中心 中央研究院經濟研究所


時間:97年 10月24─25日(9:00 am – 5:30 pm)

地點:台大社會科學院 法律系大樓2樓電化教室


「2008 Asian Conference on Applied Micro-Economics/Econometrics」將於今年10月24-25日,在台灣大學社會科學院院區舉行,主題為 labor economics 及 health economics。此會議現已開放線上報名;由於座位有限,請盡早登記,額滿即止。



PresenterAffiliationPaper Title
Stacey Chen Royal Holloway U. of London The Impact of Sibling Sex Composition on Women's Educational Achievements: A Unique Natural Experiment by Twins Gender Shocks
Daiji Kawaguchi Hitotsubashi U. Work Hour Standard and Actual Work Hour: Japan's Experience in the early 1990s
Christian Dustmann U. College London TBA
Fali Huang Singapore Management U. Employee Screening: Theory and Evidence
Kamhon Kan Academia sinica Physical Attractiveness and Success in Social Interaction: Evidence from China
Beomsoo Kim Korea U. Does Experience Make Better Doctors? Evidence from LASIK Eye Surgeries
Jinyoung Kim Korea U. Diversification in Children
Myoung-jae Lee Korea U. Semiparametric Estimators for Limited Dependent Variable -- (LDV) Models with Endogenous Regressors
Ming-Jen Lin National Taiwan U. Does “In Utero” Pandemic Exposure Matter? Evidence from the Long Term Effect of the 1918 Influenza on Educational Attainments in Taiwan
Haoming Liu National U. of Singapore Is there a quality-quantity tradeoff Evidence from the relaxation of China's one child policy
Jin-Tan Liu National Taiwan U. TBA
Ryo Nakajima Tsukuba U. The Effect of Collaboration Network on Inventors' Job, Match, Productivity and Tenure
Solomon W. Polachek SUNY-Binghamton The Gender Pay Gap: A Cross-Country Analysis
Cheolsung Park National U. of Singapore Why do Children Support Elderly Parents? Evidence from South Korea
David Ribar UNC-Greensboro Food Stamps, TANF, and Food Hardships in Three American Cities
Bruce Weinberg Ohio State U. Social Interactions with Endogenous Associations
Dennis Tao Yang Hong Kong Chinese U. Accounting for Rising Wages in China