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陳宇岑(Yu-Chin Chen)教授 專題演講
“New-Keynesian Open Economy Macroeconomics”

台大經濟系與公共經濟研究中心,將於2007 年8 月21 日及22 日上午10 時至12 時,邀請美國華盛頓(西雅圖)大學經濟系陳宇岑助理教授,舉行專題演講。演講地點為臺灣大學社會科學院經濟系大講堂(台北市中正區徐州路21 號),歡迎學界朋友踴躍參加。陳教授為美國哈佛大學經濟學博士(2002 年),主要研究領域為國際金融、國際貿易、以及開放總體經濟學。
演講大綱    In these two lectures, we will introduce and discuss some of the major contributions in the so-called “New Open Economy Macroeconomics” literature. Pioneered by Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995), this body of literature departs from the traditional reduced-form Mundell-Fleming-Dornbusch models and addresses open economy issues using dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models with nominal rigidities and market imperfections. The micro-foundations explicit in these models provide justifications for the Keynesian assumption of short-run demand-determined output, and allow rigorous analyses of the welfare implications of various policy actions. The lectures will focus more on the intuitive and conceptual lessons drawn from this literature rather than the technical.

朱秋杏小姐 TEL:(02)23519641 轉716 E-mail: chchu@ntu.edu.tw