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Nobuhiro Kiyotaki專題演講


Nobuhiro Kiyotaki專題演講
“Credit and Aggregate Economic Activities”

Kiyotaki教授現任Princeton大學教授,亦是Econometric Society與英國British Academy的fellow,研究專長為貨幣與總體經濟學。Kiyotaki教授1978年東京大學畢業。1985年自Harvard University取得經濟學博士後,先後在Wisconsin-Madison,University of Minnesota,LSE任教。Kiyotaki教授在Monopolistic Competition,Monetary Theory,Credit Cycles等研究上均有原創性的貢獻。

演講大綱 The main theme of the lecture is the role of collateral constraints on aggregate economic activities. The idea is applied to the studies of liquidity, the use of money and monetary policy, housing markets, international borrowing, and capital liberalization.
  1. Liquidity, Business Cycles, and Monetary Policy
  2. Household Life-cycle Choices, Housing Prices and the Aggregate Economy
  3. Constraint on International Borrowing and Capital Account Liberalization
參考文獻 (available at http://www.princeton.edu/~kiyotaki/)
  1. “Liquidity, Business Cycles, and Monetary Policy,” with John Moore, LSE (2001).
  2. “From Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves in a Long Lifetime,” with Alex Michaelides and Kalin Nikolov (2006).
  3. “Adjusting to Capital Account Liberalization,” with Kosuke Aoki and Gianluca Benigno (2006).

演講時間  2007年7月15日(星期日,下午1:30 - 5:00)

演講地點  臺灣大學社會科學院 經濟系大講堂(台北市中正區徐州路21號)


主辦單位  臺灣大學經濟學系與公共經濟研究中心