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Research Profile

Research fields
Protein Chemistry and Proteomics, Physical Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Structural Biology, Genetic Engineering, Functional Genomics, Glycoscience, Molecular Reproduction, Drug Discovery, Signal Transduction, Developmental Biology.
Research focus and projects
1.Molecular Biology of cell surface glyco-structure expression
2.Molecular mechanism and signaling pathway involved in cell membrane repair
3.Molecular mechanism and signaling pathway in cell responses to stress.
4.Post-translational modifications in their functions in cells.
5.Investigate neuronal generation and wiring using zebrafish habenulo-interpeduncular circuit as a vertebrate model.
6.Studies of Expression Mechanisms and Functions of Human T Cell Receptors
7.DNA damage responses in Cancer Biology
8.Mouse male reproduction.
Most of our research reports have been published in well-known international periodicals, or presented at international meetings. The Institute has regularly invited speakers of related biochemical sciences for lectureships and symposia. The faculty and students have also actively involved in the activities of Taiwan Biochemical and Molecular Biology Society, which include international meeting and domestic annual conferences of biochemistry and molecular biology.