
  Historical Inquiry offers research articles, discussion articles on historiography as well as history education, and book review essays that range in all fields of historical studies from the ancient period to the present. The journal aims to be the primary venue for in-depth research discussion and innovative idea exchange among scholars of history. All topics and approaches to history are welcome.

  The following guidelines are for authors who submit manuscripts written in English. For information about manuscripts written in Chinese, see the journal's Style Guide(撰稿格式).

                             Revised on April 24, 2015

  1. Historical Inquiry is a biannual publication, with issues published in June and December, but welcomes new submissions anytime during the year. As a rule, authors should submit one article at a time. Submissions that have gone through an initial evaluation process by the editorial board will be sent to two or more scholars in relevant fields for peer review. A final decision based on the reviewers’ reports will be made by the editorial board. We employ the double-blind peer review process and authors are requested not to reveal their identities in the text. Authors will be notified of the results at the earliest possible moment. The rejected manuscripts will not be returned.
  2. Submissions can be either in Chinese or English. Research articles in Chinese should be between 10,000 and 30,000 characters in length. Discussions articles and book review essays should not exceed 10,000 characters. Research articles in English should be between 15 and 40 double-spaced pages in length; for discussions articles and book review essays, the upper limit is approximately 15 double-spaced pages. Exceptions can occasionally be made in special cases.
  3. Do not simultaneously submit the same manuscript to another publication. All manuscripts submitted to Historical Inquiry must be original, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for possible publication elsewhere (including on the internet or as part of a book). For papers presented at a conference, authors should ensure that no conference proceedings have been or will be published. If the research is funded (such as by National Science Council or other organization), please provide the name of the funding agency and the project number.
  4. Translation of masterpieces of historical literature into Chinese, accompanied by critical commentaries and expository annotations, will also be considered. Translation essay should be between 10,000 and 30,000 characters in length.
  5. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce lengthy quotations, charts, tables, photographs, maps, etc. The Historical Inquiry is not responsible for copyright violations. Authors may not infringe upon the rights of others through plagiarism, reproduction, personal attacks, or in any other fashion. The journal will not be legally responsible for such acts.
  6. Contributors of accepted manuscripts should grant free license to the Department of History of National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University Press Center, and other organizations authorized by the Department of History or National Taiwan University Press Center, to edit the articles and to duplicate, translate, transmit, and archive them in paper and electronic form, and also to allow readers to download and print them.
  7. The author of an accepted article has the right to republish it in a collection of his/her essays. Anyone else, regardless of the purpose, must obtain our permission to reprint, republish or reproduce an article in any form
  8. Contributors will not be remunerated for their published work. All authors will receive two paperback copies of the issue in which their work published, as well as twenty offprints and digital format (pdf file) of their articles..
  9. All submissions (except for book reviews) should include the following, in both English and Chinese: manuscript title, author’s name, abstract, and a list of 4-8 keywords. English abstracts should not exceed one double-spaced page. Chinese abstracts should not exceed 500 characters. A list of all the works cited should be appended to an article. For reviews of books written in Chinese, please include the author’s name and a translation of the title in English.
  10. Contributors should list their full name, professional affiliation, current position, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address on the first page of the manuscripts.
  11. All submissions must be prepared on the computer, using Microsoft Word or other common word processor software. Please send the Word or PDF file as an e-mail attachment to Any inquiries should be sent to:
    Editorial Board, Historical Inquiry
    Department of History, National Taiwan University
    No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 106319 Taiwan, R.O.C.
    Tel: 886-2-33664702 Fax: 886-2-23620028 e-mail:

•Style Guide

  1. 請用橫式書寫。英文稿請隔行打列。
  2. 文稿請按題目、作者、中英文提要、中英文關鍵詞、簡目、正文、圖片、引用書目之次序撰寫。節次或內容編號請按一、(一)、1、(1)……之順序排列。中英文提要請勿超過五百字。
  3. 請一律用新式標點符號。《》用於書名,〈〉用於論文及篇名,引文請用「」表示。古籍書名與篇名連用時,可省略篇名符號,如《史記.游俠列傳》。除破折號、省略號各佔兩格外,其餘標點符號均佔一格。
  4. 正文每段第一行空兩格。獨立引文則每行縮三格,不必加引號。
  5. 請一律用腳註。註釋號碼一律用提高之半形化阿拉伯數字。註號應放在標點符號之後。
  6. 第一次提及的帝王或年號請附加公元紀年。例如:昭帝元鳳三年(78 B.C.),唐大曆(766-779)年間。干支及其他中外非公曆紀年,亦請括注公曆。外國人名第一次提及時,請附原名。
  7. 引用專書或論文,請用下列格式:
    a. 中日韓文專書:作者,《書名》(出版地:出版者,公元年分),頁碼。例如:

    b. 中日韓文論文:作者,〈篇名〉,《刊物名稱》×卷×期(公元年份,出版地),頁碼。例如:

    c. 西文專書、論文格式,請比照中日韓文格式,惟西文書名及期刊名請用斜體字,西文篇名請加“ ”。其他未規定之格式,請採用美國芝加哥大學出版The Manual of Style 1993年第14版有關人文學門之規範。例如:
    Mary Evans, Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought (Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 1997), pp. 50-51.
  8. 第一次引書或文章時應註明全名及出版項,第二次以後可用簡稱。
  9. 引用原版或影印版古籍,請務必註明版本與卷頁。影印版古籍請註明現代出版項。例如:
  10. 圖表照片須註明資料來源,並加編號。引用時請註明號碼,請勿使用「如前圖」、「見右表」等表示方法。圖表、照片限用黑白,並儘量置於正文之後。
  11. 來稿請附引用書目,其格式請比照腳註中之引書格式,然出版項不加(),西文之姓氏亦需改置於前。書目請按文獻史料(檔案、原典、考古報告等)、近人著作(中日韓文在前、西文在後)之次序分類列出。近人著作請按出版時間先後順序排列(年代早者在前)。
  12. 請附傳Microsoft Word 2003以上版本的電子檔,並請避免使用特殊的字體、編輯方式或個人格式。本學報已訂有「電子文稿標準格式」範本,並製成Word範本檔,置於本學報網站上,請撰稿者自行下載,多加利用。
 ■ Style Guide (Revised on April 24, 2015):download




Editorial Board, Historical Inquiry
Department of History,
National Taiwan University

No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 106319, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-2-33664702 Fax:+886-2-2362-0028