News & Actions
- Week 15 (12/14, 2022)
- 本週討論主題:學術倫理
- Resources:
- Bad News or Good News
(updated on 4/7/20)
- 學術倫理概論:
- 研究數據?假的嗎?:
- 論文文章?假的嗎?論文抄襲或引用?論文作者的貢獻?:
(管中閔 李眉蓁 林智堅)
- -
- -
學術倫理案例及分析-抄襲-2020年5月研究誠信電子報(第38期, 2020-5-15)
- -
構成學術論文抄襲的幾種因素:常見抄襲與剽竊的類型分析 (畢恆達, 2022-8-11)
- -
小論文、報告涉襲抄時有所聞 高中生誤以為改寫不算抄襲 (聯合報, 2022-8-3)
- -
抄襲如何判斷?撇開鄉民標準,《著作權法》怎麼看? (陳琮勛, 2022-8-16)
- -
- -
【台大開會1.5小時結果出爐 不認定管中閔有論文抄襲行為 (1/26, 2018)
- -
【比一比】管中閔論文涉抄襲 文字、圖表與學生雷同 (1/25, 2018)
- -
從管中閔的「抄襲」風波,看學術倫理爭議中的幾個問題 (1/30, 2018)
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管中閔擔任獨董爭議、論文抄襲落幕?台大終於發聲明力挺 (1/26, 2018)
- -
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- -
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林智堅不認論文有抄襲 台大打臉點名3大錯
- -
林智堅論文抄襲 比對圖片
- -
大家來比對林智堅兩碩士論文 (鄭秀玲,前台大經濟系主任,7/22, 2022)
- -
余正煌告林智堅侵犯著作權會成功嗎? 專家說關鍵有三點 ( 聯合報,8/9, 2022)
- -
- 論文審查?假的嗎?:
- 論文出版社?假的嗎?:
- -
專拐讀書人:德國學界的「論文詐騙集團」 (9/11, 2018)
- -
當心學術詐騙 付錢就能出版論文 (5/24, 2013)
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虛構「副教授」發信求職,竟有48份期刊同意其當編輯 (3/29, 2017)
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劣質出版商「奧步」全揭露!學者自保靠這4招 (3/25, 2019)
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全解析|台灣為何成為掠奪性期刊的大肥羊? (3/25, 2019)
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?什麼這些期刊上了《國際期刊預警名單(試行)》? (1/10, 2021)
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不建議投稿Mega-Journal (9/28, 2022)
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Journal citation reports and the definition of a predatory journal:
.... The case of the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
(8/11, 2021)
- -
Frontiers 系列期刊,值得我投稿嗎?
(2/5, 2016)
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(4/25, 2014)
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- 蔡英文的博士論文?假的嗎?真的在哪裡?
- IEEE 相關資訊:
Key Information:
OLD news are moved to the bottom of the webpage.
階段 (Stage) |
動詞 (Verb) |
名詞 (Noun) |
作業 (HW) |
週次 (Week) |
1 |
聽 (Listen)
- HW 01
- 1, 2
2 |
看 (Look)
- HW 02
- 3, 4
3 |
搜 (Survey)
- HW 03
- 5
4 |
讀 (Read)
- HW 04
- 6
5 |
整 (Organize)
- HW 05
- 7
6 |
定 (Decide)
- HW 06
- 8
7 |
做 (Do)
8 |
畫 (Plot)
- HW 07
- 9
9 |
寫 (Write)
- HW 08
- 10
10 |
心 (Mind)
- HW 09
- 11, 12
階段 (Stage) |
動詞 (Verb) |
名詞 (Noun) |
作業 (HW) |
週次 (Week) |
- - 主題: 他們是誰?
- - 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- - 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- - 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
- 學術活動:
(HW01, HW02)
- - Seminar, Talk, Speech, etc.
- - Workshop, Tutorial, Forum, etc.
- - Symposium, Conference, Congress, etc.
- 學術著作:
(HW03, HW04)
- - Journal Paper
- - Conference Paper
- - Article, etc.
- 控制研究課題:
(HW05, HW06)
- - Control vs Automation vs Intelligent
- - Control vs Robotics
- - Robotics vs Vehicle
- - Control vs Systems
- 研究數據整理:
- -
- 研究論文寫作:
- -
- 研究態度與倫理:
- - 研究數據?真的還是假的嗎?
- - 論文文章?真的還是假的嗎?
- - . . . . . . 抄襲人家的論文 或是 引用人家的論文?
- - . . . . . . 論文作者的貢獻度?
- - 論文審查?真的還是假的嗎?
- - 論文出版社?真的還是假的嗎?
- - 您的學位論文?假的嗎?真的在哪裡?
- 主要參考書籍 (5/10, 2020)
Lecture Notes
Wk |
Date |
Subject |
Note |
Website/Video |
HW |
16 |
Final Exam Week
No Lecture
15 |
- News
- Methodology
14 |
- Format
- File
- Read Paper
- Write Paper
- 從 文章 到 心智圖
- 從 心智圖 到 文章
IEEE Xplore 分享
IEEE Xplore 分享
- 科技論文寫作淺析
- WritePaper
- By 12/13
13 |
No Lecture
- |
12 |
- Figures in Paper
- Program, Function
- PlotData
- By 11/29
11 |
- Control Textbook
- Control Experiment
- Controls
- By 11/22
10 |
No Lecture
- |
09 |
- People,
- Demonstration,
- Observation,
daily life,
natural behavior
- Topics
- By 11/15
08 |
Midterm Exam
No Lecture
07 |
Read Paper
- Major Information
- Core Content
- ReadPaper
- By 11/1
06 |
Paper Survey
at IEEEXplore
- Find Jounals
- Find Proceedings
- Keyword Search
- Advanced Search
- Find related papers
- Download files
Survey at IEEExplore
Advanced Search
File Organization
IEEE Xplore 分享
...... 10/21 14:30-15:30,
...... 10/28 14:30-15:30,
...... 11/25 14:30-15:30,
...... 12/2 14:30-15:30,
- SurveyPaper
- By 10/18/22
05 |
- ACC,
- CCA,
....by IFAC, SICE, ICROS, etc.
History of CACS Conferences
04 |
Book, CD, Flash
- Conference
- By 10/4/22
03 |
No Lecture
02 |
01 |
Lecture Outline
繳交作業 at Cool
線上討論 at MS-Teams
- Speeches
- By 9/13/22
is OLD.
To be updaged later.
is OLD.
To be updaged later.
07 |
- No Lectures
- No Homeworks
CACS 2021
控制學門 成果報告
IROS 2021
- Intelligent Robots
and Systems
IROS 2021
IECON 2021
- Annual Conference of IEEE
... Industrial Electronics Society
IECON 2021
12/13 -
CDC 2021
- 60th
IEEE Conference
...... on
Decision and Control
CDC 2021
Wk |
Date |
Subject |
Note |
Video |
HW |
- Homework 08 (updated on 12/7/22)
- Topics:
Write Paper
the IEEE Paper format (.DOCX)
to understand the guidelines of writing one IEEE paper.
..... ...... Use the result of HW05 for Section I: Introduction,
..... and
Use the result of HW03, HW04 for Section II: Literature Survey,
..... and
Use the result of HW06 (Control), HW07 (Plot) for Section III: Analysis & Section IV: Result,
- Use
the IEEE Paper format
===> Start to write you paper.
- In your paper, you should include the following parts, at least:
- - Paper Title, Authors, Department, Journal Title, etc.
- - Abstract, at least 5 sentences.
- - Introduction, at least 2 paragraphs, 1 paragraph is the paper outline.
- - Literature Survey, at least 3 paragraphs.
- -
at least 3 figures and 1 paragraph.
- - ....... 1 figure from Reference Paper, 1 figure from HW06, 1 re-plotted figure
- -
Simulation and Experiment,
at least 3 figures and 1 paragraph.
- - ....... 1 figure from Reference Paper, 1 figure from HW07, 1 re-plotted figure
- - Conclusion, at least 1 paragraph.
- - References, at least 10 papers used in Literature Survey.
Submit your HW08 report,
(one report file (pdf)
----- to
NTU Cool
by 11pm of 12/13, 2022 (Tue)
by 11pm of 12/13, 2022 (Tue)
----- Important Information:
- ...Based on:
- ......... .Which paper? Which page? Which text? which picture? and many more,
- ......... Which idea? Which web book? Which text? which picture? and many more,
- ......... so that readers can find a comparison version!
- ...The process: the ins and outs!
- ......... Let the reader understand the thinking or execution process,
- ......... which can be replicated and replicated faithfully!
- ... Thoughts: Learnings!
- ......... Let readers know your thoughts or learn from your experiences!
- ...
- ...依據:有所本!
- ......... 哪一個論文?哪一頁?哪一段文字?哪一個圖?等等,
- ......... 哪一個想法?哪一網頁書籍?哪一段文字?哪一個圖?等等,
- ......... 讓讀者可以找到對照版本!
---> 這段文字,為什麼這樣寫?
---> 這張圖或表,為什麼這樣畫,編輯?
---> 這幾圖,為什麼這樣排列,編排?
---> 使用的資料(圖/表),為什麼直接複製貼上,沒有練習編輯呢?
---> 哪些資料是您的,哪些是原本就有的?
---> 某些東西刪掉了,怎麼加回來?
- ...過程:來龍去脈!
- ......... 讓讀者可以瞭解思考或執行過程,可以如實仿照重複實現一次!
- ... 感想:學到之處!
- ......... 讓讀者可以瞭解您的想法或學習到您的經驗!
- Homework 07 (updated on 11/23, 2022)
- Topics:
Plot Research Data
Find any data set and analyze and plot the data using Matlab, Python, or R.
Edit your program to plot at least 3 figures for the same set of data.
Put as many descriptions/ideas/findings as possible on your figures.
Discuss with your classmates at least twice:
- - At your first meeting,
- ... discuss the data format and possible methods/functions
- ... to analyze/plot the data.
- - At your second meeting,
- ... discuss your preliminary plots and
- ... exchange experience/idea/suggestion.
- Use
the PPTX format to edit your own result
on the
you did the analysis and
and the detailed description of your data/plots/explanation.
Submit your HW07 report
----- to
NTU Cool
by 11pm of 11/29, 2022 (Tue)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 參考的依據 References
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個論文? Which papers
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一頁? Which pages
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個圖?Which figures
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 使用的時機 When to use
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 論文中用? For paper
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 簡報中用? For presentation
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 顏色 Color
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字 Font type/size
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條 Line type/size
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 大小粗細 Size/Width
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字 Words
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條 Line
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 資訊量,空間配置 Information, Layout
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 清晰度,解析度 Resoution, Clearness
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 依據:有所本! Reference/Source
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 過程:來龍去脈!Procedure
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 感想:學到之處!Thought
- Homework 06 (updated on 11/16, 2022)
- Topics:
Identify Control-Elements in Research Topics
- Please define the key ingredients of a control system or control problem,
for example, feedback loops, sensors, actuators, controllers, etc.
- For the research topics you decieded in HW05,
try to identify the key ingredients (feedback, sensor, actuator, controller)
of the problems or topics.
- Furthermore, you can use these topics as the keywords to survey nore papers.
- Then, describe your ideas and related information
in the PPTX format,
Submit your HW06 report
----- to
NTU Cool
by 11pm of 11/22, 2022 (Tue)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Block Diagram
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Feedback
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Plant, Sensor, Actuator, Controller
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Diagram 是否完整?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何分析出 Block Diagram 的每一個元件?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 對照原本系統中,哪一個是哪一個?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 只有結果嗎?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 有沒有分析的過程嗎?
- Homework 05 (updated on 11/2/22)
- Topics:
Find Research Topics
- Pick up some topics which you are interested in
and/or have been researching in your lab.
- Then, go to the Internet to search for some documents, images, videos, etc.,
that can help you understand the topics you selected.
- Report: Write a summary of your survey and study.
- Use
the PPTX format to edit the report of your survey and study:
- - including:
- - the titles or keywords of these topics,
- - how or where did you identify these toipcs? i.e., information sources,
- - what information did you find,
- - where did you find these informaiton, e.g., website, news, etc
- - what do you want to do for these topics?
Submit your HW05 report in PDF
----- to
NTU Cool
by 11pm of 11/15/22 (Tue)
- Homework 04 (updated on 10/19/22)
- Topics:
Read Journal Paper and Summary
- Choose 3 IEEE journal papers.
- Roughly Read these 3 IEEE papers.
- Use
the 3-page PPTX format
to summarize each IEEE paper.
- For page 3,
- - 問題,情境,系統:
- ....... CACR, Smart Factory, Manufacturing, IIOT
- - 工作,功能,動作:
- ....... Material Handling, Convey System, Mobile Robotics
- - 理論法則,演算法,核心技術:
- ....... Cloud-enabled SLAM, Decision Making, Itinerary Planning
- Read the Literature Survey Section
of these 3 journal papers.
- Edit one Node Diagram
or Mind Graph
or Knowledge Map
of the topics discussed in these papers.
Submit your HW04 report
----- to
NTU Cool
by 11pm of 11/1/22 (Tue)
- Homework 03 (updated on 10/12/22)
- Topics:
Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- Please go to the website of IEEE Xplore Database:
- Search for some papers and identify 10 papers
Write a summary of
how and why you choose these 10 papers,
such as,
the keywords you used,
the important information to judge,
the steps to finalize the list of these 10 papers.
For example,
- Step/Procedure/Keywords/Parameters/Record/List
- 步驟/過程/關鍵字/參數/紀錄/列表
- Content 資料內涵:
- = Idea/Thought/Descrition 文字想法
- = Data/Table 數據表格
- = Graph/Trend/Classification 圖示趨勢分類圖
Submit your HW03 report
----- to
NTU Cool
by 11pm of 10/18/22 (Tue)
- Homework 02 (updated on 9/28/22)
- Topics:
Familiar with Conferences on Control and Robotics
---------- Please go to the following conferece websites
---------- to find the required information for the following questions.
- Conferences:
- The 2017 American Control Conference
May 24-26, 2017, Seattle, WA, USA
- The 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
December 11-13, 2019, Nice, France
- The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
May 16-21, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden
- IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
November 4–8, 2019, Macau, China
- Questions:
- For each conference,
find all the plenary/keynote speeches.
List these titles, speaker's names of each conference.
- For each conference,
find the rough number of regular parallel sessions at the same time.
- For each conference,
identify one session which interests you most!
Write the session title and the titles of these 5/6 papers in the session.
- For each conference,
identify locations and dates of current and the last two conferences.
For example, make a table to list the locations and dates of
(at least, three years) ACC 2021, ACC 2020, ACC 2019, ACC 2018, ACC 2017, etc.
- Report:
- Use
PPTX to edit your own result
Submit your HW02 report in
PDF format
----- to
NTU Cool
by 11pm of 10/4/22 (Tue)
- Note:
- - Understand the basic structure of an international conference
- - Understand the main common elements, trends and contexts
...in the same series of international conferences
- - In an international conference,
... you can find the discussion sessions and materials of a certain topic,
...and how to find them
- - Focus: work items, delivery time
- - 瞭解一個國際會議的基本格局
- - 瞭解同一系列的國際會議之中,主要的共同元素,趨勢,脈絡
- - 在一個國際會議之中,可以找到某主題的討論場次與資料,以及如何找到
- - 重點:工作事項,繳交時間
- Homework 01 (updated on 9/7/22)
- Topics:
Conference Speeches on Control and Robotics
- From the following speeches,
- Please pick ONE of (A), (B), (C), (D), and ONE from either video database,
... that is, at least TWO speeches!
- Watch them,
Write a report on all the detailed information of these four speeches
... and your thoughts in PPTX format, including:
- - (0) 封面與大綱:人事時地物,項目列表等
- - (1) 資料來源:材料與資料的基本資料,名稱,性質,來源等
- - (2) 資料內容:該材料與資料的內容,重點,論點,價值等
- - (3) 想法與推論:看完此材料與資料之後,您的想法,延伸的作法等
- Submit your HW01 report in pptx/pdf format
... to
NTU Cool
11pm of 9/13/22 (Tue)
Accomplishments and Prospects of Control
- at
2012 American Control Conference
- by
Karl Johan Astrom
(Lund University, Sweden),
Info at WiKi
- >
Video Information Link
- >
Video Link (Similar Topics)
- (B)
The Centrality Of Control Theory In Robotics
- at
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- by
Mark Spong,
(University of Texas, Dallas)
- >
Video Link
- (C)
Future Directions in Control: A Look Backwards and Forwards
- at
2016 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- by
Richard M. Murray
(California Institute of Technology, USA)
- >
Video Link
- (D)
The Robot Rendezvous Problem
- at
2014 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- by
Bruce Francis
(University of Toronto, Canada)
- >
Video Link
- (or) Any one from the following link,
- -
IEEE CSS Videos & Webinars
- -
IEEE RAS Videos at Youtube
- Note:
- - 從學術演講中,熟悉與自動控制與機器人相關的技術與發展概況和趨勢
- - 從資料庫之中,挑選與某一些設定的主題相關的資料
- - 練習整理資料:從影片,網頁,書籍等,萃取資訊,分類編排整理
- - 重點:工作事項,繳交時間
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following homeworks are to be modified and assigned later.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Homework 09 (updated on 12/30, 2021)
- Topics:
Write Paper
the IEEE Paper format (.DOCX)
to understand the guidelines of writing one IEEE paper.
Re-fine and re-edit your HW07 and HW08 on control elements and analyzing data.
Try to describe the detail of your plots and figures.
On your plots/figures, put as many descriptions as possible.
- Use
the IEEE Paper format (.DOCX) to write your own result
on the tasks/codes/jobs you did the analysis and
and the detailed description of your data/plots/explanation.
- In your paper, you should include the following parts, at least:
- - Paper Title, Authors, Department, Journal Title, etc.
- - Abstract, at least 5 sentences.
- - Introduction, at least 2 paragraphs, 1 paragraph is the paper outline.
- - Literature Survey, at least 3 paragraphs.
- -
at least 1 figure and 1 paragraph.
- -
Simulation and Experiment,
at least 1 figure and 1 paragraph.
- - Conclusion, at least 1 paragraph.
- - References, at least 10 papers and used in Literature Survey.
Submit your HW09 report,
(one report file (pdf or docx)
and one paper pdf file
----- to
NTU Cool
by 11pm of 1/12, 2022 (Wed)
---------- Important Information:
- . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
---> 這段文字,為什麼這樣寫?
---> 這張圖或表,為什麼這樣畫,編輯?
---> 這幾圖,為什麼這樣排列,編排?
---> 使用的資料(圖/表),為什麼直接複製貼上,沒有練習編輯呢?
---> 哪些資料是您的,哪些是原本就有的?
---> 某些東西刪掉了,怎麼加回來?
- . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Homework 10 (updated on 1/13, 2022)
- Topics:
Research Integrity
Read the newes on the folloiwng NAGATIVE evernts of doing reaserch:
- - (1) 研究數據?假的嗎?: (楊泮池)
- - (2) 論文文章?假的嗎?論文抄襲或引用?論文作者的貢獻?: (管中閔)
- - (3) 論文審查?假的嗎?: (蔣偉寧)
- - (4) 論文出版社?假的嗎?:
- - (5) 蔡英文的博?論文?假的嗎?真的在哪裡? (蔡英文)
For each evern, write a report on the folloiwng issues:
- - (A) 基本資料: 按照時間順序或脈絡,整理?事時地物等,
- - (B) 錯誤之處: 應該或可能有錯的部分,或有問題的部分,
- - (C) 改正之處 : 正確的作法,避免的?法,需要特別注意的點,等等等。
Submit your HW10 report to
NTU Cool
by 11pm of 1/26, 2022 (Wed)
- Files for Research and Writing
(updated on 9/3/19)
- File Directory:
at Google Drive
- Introduction:
- Thesis Writing SOP at NCSLab:
- Original IEEE paper template:
- Modified IEEE Journal paper template:
- Modified IEEE Conference paper template:
- Weekly Report:
- Summary of all Weekly Reports in ONE Semester:
- Summary for one paper:
- Summary for a group of papers:
- Summary for a set of researches:
- Examples of Plotting Data:
- IEEE Author Tools for Journals:
- -
Using Equations in Your Article
- -
IEEE Article Templates
- Course Materials (updated on 8/27/18)
- 演講影片:
- - 專題演講
- - 科普演講
- - 國際會議專題演講
- 國際會議:
- - ACC, CDC, ICRA, IROS, ITSC, IV, etc.
- 學術機構:
- 論文資料庫:
- - IEEE Xplore (IEL), SCI, EI, Google Scholar, Scopus, etc.
- 書籍:
- - 研究態度,論文寫作,
- 指導方針與準則:
- - 學則,畢業規定,範例
- 2021 控制,自動化,機器人主要學術會議
(updated on 10/12/21)
At Taiwan
TAIROS, Dec. 15-18, 2021 (台灣智慧自動化與機器人協會)
TAIROS, Aug. 19-22, 2020 (台灣智慧自動化與機器人協會)
- -
- -
- -
- -
ARIS 2021, Aug. 18-19, 2020
- -
International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems
- -
Taipei, Taiwan
- -
Website of 2021
- -
Website of 2020
- -
Website of 2019
- -
CACS 2021, November 3-6, 2021
- -
The International Automatic Control Conference
- -
Website of 2021
- -
Website of 2020
- -
Website of 2019
- -
Website of 2018
- -
Website of 2017
- -
Automation 2021, November 12-14, 2021
- -
The International Conference on Automation Technology
- -
Website of 2021
- -
Website of 2020
- -
Website of 2019
- -
- -
- -
Conference List
- -
- -
International Conference on System Science and Engineering
- -
Website of 2021
- -
Website of 2020
- -
Website of 2019
- -
- -
The National Symposium on System Science adn Engineering
- -
Website of 2021
- -
Website of 2020
- -
Website of 2019
Around the World
--- Control
ACC in Jun
CCTA in Aug
CDC in Dec
--- Roboics
ICRA in May
IROS in Oct
--- Automation, Mechatronics
AIM in Jul
CASE in Aug
IECON in Oct
--- Vehicles, Transportation
IV in Jun (2020 in Oct)
ITSC in Sep
--- Special Events
Control Seminar at U of Michigan ---
Southern California Control Workshop ---
Alllerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing ---
- Articles and Reports about Control
(updated on 9/11/18)
2011: The Impact of Control Technology,
Overview, Success Stories, and Research Challenges
- -
- -
Report: (246 pages, 34.65 MB, PDF file)
- -
2002: Control in an Information Rich World,
Report of the Panel on Future Directions
in Control, Dynamics, and Systems.
- -
- -
Report: (112 pages, 2.93 MB, PDF file)
- -
ToC at SIAM Website
- -
Short Summary in IEEE CSM, pp. 20-33, April 2003
- -
2005: Brief introduction to Modern Control,
some useful defintions and theorems.
- -
Control Science and Feedback Theory
- -
2001: Control Theory: Twenty-Five Seminal Papers (1932-1981),
- -
List of Papers
- -
Table of Contents
- -
- Similar Course at Caltech:
- -
CDS 273 - Frontiers in Control and Dynamical Systems
- -
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project:
- -
the Website
- -
- Books on Doing Research and Technical Writing
(updated on 3/10/20)
- IEEE related Organizations (updated on 9/5/13, 9/19/18, 3/10/20, 9/14/22
- IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
- AIEE in 1884 and IRE in 1912,
then IEEE in 1963
(Telegraphy-Green, Power-Edison, Telephone-Bell),
(Radio-Marconi, Electronics-Diode-Fleming, Forest-Trido)
(members=150K, 140K in US)
- ---
- In 2021,
members = 409K, 39 societies, 7 councils
200 journals/transactions/magazines, 1899 conferences,
1300 active standards
IEEE Annual Report
- IEEE Quick Facts in Dec. 2021,
- ---
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
- - IEEE Control Systems Magazine (CSM)
- - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (T-AC)
- - IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (T-CST)
- - IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (T-CNS)
- - IEEE Control Systems Letters (CS-L)
Conference Schedule
- - IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
- - IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA),
----- (was MSC, CCA, ISIC, CACSD)
- - American Control Conference (ACC)
Online Lecture Library
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society:
- - SMC Magazine
- - Transactions ON SMC: Systems
- - Transactions ON Human-Machine Systems
- - Transactions ON Cybernetics
- - Transactions ON Computational Social Systems
Conference Schedule
- - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society:
- - IEEE ITS Magazine
- - IEEE ITS Open Journal
- - Transactions ON Intelligent Transportation Systems
- - Transactions ON Intelligent Vehicles
Conference Schedule
- - IEEE International Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSC)
- - IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)
- IEEE Systems Council:
- Other Control and Robotics-related Organizations (updated on 9/23/18)
- IFAC: International Federation of Automatic Control
- ASME: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- IET: The Institution of Engineering and Technology
- ACM: Association for Computing Machinery
- SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- CACS: Chinese Automatic Control Society (CACS), Taiwan
- SICE: The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), Japan
- ICROS: Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS), Korea
- CAA: Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), China
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
since 1962
CDC 2022 (Dec), (61th):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CDC 2021 (Dec), (60th):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CDC 2020 (Dec), (59th):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CDC 2019 (Dec), (58th):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CDC 2018 (Dec), (57th):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CDC 2017 (Dec), (56th):
- Conference
- Technical Program
--- History of CDC: from 1962, New York City, NY, USA ---
--- History of CDC: from 1962, New York City, NY, USA ---
American Control Conference,
since 1959
ACC 2022 (May):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ACC 2021 (May):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ACC 2020 (Jul):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ACC 2019 (Jul):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ACC 2018 (Jul):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ACC 2017 (Jul):
- Conference
- Technical Program
--- Past ACCs ---
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications,
since 2017
- IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, since 2007
- IEEE Conference on Control Applications, since 1991
- IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, since 1988
- IEEE Conf. on Computer Aided Control System Design, since 1989
CCTA 2022 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CCTA 2021 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CCTA 2020 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CCTA 2019 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CCTA 2018 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CCTA 2017 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
MSC 2016 (Sep):
- Conference
- Technical Program
MSC 2015 (Sep):
- Conference
- Technical Program
MSC 2014 (Oct):
- Conference
- Technical Program
(8th, 2erd-CCA, 26th-ISIC)
MSC 2013 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
(7th, 22nd-CCA, 25th-ISIC, 12th-CACSD)
MSC 2012 (Oct):
- Technical Program
MSC 2011 (Sep):
- Technical Program
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
IEEE Int'l Conf. on Robotics and Automation,
since 1984
ICRA 2022 (May):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ICRA 2021 (May):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ICRA 2020 (May):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ICRA 2019 (May):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ICRA 2018 (May):
- Conference
- Technical Program
ICRA 2017 (May):
- Conference
- Technical Program
--- History of ICRA: from 1984, Atlanta, GA, USA ---
IEEE/RSJ Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
since 1988
IROS 2022 (Oct):
- Conference
- Technical Program
IROS 2021 (Sep):
- Conference
- Technical Program
IROS 2020 (Oct):
- Conference
- Technical Program
IROS 2019 (Nov):
- Conference
- Technical Program
IROS 2018 (Oct):
- Conference
- Technical Program
IROS 2017 (Sep):
- Conference
- Technical Program
--- History of IROS: from 1988, Tokyo, Japan ---
IEEE Int'l Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering,
since 2005
CASE 2022 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CASE 2021 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CASE 2020 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CASE 2019 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CASE 2018 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
CASE 2017 (Aug):
- Conference
- Technical Program
--- History of CASE: from 2008, Arlington, VA, USA ---
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society:
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society:
Other Related Symposia and Workshops:
Regional Conferences:
Asian Control Conference,
since 1994
European Control Conference,
since 1991
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics,
since 2004
IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation,
since 2004
IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation,
since 1995
IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation,
since 2004
Domestic International Conferences:
SICE Annual Conference (Japan),
since 1962, International since 2002
SICE 2021 (Sep), (60th, 20th International):
- Conference Website
SICE 2020 (Sep), (59th, 19th International):
- Conference Website
SICE 2019 (Sep), (58th, 18th International):
- Conference Website
SICE 2018 (Sep), (57th, 17th International):
- Conference Website
SICE 2017 (Sep), (56th, 16th International):
- Conference Website
- History
ICROS International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (Korea),
since 2001
CACS International Automatic Control Conference (Taiwan),
since 1982, International since 2005
Chinese Control Conference (China)
Chinese Control and Decision Conference (China)
- Course Information:
- What:
- Topics: Speical Topics on Control Technology
- Course No: EE5052
- Credit: 3
- Who:
- Students:
- Instructor:
- Name: Feng-Li Lian (連豊力)
- Office: Room EE-MD717,
- Phone: 02-3366-3606
- Email: fengli@ntu.edu.tw
- When:
- Lectures: 1:30pm-4:20pm, Tuesdays (Mar 2020 - Jun 2020)
- Office Hours: appointment by e-mail
- Where:
- Lecture Room: EE-MD303
- Webpage:
- Why:
- Course for EE graduate students interested in System and Control
- Project-oriented discussion and lectures
- How:
- Preview: ~6 hours/per week
- Lecture: ~3 hours/per week
- Demonstration, derivation and practice, etc.
- Review: ~6 hours/per week
- Homework: ~3 hours/per week
- Q & A & lecture participation:
- group discussion
- lecture questionnaire
- e-mail
- BBS etc.
- Reference Books:
- Key Ingreidents on Controls:
- linear vs nonlinear
- discrete vs continuos
- math model
- characterization
- state feedback and estimation
- optimal control
- adaptive control
- robust control
- intelligent control: fuzzy, neural network, genetic algo
- sensor and filter
- actuator and motor
- A/D, D/A and counter
- Grading:
- Weekly reports and final project and report   100%
Old News in 111-1
- 待處理
- Weekly reports and final project and report   100%
- Week 15 (12/14, 2022)
- 本週討論主題:學術倫理
- Resources:
- Bad News or Good News
(updated on 4/7/20)
- 學術倫理概論:
- 研究數據?假的嗎?:
- 論文文章?假的嗎?論文抄襲或引用?論文作者的貢獻?:
(管中閔 李眉蓁 林智堅)
- -
- -
學術倫理案例及分析-抄襲-2020年5月研究誠信電子報(第38期, 2020-5-15)
- -
構成學術論文抄襲的幾種因素:常見抄襲與剽竊的類型分析 (畢恆達, 2022-8-11)
- -
小論文、報告涉襲抄時有所聞 高中生誤以為改寫不算抄襲 (聯合報, 2022-8-3)
- -
抄襲如何判斷?撇開鄉民標準,《著作權法》怎麼看? (陳琮勛, 2022-8-16)
- -
- -
【台大開會1.5小時結果出爐 不認定管中閔有論文抄襲行為 (1/26, 2018)
- -
【比一比】管中閔論文涉抄襲 文字、圖表與學生雷同 (1/25, 2018)
- -
從管中閔的「抄襲」風波,看學術倫理爭議中的幾個問題 (1/30, 2018)
- -
管中閔擔任獨董爭議、論文抄襲落幕?台大終於發聲明力挺 (1/26, 2018)
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
林智堅不認論文有抄襲 台大打臉點名3大錯
- -
林智堅論文抄襲 比對圖片
- -
大家來比對林智堅兩碩士論文 (鄭秀玲,前台大經濟系主任,7/22, 2022)
- -
余正煌告林智堅侵犯著作權會成功嗎? 專家說關鍵有三點 ( 聯合報,8/9, 2022)
- -
- 論文審查?假的嗎?:
- 論文出版社?假的嗎?:
- -
專拐讀書人:德國學界的「論文詐騙集團」 (9/11, 2018)
- -
當心學術詐騙 付錢就能出版論文 (5/24, 2013)
- -
虛構「副教授」發信求職,竟有48份期刊同意其當編輯 (3/29, 2017)
- -
- -
劣質出版商「奧步」全揭露!學者自保靠這4招 (3/25, 2019)
- -
全解析|台灣為何成為掠奪性期刊的大肥羊? (3/25, 2019)
- -
?什麼這些期刊上了《國際期刊預警名單(試行)》? (1/10, 2021)
- -
不建議投稿Mega-Journal (9/28, 2022)
- -
Journal citation reports and the definition of a predatory journal:
The case of the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
(8/11, 2021)
- -
Frontiers 系列期刊,值得我投稿嗎?
(2/5, 2016)
- -
(4/25, 2014)
- -
- 蔡英文的博士論文?假的嗎?真的在哪裡?
- IEEE 相關資訊:
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
. . . HW 10: Research Integrity
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm, 1/26, 2022 (Wed)
---------- Important Information:
Read the newes on the folloiwng NAGATIVE evernts of doing reaserch:
- - (1) 研究數據?假的嗎? (楊泮池)
- - (2) 論文文章?假的嗎?論文抄襲或引用?論文作者的貢獻? (管中閔)
- - (3) 論文審查?假的嗎? (蔣偉寧)
- - (4) 論文出版社?假的嗎?
- - (5) 蔡英文的博?論文?假的嗎?真的在哪裡? (蔡英文)
For each evern, write a report on the folloiwng issues:
- - (A) 基本資料: 按照時間順序或脈絡,整理人事時地物等,
- - (B) 錯誤之處: 應該或可能有錯的部分,或有問題的部分,
- - (C) 改正之處 : 正確的作法,避免的方法,需要特別注意的點等等等。
- . . .
- --- Discussion on:
. . . HW 09: Write Paper
------- Important Information:
- . . . . .
- . . . . . .
- . . . . . .
- . . . . . .
---> 這段文字,為什麼這樣寫?
---> 這張圖或表,為什麼這樣畫,編輯?
---> 這幾圖,為什麼這樣排列,編排?
---> 使用的資料(圖/表),為什麼直接複製貼上,
---> 哪些資料是您的,哪些是原本就有的?
---> 某些東西刪掉了,怎麼加回來?
- . . . . .
- . . . . . . .
- . . . . .
- . . . . . . .
- Week 14 (12/7, 2022)
- 本週討論主題:Write Paper - 範本,參考資料
- Read Paper & Write Paper:
- - 從 文章 到 心智圖
- - 從 心智圖 到 文章
- 文件,電子檔:
- For 期刊,國際會議的論文:
- For example, for IEEE-T-CST,
Author Information
- For example, for IEEE-T-RO,
Information for Authors
- For example, for Transportation Research,
- For example, for IEEE-T-RO,
Information for Authors
- For example, for IEEE-T-RO,
Information for Authors
- For example, for IEEE-T-RO,
Information for Authors
- Example paper,
Probabilistic Surface Friction Estimation Based on Visual and Haptic Measurements
- Example paper,
Trajectory Planning for Quadrotor Swarms
- Original IEEE paper template:
DOCX file
- Modified IEEE Journal paper template:
.......... (Paper_Journal_ncslab_181204.docx)
DOCX file
- Modified IEEE Conference paper template:
.......... (Paper_Conf_ncslab_181204.docx):
DOCX file
- IEEE Author Tools for Journals:
- ... ...
Using Equations in Your Article
- ... ...
IEEE Article Templates
- ... ...
CSm Author Guide
- ... ...
- For 學位論文:
- 指導方針與準則:
- 論文寫作章節重點:
PPTX file, pages 181-192
- 論文架構:
PPTX file, pages 193-194
- 論文寫作注意事項:
PPTX file, pages 195-215
- 論文包含的重要元素:
PPTX file, pages 216-229
- 論文寫作常見錯誤:
PPTX file, pages 233 之後
- 有關 做研究 與 寫論文 的書籍
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- . . . . . HW 08: Write Paper
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 格式,範本
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm, 12/13, 2022 (Tue)
---------- Important Information:
- . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
---> 這段文字,為什麼這樣寫?
---> 這張圖或表,為什麼這樣畫,編輯?
---> 這幾圖,為什麼這樣排列,編排?
---> 使用的資料(圖/表),為什麼直接複製貼上,沒有練習編輯呢?
---> 哪些資料是您的,哪些是原本就有的?
---> 某些東西刪掉了,怎麼加回來?
- . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . .
- --- Discussion on:
- . . . . . HW 07: Plot Reseach Data
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 參考的依據
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個論文?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一頁?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個圖?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 使用的時機
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 論文中用?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 簡報中用?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 顏色
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 大小粗細
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 資訊量,空間配置
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 清晰度,解析度
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 依據:有所本!
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 過程:來龍去脈!
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 感想:學到之處!
- . . . . .
- --- Discussion on:
- . . . . . HW 06: Identify Control Elements
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Block Diagram
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Feedback
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Plant, Sensor, Actuator, Controller
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Diagram 是否完整?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何分析出 Block Diagram 的每一個元件?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 對照原本系統中,哪一個是哪一個?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 只有結果嗎?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 有沒有分析的過程嗎?
- Week 13 (11/30/22)
- Week 12: (11/23/22)
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- . . . . . HW 07: Plot Research Data
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data, Information, Format, Size, Dimension
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 數據,資訊,形式,大小,維度
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm of 11/29, 2022 (Tue)
- --- Discussion on:
- . . . . . HW 06: Identify Control Elements
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Block Diagram
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Feedback
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Plant, Sensor, Actuator, Controller
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Diagram 是否完整?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何分析出 Block Diagram 的每一個元件?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 對照原本系統中,哪一個是哪一個?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 只有結果嗎?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 有沒有分析的過程嗎?
- Week 11 (11/16, 2022)
- 本週討論主題:Identify Key Control Elements
- Resources:
- - 研究成果的控制核心與基本要素:
. . . 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
pages 57-66
- - 控制系統第一堂課:
. . . 檔案:
. . . 檔案:
Intro to Feedback and Control
. . . 檔案:
History of Feedback and Control
. . . 檔案:
Example - MPH
. . . 檔案:
Example - FB-FF
. . . 檔案:
Emergent Examples
- Identify Control-Related Elements!
= from Control Textbooks
... Franklin, Powell, Emami-Naeini,
... Feedack Control of Dynamic Systems, 2019
at Amazon
at Pearson
Key Picture: Component Block Diagram
... Zak,
... Systems and Control, 2003
at Amazon
at Oxford Univ Press
Key Picture: Open Loop Closed Loop
... Bateson,
... Introduction to Control System Technology, 2002
at Amazon
... Hill,
... Intro to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2011
at Amazon
Key Picture: Mechatronic System Components
... Tariq Samad and Anuradha Annaswamy,
... The Impact of Control Technology, 2011
... Part 2: Success Stories in Control
Report PDF, pages 101-148
... IEEE CSS Publication Digest
At IEEE CSS website
... IEEE Control Systems (Magazine)
At IEEExplore website
= from Control Experiments
臺大 電機系 大學部 自動控制實驗
= from Control Expert
The Map of Control Theory
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- . . . . . HW 06: Identify Control Elements
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Research Topics, Controls, Keywords
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm of 11/22, 2022 (Tue)
- Week 10 (11/9/22)
- Week 09 (11/2/22)
- 本週討論主題:Find Research Topics
- Possible Directions, Resources, Topics:
= from daily life, natural behavior, etc.
= from general news, magazines, etc.
= from industry, company, etc.
= from laboratory research
= from research documents, such as papers, technical reports, etc.
- By Resources:
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
故宮南院400架無人機表演 8架墜落現場, 2020
台灣燈會無人機表演 48架遭訊號干擾摔落, 2020
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story: Chaning Clothes
Sponge Bob Cleaning
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
轉彎的人生 鋼鐵人醫生
逆轉人生 鋼鐵人醫師
50 Great British Inventions
- By Topics:
- - Topics: General:
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 乳癌手術後之復健運動
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
at 6:06 of 術後七個動作 for 乳癌手術後之復健運動
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
機器人幫手 助乳癌復健
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 外骨骼機器人
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
轉彎的人生 鋼鐵人醫生
逆轉人生 鋼鐵人醫師
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動穿鞋帶
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 無人機載具
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story: Chaning Clothes
Sponge Bob Cleaning
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動駕駛
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
台北市內湖區塞車亂象, 2016
霧霾致連環車禍, 2016
開車分心滑手機, 2017
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- . . . . . HW 05: Find Reseach Topics
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 搜尋研究主題,問題,方案
- --- Discussion on:
- . . . . . HW 04: ReadPaper
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
. . . . . . . . . . p.
- -
- Week 08 (10/26/22)
Miderm Exam Break,
No Lecture
- Week 07 (10/19/22)
- 本週討論主題:Read Journal Paper and Summary
- Major Information
... Title
... Abstract
... Keywords
... Section Title
- Core Content
... Figures
... Experiments, Testing Scenarios, Data, Results
... Theory, Algorithm, Methodolgy
... Conclusion or Summary
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 04: Read Journal Paper and Summary
- -------------------- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
- -------------------- By 11pm of 11/1 (Tue)
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- HW 03: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
.............. 期刊論文的三個層級 p. 3
.............. Chapter 2: Read Paper: p. 22
.............. Chapter 12: 期刊論文整理資訊 p. 36
.............. 論文架構: pp. 195, 196, ...
.............. 論文所包含的重要元素: pp. 220, ...
.............. 文獻探討與資料整理: pp. 87-89, 149-160
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Paper.pptx,
.............. 3-page Summary for one paper
Autonomous Flight for Detection, Localization, and Tracking of Moving Targets
With a Small Quadrotor
Context-Aware Cloud Robotics for Material Handling
in Cognitive Industrial Internet of Things
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Research.pptx,
.............. Summary for Group of papers
Video-based lane estimation and tracking for driver assistance:
survey, system, and evaluation
Looking at Vehicles on the Road:
A Survey of
Vision-Based Vehicle Detection, Tracking,
and Behavior Analysis
- -
- Week 06 (10/12/22)
- 本週討論主題:Paper Survey at IEEE Xplore Digital Library
- 2021 IEEE Xplore線上分享會
...... 10/21 14:30-15:30, 大海撈“珍”,高效發掘重要文獻 -
...... 10/28 14:30-15:30, 深入鑽研,進階檢索與文獻管理 -
...... 11/25 14:30-15:30, 選我!選我!投稿流程與注意事項 -
...... 12/2 14:30-15:30, 下筆如有神,科技論文寫作淺析 -
- Find Jounals, Conference Proceedings
... Journals
... (T-AC) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
... (T-CST) IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
... (CSM) IEEE Control Systems (Magazine)
... (T-RO) IEEE Transactions on Robotics
... (T-ASE) IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
... (T-RA) IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation
... (RAM) IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
... Conference Proceedings
... CDC - IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
... ACC - American Control Conference
... ICRA - IEEE International Conf. on Robotics and Automation
... CASE - IEEE International Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering
... IROS - IEEE/RSJ International Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems
- Keyword Search
... All
... Journal
... Conference
- Advanced Search
... in Title of Document, Publication,
... in Index Terms
... in Abstract
... in Authors
... Filters on Publisher, Content Type, Publication Year
- Find related papers
... by Title
... by Abstract
... Save PDF file
- Download files
... Print or Save the list of search results
... Download PDFs
... Export: Search Results/Citations
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 03: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- -------------------- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- HW 02: Familiar with Conferences on Control and Robotics
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
.............. 檔案命名: pp. 149-151
.............. 論文列表: pp. 152-157
- -
- Week 04 (9/28/22) & Week 05 (10/5/22)
- Discussion on:
- Conferences: CDC, ACC, ICRA, IROS, etc.
- --- Topics: Who are they?
- --- History: How do they begin?
- --- Functionality: What are their tasks?
- --- Resource: What can we get from them?
- - International Conferences:
- - Regional International Conferences:
- - Domestic (Asian) Internatioinal Conferences of
CACS (Taiwan), SICE (Japan), ICROS (Korea), CAA (China)
- - History of CACS conferences
- Keywords:
- - Seminar, Talk, Speech, etc.
- - Workshop, Tutorial, Forum, etc.
- - Symposium, Conference, Congress, etc.
- - Proceedings (論文集): paper, CD-ROM, USB, etc.
- References:
- - Website:Recent Conference Information
- - File: ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx, pp. 168-170 (各種會議類型)
- - File: Automatic Control Conferences at Taiwan for 40 Years.pdf
- -
- Homework:
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- HW 01:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 02: Familiar with Conferences on Control and Robotics
- Week 03 (9/21/22)
- Week 02 (9/14/22)
- 本週討論主題:
- - 主題: 他們是誰?
- - 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- - 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- - 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
- 作業:
- ------- No HW
- Week 01: (9/7/22)
- 第一週課程進行方式與注意事項:
- 上課教室:
- - 明達 MD 231
- 上課時間:
- - 2pm 開始。
- 重要網站連結:
- 主要討論的學術活動:
- Research Discussions
- Seminars, Speeches, Talks
- Reading Papers
- Simulation
- Experiments
- 參與課程活動與工作:
- Attend Research Discussions
- Write Reserch log during simulation/experiment
- Wtrite Weekly Report everyday
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 01: Conference Speeches on Control and Robotics
Old News in 110-1
- 待處理
- Weekly reports and final project and report   100%
- 之後的討論主題
- - 主題: 他們是誰?
- - 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- - 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- - 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
- 學術活動:
(HW01, HW02)
- - Seminar, Talk, Speech, etc.
- - Workshop, Tutorial, Forum, etc.
- - Symposium, Conference, Congress, etc.
- 學術著作:
(HW03, HW04)
- - Journal Paper
- - Conference Paper
- - Article, etc.
- 控制研究課題:
(HW05, HW06)
- - Control vs Automation vs Intelligent
- - Control vs Robotics
- - Robotics vs Vehicle
- - Control vs Systems
- 研究數據整理:
- -
- 研究論文寫作:
- -
- 研究態度與倫理:
- - 假的論文審查?
- - 假的研究數據?
- - 論文作者的貢獻?
- - 假的論文出版社?
2021 IEEE Xplore線上分享會
...... 10/21 14:30-15:30, 大海撈“珍”,高效發掘重要文獻
...... 10/28 14:30-15:30, 深入鑽研,進階檢索與文獻管理
...... 11/25 14:30-15:30, 選我!選我!投稿流程與注意事項
...... 12/2 14:30-15:30, 下筆如有神,科技論文寫作淺析
Week 17 (1/13, 2022)
- 本週討論主題:學術倫理
- 研究數據?假的嗎?:
- -
台大醫學論文造假案 (11/6, 2016)
- -
教育部公布 臺大 郭明良團隊 學術倫理案審議結果 (3/30, 2017)
- -
如何有效地抑遏論文造假,以及其危害的蔓延? (8/6, 2018)
- -
- 論文文章?假的嗎?論文抄襲或引用?論文作者的貢獻?:
- -
【台大開會1.5小時結果出爐 不認定管中閔有論文抄襲行為 (1/26, 2018)
- -
【比一比】管中閔論文涉抄襲 文字、圖表與學生雷同 (1/25, 2018)
- -
從管中閔的「抄襲」風波,看學術倫理爭議中的幾個問題 (1/30, 2018)
- -
管中閔擔任獨董爭議、論文抄襲落幕?台大終於發聲明力挺 (1/26, 2018)
- -
- -
學術倫理案例及分析-抄襲-2020年5月研究誠信電子報(第38期, 2020-5-15)
- -
- -
- -
- -
- 論文審查?假的嗎?:
- -
陳震遠論文審稿造假案 (7/xx, 2014)
- -
陳震遠論文假審查事件全整理 (8/xx, 2014)
- -
陳震遠案,記者不懂也不會告訴你的問題癥結 (7/14, 2014)
- -
論文掛名不知情?蔣偉寧為何下台? (7/14, 2014)
- -
107篇!中國醫界被曝最大論文造假 (4/25, 2017)
- -
- 論文出版社?假的嗎?:
- -
專拐讀書人:德國學界的「論文詐騙集團」 (9/11, 2018)
- -
當心學術詐騙 付錢就能出版論文 (5/24, 2013)
- -
虛構「副教授」發信求職,竟有48份期刊同意其當編輯 (3/29, 2017)
- -
- 蔡英文的博士論文?假的嗎?真的在哪裡?
- -
蔡英文總統博士論文 下載網址在這裡
- -
- -
- -
- -
蔡英文總統論文讀後感 (上)/我兩度赴倫敦政經學院借閱
- -
蔡英文總統論文讀後感 (中)/外殼燙金 內頁像傳真紙
- -
蔡英文總統論文讀後感 (下)/兩種編排有異 畢業35年收到
- -
【回應總統府蔡英文論文記者會】徐永泰博士 八問蔡總統
- -
上雙鎖的潘多拉盒子/蔡英文論文讀後感 II (上)
- -
上雙鎖的潘多拉盒子/蔡英文論文讀後感 II (中)
- -
上雙鎖的潘多拉盒子/蔡英文論文讀後感 II (下)
- -
- -
- -
倫敦政經學院1984年博士論文長這樣 林環牆PO照供聞香
- -
蔡英文論文非一本 府:哪本書不是一頁一頁完成?這是簡單常識
- -
- -
- -
- -
倫敦政經學院1984年博士論文長這樣 林環牆PO照供聞香
- -
網友採樣抽查蔡英文論文 原創度僅3成?
- -
- IEEE 相關資訊:
- -
Plagiarism Information Center for IEEE Publication Volunteers (2021)
- -
IEEE Prohibited Authors List (PAL)
- -
Declarative Programming Approach for Fake Review Detection (2020)
- -
土木學者聯合聲明 - 期刊聲譽的重要性 (2021)
- -
土木相關國際期刊調查結果.pdf (2021)
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
. . . HW 10: Research Integrity
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm, 1/26, 2022 (Wed)
---------- Important Information:
Read the newes on the folloiwng NAGATIVE evernts of doing reaserch:
- - (1) 研究數據?假的嗎? (楊泮池)
- - (2) 論文文章?假的嗎?論文抄襲或引用?論文作者的貢獻? (管中閔)
- - (3) 論文審查?假的嗎? (蔣偉寧)
- - (4) 論文出版社?假的嗎?
- - (5) 蔡英文的博?論文?假的嗎?真的在哪裡? (蔡英文)
For each evern, write a report on the folloiwng issues:
- - (A) 基本資料: 按照時間順序或脈絡,整理人事時地物等,
- - (B) 錯誤之處: 應該或可能有錯的部分,或有問題的部分,
- - (C) 改正之處 : 正確的作法,避免的方法,需要特別注意的點等等等。
- . . .
- --- Discussion on:
. . . HW 09: Write Paper
------- Important Information:
- . . . . .
- . . . . . .
- . . . . . .
- . . . . . .
---> 這段文字,為什麼這樣寫?
---> 這張圖或表,為什麼這樣畫,編輯?
---> 這幾圖,為什麼這樣排列,編排?
---> 使用的資料(圖/表),為什麼直接複製貼上,
---> 哪些資料是您的,哪些是原本就有的?
---> 某些東西刪掉了,怎麼加回來?
- . . . . .
- . . . . . . .
- . . . . .
- . . . . . . .
Week 15 (12/30, 2021)
- 本週討論主題:Write Paper - 範本,參考資料
- Read Paper & Write Paper:
- - 從 文章 到 心智圖
- - 從 心智圖 到 文章
- 文件,電子檔:
- For 期刊,國際會議的論文:
For example, for IEEE-T-CST,
Author Information
For example, for IEEE-T-RO,
Information for Authors
Example paper,
Probabilistic Surface Friction Estimation Based on Visual and Haptic Measurements
Example paper,
Trajectory Planning for Quadrotor Swarms
Original IEEE paper template:
DOCX file
Modified IEEE Journal paper template:
.......... (Paper_Journal_ncslab_181204.docx)
DOCX file
Modified IEEE Conference paper template:
.......... (Paper_Conf_ncslab_181204.docx):
DOCX file
IEEE Author Tools for Journals:
... ...
Using Equations in Your Article
... ...
IEEE Article Templates
... ...
CSm Author Guide
... ...
For 學位論文:
- 論文寫作章節重點:
PPTX file, pages 181-192
- 論文架構:
PPTX file, pages 193-194
- 論文寫作注意事項:
PPTX file, pages 195-215
- 論文包含的重要元素:
PPTX file, pages 216-229
- 論文寫作常見錯誤:
PPTX file, pages 233 之後
有關 做研究 與 寫論文 的書籍
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 09: Write Paper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 格式,範本
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm, 1/12, 2022 (Wed)
---------- Important Information:
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
---> 這段文字,為什麼這樣寫?
---> 這張圖或表,為什麼這樣畫,編輯?
---> 這幾圖,為什麼這樣排列,編排?
---> 使用的資料(圖/表),為什麼直接複製貼上,沒有練習編輯呢?
---> 哪些資料是您的,哪些是原本就有的?
---> 某些東西刪掉了,怎麼加回來?
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 08: Plot Reseach Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 參考的依據
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個論文?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一頁?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個圖?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 使用的時機
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 論文中用?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 簡報中用?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 顏色
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 大小粗細
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 資訊量,空間配置
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 清晰度,解析度
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 依據:有所本!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 過程:來龍去脈!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 感想:學到之處!
. . . . .
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 07: Identify Control Elements
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Block Diagram
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Feedback
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Plant, Sensor, Actuator, Controller
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Diagram 是否完整?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何分析出 Block Diagram 的每一個元件?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 對照原本系統中,哪一個是哪一個?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 只有結果嗎?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 有沒有分析的過程嗎?
Week 14: (12/23/21)
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 08: Plot Research Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 數據,資訊,形式,大小,維度
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm of 12/29, 2021 (Wed)
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 07: Identify Control Elements
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Block Diagram
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Feedback
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Plant, Sensor, Actuator, Controller
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Diagram 是否完整?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何分析出 Block Diagram 的每一個元件?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 對照原本系統中,哪一個是哪一個?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 只有結果嗎?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 有沒有分析的過程嗎?
Week 13 (12/16, 2021)
Week 12 (12/9, 2021)
- 本週討論主題:Identify Key Control Elements
- Resources:
- - 研究成果的控制核心與基本要素:
. . . 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
pages 55-64
- - 控制系統第一堂課:
. . . 檔案:
. . . 檔案:
Intro to Feedback and Control
. . . 檔案:
History of Feedback and Control
. . . 檔案:
One Example
. . . 檔案:
Emergent Examples
- Identify Control-Related Elements!
= from Control Textbooks
... Franklin, Powell, Emami-Naeini,
... Feedack Control of Dynamic Systems, 2019
at Amazon
at Pearson
Key Picture: Component Block Diagram
... Zak,
... Systems and Control, 2003
at Amazon
at Oxford Univ Press
Key Picture: Open Loop Closed Loop
... Bateson,
... Introduction to Control System Technology, 2002
at Pearson
... Hill,
... Intro to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2011
at Amazon
Key Picture: Mechatronic System Components
... Tariq Samad and Anuradha Annaswamy,
... The Impact of Control Technology, 2011
... Part 2: Success Stories in Control
Report PDF, pages 101-148
... IEEE CSS Publication Digest
At IEEE CSS website
... IEEE Control Systems (Magazine)
At IEEExplore website
= from Control Experiments
臺大 電機系 大學部 自動控制實驗
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- . . . . . HW 07: Identify Control Elements
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm of 12/15, 2021 (Wed)
- --- Discussion on:
- . . . . . HW 06: Write Paper
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 格式,範本
---------- Important Information:
- . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . .
Week 11: (12/2, 2021)
- 本週討論主題:Write Paper
- 文件,電子檔:
- For 期刊,國際會議的論文:
For example, for IEEE-T-CST,
Author Information
For example, for IEEE-T-RO,
Information for Authors
Example paper,
Probabilistic Surface Friction Estimation Based on Visual and Haptic Measurements
Example paper,
Trajectory Planning for Quadrotor Swarms
Original IEEE paper template:
DOCX file
Modified IEEE Journal paper template:
.......... (Paper_Journal_ncslab_181204.docx)
DOCX file
Modified IEEE Conference paper template:
.......... (Paper_Conf_ncslab_181204.docx):
DOCX file
IEEE Author Tools for Journals:
... ...
Using Equations in Your Article
... ...
IEEE Article Templates
... ...
CSm Author Guide
... ...
For 學位論文:
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 06: Write Paper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 格式,範本
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm, 12/8, 2021 (Wed)
---------- Important Information:
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
Week 09 & Week 10 (11/18/21, 11/25/21)
- 本週討論主題:Find Research Topics
- Possible Directions, Resources, Topics:
= from daily life, natural behavior, etc.
= from general news, magazines, etc.
= from industry, company, etc.
= from laboratory research
= from research documents, such as papers, technical reports, etc.
- By Resources:
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
故宮南院400架無人機表演 8架墜落現場, 2020
台灣燈會無人機表演 48架遭訊號干擾摔落, 2020
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story: Chaning Clothes
Sponge Bob Cleaning
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
鋼鐵人醫生 逆轉人生
50 Great British Inventions
- By Topics:
- - Topics: General:
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 乳癌手術後之復健運動
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
at 6:06 of 術後七個動作 for 乳癌手術後之復健運動
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
機器人幫手 助乳癌復健
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 外骨骼機器人
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
鋼鐵人醫生 逆轉人生
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動穿鞋帶
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 無人機載具
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story: Chaning Clothes
Sponge Bob Cleaning
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動駕駛
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
台北市內湖區塞車亂象, 2016
霧霾致連環車禍, 2016
開車分心滑手機, 2017
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 05: Find Reseach Topics
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 搜尋研究主題,問題,方案
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 12 noon of 12/1/21 (Wed)
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 04: ReadPaper
- 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
. . . . . . . . . . p.
Week 08 (11/11/21)
- 本週討論主題:Read Journal Paper and Summary
- Major Information
... Title
... Abstract
... Keywords
... Section Title
- Core Content
... Figures
... Experiments, Testing Scenarios, Data, Results
... Theory, Algorithm, Methodolgy
... Conclusion or Summary
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 04: Read Journal Paper and Summary
- -------------------- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
- -------------------- By 12 noon of 11/17 (Wed)
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- HW 03: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
.............. 期刊論文的三個層級 p. 3
.............. Chapter 2: Read Paper: p. 21
.............. 論文架構: pp. 192, 193, ...
.............. 論文所包含的重要元素: pp. 215, ...
.............. 文獻探討與資料整理: pp. 84, 85, 149-157
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Paper.pptx,
.............. 3-page Summary for one paper
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Research.pptx,
.............. Summary for Group of papers
- -
2021 IEEE Xplore線上分享會
...... 10/21 14:30-15:30, 大海撈“珍”,高效發掘重要文獻
...... 10/28 14:30-15:30, 深入鑽研,進階檢索與文獻管理
...... 11/25 14:30-15:30, 選我!選我!投稿流程與注意事項
...... 12/2 14:30-15:30, 下筆如有神,科技論文寫作淺析
Week 05 & Week 06 (10/21/21 & 10/28/21)
- 本週討論主題:Paper Survey at IEEE Xplore Digital Library
- 2021 IEEE Xplore線上分享會
...... 10/21 14:30-15:30, 大海撈“珍”,高效發掘重要文獻
...... 10/28 14:30-15:30, 深入鑽研,進階檢索與文獻管理
...... 11/25 14:30-15:30, 選我!選我!投稿流程與注意事項
...... 12/2 14:30-15:30, 下筆如有神,科技論文寫作淺析
- Find Jounals, Conference Proceedings
... Journals
... (T-AC) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
... (T-CST) IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
... (CSM) IEEE Control Systems (Magazine)
... (T-RO) IEEE Transactions on Robotics
... (T-ASE) IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
... (T-RA) IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation
... (RAM) IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
... Conference Proceedings
... CDC - IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
... ACC - American Control Conference
... ICRA - IEEE International Conf. on Robotics and Automation
... CASE - IEEE International Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering
... IROS - IEEE/RSJ International Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems
- Keyword Search
... All
... Journal
... Conference
- Advanced Search
... in Title of Document, Publication,
... in Index Terms
... in Abstract
... in Authors
... Filters on Publisher, Content Type, Publication Year
- Find related papers
... by Title
... by Abstract
... Save PDF file
- Download files
... Print or Save the list of search results
... Download PDFs
... Export: Search Results/Citations
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 03: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- -------------------- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
- --- Discussion on:
- -------
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
.............. 檔案命名: pp. 149-151
.............. 論文列表: pp. 152-157
- -
Week 03 & Week 04 (10/7/21 & 10/14/21)
- 本週討論主題:
- 學術會議: CDC, ACC, ICRA, IROS, etc.
- --- 主題: 他們是誰?
- --- 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- --- 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- --- 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
- - International Conferences: CDC, ACC, ICRA, IROS, etc.
- - Local International Conferences: ASCC, ECC, ROBIO, ICIA, ICMA, SII
- - Asian Internatioinal Conferences of
CACS (Taiwan), SICE (Japan), ICROS (Korea), CAA (China)
- - History of CACS conferences
- 關鍵字:
- - Seminar, Talk, Speech, etc.
- - Workshop, Tutorial, Forum, etc.
- - Symposium, Conference, Congress, etc.
- - Proceedings (論文集): paper, CD-ROM, USB, etc.
- 參考資料:
- - 網站:Recent Conference Information
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx, pp. 168-170 (各種會議類型)
- - 檔案:Automatic Control Conferences at Taiwan for 40 Years.pdf
- -
- -
- 作業:
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- 修正 HW 01:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 02: Familiar with Conferences on Control and Robotics
Week 02 (9/30/21)
- 本週討論主題:
- - 主題: 他們是誰?
- - 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- - 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- - 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
------- HW 01: Conference Speeches on Control and Robotics
Week 01: (9/23/21)
- 第一週課程進行方式與注意事項:
- 上課方式:
- - 使用MS-Teams的線上討論室,連結如下:
at MS-Teams
- - 請使用您的 學號@ntu 的帳號申請登入 MS-Teams
- 上課時間:
- - 1:30pm 開始。
- - 1:20pm 之後,可以登入 MS-Teams 的線上討論室
- 重要網站連結:
- 主要討論的學術活動:
- Research Discussions
- Seminars, Speeches, Talks
- Reading Papers
- Simulation
- Experiments
- 參與課程活動與工作:
- Attend Research Discussions
- Write Reserch log during simulation/experiment
- Wtrite Weekly Report everyday
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 01: Conference Speeches on Control and Robotics
Old News in 109-1
- 待處理
- -
in 第131期校友雙月刊
- -
論自我抄襲-重複發表、文字再使用 有無學術倫理上的處罰必要?
- -
in 科學月刊
- 之後的討論主題
- - 主題: 他們是誰?
- - 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- - 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- - 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
- 學術活動:
(HW01, HW02)
- - Seminar, Talk, Speech, etc.
- - Workshop, Tutorial, Forum, etc.
- - Symposium, Conference, Congress, etc.
- 學術著作:
(HW03, HW04)
- - Journal Paper
- - Conference Paper
- - Article, etc.
- 控制研究課題:
(HW05, HW06)
- - Control vs Automation vs Intelligent
- - Control vs Robotics
- - Robotics vs Vehicle
- - Control vs Systems
- 研究數據整理:
- -
- 研究論文寫作:
- -
- 研究態度與倫理:
- - 假的論文審查?
- - 假的研究數據?
- - 論文作者的貢獻?
- - 假的論文出版社?
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 08: Write Paper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 格式,範本
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm, 1/6, 2021 (Wed)
---------- Important Information:
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
---> 這段文字,為什麼這樣寫?
---> 這張圖或表,為什麼這樣畫,編輯?
---> 這幾圖,為什麼這樣排列,編排?
---> 使用的資料(圖/表),為什麼直接複製貼上,沒有練習編輯呢?
---> 哪些資料是您的,哪些是原本就有的?
---> 某些東西刪掉了,怎麼加回來?
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 07: Plot Reseach Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 參考的依據
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個論文?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一頁?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個圖?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 使用的時機
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 論文中用?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 簡報中用?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 顏色
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 大小粗細
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 資訊量,空間配置
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 清晰度,解析度
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 依據:有所本!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 過程:來龍去脈!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 感想:學到之處!
Week 17 (1/8, 2021)
- 本週討論主題:學術倫理
- 研究數據?假的嗎?:
- -
台大醫學論文造假案 (11/6, 2016)
- -
教育部公布 臺大 郭明良團隊 學術倫理案審議結果 (3/30, 2017)
- -
如何有效地抑遏論文造假,以及其危害的蔓延? (8/6, 2018)
- -
- 論文文章?假的嗎?論文抄襲或引用?論文作者的貢獻?:
- -
【台大開會1.5小時結果出爐 不認定管中閔有論文抄襲行為 (1/26, 2018)
- -
【比一比】管中閔論文涉抄襲 文字、圖表與學生雷同 (1/25, 2018)
- -
從管中閔的「抄襲」風波,看學術倫理爭議中的幾個問題 (1/30, 2018)
- -
管中閔擔任獨董爭議、論文抄襲落幕?台大終於發聲明力挺 (1/26, 2018)
- -
- -
學術倫理案例及分析-抄襲-2020年5月研究誠信電子報(第38期, 2020-5-15)
- -
- -
- -
- -
- 論文審查?假的嗎?:
- -
陳震遠論文審稿造假案 (7/xx, 2014)
- -
陳震遠論文假審查事件全整理 (8/xx, 2014)
- -
陳震遠案,記者不懂也不會告訴你的問題癥結 (7/14, 2014)
- -
論文掛名不知情?蔣偉寧為何下台? (7/14, 2014)
- -
107篇!中國醫界被曝最大論文造假 (4/25, 2017)
- -
- 論文出版社?假的嗎?:
- -
專拐讀書人:德國學界的「論文詐騙集團」 (9/11, 2018)
- -
當心學術詐騙 付錢就能出版論文 (5/24, 2013)
- -
虛構「副教授」發信求職,竟有48份期刊同意其當編輯 (3/29, 2017)
- -
- 蔡英文的博士論文?假的嗎?真的在哪裡?
- -
蔡英文總統博士論文 下載網址在這裡
- -
- -
- -
- -
蔡英文總統論文讀後感 (上)/我兩度赴倫敦政經學院借閱
- -
蔡英文總統論文讀後感 (中)/外殼燙金 內頁像傳真紙
- -
蔡英文總統論文讀後感 (下)/兩種編排有異 畢業35年收到
- -
【回應總統府蔡英文論文記者會】徐永泰博士 八問蔡總統
- -
上雙鎖的潘多拉盒子/蔡英文論文讀後感 II (上)
- -
上雙鎖的潘多拉盒子/蔡英文論文讀後感 II (中)
- -
上雙鎖的潘多拉盒子/蔡英文論文讀後感 II (下)
- -
- -
- -
倫敦政經學院1984年博士論文長這樣 林環牆PO照供聞香
- -
蔡英文論文非一本 府:哪本書不是一頁一頁完成?這是簡單常識
- -
- -
- -
- -
倫敦政經學院1984年博士論文長這樣 林環牆PO照供聞香
- -
網友採樣抽查蔡英文論文 原創度僅3成?
- -
- IEEE 相關資訊:
- -
Plagiarism Information Center for IEEE Publication Volunteers (2021)
- -
IEEE Prohibited Authors List (PAL)
- -
Declarative Programming Approach for Fake Review Detection (2020)
- -
土木學者聯合聲明 - 期刊聲譽的重要性 (2021)
- -
土木相關國際期刊調查結果.pdf (2021)
- -
in 第131期校友雙月刊
- -
Week 15 (12/25, 2020)
- 本週討論主題:Write Paper -參考資料
- 文件,電子檔:
- 指導方針與準則:
- 有關 做研究 與 寫論文 的書籍
Week 14: (12/18, 2020)
- 本週討論主題:Write Paper
- 文件,電子檔:
- For 期刊,國際會議的論文:
For example, for IEEE-T-CST,
Author Information
For example, for IEEE-T-RO,
Information for Authors
Original IEEE paper template:
DOCX file
Modified IEEE Journal paper template:
.......... (Paper_Journal_ncslab_181204.docx)
DOCX file
Modified IEEE Conference paper template:
.......... (Paper_Conf_ncslab_181204.docx):
DOCX file
IEEE Author Tools for Journals:
... ...
Using Equations in Your Article
... ...
IEEE Article Templates
... ...
CSm Author Guide
... ...
For 學位論文:
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 08: Write Paper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 格式,範本
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm, 1/6, 2021 (Wed)
---------- Important Information:
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 07: Plot Reseach Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 參考的依據
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個論文?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一頁?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個圖?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 使用的時機
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 論文中用?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 簡報中用?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 顏色
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 大小粗細
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 資訊量,空間配置
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 清晰度,解析度
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 依據:有所本!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 過程:來龍去脈!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 感想:學到之處!
Week 13: (12/11/20)
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 07: Plot Research Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 數據,資訊,形式,大小,維度
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm of 12/16, 2020 (Wed)
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 06: Identify Control Elements
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Block Diagram
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Feedback
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Plant, Sensor, Actuator, Controller
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Diagram 是否完整?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何分析出 Block Diagram 的每一個元件?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 對照原本系統中,哪一個是哪一個?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 只有結果嗎?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 有沒有分析的過程嗎?
Week 11 (11/27, 2020)
- 本週討論主題:Identify Key Control Elements
- Resources:
- - 研究成果的控制核心與基本要素:
. . . 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
pages 51-54
- - 控制系統第一堂課:
. . . 檔案:
Intro to Feedback and Control
- Identify Control-Related Elements!
= from Control Textbooks
... Franklin, Powell, Emami-Naeini,
... Feedack Control of Dynamic Systems, 2019
at Amazon
at Pearson
Key Picture: Component Block Diagram
... Zak,
... Systems and Control, 2003
at Amazon
at Oxford Univ Press
Key Picture: Open Loop Closed Loop
... Bateson,
... Introduction to Control System Technology, 2002
at Pearson
... Hill,
... Intro to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2011
at Amazon
Key Picture: Mechatronic System Components
... Tariq Samad and Anuradha Annaswamy,
... The Impact of Control Technology, 2011
... Part 2: Success Stories in Control
Report PDF, pages 101-148
... IEEE CSS Publication Digest
At IEEE CSS website
... IEEE Control Systems (Magazine)
At IEEExplore website
= from Control Experiments
臺大 電機系 大學部 自動控制實驗
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- . . . . . HW 06: Identify Control Elements
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm of 12/9, 2020 (Wed)
- --- Discussion on:
- . . . . . HW 05: Find Reseach Topics
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 主題,問題,方案的來源:
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 來自實驗室的資料
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 來自他人的說法
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 來自研究資源:網站,演講
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 來自一般性資源:網站,新聞,活動
- . . . . . 過程還是結果比較重要?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 疫情下「全球最安全國家」台灣輸中國 陳時中曝原因
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 「中國疫情控制比其他大國好!」
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 楊志良嘆:台灣感染人數少,未來情勢不樂觀
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 德13萬人確診列「安全國家」第2名 台排名竟輸給中韓
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 武漢肺炎》戴口罩到底有沒有用?名醫一張圖讓你看懂
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 2019冠狀病毒病何時結束?以動力學模型估算「疫情結束日」
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . Covid-19, Number of Days since the 100th Case
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . Covid-19, 感染數據圖
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
website (3/21, 2020)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
Statistics and Research (COVID-19)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
Trend Prediction (COVID-19)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
Statistical Transmission Model (COVID-19)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 口罩防疫100天 聽聽這些人買口罩的心酸
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 口罩地圖不精準 1.0版為德不卒
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 口罩地圖APP"數量落差大 便民美意打折?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
- - 檔案:
Intro to Feedback and Control
Week 10 (11/20/20)
- 本週討論主題:Find Research Topics
- Possible Directions, Resources, Topics:
= from daily life, natural behavior, etc.
= from general news, magazines, etc.
= from industry, company, etc.
= from laboratory research
= from research documents, such as papers, technical reports, etc.
- By Resources:
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
故宮南院400架無人機表演 8架墜落現場, 2020
台灣燈會無人機表演 48架遭訊號干擾摔落, 2020
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story: Chaning Clothes
Sponge Bob Cleaning
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
鋼鐵人醫生 逆轉人生
50 Great British Inventions
- By Topics:
- - Topics: General:
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 乳癌手術後之復健運動
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
at 6:06 of 術後七個動作 for 乳癌手術後之復健運動
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
機器人幫手 助乳癌復健
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 外骨骼機器人
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
鋼鐵人醫生 逆轉人生
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動穿鞋帶
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 無人機載具
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story: Chaning Clothes
Sponge Bob Cleaning
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動駕駛
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
台北市內湖區塞車亂象, 2016
霧霾致連環車禍, 2016
開車分心滑手機, 2017
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 05: Find Reseach Topics
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 搜尋研究主題,問題,方案
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 11pm of 11/25/20 (Wed)
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 04: ReadPaper
- 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
. . . . . . . . . . p.
Week 07 - Lecture 06 (10/30/20)
- 本週討論主題:Read Journal Paper and Summary
- Major Information
... Title
... Abstract
... Keywords
... Section Title
- Core Content
... Figures
... Experiments, Testing Scenarios, Data, Results
... Theory, Algorithm, Methodolgy
... Conclusion or Summary
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 04: Read Journal Paper and Summary
- -------------------- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
- -------------------- By 11pm of 11/4/20 (Wed)
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- HW 03: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
.............. 期刊論文的三個層級 p. 3
.............. Chapter 2: Read Paper: p. 18
.............. 論文架構: pp. 182, ...
.............. 論文所包含的重要元素: pp. 205, ...
.............. 文獻探討與資料整理: pp. 74-76
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Paper.pptx,
.............. 3-page Summary for one paper
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Research.pptx,
.............. Summary for Group of papers
- -
Week 06 - Lecture 05 (10/23/20)
- 本週討論主題:Paper Survey at IEEE Xplore Digital Library
- Keyword Search
... All
... Journal
... Conference
- Advanced Search
... in Title of Document, Publication,
... in Index Terms
... in Abstract
... in Authors
... Filters on Publisher, Content Type, Publication Year
- Find related papers
... by Title
... by Abstract
... Save PDF file
- Download files
... Print or Save the list of search results
... Download PDFs
... Export: Search Results/Citations
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 03: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- -------------------- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
- --- Discussion on:
- -------
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
.............. 檔案命名: pp. 137-139
.............. 論文列表: pp. 140-145
- -
Week 03 (Lecture 03) & Week 05 (Lecture 04) (9/25/20 & 10/16/20)
- 本週討論主題:
- 學術會議: CDC, ACC, ICRA, IROS, etc.
- --- 主題: 他們是誰?
- --- 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- --- 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- --- 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
- - International Conferences: CDC, ACC, ICRA, IROS, etc.
- - Local International Conferences: ASCC, ECC, ROBIO, ICIA, ICMA, SII
- - Asian Internatioinal Conferences of
CACS (Taiwan), SICE (Japan), ICROS (Korea), CAA (China)
- - History of CACS conferences
- 關鍵字:
- - Seminar, Talk, Speech, etc.
- - Workshop, Tutorial, Forum, etc.
- - Symposium, Conference, Congress, etc.
- - Proceedings (論文集): paper, CD-ROM, USB, etc.
- 參考資料:
- - 網站:Recent Conference Information
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx, pp. 156-158
- - 檔案:Automatic Control Conferences at Taiwan for 40 Years.pdf
- -
- -
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 01: Conference Speeches on Control and Robotics
- ------- HW 02: Familiar with Conferences on Control and Robotics
- --- Discussion on:
Week 02 (9/25/20)
- 本週討論主題:
- - 主題: 他們是誰?
- - 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- - 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- - 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 01: Conference Speeches on Control and Robotics
Week 01: (9/18/20)
- 課程進行事項:
- 學術活動:
- Research Discussions
- Seminars, Speeches, Talks
- Reading Papers
- Simulation
- Experiments
- 工作:
- Attend Research Discussions
- Write Reserch log during simulation/experiment
- Wtrite Weekly Report everyday
Old News in 108-2
- Special Lectures (updated on 8/7/15)
- Month/Day: progress report
- - On the result of experimental tests
- - On the paper reading of related topics
- 之後的討論主題
- - 主題: 他們是誰?
- - 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- - 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- - 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
- 學術活動:
(HW01, HW02)
- - Seminar, Talk, Speech, etc.
- - Workshop, Tutorial, Forum, etc.
- - Symposium, Conference, Congress, etc.
- 學術著作:
(HW03, HW04)
- - Journal Paper
- - Conference Paper
- - Article, etc.
- 控制研究課題:
(HW05, HW06)
- - Control vs Automation vs Intelligent
- - Control vs Robotics
- - Robotics vs Vehicle
- - Control vs Systems
- 研究數據整理:
- -
- 研究論文寫作:
- -
- 研究態度與倫理:
- - 假的論文審查?
- - 假的研究數據?
- - 論文作者的貢獻?
- - 假的論文出版社?
Week 09 之後 (4/28, 2020)
Google Hangouts Meet
1:30pm 開始進行討論。
如有更動,預計 1pm 左右,公告於此,同步公告至 FB,COOL。
Week 13 (5/26, 2020)
- 本週討論主題:論文寫作
- - Paper Title, Authors, Department, Journal Title, etc.
- - Abstract, at least 5 sentences.
- - Introduction, at least 2 paragraphs, 1 paragraph is the paper outline.
- - Literature Survey, at least 1 paragraph.
- - Experimental Results, at least 1 figure and 1 paragraph.
- - Conclusion, at least 1 paragraph.
- - References, at least 5 papers and used in Literature Survey.
Week 12 (5/19, 2020)
- 本週討論主題:學術倫理
- Resources:
- -
PPTX file, pages 202, 176-179, 160-175
- Bad News or Good News
(updated on 4/7/20)
- 研究數據?假的嗎?:
- -
台大醫學論文造假案 (11/6, 2016)
- -
教育部公布 臺大 郭明良團隊 學術倫理案審議結果 (3/30, 2017)
- -
如何有效地抑遏論文造假,以及其危害的蔓延? (8/6, 2018)
- -
- 論文文章?假的嗎?論文抄襲或引用?論文作者的貢獻?:
- -
【台大開會1.5小時結果出爐 不認定管中閔有論文抄襲行為 (1/26, 2018)
- -
【比一比】管中閔論文涉抄襲 文字、圖表與學生雷同 (1/25, 2018)
- -
從管中閔的「抄襲」風波,看學術倫理爭議中的幾個問題 (1/30, 2018)
- -
管中閔擔任獨董爭議、論文抄襲落幕?台大終於發聲明力挺 (1/26, 2018)
- -
- -
學術倫理案例及分析-抄襲-2020年5月研究誠信電子報(第38期, 2020-5-15)
- -
- 論文審查?假的嗎?:
- -
陳震遠論文審稿造假案 (7/xx, 2014)
- -
陳震遠論文假審查事件全整理 (8/xx, 2014)
- -
陳震遠案,記者不懂也不會告訴你的問題癥結 (7/14, 2014)
- -
論文掛名不知情?蔣偉寧為何下台? (7/14, 2014)
- -
107篇!中國醫界被曝最大論文造假 (4/25, 2017)
- -
- 論文出版社?假的嗎?:
- -
專拐讀書人:德國學界的「論文詐騙集團」 (9/11, 2018)
- -
當心學術詐騙 付錢就能出版論文 (5/24, 2013)
- -
虛構「副教授」發信求職,竟有48份期刊同意其當編輯 (3/29, 2017)
- -
- 蔡英文的博士論文?假的嗎?真的在哪裡?
- -
蔡英文總統博士論文 下載網址在這裡
- -
- -
- -
- -
蔡英文總統論文讀後感 (上)/我兩度赴倫敦政經學院借閱
- -
蔡英文總統論文讀後感 (中)/外殼燙金 內頁像傳真紙
- -
蔡英文總統論文讀後感 (下)/兩種編排有異 畢業35年收到
- -
【回應總統府蔡英文論文記者會】徐永泰博士 八問蔡總統
- -
上雙鎖的潘多拉盒子/蔡英文論文讀後感 II (上)
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上雙鎖的潘多拉盒子/蔡英文論文讀後感 II (中)
- -
上雙鎖的潘多拉盒子/蔡英文論文讀後感 II (下)
- -
- -
- -
倫敦政經學院1984年博士論文長這樣 林環牆PO照供聞香
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蔡英文論文非一本 府:哪本書不是一頁一頁完成?這是簡單常識
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- -
- -
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倫敦政經學院1984年博士論文長這樣 林環牆PO照供聞香
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網友採樣抽查蔡英文論文 原創度僅3成?
- -
主要參考書籍 (5/10, 2020)
Week 11: (5/12, 2020)
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 08: Write Paper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 格式,範本
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By noon of 5/25, 2020 (Mon)
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 07: Plot Reseach Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 參考的依據
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個論文?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 哪一個圖?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 使用的時機
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 論文中用?
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 簡報中用?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 顏色
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 大小粗細
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 文字
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 線條
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 資訊量,空間配置
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 清晰度,解析度
Week 10: (5/5/20)
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 07: Plot Research Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 數據,資訊,形式,大小,維度
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By noon of 5/11, 2020 (Mon)
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 06: Identify Control Elements
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Block Diagram
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Feedback
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Plant, Sensor, Actuator, Controller
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Diagram 是否完整?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何分析出 Block Diagram 的每一個元件?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 對照原本系統中,哪一個是哪一個?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 只有結果嗎?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 有沒有分析的過程嗎?
Week 09 (4/28, 2020)
Google Hangouts Meet
1:30pm 開始進行討論。
如有更動,預計 1pm 左右,公告於此,同步公告至 FB,COOL。
Week 09 (4/28, 2020)
- 本週討論主題:Identify Key Control Elements
- Resources:
- - 研究成果的控制核心與基本要素:
. . . 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
pages 50-53
- - 控制系統第一堂課:
. . . 檔案:
Intro to Feedback and Control
- Identify Control-Related Elements!
= from Control Textbooks
... Franklin, Powell, Emami-Naeini,
... Feedack Control of Dynamic Systems, 2014
at Amazon
Key Picture: Component Block Diagram
... Zak,
... Systems and Control, 2003
at Amazon
at Oxford Univ Press
Key Picture: Open Loop Closed Loop
... Bateson,
... Introduction to Control System Technology, 2002
at Pearson
... Hill,
... Intro to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2011
at Amazon
Key Picture: Mechatronic System Components
... Tariq Samad and Anuradha Annaswamy,
... The Impact of Control Technology, 2011
... Part 2: Success Stories in Control
Report PDF, pages 101-148
... IEEE CSS Publication Digest
At IEEE CSS website
... IEEE Control Systems (Magazine)
At IEEExplore website
= from Control Experiments
臺大 電機系 大學部 自動控制實驗
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- . . . . . HW 06: Identify Control Elements
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 研究主軸,控制核心,搜尋關鍵
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By noon of 5/4, 2020 (Mon)
- --- Discussion on:
- . . . . . HW 05: Find Reseach Topics
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 主題,問題,方案的來源:
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 來自實驗室的資料
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 來自他人的說法
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 來自研究資源:網站,演講
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 來自一般性資源:網站,新聞,活動
- . . . . . 過程還是結果比較重要?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 疫情下「全球最安全國家」台灣輸中國 陳時中曝原因
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 「中國疫情控制比其他大國好!」
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 楊志良嘆:台灣感染人數少,未來情勢不樂觀
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 德13萬人確診列「安全國家」第2名 台排名竟輸給中韓
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 武漢肺炎》戴口罩到底有沒有用?名醫一張圖讓你看懂
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 2019冠狀病毒病何時結束?以動力學模型估算「疫情結束日」
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . Covid-19, Number of Days since the 100th Case
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . Covid-19, 感染數據圖
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
website (3/21, 2020)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
Statistics and Research (COVID-19)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
Trend Predicition (COVID-19)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
Statistical Transmission Model (COVID-19)
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 口罩防疫100天 聽聽這些人買口罩的心酸
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 口罩地圖不精準 1.0版為德不卒
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . 口罩地圖APP"數量落差大 便民美意打折?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
- - 檔案:
Intro to Feedback and Control
Week 08 (4/21, 2020)
Week 07 (4/14/20)
- 本週討論主題:Find Research Topics
- Possible Directions, Resources, Topics:
= from daily life, natural behavior, etc.
= from general news, magazines, etc.
= from industry, company, etc.
= from laboratory research
= from research documents, such as papers, technical reports, etc.
- By Resources:
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story: Chaning Clothes
Sponge Bob Cleaning
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
鋼鐵人醫生 逆轉人生
50 Great British Inventions
- By Topics:
- - Topics: General:
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 乳癌手術後之復健運動
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
at 6:06 of 術後七個動作 for 乳癌手術後之復健運動
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
機器人幫手 助乳癌復健
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 乳癌手術後之復健運動
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
at 6:06 of 術後七個動作 for 乳癌手術後之復健運動
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
機器人幫手 助乳癌復健
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 外骨骼機器人
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
鋼鐵人醫生 逆轉人生
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動穿鞋帶
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 無人機載具
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story: Chaning Clothes
Sponge Bob Cleaning
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動駕駛
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
台北市內湖區塞車亂象, 2016
霧霾致連環車禍, 2016
開車分心滑手機, 2017
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
--- Newly Assigned:
. . . . . HW 05: Find Reseach Topics
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 搜尋研究主題,問題,方案
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By noon of 4/20/20 (Mon)
--- Discussion on:
. . . . . HW 04: ReadPaper
- 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
. . . . . . . . . . p.
Week 06 (4/7/20)
- 本週討論主題:Read Journal Paper and Summary
- Major Information
... Title
... Abstract
... Keywords
... Section Title
- Core Content
... Figures
... Experiments, Testing Scenarios, Data, Results
... Theory, Algorithm, Methodolgy
... Conclusion or Summary
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 04: Read Journal Paper and Summary
- -------------------- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
- -------------------- By noon of 4/13/20 (Mon)
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- HW 03: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
.............. Chapter 2: Read Paper: p. 17
.............. 論文架構: pp. 181, etc.
.............. 論文所包含的重要元素: pp. 202, etc.
.............. 文獻探討與資料整理: pp. 71-74
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Paper.pptx,
.............. 3-page Summary for one paper
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Research.pptx,
.............. Summary for Group of papers
- -
調整課程進行方式 (4/5/20) :
為了配合因為 COVID-19 疾病的影響,
- - 觀看線上影片:
- .......... 課程影片 每週二中午 之前上線,
- .......... 請至下面講義區點選對應課程連結。
- - 線上繳交作業:
- .......... 請於作業公告後,次週 週一中午 以前,
- .......... 上傳至 NTU-Cool 的作業區。
- .......... (不用 e-mail 繳交作業)
Week 06 (4/7/20)
- 本週討論主題:Read Journal Paper and Summary
- Major Information
... Title
... Abstract
... Keywords
... Section Title
- Core Content
... Figures
... Experiments, Testing Scenarios, Data, Results
... Theory, Algorithm, Methodolgy
... Conclusion or Summary
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 04: Read Journal Paper and Summary
- -------------------- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
- -------------------- By noon of 4/13/20 (Mon)
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- HW 03: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
.............. Chapter 2: Read Paper: p. 17
.............. 論文架構: pp. 181, etc.
.............. 論文所包含的重要元素: pp. 202, etc.
.............. 文獻探討與資料整理: pp. 71-74
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Paper.pptx,
.............. 3-page Summary for one paper
- -
- - 檔案:Summary-Research.pptx,
.............. Summary for Group of papers
- -
Week 05 (3/31/20)
- 本週討論主題:Paper Survey at IEEE Xplore Digital Library
- Keyword Search
... All
... Journal
... Conference
- Advanced Search
... in Title of Document, Publication,
... in Index Terms
... in Abstract
... in Authors
... Filters on Publisher, Content Type, Publication Year
- Find related papers
... by Title
... by Abstract
... Save PDF file
- Download files
... Print or Save the list of search results
... Download PDFs
... Export: Search Results/Citations
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 03: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- -------------------- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- HW 02: Familiar with Conferences on Control and Robotics
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx,
.............. 檔案命名: pp. 137-139
.............. 論文列表: pp. 140-145
- -
Week 03 & Week 04 (3/17/20 & 3/24/20)
- 本週討論主題:
- 學術會議: CDC, ACC, ICRA, IROS, etc.
- --- 主題: 他們是誰?
- --- 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- --- 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- --- 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
- - International Conferences: CDC, ACC, ICRA, IROS, etc.
- - Local International Conferences: ASCC, ECC, ROBIO, ICIA, ICMA, SII
- - Asian Internatioinal Conferences of
CACS (Taiwan), SICE (Japan), ICROS (Korea), CAA (China)
- - History of CACS conferences
- 關鍵字:
- - Seminar, Talk, Speech, etc.
- - Workshop, Tutorial, Forum, etc.
- - Symposium, Conference, Congress, etc.
- - Proceedings (論文集): paper, CD-ROM, USB, etc.
- 參考資料:
- - 網站:Recent Conference Information
- - 檔案:ThesisWriting_SOP.pptx, pp. 156-158
- - 檔案:Automatic Control Conferences at Taiwan for 40 Years.pdf
- -
- -
- 作業:
- --- Newly Assigned:
- ------- HW 02: Familiar with Conferences on Control and Robotics
- --- Discussion on:
- ------- HW 01: Conference Speeches on Control and Robotics
Week 02 (3/10/20)
- 本週討論主題:
- - 主題: 他們是誰?
- - 歷史: 他們怎麼形成的?
- - 功能: 他們要幹什麼?
- - 資源: 可以從他們獲得什麼?
Week 01: 3/3/20 討論主題
- 課程進行事項:
- 學術活動:
- Research Discussions
- Seminars, Speeches, Talks
- Reading Papers
- Simulation
- Experiments
- 工作:
- Attend Research Discussions
- Write Reserch log during simulation/experiment
- Wtrite Weekly Report everyday
- Homework: HW01 - Talks on Control and Robotics
- Lecture Time: 1:30pm-4:20pm, Tuesdays
- Lecture Room: EE-MD303
Old News in 107-1
- 待處理
- Seminar at NTU
(updated on 9/22/14)
- Special Lectures (updated on 8/7/15)
- Month/Day: progress report
- - On the result of experimental tests
- - On the paper reading of related topics
- Research Demonstration (updated on 9/5/13)
- 專題演講 與 研討會:
- - Dec 6-8, 2018, 台中 長榮桂冠酒店
- ----- The 15th International Conference on Automation Technology
- -----
- - Nov. 27, 2018, Tue, 11am, 台大 工綜 723
- ----- Dr. Hsien-Chung Lin (林顯仲), Fanuc-USA,
Embedding Intelligence into Robot Systems
------ Programming, Learning, and Planning
- -----
公告資料: 主題與摘要
- - Nov. 9, 2018, Fri, 3pm, 台大 綜合教學館701教室
- ----- Dr. Mircea Gradu, Chief Quality Officer - Velodyne LiDAR,
------ President and Chairman of the Board - SAE International
Driving Safety and Autonomy through Standardization,
Advanced Sensing Technologies and Efficient Big Data Analytics
- -----
公告資料: 主題與摘要
- - Nov 4-7, 2018, 桃園 中壢 南方莊園
- ----- CACS International Automatic Control Conference
- -----
- - Oct 23, 2018, 台大 應力所 一樓 國際會議廳
- ----- 台德美國際先進車輛工程技術論壇
- -----
- - Sep 20-21 (Thu-Fri), 2018, 台大 博理館 101
- ----- NTU-UIUC Forum: Smart Mobility, Autonomous & Connected Vehicles
- -----
- - 9/19, 2018, Wed, 1:30pm, 台大 工綜 B01
- ----- Prof. Geir E. Dullerud, UIUC, Automata-Switched Systems and Decentralized Control
- -----
公告資料: 主題與摘要
- - 9/19, 2018, Wed, 3:30pm, 台大 明達 205
- ----- Prof. Naira Hovakimyan, UIUC, L1 Adaptive Control and Its Transition to Practice
- -----
公告資料: 主題與摘要
- Schedule (updated on 12/25/18)
- Week 16: 12/25/18:
- - Write Paper
- - HW 08: Analyze Data and Write Paper
- Week 15: 12/18/18:
- - Programs and Functions for Plotting Data
- Week 14: 12/11/18:
- - Data in paper
- - HW 07: Plot Research Data
- Week 13: 12/4/18:
- - Read Paper
- Week 12: 11/27/18:
- - Read Paper
- - HW 06: Read Journal Paper and Summary
- Week 11: 11/20/18:
- - Paper Survey, From Keywords to Research Diagram
- Week 10: 11/13/18:
- - Identify Control-Related Elements, Paper Survey
- - HW 05: Survey at IEEE Digital Library
- Week 9: 11/6/18:
- - Midterm Week
- Week 8: 10/30/18:
- - What is your research topics?, Identify Control-Related Elements
- - HW 04: Identify Control-Elements in Research Topics
- Week 7: 10/23/18:
- - 台德美國際先進車輛工程技術論壇
- Week 6: 10/16/18:
- - Find research topics, Topics: 乳癌手術後之復健運動, Submit paper to conference / journal, 獲得學位之規定與需要繳交之文件
- Week 5: 10/9/18:
- - Find research topics, Topics: 乳癌手術後之復健運動, 外骨骼機器人, 自動穿鞋帶, 無人機載具, 自動駕駛, Submit paper to conference / journal
- - HW 03: RFind Research Topics
- Week 4: 10/2/18:
- - Proceedings (論文集): paper, CD-ROM, USB, etc.,
- Local International Conferences, Asian Internatioinal Conferences, History of CACS conferences
- Week 3: 9/25/18:
- - 學術機構, 學術活動
- - HW 02: Familiar with Conferences on Control and Robotics
- Week 2: 9/18/18:
- - 控制課題, Bad News or Good News, 學術機構, 學術活動, 學術刊物, 第一階段的研究工作
- Week 1: 9/11/18:
- - 課程網頁上的資料, 課程簡介, 控制議題文件(較科普的文章):
- - HW 01: Talks on Control and Robotics
- Week 16: 12/25/18 討論主題 (updated on 12/25/18)
- 作業:
- - HW 08
- - Discussion on your HW 07
HW 08 (updated on 12/25/18)
- Topics: Analyze Data and Write Paper
- Assigned on 12/25, 2018 (Tue)
- Due on noon, 1/6, 2019 (Sun)
Week 15: 12/18/18 討論主題 (updated on 12/18/18)
- HW 07
- Discussion on your HW 06
Sample slides of HW 06
HW 07 (updated on 12/11/18)
- Topics: Plot Research Data
- Assigned on 12/11, 2018 (Tue)
- Due on noon, 12/23, 2018 (Sun)
Week 14: 12/11/18 討論主題 (updated on 12/11/18)
- HW 07
- Discussion on your HW 06
Sample slides of HW 06
Week 13: 12/4/18 討論主題 (updated on 12/4/18)
- 學術活動:
- Read Paper:
= Major Information:
... Title
... Abstract
... Keywords
... Section Title
= Core Content:
... Figures
... Experiments, Testing Scenarios, Data, Results
... Theory, Algorithm, Methodolgy
... Conclusion or Summary
- Summary:
= Summary for one paper:
PPTX file
= Summary for a group of papers:
PPTX file
- 參考資料:
- - Chapter 2: Read Paper
PPTX file, page 17
- - 論文架構
PPTX file, pages 129-130
- - 一篇論文中所需要包含的重要元素
PPTX file, pages 150-157
- - 文獻探討與資料整理
PPTX file, pages 66-68
- - 文獻資料列表
PPTX file, pages 89-94
- - 研究成果的控制核心與基本要素:
PPTX file, pages 49-54
- HW 06
HW 06 (updated on 11/27/18)
- Topics: Read Journal Paper and Summary
- Assigned on 11/27, 2018 (Tue)
- Due on noon, 12/9, 2018 (Sun)
Week 12: 11/27/18 討論主題 (updated on 11/26/18)
- 學術活動:
- Read Paper:
= Major Information:
... Title
... Abstract
... Keywords
... Section Title
= Core Content:
... Figures
... Experiments, Testing Scenarios, Data, Results
... Theory, Algorithm, Methodolgy
... Conclusion or Summary
- Summary:
= Summary for one paper:
PPTX file
= Summary for a group of papers:
PPTX file
- 參考資料:
- - Chapter 2: Read Paper
PPTX file, page 17
- - 論文架構
PPTX file, pages 129-130
- - 一篇論文中所需要包含的重要元素
PPTX file, pages 150-157
- - 文獻探討與資料整理
PPTX file, pages 66-68
- - 文獻資料列表
PPTX file, pages 89-94
- - 研究成果的控制核心與基本要素:
PPTX file, pages 49-54
- HW 06
- Discussion on your HW 05
Sample slides of HW 05
Week 11: 11/20/18 討論主題 (updated on 11/20/18)
- 學術活動:
- Paper Survey:
= at IEEE Xplore Digital Library
= Keyword Search
... All
... Journal
... Conference
= Advanced Search
... in Title of Document, Publication,
... in Index Terms
... in Abstract
... in Authors
... Filters on Publisher, Content Type, Publication Year
= Find related papers
... by Title
... by Abstract
... Save PDF file
= Download files
... Print or Save the list of search results
... Download PDFs
... Export: Search Results/Citations
- 檔案整理與檔案命名:
- From Keywords to Research Diagram:
= Keywords, Index Terms
= Data Visualization
... Schematic Diagram of the Research Methodology
... Mind Graph
... Relationship/Connection Graph
- 近期研討會:
- - Dec 6-8, 2018, 台中 長榮桂冠酒店
----- The 15th International Conference on Automation Technology
- -----
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案整理與檔案命名:
PPTX file, pages 82-94
- - 研究成果的控制核心與基本要素:
PPTX file, pages 49-54
- HW 05
- 搜尋論文資料過程與結果整理
HW 05 (updated on 11/13/18)
- Topics: Servey at IEEE Digital Library
- Assigned on 11/13, 2018 (Tue)
- Due on noon, 11/25, 2018 (Sun)
Week 10: 11/13/18 討論主題 (updated on 11/11/18)
- 學術活動:
- Identify Control-Related Elements!
= from Control Textbooks
... Franklin, Powell, Emami-Naeini,
... Feedack Control of Dynamic Systems, 2014
at Amazon
Key Picture: Component Block Diagram
... Zak,
... Systems and Control, 2003
at Amazon
at Oxford Univ Press
Key Picture: Open Loop Closed Loop
... Bateson,
... Introduction to Control System Technology, 2002
at Pearson
... Hill,
... Intro to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2011
at Amazon
Key Picture: Mechatronic System Components
... Tariq Samad and Anuradha Annaswamy,
... The Impact of Control Technology, 2011
... Part 2: Success Stories in Control
Report PDF, pages 101-148
- 檔案整理與檔案命名:
- Paper Survey:
= at IEEE Xplore Digital Library
= Keyword Search
... All
... Journal
... Conference
= Advanced Search
... in Title of Document, Publication,
... in Index Terms
... in Abstract
... in Authors
... Filters on Publisher, Content Type, Publication Year
= Find related papers
... by Title
... by Abstract
... Save PDF file
- 近期研討會:
- - Dec 6-8, 2018, 台中 長榮桂冠酒店
----- The 15th International Conference on Automation Technology
- -----
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案整理與檔案命名:
PPTX file, pages 82-94
- - 研究成果的控制核心與基本要素:
PPTX file, pages 49-54
- HW 05
- Discussion on your HW 04
Sample slides of HW 04
Week 09: 11/06/18 討論主題 (updated on 10/30/18)
Week 08: 10/30/18 討論主題 (updated on 10/28/18)
- 學術活動:
- What is your research topics?
= from daily life, natural behavior, etc.
= from general news, magazines, etc.
= from industry, company, etc.
= from laboratory research
= from research documents, such as papers, technical reports, etc.
- Identify Control-Related Elements!
= from Control Textbooks
... Franklin, Powell, Emami-Naeini,
... Feedack Control of Dynamic Systems, 2014
at Amazon
Key Picture: Component Block Diagram
... Zak,
... Systems and Control, 2003
at Amazon
at Oxford Univ Press
Key Picture: Open Loop Closed Loop
... Bateson,
... Introduction to Control System Technology, 2002
at Pearson
... Hill,
... Intro to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 2011
at Amazon
Key Picture: Mechatronic System Components
... Tariq Samad and Anuradha Annaswamy,
... The Impact of Control Technology, 2011
... Part 2: Success Stories in Control
Report PDF, pages 101-148
= from Control Experiments
臺大 電機系 大學部 自動控制實驗
- 檔案整理與檔案命名:
- 近期研討會:
- - Nov 4-7, 2018, 桃園 中壢 南方莊園
----- CACS International Automatic Control Conference
- -----
- - Dec 6-8, 2018, 台中 長榮桂冠酒店
----- The 15th International Conference on Automation Technology
- -----
- 參考資料:
- - 檔案整理與檔案命名:
PPTX file, pages 82-94
- - 研究成果的控制核心與基本要素:
PPTX file, pages 49-54
- HW 04
- Discussion on your HW 03
Sample slides of HW 03
HW 04 (updated on 10/30/18)
- Topics: Identify Control-Elements in Research Topics
- Assigned on 10/30, 2018 (Tue)
- Due on noon, 11/11, 2018 (Sun)
Week 07: 10/23/18 討論主題 (updated on 10/15/18)
- Subject: 台德美國際先進車輛工程技術論壇
- Date: Oct 23, 2018, 9am-4:30pm
- Room: 台大 應力所 一樓 國際會議廳
- -----
Week 06: 10/16/18 討論主題 (updated on 10/15/18)
- 學術活動:
- Find research topics
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 乳癌手術後之復健運動
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
at 6:06 of 術後七個動作 for 乳癌手術後之復健運動
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
50肩 症狀
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
機器人幫手 助乳癌復健
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- Submit paper to conference / journal
= submission site
= procedure
= manuscript template
- 獲得學位之規定與需要繳交之文件
電機系碩博士班 - 學生事務,表格資源
= 國立臺灣大學研究所博士暨碩士學位考試規則
... ...
... ...
= 國立臺灣大學碩、博士學位論文格式規範
... ...
... ...
= 學位論文封面
... ...
範例 -演進
... ...
範例 - NG
- 近期研討會:
- - Oct 23, 2018, 台大 應力所 一樓 國際會議廳
----- 台德美國際先進車輛工程技術論壇
- -----
- - Nov 4-7, 2018, 桃園 中壢 南方莊園
----- CACS International Automatic Control Conference
- -----
- - Dec 6-8, 2018, 台中 長榮桂冠酒店
----- The 15th International Conference on Automation Technology
- -----
- 參考資料:
- - 一篇論文包含的重要元素:
PPTX file, pages 148-159
- HW 03
- Discussion on your HW 2,
Suggestions on your HW 02
Sample slides of HW 02
HW 03 (updated on 10/9/18)
- Topics: Find Research Topics
- Assigned on 10/9, 2018 (Tue)
- Due on noon, 10/21, 2018 (Sun)
Week 05: 10/9/18 討論主題 (updated on 10/10/18)
- 學術活動:
- Find research topics
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
50 Great British Inventions
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 乳癌手術後之復健運動
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
at 6:06 of 術後七個動作 for 乳癌手術後之復健運動
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
機器人幫手 助乳癌復健
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 外骨骼機器人
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
鋼鐵人醫生 逆轉人生
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動穿鞋帶
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 無人機載具
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- - Topics: 自動駕駛
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
台北市內湖區塞車亂象, 2016
霧霾致連環車禍, 2016
開車分心滑手機, 2017
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Submit paper to conference
= submission site
= procedure
= manuscript template
- - Submit paper to journal
= submission site
= procedure
= manuscript template
- 近期研討會:
- - Oct 23, 2018, 台大 應力所 一樓 國際會議廳
----- 台德美國際先進車輛工程技術論壇
- -----
- - Nov 4-7, 2018, 桃園 中壢 南方莊園
----- CACS International Automatic Control Conference
- -----
- - Dec 6-8, 2018, 台中 長榮桂冠酒店
----- The 15th International Conference on Automation Technology
- -----
- 參考資料:
- - 一篇論文包含的重要元素:
PPTX file, pages 148-159
- HW 03
- Discussion on your HW 2,
Suggestions on your HW 02
Sample slides of HW 02
Week 05: 10/9/18 討論主題 (updated on 10/7/18)
- 學術活動:
- - Find research topics
= from people, e.g., advisors, scholars
= from demonstration, e.g., exhibition, show
at 10:55 of vijay_kumar_robots_that_fly_and_cooperate, 2012
四軸飛行器驚人的運動能力, Raffaello D'Andrea, 2013
所羅門 推出全球第一台自動穿鞋帶機, 2016
緣圓 – 給身障朋友一個「站」(鋼鐵醫生許超彥的故事), 2015
特斯拉眼中的世界, 2018
Paris streets in the eyes of Tesla Autopilot, 2018
How a driverless car sees the road by Chris Urmson, 2015
Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets, 2014
= from observation, e.g., daily life, natural behavior
加硫橡膠的發明 -- Goodyear
Birds huddle on power lines
Honey Bee Swarms
Attacking a bee hive
Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
不管你有幾隻手 人生都得靠自己 - 范弘昊 2016總統教育獎得主
鋼鐵人醫生 逆轉人生
50 Great British Inventions
- - Submit paper to conference
= submission site
= procedure
= manuscript template
- - Submit paper to journal
= submission site
= procedure
= manuscript template
- 近期研討會:
- - Oct 23, 2018, 台大 應力所 一樓 國際會議廳
----- 台德美國際先進車輛工程技術論壇
- -----
- - Nov 4-7, 2018, 桃園 中壢 南方莊園
----- CACS International Automatic Control Conference
- -----
- - Dec 6-8, 2018, 台中 長榮桂冠酒店
----- The 15th International Conference on Automation Technology
- -----
- 參考資料:
- - 一篇論文包含的重要元素:
PPTX file, pages 148-159
- HW 03
- Discussion on your HW 2,
Suggestions on your HW 02
Sample slides of HW 02
HW 03 (updated on 10/9/18)
- Topics: Find Research Topics
- Assigned on 10/9, 2018 (Tue)
- Due on noon, 10/21, 2018 (Sun)
Week 04: 10/2/18 討論主題 (updated on 10/2/18)
- 學術活動:
- - Proceedings (論文集): paper, CD-ROM, USB, etc.
- - Local International Conferences:
- - Asian Internatioinal Conferences of
CACS (Taiwan), SICE (Japan), ICROS (Korea), CAA (China)
- - History of CACS conferences
- 近期研討會:
- - Nov 4-7, 2018, 桃園 中壢 南方莊園
----- CACS International Automatic Control Conference
- -----
- - Dec 6-8, 2018, 台中 長榮桂冠酒店
----- The 15th International Conference on Automation Technology
- -----
- 參考資料:
- - 第一階段的研究工作:
PPTX file, pages 14-29
- - 報告投影片範例:
PPTX file, pages 106-114
- HW 02
HW 02 (updated on 9/25/18)
- Topics: Familiar with Conferences on Control and Robotics
- Assigned on 9/25, 2018 (Tue)
- Due on noon, 10/7, 2018 (Sun)
Week 03: 9/25/18 討論主題 (updated on 9/23/18)
- 學術機構:
- 學術活動:
- - All the information in one Conference
- - All kinds of Control and Robotics-related Conferences
- 近期研討會: none -
- 參考資料:
- - 第一階段的研究工作:
PPTX file, pages 14-29
- - 報告投影片範例:
PPTX file, pages 106-114
- Discussion on your HW 1,
Suggestions on your HW 01
Sample slides of HW 01
- HW 02
Bad News or Good News
(updated on 9/14/18)
- 假的論文審查?:
- -
陳震遠論文審稿造假案 (7/xx, 2014)
- -
陳震遠論文假審查事件全整理 (8/xx, 2014)
- -
陳震遠案,記者不懂也不會告訴你的問題癥結 (7/14, 2014)
- -
論文掛名不知情?蔣偉寧為何下台? (7/14, 2014)
- -
107篇!中國醫界被曝最大論文造假 (4/25, 2017)
- -
- 假的研究數據?:
- -
台大醫學論文造假案 (11/6, 2016)
- -
教育部公布 臺大 郭明良團隊 學術倫理案審議結果 (3/30, 2017)
- -
如何有效地抑遏論文造假,以及其危害的蔓延? (8/6, 2018)
- -
- 論文作者的貢獻?:
- -
【台大開會1.5小時結果出爐 不認定管中閔有論文抄襲行為 (1/26, 2018)
- -
【比一比】管中閔論文涉抄襲 文字、圖表與學生雷同 (1/25, 2018)
- -
從管中閔的「抄襲」風波,看學術倫理爭議中的幾個問題 (1/30, 2018)
- -
管中閔擔任獨董爭議、論文抄襲落幕?台大終於發聲明力挺 (1/26, 2018)
- -
- 假的論文出版社?:
- -
專拐讀書人:德國學界的「論文詐騙集團」 (9/11, 2018)
- -
當心學術詐騙 付錢就能出版論文 (5/24, 2013)
- -
虛構「副教授」發信求職,竟有48份期刊同意其當編輯 (3/29, 2017)
- -
Week 02: 9/18/18 討論主題 (updated on 9/18/18)
- 控制課題:
- - Control vs Automation vs Intelligent
- - Control vs Robotics
- - Robotics vs Vehicle
- - Control vs Systems
- Bad News or Good News:
- - 假的論文審查?
- - 假的研究數據?
- - 論文作者的貢獻?
- - 假的論文出版社?
- 學術機構:
- 學術活動:
- - Seminar, Talk, Speech, etc.
- - Workshop, Tutorial, Forum, etc.
- - Symposium, Conference, Congress, etc.
- 學術刊物:
- - Journal Paper, Conference Paper, Article, etc.
- 第一階段的研究工作:
- - Thesis Writing SOP at NCSLab:
PPTX file
, pages 14-29
近期研討會: NTU-UIUC Forum - 議程與註冊 -
作業: HW 01
研討會:NTU-UIUC Forum (updated on 9/11/18)
- 主題:Smart Mobility, Autonomous & Connected Vehicles
- 日期:Sep 20-21 (Thu-Fri), 2018
- 地點:博理館 101
- 議程與註冊:
- 主辦:李綱教授(臺大機械系)
- 演講:Prof. Geir E. Dullerud, UIUC
- - Title: Automata-Switched Systems and Decentralized Control
- - Time: 9/19, Wed, 1:30pm
- - Rooom: 工綜 B01
- - 主持人: 林峻永教授(臺大機械系)
- - 公告資料:
演講:Prof. Naira Hovakimyan, UIUC
- Title: L1 Adaptive Control and Its Transition to Practice
- Time: 9/19, Wed, 3:30pm
- Rooom: 明達 205
- 主持人: 連豊力教授/李綱教授(臺大電機系/機械系)
- 公告資料:
HW 01 (updated on 9/11/18)
- Topics: Talks on Control and Robotics
- Assigned on 9/11, 2018 (Tue)
- Due on noon, 9/23, 2018 (Sun)
Week 01: 9/11/18 討論主題 (updated on 9/12/18)
- 課程網頁上的資料
- 課程簡介:
- 控制議題文件(較科普的文章):
2011: The Impact of Control Technology,
Overview, Success Stories, and Research Challenges
- -
- -
Report: (246 pages, 34.65 MB, PDF file)
2002: Control in an Information Rich World,
Report of the Panel on Future Directions
in Control, Dynamics, and Systems.
- -
- -
Report: (112 pages, 2.93 MB, PDF file)
- -
ToC at SIAM Website
- -
Short Summary in IEEE CSM, pp. 20-33, April 2003
2001: Control Theory: Twenty-Five Seminal Papers (1932-1981),
- -
List of Papers
- -
Table of Contents
Old News in 104-1
- Future Lectures (updated on 10/25/15)
- Do and Submit Homeworks
- - HW1 to HW8:
- Homework 8 (updated on 10/23/15)
Re-fine and re-edit your HW6 on analyzing the GPS data using Matlab.
Try to describe the detail of your processing data.
When you have any result and conclusion,
please show the reasons or theorem or proof.
When you have problems or difficulties,
please show some examples of these problems/difficulties.
On your plots, put as many descriptions as possible.
- Use
the PPTX format to write your own result
on the tasks/codes/jobs you did the analysis and
and the detailed description of your data/plots/explanation.
E-mail the report to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by 5pm, 10/29 (Thu)
- Homework 7 (updated on 10/12/15)
Please go to the following conferece websites
to find the required information for the following questions.
- Conferences:
- The 2015 American Control Conference
July 1–3, Chicago, IL, USA
- The 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
December 15-18, 2015, Osaka, Japan
- The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
May 26-30, 2015, Seattle, WA, USA
- The 2015 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
June 28 - July 1, 2015 - Seoul, Korea
- The 10th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems
May 5-7, 2014 - Toulouse, France
- Questions:
- For each conference,
find all the plenary/keynote speeches.
List these titles, speaker's names of each conference.
- For each conference,
find the rough number of regular parallel sessions at the same time.
- For each conference,
identify one session which interests you most!
Write the session title and the titles of these 5/6 papers in the session.
- For each conference,
identify locations and dates of current and the last two conferences.
For example, make a table to list the locations and dates of
ACC 2015, ACC 2014, ACC 2013.
- Report:
- Use
the PPTX format to write your own result
on the tasks/codes/jobs you did the analysis and
and the detailed description of your data/plots/explanation.
E-mail the report to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by 5pm, 10/22 (Thu).
- Homework 6 (updated on 9/25/15)
Analyze and plot the GPS data using Matlab.
Put as many descriptions as possible on your plots.
Discuss with your classmates at least twice:
- - At your first meeting,
- ... discuss the data format and possible methods/funcitons
- ... to analyze/plot the data.
- - At your second meeting,
- ... discuss your preliminary plots and
- ... exchange experience/idea/suggestion.
- Use
the PPTX format to write your own result
on the tasks/codes/jobs you did the analysis and
and the detailed description of your data/plots/explanation.
E-mail the report to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by 5pm, 10/1 (Thu), Changed to 10/16 (Fri)
- Homework 5 (updated on 9/25/15)
- Choose 1 IEEE journal papers.
- Read the IEEE paper.
- Use
the 3-page PPTX format
to summarize the IEEE paper.
E-mail the summary to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by 5pm, 10/1 (Thu).
- Homework 4 (updated on 8/28/15)
- Please go to the website of IEEE Xplore Database
- - Search for some papers and identify 10 papers
Write a summary of
how and why you choose these 10 papers,
such as,
the keywords you used,
the important information to judge,
the steps to finalize the list of these 10 papers.
E-mail the summary (in PPTX format)
to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by 9/12/15 (Sat).
Homework 3 (updated on 8/28/15)
- Try to decide the research topics of Autonomous Vehicles or Other Areas.
- Try to identify the sensors, problems, and/or goals.
- You can first use these topics as the keywords to survey related papers.
- Then, write down your thoughts.
E-mail the summary (in PPTX format)
to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by 9/5/15 (Sat).
Homework 2 (updated on 8/21/15)
- Pick up some topics which you are interested in
and have been researched in our lab.
- Then, go to the Internet to search for some documents, images, videos,
that can help you understand the topics you selected.
Write a summary of your survey and study, including:
such as,
the titles or keywords of these topics,
what information did you find,
where did you find these informaiton, website, news, etc
what do you want to do for these topics?
E-mail the summary (in PPTX format)
to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by 12noon, 8/27/15 (Thu).
Homework 1 (updated on 8/7/15)
Special Events (updated on 12/31/14)
- 8/7: Regular Discussion at MD325
- -
- 8/20 (Thu): Submit 1st Homework
- - Use PPTX to summarize the 2 talks
- - e-mail the PPTX file by 12noon, 8/20 (Thu)
- -
- 8/21: Regular Discussion at MD325
- -
- 8/27 (Thu): Submit 2nd Homework
- - Use PPTX to summarize the information of some interesting topics
- - e-mail the PPTX file by 12noon, 8/27 (Thu)
- -
- 8/28: Regular Discussion at MD325
- -
- 9/25: Regular Discussion on Fridays, 9am at MD325
- -
- 10/22 (Thu): Submit 7th Homework
- - HW5: Use PPTX to summarize the 1 paper
- - HW7: Use PPTX to summarize your report of related conferences
- - e-mail the PPTX file by 5pm, 10/22 (Thu)
- -
- 10/1 (Thu): Submit 5th and 6th Homeworks
- - HW5: Use PPTX to summarize the 1 paper
- - HW6: Use PPTX to summarize your analysis of the GPS data
- - e-mail the PPTX file by 5pm, 10/1 (Thu), changed to 10/16 (Fri)
- -
- 10/29 (Thu): Submit 8th Homework
- - HW8: Re-fine and Re-edit your HW6
- and Use PPTX to summarize the result
- - e-mail the PPTX file by 5pm, 10/29 (Thu)
- -
Month/Day: progress report
- On the result of experimental tests
- On the paper reading of related topics
Old News in 103-1
- Seminar at NTU
(updated on 9/22/14)
- Homework 5 (updated on 10/27/14)
- Read one journal paper.
- Follow the guideline in the SOP slides of
"Chapter 2: Read Paper". and
"Chapter 6: Prepare Your First Presentation"
- Use PPT to edit the key content discussed in the paper.
- E-mail the paper PDF to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 11/2.
- E-mail your PPTX to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 11/9.
- Homework 4 (updated on 10/13/14)
- Choose 3 journal papers.
- Read these 3 papers.
- Use the 3-page PPT format to summarize these 3 papers.
- E-mail the summary to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 10/26.
- Homework 3 (updated on 10/6/14)
- Please go to the website of IEEE Xplore Database
- - Search for some papers and identify 10 papers
- OR, Please go to the website of the NTU Library
- - Find 電子資源/資料庫
- - Find Engineering Village
- - Search for some papers
- - Find IEEE Xplore Database (old IEEE/IEE Electronic Library)
- - Search for some papers and identify 10 papers
Write a summary of
how and why you choose these 10 papers,
such as,
the keywords you used,
the important information to judge,
the steps to finalize the list of these 10 papers.
E-mail the summary (in PPTx format)
to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 10/12.
Homework 2 (updated on 10/6/14)
- (B) Please watch the talk
- at 2013 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control
- on
Signal Processing via Sampled-Data Control
- - - A Challenge to Go Beyond Shannon
- by
Yutaka Yamamoto
(Kyoto University, Japan)
- > Video:
Lecture Link
- > Host:
Prof. Mathukumalli Vidyasagar
(General Chair of MSC 2013)
Write a summary
of the talk and your thoughts in PPTx format
and e-mail the summary to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 10/5/14
Homework 1 (updated on 9/22/14)
Special Events (updated on 12/31/14)
- 1/9 (Fri): Submit Final Report
- - Use PPTX to summarize the work done in this semester
- - e-mail the PPTX file by 1/9 (Fri)
- 12/29: Student Presentation at MD303
- - 黃建豪 王昱凱 曹維雨 江怡澤
- 12/22: Student Presentation at MD303
- - 麥禮聰 賴柏任 陳昱廷 張仲霆
- 12/15: Student Presentation at MD303
- - 黃建豪 王昱凱 曹維雨 江怡澤
- 12/8: Student Presentation at MD303
- - 麥禮聰 賴柏任 陳昱廷 張仲霆
- 12/1: No Class (Take a break)
- -
- 11/24: Regular Discussion at MD303
- -
- 11/17: 專題演講: 2:20pm-4pm, 工綜203
- - Professor Hedrick
- - Nonlinear Control, with Applications to Automotive Control Systems
- 11/3: 專題演講: 2:30pm-4pm, 臺大集思國際會議廳
- - Professor Kleinrock
- - The Internet History and a View of its Future
- 10/20: 機械所演講: 2:20pm, 工綜203
- - 葉廷仁-新型個人載具之機電整合與控制
- 09/29: 停課一次
- - 參加臺大教發中心-教學科技論壇-資訊世代下的高等教育
- Month/Day: progress report
- - On the result of experimental tests
- - On the paper reading of related topics
Speech on Dec 24, 2014
(updated on 11/17/14)
Signaling for Decentralized Routing in a Queueing Network
歐陽奕 (Yi Ouyang; Ph.D. Candidate),
- EECS, Univ of Michigan
- Date: Dec 24, 2014, (Wed)
- Time: 3:30pm,
- Room: EE2-229 NTU
Speech on Dec 22, 2014
(updated on 12/22/14)
廖弘源 特聘研究員
- 中研院 資訊科學所
- Date: Dec 22, 2014, (Mon)
- Time: 4:30pm,
- Room: 博理館113
Speech on Dec 15, 2014
(updated on 9/15/14)
- 國立交通大學 電機系
- Date: Dec 15, 2014, (Mon)
- Time: 4:30pm,
- Room: 博理館113
Workshop on Fuzzy Control Nov 30, 2014
(updated on 9/22/14)
Workshop on Fuzzy Control,
Workshop Website
Time: 11/30/14, (Sunday) 13:50~17:10
Location: RB 102, NTUST (Taiwan Tech)
- Keynote Speeches:
Dr. Kazuo Tanaka,
- -
FIEEE, Professor,
- -
Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems,
- -
University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Peng Shi,
- - Professor,
- -
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
- -
University of Adelaide, Australia
Dr. Hak Keung Lam,
- - Reader,
- -
Department of Informatics,
- -
King's College London, United Kingdom
Conference: CACS on Nov 26-28, 2014
(updated on 9/22/14)
2014 CACS International Automatic Control Conference,
Conference: iFuzzy on Nov 26-28, 2014
(updated on 9/22/14)
2014 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications,
Time: 11/26 (Wed) - 11/28 (Fri), 2014,
Location: The Ambassador Hotel, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Keynote Speeches:
Prof. Jun Wang,
- -
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
- -
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Prof. Ren C. Luo
- -
Department of Electrical Engineering,
- -
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Prof. Toshio Fukuda,
- -
Department of Micro-Nano Systems Engineering,
- -
Nagoya University, Japan
Prof. Jwu-Sheng Hu,
- -
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
- -
National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
Speech on Nov 24, 2014
(updated on 11/17/14)
Cerebellar Model Neural Networks and their Applications
on Control, Signal Processing, and Image Classification
- 元智大學 電機系
- Date: Nov 24, 2014, (Mon)
- Time: 4:30pm,
- Room: 博理館113
Speech on Nov 17, 2014
(updated on 10/27/14)
Nonlinear Control, with Applications to Automotive Control Systems
Professor J Karl Hedrick
- UC Berkeley, ME
- Date: Nov 17, 2014,
- Time: 2:20pm,
- Room: 工綜203
Speech on Nov 10, 2014
(updated on 9/15/14)
- 國立政治大學 資訊科學系
- Date: Nov 10, 2014,
- Time: 4:30pm,
- Room: 博理館113
Speech on Nov 3, 2014
(updated on 10/27/14)
The Internet History and a View of its Future
Professor Leonard Kleinrock
- UCLA, Computer Science
- Date: Nov 3, 2014,
- Time: 2:30pm-4pm
- Room: 臺大集思國際會議廳
Speech on Oct 27, 2014 (不去參與,在MD303上課)
(updated on 10/13/14)
- 中正大學 機械系
- Date: Oct 27, 2014,
- Time: 2:20pm,
- Room: 工綜203
Speech on Oct 20, 2014
(updated on 10/6/14)
- 清華大學 動機系
- Date: Oct 20, 2014,
- Time: 2:20pm,
- Room: 工綜203
Speech on Sep 15, 2014
(updated on 9/15/14)
Learning control: Idea and problems in adaptive fuzzy control
- 國立台灣科技大學 電機系
- Date: Sep 15, 2014,
- Time: 4:30pm,
- Room: 博理館113
Old News in 102-1
- Future Lectures (updated on 10/28/13, 11/22/13, 12/16/13)
- 11/4: no lecture (midterm exam week)
- 11/11: progress report
- - On the result of exprerimental tests
- - On the paper reading of related topics
- 11/18: no lecture (Seminar on Automated Bus)
- 11/25: progress report
- - On the result of exprerimental tests
- - On the paper reading of related topics
- 12/2: no lecture (CACS conference, Seminar on Personalized Medicine)
- 12/9: no lecture
- 12/16: progress report and seminar
- - On the result of exprerimental tests
- - On the paper reading of related topics
- - Seminar on Mechatronics and Controls
- 12/23: no lecture
- 12/30: progress report
- - On the result of exprerimental tests
- - On the paper reading of related topics
- 1/17: Submit Final Report
- - Use PPT to summarize the work done in this semester
- - e-mail the PPT file by 1/17 (Fri)
- Seminar: Mechatronics and Controls on Dec 16, 2013
(updated on 12/16/13)
Overview of Pedagogy and Research
in Mechatronics and Controls
Dr. Tsu-Chin Tsao
University of California, Los Angeles, California
- Date: Dec 16, 2013, Time: 2:20pm, Room: 工綜734
- Conference: iFuzzy on Dec 6-8, 2013
(updated on 9/27/13)
2013 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications
Conference Website
- Keynote Speeches:
- -
- 1.
Collaboration and Synergy in Fuzzy System Modeling
- 1. Prof. Witold Pedrycz
- 1. Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ of Alberta
- -
- 2.
Computational Intelligent Brain-Machine-Body Interface
- for Natural Cognition
- 2. Prof. Chin-Teng Lin
- 2. Dept of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao Tung Univ
- -
- 3.
Fusing Inconsistent (Even Contradictory) Information
- and Behavior Change
- 3. Prof. Eugene Santos Jr.
- 3. Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College
- -
- 4.
2B OR NOT 2B: the case of transitivity (Abstract)
- 4. Prof. Bernard De Baets
- 4. Ghent University
- Conference: CACS on Dec 2-4, 2013
(updated on 9/27/13)
- Seminar: Personalized Medicine on Dec 2, 2013
(updated on 11/24/13)
FSC Based Personalized Medicine
Dr. Chih-Ming Ho (何志明院士)
University of California, Los Angeles, California
(MAE, BioEng)
- Date: Dec 2, 2013, Time: 2:20pm, Room: 工綜203
- Seminar: Automated Bus on Nov 18, 2013
(updated on 9/27/13)
Design of an Automatic Bus for Revenue Service based on How Drivers Steer
Dr. Han-Shue Tan
University of California at Berkeley
- Date: Nov 18, 2013, Time: 2:20pm, Room: 工綜734
- Seminar: Biomedical Engineering on Oct 21, 2013
(updated on 10/12/13)
Development of User-Centered Mobility Aids
游忠煌教授 ,
- Date: Oct 21, 2013, Time: 2:20pm, Room: 工綜203
- Field Robot Competition on Oct 17, 2013
(updated on 10/10/13)
- Homework 4 (updated on 10/7/13)
- Read one journal paper.
- Follow the guideline in the SOP slides of
"Chapter 2: Read Paper". and
"Chapter 6: Prepare Your First Presentation"
- Use PPT to edit the key content discussed in the paper.
- E-mail the paper PDF to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 10/13.
- E-mail your PTT to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 10/20.
- Homework 3 (updated on 9/5/13)
- Choose 3 journal papers.
- Read these 3 papers.
- Use the 3-page PPT format to summarize these 3 papers.
- E-mail the summary to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 10/6.
- Homework 2 (updated on 9/5/13)
- Please go to the website of the NTU Library
- - Find 電子資源/資料庫
- - Find Engineering Village
- - Search for some papers
- - Find IEEE Xplore Database (old IEEE/IEE Electronic Library)
- - Search for some papers and identify 10 papers
- Write a summary of how and why you choose these 10 papers in PPT format
and e-mail the summary to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 9/29.
- Homework 1 (updated on 9/5/13)
- Please watch the talk
Accomplishments and Prospects of Control
Karl Johan Astrom
(Lund Univ)
- >
Lecture Link
- Write a summary of the talk and your thoughts in PPT format
and e-mail the summary to fengli@ntu.edu.tw
by Sunday, 9/22.
- Research Demonstration (updated on 9/5/13)
- Recent Conference Information (updated on 9/25/13)
- International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC):
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, since 1962
CDC 2013 (Dec), (52nd):
- Conference Website
- Technical Program
CDC 2012 (Dec):
- Conference Website
CDC 2011 (Dec):
- Conference Website
American Control Conference, Since 1959
ACC 2014 (Jun), (54th):
- Conference Website
ACC 2013 (Jun):
- Conference Website
- Technical Program
ACC 2012 (Jun):
- Conference Website
IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, since 2007
- IEEE Conference on Control Applications, since 1991
- IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, since 1988
- IEEE Conf. on Computer Aided Control System Design, since 1989
MSC 2013 (Aug), (7th, 22nd-CCA, 25th-ISIC, 12th-CACSD):
- Conference Website
- Technical Program
MSC 2012 (Oct):
- Technical Program
MSC 2011 (Sep):
- Technical Program
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society:
Regional Conferences:
Asian Control Conference, since 1994
European Control Conference, since 1991
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, since 2004
IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, since 2004
IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, since 1995
IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, since 2004
Domestic International Conferences:
SICE Annual Conference (Japan), since 1962, International since 2002
SICE 2013 (Sep), (52nd, 12th International):
- Conference Website
- The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), Japan
ICROS International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (Korea), since 2001
ICCAS 2013 (Oct), (13th):
- Conference Website
- Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS), Korea
CACS International Automatic Control Conference (Taiwan), since 1982, International since 2005
CACS 2013 (Dec), (32nd, 9th International):
- Conference Website
- Chinese Automatic Control Society (CACS), Taiwan
Chinese Control Conference (China)
Chinese Control and Decision Conference (China)
IEEE Information (updated on 9/5/13)
- IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society:
Information about writing (updated on 9/10/12)
- Thesis Writing SOP at NCSLab:
PPT file
- Original IEEE paper template:
DOC file
- Modified IEEE Journal paper template:
DOC file
- Modified IEEE Conference paper template:
DOC file
Lecture Note (updated on 9/19/11)
- Introduction:
- Weekly Report:
- Summary for one paper:
PPT file
- Summary for a group of papers:
PPT file
- 2011: The Impact of Control Technology,
Overview, Success Stories, and Research Challenges
- -
- -
Report: (246 pages, 34.65 MB, PDF file)
- 2002: Control in an Information Rich World,
Report of the Panel on Future Directions
in Control, Dynamics, and Systems.
- -
- -
Report: (112 pages, 2.93 MB, PDF file)
- 2005: Brief introduction to Modern Control,
some useful defintions and theorems.
- -
Control Science and Feedback Theory
- 2001: Control Theory: Twenty-Five Seminal Papers (1932-1981),
- -
Table of Content at Wiley-IEEE Press
- Similar Course at Caltech:
- -
CDS 273 - Frontiers in Control and Dynamical Systems
Old News in 101-1
- Seminar on 10/29 (updated on 10/21/12)
- Title: Human-Robot Interaction and Whole-Body Robot Sensing
- Speaker: Prof. Vladimir Lumelsky, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Date: 10/29
- Time: 14:20-15:20
- Room: 工綜B01
- Homework 3 (updated on 10/1/12)
- Choose 3 journal papers.
- Read these 3 papers.
- Use the 3-page PPT format to summarize these 3 papers.
- E-mail the summary to fengli@ntu.edu.tw by Sunday, 10/7.
- Homework 2 (updated on 9/24/12)
- Please go to the website of the NTU Library
- - Find 電子資源/資料庫
- - Find Engineering Village
- - Search for some papers
- - Find IEEE Xplore Database (old IEEE/IEE Electronic Library)
- - Search for some papers and identify 10 pepers
- Write a summary of how and why you choose these 10 papers in PPT format
and e-mail the summary to fengli@ntu.edu.tw by Sunday, 9/30.
- Homework 1 (updated on 9/10/12)
- Please watch the talk
on Accomplishments and Prospects of Control
by Prof. Karl Johan Astrom (Lund Univ)
- Write a summary of the talk and your thoughts in PPT format
and e-mail the summary to fengli@ntu.edu.tw by Sunday, 9/16.
- Talk on 9/14 (updated on 9/10/12)
- Talk on Hybrid Vehicles by Prof. Huei Peng (Univ of Michigan)
- Lecture Note (updated on 10/03/11)
- IEEE Information (updated on 9/26/11)
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society:
- Recent Conference Information (updated on 9/10/12)
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society:
- Information about writing (updated on 9/10/12)
- Thesis Writing SOP at NCSLab:
PPT file
- Original IEEE paper template:
DOC file
- Modified IEEE Journal paper template:
DOC file
- Modified IEEE Conference paper template:
DOC file
- Lecture Note (updated on 9/19/11)
- Introduction:
- 2011: The Impact of Control Technology,
Overview, Success Stories, and Research Challenges
- -
- -
Report: (246 pages, 34.65 MB, PDF file)
- 2002: Control in an Information Rich World,
Report of the Panel on Future Directions
in Control, Dynamics, and Systems.
- -
- -
Report: (112 pages, 2.93 MB, PDF file)
- 2005: Brief introduction to Modern Control,
some useful defintions and theorems.
- -
Control Science and Feedback Theory
- Similar Course at Caltech:
- -
CDS 273 - Frontiers in Control and Dynamical Systems
Old News in 100-1
- Conferences and Talks (updated on //11)
Lecture Note (updated on 10/03/11)
IEEE Information (updated on 9/26/11)
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
- IEEE IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
Recent Conference Information (updated on 9/26/11)
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
- IEEE IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
Information about writing (updated on 9/26/11)
- Thesis Writing SOP at NCSLab:
PPT file
- Original IEEE paper template:
DOC file
- Modified IEEE Journal paper template:
DOC file
- Modified IEEE Conference paper template:
DOC file
Lecture Note (updated on 9/19/11)
- Introduction:
- 2011: The Impact of Control Technology,
Overview, Success Stories, and Research Challenges
- -
- -
Report: (246 pages, 34.65 MB, PDF file)
- 2002: Control in an Information Rich World,
Report of the Panel on Future Directions
in Control, Dynamics, and Systems.
- -
- -
Report: (112 pages, 2.93 MB, PDF file)
- 2005: Brief introduction to Modern Control,
some useful defintions and theorems.
- -
Control Science and Feedback Theory
- Similar Course at Caltech:
- -
CDS 273 - Frontiers in Control and Dynamical Systems
Old News in 99-1
- Conference and Talk (updated on 10/4/10)
- IROS 2010
- Talk at NTU on 10/18, 2010:
- Title:
Dynamic Maneuvers in a 3D Galloping Quadruped Robot
- Speaker: David E. Orin,
- Professor Emeritus
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- The Ohio State University
- President-Elect for 2010-2011
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- Time: 14:20-16:00
- Room: 工學院綜合大樓B01室
Abstract and Bio
- IEEE Information (updated on 9/20/10)
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
- IEEE IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
- Recent Conference Information (updated on 9/20/10)
- IEEE Control Systems Society:
- IEEE IEEE Robotics and Automation Society:
- Information about writing (updated on 9/13/10)
- Thesis Writing SOP at NCSLab:
PPT file
- Original IEEE paper template:
DOC file
- Modified IEEE Journal paper template:
DOC file
- Modified IEEE Conference paper template:
DOC file
- Lecture Note (updated on 9/13/10)
Old News in 98-1
- Information about writing (updated on 9/18/09)
- Lecture Note (updated on 9/18/09)
- Introduction:
- Research Topics:
- Lecture Note (updated on 9/22/08)
- Lecture Note (updated on 9/22/08)
Old News in 97-1
- Information about writing (updated on 12/8/08)
- Presentation Agenda (updated on 12/4/08)
- The student presentation agenda is as follows:
- - 12/15: 鄞銘佐, 劉沛怡, 張晉棠
- - 12/22: 李運鋼, 吳東翰, 潘建志
- - 12/29: 鄞銘佐, 劉沛怡, 張晉棠
- - 1/5: 李運鋼, 吳東翰, 潘建志
- Please e-mail me the final report and presentation slides by 1/20/09.
- Lecture Note (updated on 12/1/08)
- Presentation skills:
- Presentation on 10/8 (updated on 10/6/08)
- Time: 10/8, Wed, 2pm-3:15pm
- Room: MD325
- Title: Traffic Flow Characteristic Based on A Phase Plane Approach
- Authors: Chih-Ming Hsu and Feng-Li Lian,
- Source:
Proceedings of The 11th International IEEE Conference
on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Oct. 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China,
pp. 754-759.
- Lecture Note (updated on 10/6/08)
- Story about Super Star and Citation Format:
- Presentation on 10/1 (updated on 9/29/08)
- Time: 10/1, Wed, 2pm-3:15pm
- Room: MD325
- Title: Visual Motion Planning for Mobile Robots
- Authors: Hong Zhang, and James P. Ostrowski,
- Source:
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation,
Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 199-208, Apr. 2002
- Presentation on 9/24 (updated on 9/22/08)
- The information about the presentation on 9/24, Wed, is as follows.
- Time: 9/24, Wed, 2pm-3:15pm
- Room: MD325
- Title: Spatio-Temporal Context for Robust Multitarget Tracking
- Authors: Hieu T. Nguyen, Qiang Ji, and Arnold W.M. Smeulders
- Source:
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 52-64, Jan. 2007
- Lecture Note (updated on 9/22/08)
- Lecture Note (updated on 9/22/08)
- Homework 1 (updated on 9/15/08)
- About your research topics
- assigned on 9/15/08, due on 9/19/08
=> e-mail the MS-Word file to fengli@ntu.edu.tw, with content as follows:
- Title of your research topics
- Name:
- Student ID:
- Department, University
- Date
- Description of your research: probolem, motivation, solution, etc.
- Lecture Note (updated on 9/15/08)