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主持人 論文著作 研究室成員 歷屆博士後 歷屆畢業生 研究成果
  1. You SH, Chen SC*, Wang CH, Liao CM. 2013.Linking contact behavior and droplet patterns to dynamically model indoor respiratory infections among schoolchildren. Journal of Epidemiology23: 251-261.download
  2. Jou LJ, Lin SC, Chen BC, Chen WY, Liao CM*. 2013. Synthesis and measurement of valve activities by an improved online clam-based behavioral monitoring system. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 90: 106-118.download
  3. Liao CM*, Lin YJ, Cheng YH. 2013. Modeling the impact of control measures on tuberculosis infection in senior care facilities. Building and Environment59: 66-75download
  4. Tsai JW, Ju YR, Huang YH, Deng YS, Chen WY, Wu CC, Liao CM*. 2013. Toxicokinetics of tilapia following high exposure to waterborne and dietary copper and implications for coping mechanisms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research20: 3771-3780.download
  5. Hsieh NH, Liao CM*. 2013. Assessing exposure risk for dust storm events-associated lung function decrement in asthmatics and implications for control. Atmospheric Environment 68: 256-264.download
  6. Chen SC*, Liao CM. 2013. Cost-effectiveness of influenza control measures: A dynamic transmission model-based analysis. Epidemiology and Infection 141(12): 2581-2594.download
  7. Cheng YH, Liao CM*. 2013. Modeling control measure effects to reduce indoor transmission of pandemic H1N1 2009 viruses. Building and Environment 63: 11-19.download
  8. Hsieh NH, Liao CM*. 2013. Fluctuations in air pollution give risk warning signals of asthma hospitalization.Atmospheric Environment 75: 206-216.download
  9. Kao YH, Wang SW, Maji SK, Liu CW*, Wang PL, Chang FJ, Liao CM. 2013. Hydrochemical, mineralogical and isotopic investigation of arsenic distribution and mobilization in the Guandu wetland of Taiwan. Journal of Hydrology498: 274-286.download
  10. Chang FJ, Chen PA, Liu CW, Liao VHC, Liao CM. 2013. Regional estimation of groundwater arsenic concentrations through systematical dynamic-neural modeling. Journal of Hydrology499: 265-274.download
 106 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號 | 國立臺灣大學•生物環境系統工程所 生物系統模擬與控制研究室 | TEL: +886-2-33663475
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