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主持人 論文著作 研究室成員 歷屆博士後 歷屆畢業生 研究成果
  1. Chen WY, Liao CM*, Jou LJ, Jau SF. 2010. Predicting bioavailability and bioaccumulation of arsenic by freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea using valve daily activity. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 169(1-4): 647-659.download
  2. Chen SC, Liao CM*. 2010. Probabilistic indoor transmission modeling for influenza (sub) type viruses in Taiwan. Journal of Infection 60(1):25-34.download
  3. Liao CM, Ju YR, Chio CP, Chen WY. 2010. Risk-based probabilistic approach to assess the impact of false mussel invasions on farmed hard clams. Risk Analysis 30(2): 310-323. download
  4. Liao CM, Yang SC, Chio CP, Chen SC. 2010. Understanding the influenza virus-specific epidemiological properties by analysis of experimental human infections. Epidemiology and Infection 138(6): 825-835.download
  5. Liao CM, Lin TL, Hsieh NH, Chen WY. 2010. Assessing the arsenic-contaminated rice (Oryza sativa) associated children skin lesions. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 176(1-3): 239-251.download
  6. Chen WY, Lin CM, Ju YR, Liao CM*. 2010. A simple allometric diffusion-based biokinetic model to predict Cu(II) uptake across gills of freshwater clam Corbiculs fluminea. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 84(6): 703-707.download
  7. Chen WY, Tsai JW, Ju YR, Liao CM*. 2010. Systems-level modeling the effects of arsenic exposure with sequential pulsed and fluctuating patterns for aquaculture species. Environmental Pollution 158 (5): 1494-1505..download
  8. Liao VHC*, Chou WC, Chio CP, Ju YR, Liao CM. 2010. A probabilistic approach to quantitatively assess the inhalation risk for airborne endotoxin in cotton textile workers.Journal of Hazardous Materials 177(1-3): 103-108.download
  9. Liao CM, Hsieh NH, Chio CP, Chen SC. 2010. Assessing the exacerbations risk of influenza-associated chronic occupational asthma. Risk Analysis 30(7): 1062-1075.download
  10. Liao VHC*, Chio CP, Chou WC, Ju YR, Liao CM. 2010. Modeling human health risk to airborne endotoxin in homes during the winter and summer seasons. Science of the Total Environment 408(7): 1530–1537.download
  11. Lu KL, Liu CW*, Wang SW, Jang CS, Lin KH, Liao VHC, Liao CM, Chang FJ. 2010. Primary sink and source of geogenic arsenic in sedimentary aquifers in the southern Choushui River alluvial fan , Taiwan. Applied Geochemistry 25(5): 684-695. download
  12. Chen WY, Liao CM*. 2010. Dynamic features of ecophysiological response of freshwater clam to arsenic revealed by BLM-based toxicological model. Ecotoxicology 19(6): 1074-1083.download
  13. Chen BC*, Chou WC, Chen WY, Liao CM. 2010. Assessing the cancer risk associated with arsenic-contaminated seafood. Journal of Hazardous Material 181(1-2): 161-169.download
  14. Chen SC, Liao CM*, Chio CP, Chou HH, You SH, Cheng YH. 2010. Lagged temperature effect with mosquito transmission potential explains dengue variability in southern Taiwan: Insights from a statistical analysis. Science of the Total Environment 408(19): 4069-4075download.
 106 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號 | 國立臺灣大學•生物環境系統工程所 生物系統模擬與控制研究室 | TEL: +886-2-33663475
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