Publications 著作


Journal Articles

  • Jheng, Y.-L. & Yueh, H.-P. (2023, June). Online storytelling strategies in agricultural product marketing: A mixed-methods approach. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 21(1), 67-102. (ESCI, TSSCI) (Corresponding Author) [PDF]
  • Chen, Y.-C., Yeh, S.-L., Lin, W., Yueh, H.-P., Fu, L.-C. (2023, April). The effects of social presence and familiarity on children-robot interactions. Sensors, 2023, 23(9), 4231. (SCI)

Conference papers

  • Masumoto, K., Kakusho, K., Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (2023, August 24 - 26). Analyzing readers’ eye movement across different layouts of multimedia content. Paper accepted for presentation at the 47th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education (JSiSE), Niigata, Japan. (in Japanese)
  • Lin, W., Hung, P.-L., & Yueh, H.-P.* (2023, July 23 - 28). Design of an AR application to support students with CVD in learning chemistry. Paper accepted for presentation at HCI International 2023. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Lin, W., Masumoto, K., Kakusho, K.*, & Yueh, H.-P. (2023, July 23 - 28). How scientific illustration and photography aid learners’ reading - Evidence from eye movements. Paper accepted for presentation at HCI International 2023. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W., Huang, C.-Y., Chen, C.-H., Shih, Y.-L. (2023, June 18). Trends of information ethics education and research in the field of business administration. Paper accepted for presentation at the 4th Conference on Business Education and Management Society of Taiwan, Tainan, Taiwan. (in Chinese) (Best Paper Award)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W., Huang, C.-Y., Chen, C.-H., Shih, Y.-L. (2023, May 20-21). Curriculum development of information ethics in management education. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2023 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (TAIOP) International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P., Wang, G.Y., & Lee, T. S-H.* (2022). The cognition, information behaviors, and preventive behaviors of Taiwanese people facing COVID-19. Scientific Reports, 12, 16934. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-20312-6 (SCI)
  • Lin, W., Lo, W.T., & Yueh, H-P.* (2022). Effects of learner control design in an AR-based exhibit on visitors’ museum learning. PLoS ONE, 17(10), e0274826. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0274826 (SCI) (corresponding author)
  • Hsu, L.J., Lin, W., & Yueh, H-P.* (2022). Connecting twittering with scholarly network: Exploring HCI scholars’ interaction from an SNA approach. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 65(4), xxx-xxx. DOI: 10.1109/TPC.2022.3205511 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Yueh, H-P., Huang, C.Y., & Lin, W.* (2022). Examining the differences between information professional groups in perceiving information ethics: An AHP study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 954827. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.954827 (SSCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Hsu, L.J. & Lin, W. (2022). Let the camera eat first? Engaging the older adults’ reflection and sharing about food photographs to enhance wellbeing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13313: Cross-Cultural Design, Applications in Business, Communication, Health, Well-being, and Inclusiveness, 461-471. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-06050-2_33 (EI, Scopus)
  • Lin, W., Wang, J.Y., & Yueh, H-P.* (2022). Learning information ethical decision making with a simulation game. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 933298. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.933298 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Lai, T.L., Lin, Y.S., Chou, C.Y., & Yueh, H-P.* (2022). Evaluation of an inquiry-based virtual lab for junior high school science classes. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(8), 1579-1600. (SSCI) (corresponding author)

Conference papers

  • Chen, C.-H., Lin, K.-C., Wang, S.-H, Zhao, W., Chang, H.-C., Chang, M.-T., Lo, J.-H. & Yueh, H.-P. (2022, October). 社會機器人應用於樂齡中心之需求探索. 第八屆台灣人機互動研討會(TAICHI'22) 海報論文發表。
  • 林廣琦、張閎鈞、劉卉馨、劉祐溥、徐上淇、岳修平 (2022年6月)。互動機器人輔助情緒教育教材之初步探究-以Zenbo junior機器人為例。「2022 ICEET數位學習與教育科技國際研討會」,臺北:國立臺北教育大學。


Journal Articles

  • Lin, W., Chen, H.C., & Yueh, H-P.* (2021). Using different error handling strategies to facilitate older users’ interaction with Chatbots in learning information and communication technologies. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 785815. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.785815 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Hsu, L.J., Yueh, H-P.*, & Hsu, S.H. (2021). Subjective social capital and loneliness for the elderly: The moderator role of Line and Facebook. Social Media + Society. 7(3), 1-12. doi: 10.1177/20563051211043906 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Lin, W., Kotakehara, Y., Hirota, Y., Murakami, M., Kakusho, K., & Yueh, H-P.* (2021). Modeling reading behaviors: An automatic approach to eye movement analytics. IEEE Access, 9, 63580-63590. doi.10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3074913 (SCI) (corresponding author)
  • 岳修平(2021)。新興科技的跨域創新與社會影響。人文社會科學簡訊,23(1), 62-67。

Conference Papers

  • Nakamura, Y., Kusaka,, N., Kumada, T., & Yueh, H-P. (2021, December). QOL improvements through augmenting communication on cooking and eating – Introduction of three projects on cooking and eating. Paper presented at 2021 IEICE HCG Symposium, 15-17th December, 2021, Tokyo Japan.
  • Lin, W., Yueh, H.-P., & Huang, C.-Y. (2021, December). How do you like to eat with robot? An HRI study. Paper presented at 2021 IEICE HCG Symposium, 15-17th December, 2021, Tokyo Japan.
  • Chen, Y.C., Gamborino, E., Fu, L.C., Yueh, H-P., & Yeh, S.L. (2021). Social presence in evaluations for a humanoid robot and its effect on children-robot relationship. In: Stephanidis C., Antona M., Ntoa S. (eds) HCI International 2021 - Communications in Computer and Information Science 1419: HCII2021, 191-199. Springer, Cham.
  • 林育瑄、岳修平、周桂田(2021年6月)。社區到線上社群的政治性消費研究:以農食共同購買社團為例。2021台灣科技與社會研究學會年會,花蓮:國立東華大學。
  • Wang, J.Y., Lin, W., & Yueh, H-P. (2021, March). Developing a serious game for information ethics literacy. Paper presented at the iConference 2021, 17-31 March, 2021, Renmin University of China. [Online presentation.]
  • 林廣琦、岳修平(2021年3月)。故事行銷課程之數位敘事工具分析。「第十六屆臺灣數位學習發展研討會(Taiwan E-Learning Forum, TWELF 2021)」,宜蘭:國立宜蘭大學。


Journal Articles

  • Wang, G.Y. & Yueh, H-P.* (2020). Optimistic bias, food safety cognition and consumer behavior of college students in Taiwan and China. Foods, 9(11), 1588. (SCI) (corresponding author)
  • Yueh, H-P., & Chiang, F.K. (2020). AI and robotics in reshaping the dynamics of learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(5), 1804-1807. (SSCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Lin, W.*, Wang, S.C., & Fu, L.C. (2020). Reading with robot and human companions: A comparison study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(5), 1884-1900. (SSCI)
  • Yueh, H-P.*, Chen, Y.T., & Zheng, Y.L. (2020). What makes a good agricultural story? Validation of a scale for marketing and communication. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 18(1),25-44. doi: 10.6182/jlis.202006_18(1).025 (TSSCI/ESCI)
  • Yueh, H-P.*, Wu, Y.C., & Chen W. F. (2020). Editorial: The psychology and education of entrepreneurial development. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:27. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00027 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Lai, T.L., Lin, F.T., & Yueh, H-P.* (2020). The effectiveness of team-based flipped learning on a vocational high school economics classroom. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(1), 130-141. doi:10.1080/10494820.2018.1528284 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Hsu, C.-Y., Lin, W.*, & Yueh, H-P. (2020). Designing and developing a sandbox-style tangible AR for Geoscience learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12193, 1-10. (EI, Scopus)
  • 岳修平(2020)。高等教育專業發展與教育創新:回顧與前瞻。教育科學研究期刊,65(4),i。(編輯室報告)。(TSSCI/ESCI)
  • 王淑美、岳修平*、黃昱凱、康維真(2020)。科系認同對管理學院大學生創業意圖的調節作用。教育科學研究期刊,65(4),1-29。。(TSSCI/ESCI) (通訊作者)doi:10.6209/JORIES.202012_65(4).0001

Book / Book Chapters

  • Yueh, H.-P., Wu, Y. J., Chen, W.-F., eds. (2020). The Psychology and Education of Entrepreneurial Development. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88963-529-0


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P.* & Zheng, Y.L. (2019). Effectiveness of storytelling in agricultural marketing: Scale development and model evaluation. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:452. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00452 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Wang, S.M., Yueh, H-P.* & Wen, P.C.* (2019). How the new type of entrepreneurial education complements the traditional one. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:2048 doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02048 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Guerrero, E., Lu, M.H., Yueh, H-P.*, & Lindgren, H. (2019). Designing and evaluating an intelligent augmented reality system for assisting older adults' medication management. Cognitive Systems Research, 58, 278-291. (SCI) (corresponding author)
  • Huang, T.C., Lin, W., & Yueh, H-P.* (2019). How to cultivate an environmentally responsible maker? A CPS approach to a comprehensive maker education model. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17(Suppl 1), 49-64. doi: 10.1007/s10763-019-09959-2 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Guerrero, E., Lu, M.H., Yueh H-P., Lindgren, H. (2019) Design principles and action reflection for agent-based assistive technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11326: Artificial Intelligence in Health, 84-98. (EI).
  • Kakusho, K., Takase, F., Murakami, M., Lin, W., & Yueh, H-P. (2019). How learners with different cognitive styles read learning materials with text and pictures: A gaze analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11576: Cross-Cultural Design: Methods, Tools and User Experience, 435-445. (EI, Scopus )
  • Wang, J.-Y., Lin, W., & Yueh, H-P. (2019). Collaborate or compete? How will multiplayers interaction affect their learning performance in serious games? Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11576: Cross-Cultural Design: Methods, Tools and User Experience, 482-491. (EI, Scopus)
  • 胡逸翮、岳修平*(2019)。社群媒體之食品安全風險溝通行為研究-以新浪微博為例。圖書資訊學刊,17(1),151-183。(TSSCI/ESCI) (通訊作者)

Conference Papers

  • Yueh, H-P., Lin, W., & Huang, C.-Y. (2019, November). Gerontechnology: How technology improves older persons’ quality of life, paper presented at the 2nd Global Summit of Mental Health Advocates, 5-6 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Huang, C.-Y., Wang, G.-Y., Lin, Y. H., You, H.-H., Lin, W.,& Yueh, H-P. (2019, October). A robot for the elderly? Investigation of older adults’ images of social robot, Poster paper presented at the 11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, 23-27 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Hsu, L.-J., Wang, G.-Y., Hu, Y.-H., Lu, M.-H., Lin, Y. H., Lin, W., & Yueh, H-P. (2019, October). Investigating older adults’ technological needs for social activities, Poster paper presented at the 11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, 23-27 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Gamborino, E., Yueh, H-P., Lin, W., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2019, October). Mood estimation as a social profile predictor in an autonomous, multi-session, emotional support robot for children. Paper presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2019), 14-18 October 2019,New Delhi, India.
  • Wu, Y.L., & Yueh, H-P. (2019, August). Explore horror movie genre preference with miniMAM: An exploratory study in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 2019. August, 2019, Toronto, Canada
  • Lin, W., Lo, W.-T., & Yueh, H.-P. (2019, March). How the multimodal media in augmented reality affects museum learning experience. Paper presented at the 12th Asia Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR2019), 28-29 March, 2019, Nara, Japan.


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P., Liang, C., & Liu, Y.L. (2018). Influences of learning competency and e-learning implementation on learning outcomes of engineering students. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34(4), 1376-1383. (SCI)
  • Lu, M.-H., Lin, W., & Yueh, H-P.* (2018). How do employees in different job roles in the insurance industry use mobile technology differently at work? IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 61(2), 151-165. (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Zheng, Y.L., Rau, P.L.P., Yueh, H-P., Chen, P.H., & Huang, D.L. (2018). An exploratory study on design and Implement an emotional karaoke robot (EKR). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10911: Cross Cultural Design: Methods, Tools, and Users, 269-282. (EI)

Conference Papers

  • Lin, W., Chang, Y.T., & Yueh, H-P. (2018, August). Design principles of digital library for the visually impaired. Paper presented at the Advanced E-Learning workshop (AEL 2018) in conjunction with IEEE UMEDIA 2018, August 22-25, 2018, Nanjing, China.
  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H-P. (2018, August). Evaluating child patrons’ performance and perception of robotic assistance in library book locating. Paper presented at the 27th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2018), 27-31 August 2018, Nanjing and Tai’an, China.
  • Lin, W., Chang, Y-T., & Yueh, H-P. (2018, August). Design principles of digital library for the visually impaired. Proceedings of 2018 Eleventh International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (Ubi-Media), 22-25 August 2018, Nanjing, China.
  • Zheng, Y.L., Rau, P.L., Yueh, H-P., Chen, P.H., & Huang, D.L. (2018, July). An exploratory study on design and implement an emotional karaoke robot (EKR). Paper presented at the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII 2018), 15-20 July 2018, Las Vegas, USA.
  • Guerrero, E., Lu, M.H., Yueh, H-P., & Lindgren, H. (2018, July). Autonomous adaptation of software agents in the support of human activities. Paper presented at the Joint Workshop on AI in Health, July 13, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 胡逸翮、岳修平(2018年6月)。社交媒體中食品安全風險溝通與資訊行為研究。「2018年中華傳播學會年會暨研討會」,新竹市,玄奘大學。
  • 岳修平、鄭怡倫、岳麗蘭、朱呈呈 (2018年5月)。神經行銷學之研究趨勢與方法應用:2006-2017文獻分析。「2018第一屆清華心理論壇暨華人心理學前瞻發展學術研討會」,新竹市,國立清華大學。
  • 岳修平、王淑美、黃瀞瑩 (2018年5月)。不同專業領域與學習階段大學生創業意向之初探研究。「2018第一屆清華心理論壇暨華人心理學前瞻發展學術研討會」,新竹市,國立清華大學。


Journal Articles

  • Lu, M.-H., Lin, W.* & Yueh, H.-P.* (2017). Development and evaluation of a cognitive training game for older people: A design-based approach, Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1837. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01837 (SSCI) (corresponding author)
  • Yueh, H-P., Liu, Y.L., & Liang, C. (2017). Multidisciplinary learning: Impact of internal and external factors. International Journal of Engineering Education, 33(4), 1222-1232. (SCI)
  • 陳映廷、許詩嫺、岳修平* (2017)。農產品電子商務廣告之視覺傳播初探研究。農林學報,65(4), 223-236。(通訊作者)
  • 呂明心、林維真、岳修平* (2017)。企業行動化導入策略及其對組織績效的影響。圖書資訊學刊,15(1),77-101。(TSSCI)(通訊作者)

Conference Papers

  • 王冠云、岳修平(2017年10月)。兩岸大學生的樂觀偏誤、食安認知及消費行為。「2017年台灣心理學會第56屆年會暨國際研討會」,嘉義縣,國立中正大學。
  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H-P. (2017, July). Effects of guided reading design on comprehension for visual and verbal style learners, Poster paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017), 17-21 July 2017, Los Angeles, USA.
  • Yueh, H-P., Chen, J.-C., & Lin, W. (2017, July). Affordance-based menu design for users of different generations, Poster paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017), 17-21 July 2017, Los Angeles, USA.


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P., Lu, M. H., & Lin, W. (2016). Employees' acceptance of mobile technology in a workplace: An empirical study using SEM and fsQCA. Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 2318-2324. (SSCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., & Huang, J.C. (2016). Tool proficiency, task styles, and online group discussion effectiveness. Journal of Computers in Education, 3(2), 149-167.
  • Chen, C.C., Yueh, H-P., & Liang, C. (2016). Employee perceptions and expectations of online marketing service quality: An investigation of farmers' associations in Taiwan. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 19(1), 43-58. (SCI).
  • Chen, C.C., Yueh, H-P., Liang, C. (2016). Strategic management of agribusiness revisited: Determinants and trends. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 12(4), 69-98.
  • Yueh, H.-P., & Lin, W. (2016). Service, appearances and psychological factors in intelligent home service robots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9741: Cross Cultural Design, 608-615. (EI)
  • Lu, M.-H., Yueh, H-P., & Lin, W. (2016). Mobile technology use among sales people in insurance industry. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9741: Cross Cultural Design, 761-768. (EI)
  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (2016). The Relationship between Robot Appearance and Interaction with Child Users: How Distance Matters. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9741: Cross Cultural Design, 229-236. (EI)

Conference Papers

  • 陳映廷、鄭怡倫、黃思嘉、朱怡苓、史瀚陽、呂明心、林維真、岳修平 ( 2016年12月)。不同食譜圖文配置比例對學習者認知負荷與閱讀理解影響之研究。「台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2016年國際學術研討會」,台北市,淡江大學台北校園。
  • 鄭怡倫、岳修平( 2016年12月)。非同步數位學習管理系統使用者介面分析─以CEIBA為例。「台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2016年國際學術研討會」,台北市,淡江大學台北校園。
  • 陳映廷、岳修平 ( 2016年6月)。農業故事量表發展初探研究。「2016生物產業學術研討會」,台中市,國立中興大學。
  • 鄭怡倫、岳修平 ( 2016年6月)。農業故事行銷效益量表研究。「2016生物產業學術研討會」,台中市,國立中興大學。
  • Yueh, H-P., Lin, W., & Chung, K.-F. (2016, October). Tyozaburo Tanaka’s Serendipity with National Taiwan University. Presentation at International Symposium on The Origin and Taxonomy of Citrus - Research and Exploration of Tyozaburo Tanaka. 9th October, 2016, Kyoto, Japan.


Journal Articles

  • Liu, Y. L., Yueh, H-P.*, Chen, T. L., & Sheen, H. J. (2015). Identifying nanotechnology professional competencies for engineering students using Q Methodology. International Journal of Engineering Education, 31(5), 1389-1397. (SCI) (Corresponding Author)
  • Yueh, H-P., Huang, R-Y., & Chang, C. (2015). Exploring factors affecting students' continued Wiki use for individual and collaborative learning from the perspective of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31(1), 16-31. (SSCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Liu, Y. L., & Lin, W. (2015). Fostering interdisciplinary interaction in a smart living technology course through PBL approach. International Journal of Engineering Education, 31(1B), 220-228. (SCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Liu, Y.L., & Liang, C. (2015). Impact of distance teaching implementation, online material guidance, and teaching effectiveness on learning outcomes. International Journal of Engineering Education, 31(1A), 121-126. (SCI)
  • 呂明心、岳修平* (2015)。 中高齡者使用公共運輸系統自動售票機之可使用性評估研究:以大眾捷運系統為例。圖書資訊學刊,13(2),67-97。(TSSCI)(通訊作者)
  • 傅臨超、岳修平、周穆謙(2015)。從樂齡購物網評估高齡者網購使用脈絡。資訊傳播研究,5(2),1-24。(通訊作者)
  • 岳修平、梁朝雲(2015)。綜整學生、教師與教學情境考量的遠距教學預測模型。教育資料與圖書館學,52(1),33-57。(TSSCI)

Conference Papers

  • 呂明心、岳修平、林維真(2015)。金融保險業行動化之變革與員工接受度之個案研究。台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2015年國際學術研討會:教育傳播科技改變未來,國立臺灣大學農業陳列館。2015年11月。(最佳論文獎)(NSC 100-2628-S-002-001-MY3)
  • Fu, L. C. & Yueh, H-P. (2015). Is mobile layout more suitable to read? A comparison between mobile and web page layouts. Paper presented at 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2015), Hangzhou, China, November 30-December 4, 2015.
  • Lu, M. H., Lin, W., Yueh, H-P. (2015). Corporate employees’ acceptance of mobile learning in workplaces in Taiwan. Paper presented at 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2015), Hangzhou, China, November 30-December 4, 2015.
  • Lu, M. H., Yueh, H-P., Lin, W. (2015). Achieving high performance in a mobile workplace: An empirical study applying UTAUT model using SEM and fsQCA. Paper presented at the Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, July 30-31, 2015
  • Fu, L. C., & Yueh, H-P. (2015). Baby boomers' behaviors and attitudes of newspaper reading: A comparison among three layouts. Paper presented at the 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015), Hualien, Taiwan, July 6-9, 2015.
  • Lu, M. H., Yueh, H-P., Lin, W. (2015). Exploring the key factors for cooperate implementation of mobile technology. Paper presented at the 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015), Hualien, Taiwan, July 6-9, 2015


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P., Lin, W.J., Liu, Y.L, Shoji, T., & Minoh, M. (2014). The development of an interaction support system for international distance education. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 7(2), 191-196. (DOI: 10.1109/TLT.2014.2308952) (SSCI/SCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Lin, W., & Lu, T. (2014). User's perceptions of Blog functions: Educational vs. personal use. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 48(1), 41-52. (SSCI).
  • Yueh H-P., Chen, T.L., Lin, W., & Sheen, H-J. (2014). Developing digital courseware for a virtual nano-biotechnology laboratory: A design-based research approach. Educational Technology and Society, 17(2), 158-168. (SSCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Chen, T.L., & Cheng, P.J. (2014). Department identification, professional identification, and attitudes toward agriculture in agriculture college students. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23(3), 671-681. (SSCI)
  • Lin, W, Yueh, H-P.*, Wu, H.Y., & Fu, L.C. (2014). Developing a service robot for a children’s library: A design-based research approach. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2), 290-301. (SSCI) (Corresponding Author)
  • Lin, W., Yueh, H-P.*, & Chou, J-J. (2014). Electronic pet robots for mechatronic engineering education: A project-based learning approach. International Journal of Engineering Education, 30(1), 231-239. (SCI) (Corresponding Author)
  • Yueh, H-P., Jiang, B.C., & Liang, C.* (2014). How does human aggregate moderate the effect of inspiration through action on the imagination of engineering majors? International Journal of Engineering Education, 30(1), 128-135. (SCI)
  • Liu, Y. L., Chen, T. L., Yueh, H-P.*, & Sheen, H. J. (2014). Exploring competences of nanotechnology in higher education in Taiwan through curriculum mapping. International Journal of Engineering Education, 30(3), 722-728. (SCI) (Corresponding Author)
  • Lin, W., Wu, H.Y., Wu, P.M., Tung, Y., & Yueh, H-P. (2014). Exploring children's attitude and reading comprehension toward different styles of reading orientation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8528: Cross Cultural Design, 556-562. (EI)
  • Lin, W., Lin, H.C., & Yueh, H-P. (2014). Explore elder users' reading behaviors with online newspaper. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8528: Cross Cultural Design, 184-192. (EI)
  • 岳修平、傅臨超(2014)。閱報APP之可使用性初探:以聯合報 Plus為例。教育傳播與科技研究,109,1-15。(通訊作者)
  • 岳修平、梁朝雲(2014)。遠距教育實施與數位教材對工程學習者學習之中介效果研究。教育傳播與科技研究,108,1-15。
  • 王郁青、岳修平* (2014)。人力網站線上表單長度設計對使用者偏好的 影響。圖書資訊學刊,12(1),109-134。(TSSCI)(通訊作者)
  • 劉韋欣、邱立安、林維真、岳修平*、楊燿州(2014)。高齡者使用智慧藥盒之聲音提示效果研究。應用心理研究,60,45-84。(通訊作者)
  • 陳炤堅、岳修平*(2014)。臺灣農會網路行銷之關鍵成功因素分析:以 信義鄉農會為例。資訊傳播研究,5(1),43-59。(通訊作者)

Conference Papers

  • Lin, H.-C., Luo, Y.-C., Lin, W. & Yueh, H-P. (2014). Tablet interface design for elder users' newspaper reading. Paper presented at the International Conference on Smart Learning Environments ICSLE 2014, Hong Kong, China. July 24-25, 2014.
  • Fu, L., Wu, H.-Y., Lin, W.*, & Yueh, H-P. (2014). College Students' Attitudes and Preferences of Mobile Newspaper Reading: A Comparison Between Printed and Web Page Layout. Paper presented at the International Conference on Smart Learning Environments ICSLE 2014, Hong Kong, China. July 24-25, 2014.
  • Chen, S.H., Lai, Y.C., Lin, Y.T., Lu, P.Y., Liao, T.H., Lin, W., & Yueh, H-P. (May, 2014). The Use of Resource-based Learning to Bring University Teaching and Museum Resources Together: A New Way of Looking and Learning in Agricultural Exhibition Hall. Paper accepted for presentation at APRU Research Symposium on University Museums 2014. Taipei, Taiwan.


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P.*, Chen, T.L., Chiu, L.A., & Lin, W.C. (2013). Exploring factors affecting learner's perception of learning information and communication technologies: A HLM analysis of a National Farmers' Training Program in Taiwan. Educational Technology and Society, 16(1), 231-242. (SSCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Chen, T. L., & Chen, C. T. (2013). A spatial exploration of factors affecting digitalization of farmer’s associations in Taiwan. Aslib Proceedings, 65(6), 605-622. (SSCI/SCI)
  • Yueh, H-P. (2013). Engineering students’ perceptions of and reflections on portfolio practice in leadership development. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29(1), 99-106. (SCI)
  • Yueh, H. -P., Chang, C. -C., & Liang, C. (2013). Are there differences between science and engineering majors regarding the imagination-mediated model? Thinking Skills and Creativity, 10, 79-90. (SSCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Lin, W.*, Chou, Y.L., & Lu, T.Y. (2013). Examining older users’ performance on and preference for menu designs of digital photo frames. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 14(3), 273-289. (PsycINFO, Ergonomics Abstracts)
  • Lin, W., Chen, C. L., Yang, C. T., & Yueh, H-P.* (2013). Discovering the use of a home smart telephone: A persona approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8024: Cross-Cultural Design. Methods, Practice, and Case Studies, 113-117. (Corresponding Author) (EI)
  • Yueh, H-P., & Lin, W. (2013). The interaction between human and the home service robot on a daily life cycle. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8023: Cross-Cultural Design. Cultural Differences in Everyday Life, 175-181. (EI)
  • 呂姿儀、顧邕、廖韋淳、吳悠綸、岳修平*(2013)。線上表單填寫之脈絡訪查。資訊傳播研究,4(1),65-85。(通訊作者)
  • 王郁青、岳修平*(2013)。人力網站首頁版面之使用性評估研究。教育傳播與科技研究,104,1-15。(通訊作者)
  • 岳修平、廖婉伶(2013)。大學服務學習課程教學型態與學生評量教學之研究。人文社會學報,9(2),85-106。

Conference Papers

  • Liu, Y. L., Chen, T. L., & Yueh, H-P. (2013, Jul). Evaluating the feasibility of adopting e-learning quality certification system in Taiwan universities.. Proceedings of the AECT International Conference on the Frontier in e-Learning Research, 臺灣,臺中. 本人為通訊作者。
  • 羅悅綺、岳修平(2013年06月)。大學生參與農業體驗行銷之關鍵因素探討。2013農企業暨生物產業學術研討會,臺灣,花蓮。本人為通訊作者。
  • 許喬雯、岳修平、劉伊霖(2013年06月)。生農學院大學生海外交流意願與偏 好探討─以臺大生農學院為例。2013農企業暨生物產業學術研討會,臺灣, 花蓮。本人為通訊作者。
  • 林慧軍、岳修平(2013年05月)。高齡使用者對原版報紙資料庫公播版之閱 讀操作研究。2013教育高階論壇國際研討會,臺灣,臺南。本人為通訊作者。
  • 陳家蓁、岳修平(2013年05月)。政府線上申辦整合系統網站之高齡者可用 性研究。2013教育高階論壇國際研討會,臺灣,臺南。本人為通訊作者。
  • 傅臨超、岳修平(2013)。高齡者使用樂齡網網站之可使用性評估。論文發表於中華民國人因工程學會、國立臺北科技大學主辦之「第二十屆人因工程學術研討會」,臺北。2013年3月。
  • 呂明心、岳修平(2013)。中高齡者使用臺北捷運自動售票機之可使用性評估研究。論文發表於中華民國人因工程學會、國立臺北科技 大學主辦之「第二十屆人因工程學術研討會」,臺北。2013年3月。


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P., Lin, W.*, Huang, J-Y., & Sheen, H-J. (2012). Effect of student engagement on multimedia-assisted instruction. Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, 4(3), 346-358. (SCOPUS)
  • Chen, T. L., Sheen, H-J., Yueh H-P.*, Chiang, F. K., & Chang, P. W. (2012). Designing nano-biotechnology summer camp with experiential learning theory. International Journal of Engineering Education, 28(5), 1078-1087. (Corresponding Author) (SCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Chen, T.L., Chiu, L.A., Lee, S.L., & Wang, A.B. (2012). Student evaluation of teaching effectiveness of a nationwide innovative education program on image display technology. IEEE Transactions on Education, 55(3), 365-369. (SCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Chen, T.L., Lee, Y. J., & Chang, C.-C. (2012). Factors affecting instructors’ willingness for and expectation of future participation in farmer internet literacy training. African Journal of Business Management, 6(3), 837-844. (SSCI)
  • Yueh, H-P., Teng, Y.T., Lin, W., Wang, Y.C., & Hu, C. F. (2012). Web-based annotation learning system: Construction and application. Creative Education, 3(8), 1297-1300. (doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.38189)
  • 林維真、岳修平*(2012)。大學生閱讀行為與電子書閱讀器需求之初探研究。圖書資訊學刊,10(2),113-142。(THCI-core)(通訊作者)
  • 顧邕、邱立安、岳修平*(2012)。鄉村地區高齡者使用智慧藥盒之科技接受與需求研究。人文社會學報,8(4),301-323。(通訊作者)
  • 岳修平、林維真、李孟潔、林慧軍、羅悅綺(2012)。高齡使用者對於 iPad 閱讀操作之研究。教學科技與媒體,101,65-78。
  • 廖韋淳、邱立安、岳修平*(2012)。鄉村地區老年人健康資訊需求與 行為之研究。圖書資訊學刊,10(1),155-204。(THCI-core)(通訊作者)
  • 沈弘俊、陳姿伶、岳修平、張勤煜、江豐光(2012)。奈米科技前瞻人才產學合作訓練規劃與滿意度評估。科技與工程教育學刊,45(1),27-40。
  • 胡秋帆、岳修平*、張玨(2012)。從資訊融入教學探討大學教師工作 壓力。數位學習科技期刊,4(1),63-84。(通訊作者)

Conference Papers

  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (July, 2012). Exploring Elders’ Digital Reading Experiences with Mobile Devices. Paper accepted for presentation at the 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2012. San Francisco, USA.
  • Yeh, S.-T., Lin, W., & Yueh, H-P. (2012). Understanding the effects of e-manga layout presentation on reading comprehension and reading attitudes. Proceedings of the 2012 Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 557-558.
  • 林維真、岳修平(2012年10月)。高齡者對於觸控式數位相框介面使用性之 研究。2012海峽兩岸行為科學與管理學術研討會,臺灣,台北。
  • 顧邕、廖韋淳、吳悠綸、岳修平(2012)。使用者填寫線上表單之脈絡 與滿意度。論文發表於中華民國人因工程學會主辦之第十九屆人因工程學術研討會,高雄。2012 年 3 月。
  • 許喬雯、岳修平、林維真(2012)。多媒體教學影片專案小組成員角色、 合作參與及學習表現之研究。第十六屆全球華人計算機教育會議(GCCCE2012)。墾丁:福華飯店。2012 年 5 月。
  • 葉思岑、林維真、岳修平 (2012)。電子漫畫版面呈現形式對閱讀理解 及閱讀態度影響之探討。第十六屆全球華人計算機教育會議(GCCCE2012)。墾丁:福華飯店。2012 年 5 月。


Journal Articles

  • Chang, C.-C*, Tseng, K. H., Yueh, H.-P.*, & Lin, W.-C. (2011). Consideration factors and adoption of type, tabulation and framework for creating e-portfolios. Computers & Education, 56(2), 452-465. (Corresponding Author) (SSCI/SCI)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W., Lu, T.Y., & Chou, Y.L. (2011). Menu design of digital photo frame for elders. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS_6775, 15, 2238-2245. (EI)
  • Yueh H-P., Sheen, H-J., Chen, T. L., Chiang, F. K., & Chang, C. Y. (2011). An integrative instructional model for talent development of nanotechnology in Taiwan. International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education, 8(2), 1-12.
  • 鄭博仁,岳修平*,陳姿伶(2011年12月)。農學類科大一新生學系投入、生 涯態度與科系認同感之初探研究。臺灣農學會報,12(6), 582-610。(通訊作者)
  • 邱正揚、劉伊霖、岳修平(2011)。農業產銷班導入電腦化經營管理系統之成效與影響因素研究。農業推廣學報,28, 19-52。
  • 岳修平、邱立安(2011)。學生對服務學習數位影音資源之使用經驗與知覺助益研究。圖書資訊學刊,9(1),123-160。(THCI-core)
  • 岳修平、林維真、李孟潔、黃瀞瑩、葉思岑(2011)。以電子書閱讀器閱讀漫畫之使用性初探研究。教學科技與媒體,95,69-78。

Conference Papers

  • 岳修平、林維真、李孟潔、林慧軍、羅悅綺(2011)。高齡者使用觸控式平版電腦之閱讀操作研究。論文發表於臺灣教育傳播暨科技學會主辦 之「臺灣教育傳播暨科技學會 2010 國際學術研討會」,台北。2011 年 12 月。
  • Tseng, S.-H., Cheng, S.-H., Li, J.-Y., Lin, W., Yueh, H-P. & Fu, L.-C. (2011). Intelligent interactive robot in an office environment. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Service and Interactive Robots, pp. 1067-1074.
  • Shoji, T., Lin, W.* & Yueh, H.-P. (April, 2011). Community-based Participation Model for Digital Archive Construction: Museum Exhibition at Nara University. Paper accepted for presentation at 2011 MCN Taiwan Technologies for Museums and Cultural Institutions Conference, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Yueh, H-P., Lin, W., Lee, M.J., Huang, J.Y., Yeh, S.T. (2011). Examining the users’ reading experiences with e-book readers. Proceedings of the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, pp. 75-76.
  • Yueh, H-P., Huang, J. C., & Liu, Y. L. (2011). Factors influence BBS on-task discussion effectiveness. Proceedings of the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, pp. 606-610.
  • Yueh, H-P., Chen, T. L., Chiu, L. A., Lin, W. C., Huang, Y. W., & Wu, H.C. (2011). An analysis of effectiveness of e-Learning quality certification system in Taiwan base. Proceedings of the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, pp. 1409-1413.
  • Chen, T. L., Lin, Y. F., Liu, Y. L., Yueh, H-P., Sheen, H. J., & Lin, W. (2011). Integrating instant response system (IRS) as an in-class assessment tool into undergraduate chemistry learning experience: Student perceptions and performance. Proceedings of International Conference of Chemical Education, pp. 267-275.
  • Liu, Y. L., Chen, T. L., Yueh, H-P., & Sheen, H. J. (2011). Constructing a holistic curriculum map for university nanotechnology education in Taiwan. Proceedings of the 2011 First Conference on Engineering Education, pp. 452-460. (優秀論文獎)


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P.*, & Liu, Y.L. (2010). Effect of farmers' computer abilities and self-efficacy on their learning performance and adoption intention of the Farming Management Information System. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 2(9), 191-197. (Chemical Abstracts, CAS)
  • Chen, T. L., Liu, Y. L., Yueh, H-P.*, & Sheen, H. J. (2010). Identifying the threshold concept of learning nano-science and nano-technology in material engineering by curriculum map. International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education, 7(3), 25-32. (Corresponding Author)
  • Liu, Y.L., Lin, W.J., Yueh, H-P.*, & Minoh, M. (2010). A study of group interaction patterns and emoticon use in a synchronous discussion activity. International Journal of Digital Learning Technology, 2(1), 79-95. (Corresponding Author)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Hsu, S., Lin, C.-T., & Liu, Y.-C. (2010). Exploring concept learning in a wireless sensor networking environment: A Chinese language example. In Kinshuk, D. G. Sampson, J. M. Spector, P. Isaías, D. Ifenthaler and R. Vasiu (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2010), pp. 285-288. (EI)
  • 許喬雯、岳修平、林維真(2010)。專題式學習小組溝通行為與成員角色之研究。圖書資訊學刊,8(1),137-164。(THCI-core)
  • 岳修平、劉伊霖、陳姿伶、陳國棟(2010)。影響企業導入數位學習之關鍵因素探討:以參與企學網企業為例。企業管理學報,85,1-20。
  • 岳修平、李宜儒、周彥良、陳俊宇、李孟潔(2010)。職前教師應用電子白板之可使用性初探研究。教學科技與媒體,92,51-65。
  • 岳修平、楊燿州、陳俊宇、李宜儒、周彥良、呂姿儀、徐暐智(2010)。高齡者使用數位化產品之使用性初探研究 —以「智慧藥盒與服藥提醒系統」為例。臺南大學理工研究學報,44(1),40-53。


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P.* & Sheen, H-J. (2009). Developing experiential learning with a cohort blended laboratory training in nano-bio engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 25(4), 712-722. (SCI)
  • Lin, W.J., Yueh, H-P.*, & Minoh, M. (2009). A case study of advancing international distance education between Taiwanese and Japanese universities. Asia-Pacific Collaborative Journal, 5(1), 1-12. (Corresponding Author)
  • Lin, W.J., Yueh, H-P.*, Murakami, M., & Minoh, M. (2009). Exploring students’ communication and project-based learning experience in an international distance course. International Journal of Digital Learning Technology, 1(3), 162-177. (Corresponding Author)
  • 岳修平、陳姿伶、邱立安(2009)。農民電腦網路教育訓練滿意度影響因素之研究。臺灣農學會報,10(6),470-489。
  • 岳修平、鄧雅婷(2009)。不同學習階段學生使用網路知識地圖與閱讀表現之研究。臺南大學理工研究學報,43(2),1-15。
  • 岳修平、劉伊霖、陳姿伶、陳國棟(2009)。92-95年度參與企學網企業數位學習導入歷程之個案研究。教學科技與媒體,89,53-70。
  • 胡秋帆、岳修平*、邱立安、徐式寬、莊榮輝(2009)。學生使用線上演講影音資源及評估之研究:以臺大演講網為例。教學科技與媒體,89,71-87。(通訊作者)
  • 黃若詒、岳修平*、張玨(2009)。應用Wiki平台於大學性別通識課程之研究。教學科技與媒體,88,70-89。(通訊作者)
  • 岳修平、鄧雅婷(2009)。應用知識圖於教學與學習之策略探討。中等教育季刊,60(2),128~140。
  • 岳修平、王雅文、鄧雅婷、林維真、王友俊(2009)。網路化中文成語教學系統研發建置與可使用性評估研究。數位學習科技期刊,1(2),127-139。


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H. P. & Hsu, S. (2008). Designing a learning management system to support instruction. Communications of the ACM, 51(4), 59-63. (SCI)
  • Lin, W.J., Yueh, H-P.*, Murakami, M., & Minoh, M. (2008). Applying a 3-tiered blogging system to support learning in a distance course. The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 7(1), 76-85. (Corresponding Author)
  • 岳修平、胡秋帆、陳姿伶(2008)。農漁會組織資訊化與資訊科技訓練發展需求之研究。農業推廣學報,25,15-39。
  • 陳姿伶、王俊雄、岳修平*(2008)。國際競爭下台灣根莖類蔬菜農民經營策略之研究。農林學報,57(1, 2),59-76。(通訊作者)
  • 陳姿伶、岳修平(2008)。善用混成學習創新農業推廣工作方法。農業推廣文彙,53,181-195。
  • 岳修平(2008)。Web2.0影音分享平台之學習應用探討。臺灣圖書館管理季刊,4(3),9-21。(THCI)
  • 岳修平、呂姿儀、黃若詒(2008)。故宮E學園英文版數位學習網站之可使用性研究。臺灣圖書館管理季刊,4(2),24-40。(THCI)
  • 岳修平、李曉嵐、胡秋帆、劉佩玲、郭茂坤(2008)。跨領域科技人才培育數位學習內容建置策略與成效研究。教學科技與媒體,83,47-60。


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P.*, Liu, Y.L, Lin,W.J., Shoji, T., Kakusho, K., & Minoh, M. (2007). Integrating face recognition techniques with blog as a distance education support system (DESS) in international distance learning. Proceedings of ICALT 2007 –The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 507-511. (EI)
  • 沈弘俊、岳修平*、李曉嵐、郭茂坤(2007)。跨領域高科技數位學習創新規劃與實施:「奈米生物科技走廊」。視聽教育,49(1),1-12。(通訊作者)
  • 謝璧甄、岳修平*(2007)。九二一地震對暨南大學學生調適策略與心理健康關係之研究。農業推廣學報,23,1-18。(通訊作者)


Journal Articles

  • Lin,W., Yueh, H-P.*, Liu, Y., Murakami, M., Kakusho, K., & Minoh, M. (2006). Blog as a Tool to Develop e-Learning Experience in an International Distance Course. Proceedings of ICALT 2006 –The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 290 - 292. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society. (EI) (Corresponding Author)
  • 岳修平、林維倩(2006)。農民資訊推廣教學策略與方法。社教雙月刊,135,37-44。
  • 陳姿伶、陳姿蓉、岳修平*(2006)。從創新傳播觀點探討公務員學習者的數位學習知覺效益之研究。教學科技與媒體季刊,77,4-20。(通訊作者)
  • 岳修平、王郁青、佘瑞琳、蘇惠玉、蔡怡鈴、蔡蘊明(2006)。大學統整型化學實驗多媒體影片教材製作與應用成效探討。視聽教育,47(5),40-48。


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H-P., & Lin, W. (2005). Design of the information sharing mechanism in supporting students’ collaborative learning in PBL environment. Proceedings of ICALT 2005 –The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 305-307. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society. (EI)
  • Yueh, H-P., & Lin, W.J. (2005). Developing a web-based environment in supporting students team-working and learning in a problem-based learning approach. Proceedings of C5 2005: The Third International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing, pp. 145-149. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society. (EI)
  • 岳修平、鐘婉莉(2005)。專題式學習小組網路溝通互動之研究。教育學刊,25,1-23。(TSSCI)
  • 岳修平、徐式寬、李盈蓁(2005)。教師教學資訊尋求歷程研究與網路教學資源庫建置。教學科技與媒體季刊,73,33-45。
  • 岳修平、劉伊霖(2005)。自我效能對成人學習動機之影響。成人及終身教育雙月刊,8,25-32。
  • 林維倩、岳修平*(2005)。網路教學資源:幼兒教育教學設計與實施應用實例。視聽教育,46(4), 41-47。(通訊作者)


Journal Articles

  • 李盈蓁、岳修平*、徐式寬(2004)。大學教師教學專業發展之資訊尋求行為研究。圖書資訊學刊,2(2), 105-124。(THCI Core)
  • 徐式寬、岳修平*、李盈蓁、胡秋帆(2004)。資訊融入教學的資料庫建置—台灣區遠距教學交流網中小學專區介紹。中等教育,55(4), 42-54。(通訊作者)
  • 岳修平、胡秋帆、王郁青、林維真(2004)。家政推廣與婦女自主學習。社教雙月刊,124,21-27。
  • 岳修平、劉伊霖、胡秋帆(2004)。數位學習中的性別差異。婦研縱橫,71,35-43。
  • 岳修平、邱逸欣(2004)。「農業產銷班經營管理系統推廣暨培訓計畫」之「種子講師班」訓練績效考評。教學科技與媒體,69,68-80。
  • 岳修平、林維真(2004)。美國國家農業圖書館網路資訊傳播設計探討。資訊傳播與圖書館學, 10 (1-4), 27-34。


Journal Articles

  • 林維真、岳修平*(2003)。專業網站資源於教學與學習應用及設計之分析。教學科技與媒體,65,17-33。(通訊作者)


Journal Articles

  • 邱正揚、岳修平*(2002)。農業產銷班經營管理系統介紹與分析。資訊學會通訊,5(3),185-194。


Journal Articles

  • 岳修平(2001)。系統化農民資訊素養訓練模式研究。教學科技與媒體,56,29-39。
  • 岳修平(2001)。網路開放學習環境之教學策略與互動研究。隔空教育論叢,13,47-62。
  • 岳修平(2001)。非同步教學網頁輔助學習成效之研究。教學科技與媒體,55,27-35。
  • 岳修平、林一鵬、蕭芝殷(2001)。資訊教育課程實施問題研究。資訊傳播與圖書館學季刊,7(3),65-71。(THCI)
  • 岳修平、劉芳秀(2001)。網路輔助遠距教學互動活動設計之研究。教育研究資訊雙月刊,9(1),76-90。(TSSCI)


Journal Articles

  • Dabbagh, N., Jonassen, D.H., Yueh, H., & Samouilova, M. (2000). Assessing a problem-based approach to an introductory instructional design course: A case study. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 13(3), 60-83.
  • 岳修平、林維真(2000)。農校學生電腦素養與網路化農業資訊應用之研究。科學教育學刊,8(4),1-17。(TSSCI)
  • 岳修平、蕭芝殷(2000)。中國大陸中學資訊教育現況及啟示。視聽教育,42(2),35-45。
  • 岳修平(2000)。電腦網路與農業資訊傳播應用之研究。農業金融論叢,44,323-342。
  • 岳修平、盧俊吉(2000)。大學遠距課程之互動問題探討。遠距教育,15/16,112-117。
  • 岳修平(2000)。即時群播遠距教學之班級經營。課程與教學季刊,3(2),63-74。(TSSCI)
  • 岳修平,王郁青(2000)。電子化學習歷程檔案實施之態度研究。教育心理學報,31(2) ,65-84。(TSSCI)
  • 岳修平(2000)。教育科技於企業人力資源發展之應用研究。教育資料與圖書館學,37(3),299-309。(TSSCI)


Journal Articles

  • 岳修平(1999)。農民使用網路化農業資訊需求與行為研究。農業推廣學報,16, 1-15。
  • 岳修平(1999)。從教學設計觀點看美國國會圖書館數位學習網。資訊傳播與圖書館學季刊,6(2) ,63-69。(THCI)
  • 張基成,岳修平*(1999)。電腦微世界學習環境設計發展:小小旅行家—微世界探險。視聽教育雙月刊,41(3),1-8。(通訊作者)
  • 岳修平,王郁青(1999)。台大網路課程建構工具(Ceiba Tool)之實施應用評估。資訊學會通訊,2(4),89-95。
  • 岳修平(1999)。網路教學於學校教育之應用。課程與教學季刊,2(4),61-76。(TSSCI)
  • 岳修平,劉鳳芯,王柏青(1999)。學習表現績效支援系統之建構與應用:語言語文教育學群教學網頁。教學科技與媒體,47,33-40。
  • 岳修平(1999)。台灣北區遠距教學實施評估。教學科技與媒體,43,11-20。


Journal Articles

  • Jonassen, D.H., Carr, C., & Yueh, H. (1998). Computers as Mindtools for engaging learners in critical thinking. Tech Trends for Leaders in Education and Training, 43(2), 24-32.


Journal Articles

  • Jonassen, D.H., Hennon, R.J., Ondrusek, A., Samouilova, M., Spaulding, K., Yueh, H., Li, T., Nouri, V., DiRocco, M., & Birdwell, D.M (1997). Certainty, determinism, and predictability in theories of instructional design: Lessons from science. Educational Technology, 37(1), 27-34.