
1990/6 with Prof 林嘉明教授 and my classmates陳怡君&何亮儀 when graduated from DPH-NTU. 

1993/6 with my best friend Dr. Junko Otani when graduated with a master degree from HSPH. 

1997 As a doctoral student in my cubic of the department of epidemiology at HSPH

2002/6 My first two students 曾慧萍&李東欣 graduated from the Institute of Public Health of National Cheng Kung University, Tainan. 

2003/6 Invited the whole class to my place for home-made pizza (成大公衛所第三屆學生)

2003/10 Joined the faculty of IHPM at NTU

2004 /9 Visited the University of Lausanne, Switzerland with senior professors of CPH-NTU and NCKU. 

2005/8 A wonderful gathering with big shots in the job stress research at the ICOH-WOPS conference in Okayama, Japan

2005/8 with Prof. Sungil Cho and Dr. Jian Lee at the ICOH-WOPS conference 

2008 An unforgetable trip to Bangladesh - the site of Yu-Huei Mayeesha Tseng's research

2010/6 with students from DPH-NTU 台大公衛系服務隊於台南北門

2010/05/14 Dinner party at Yu-huei Mayeesha Tseng's place 到育慧家辦導生會

2010 with Board members of Taiwan PH Association 臺灣公共衛生學會理監事

The year in Berlin (2012/7~12)

The year in Berlin (2012/8~12)

2012 with my host Prof. Hans Martin Hasselhorn and Dr. Michael Ertel at BAuA, Berlin

2012 with Prof. Sung-il Cho, Dr. Hermann Burr (above) and Prof. Tage Kristensen (below)

2012 with Dr. Rokho Kim at the World Health Organization at Bonn, Germany 

2012 with Prof. Johannes Siegrist and his team at Dusseldorf University

2013/2 Book promotion event 「職業病了嗎」新書發表會,與鄭峰齊、邱曉玲合影

2013/3 with my colleagues of IHPM-NTU 台大公衛學院接受國際評鑑,與健管所同事合影

2014 with my graduate students at my residence 邀請畢業生聚會

2014 with my students at my residence邀請畢業生與在學生來家裡同歡

2015/1 with my graduate students 導生聚餐

2015/1 with doctoral students of mine at IHPM-NTU at my place 博士班研究生

2015/06/09  Yu-huei Tseng's oral defense 曾育慧博士論文口試

2017/7/24  Book promotion event 「致命粉塵」新書發表會

2017/8 Visited the Osaka Occupational Health Center, which is an active non-governmental organization specializing in occupational health policy advocacy and consultation services to injured workers 關西職業安全健康中心

2017 Ran a campus marathone with students 臺大校園馬拉松

2017/7 with students at my place 導生聚餐

2018/03/29 Celebrated for the completion of research project 慶祝全聯會研究計畫結案

2018/11 with students 導生聚餐

2019/12/01 Enjoyed a birthday cake with colleagues and students 

2019 Book promotion event 「職災之後」新書發表會

2019 Book promotion event「職災之後」新書發表會

2020/8 Inauguration of Dean SH Cheng and the new team 公衛學院新任院長與教師同仁

2020 with students 導生聚餐

2021/04/23 Celebrated the passing of the new law 與職安連線及勞陣伙伴慶祝職災保險法三讀通過

2021/8 Worked with Jie-wei Niu on book editing 

2021/11/26  Book promotion event「拓墾與傳承」新書發表會

Thank to Prof. Tung-Liang Chiang - a very supportive colleague and friends
2023/12 with colleagues of the Institute of HPM
2024/8 with colleagues of the Institute of HPM