
台灣大學社會學系 Department of Sociology


【台大社會系演講系列】2023/5/4-No Way to Hong Kong’s Way of Life: The Complex Experience of Hong Kong Migrants in Taiwan amid Cross-strait Tensions〔何榮宗(香港城市大學社會學系副教授)〕
  • 發布單位:社會學系



題目:No Way to Hong Kong’s Way of Life: The Complex Experience of Hong Kong Migrants in Taiwan amid Cross-strait Tensions


時間:2023 5 4 日(四)12:30-14:00(前三十位入場報到聽眾可領取餐盒一份,敬請準時入座)





The failure of the democratic movement during 2014-2020 prompted tens of thousands of Hongkongers (~40,000) to reluctantly leave their hometown and migrate to Taiwan to seek a freer future. Taiwan’s cultural similarity to Hong Kong, together with Taiwan’s democracy and geographic proximity are commonly recognized as pull factors of migration. However, the intensifying cross-strait tensions since late 2021 have witnessed Taipei to tighten its approval of Hongkongers’ applications for permanent residency mainly in fear of the infiltration of Chinese agents. Based on the mixed-methods of in-depth interviews (N=15) and an online survey (N=147) with Hong Kong migrants, this paper reveals their complex experience in adapting to the Taiwan way of life, becoming frustrated by Taipei’s attitudinal change, and contemplating onward migration. The findings reflect the hidden cultural differences between Hong Kong and Taiwan societies – which has ostensibly become cultural conflict – the fear of communist China.


Dr. HO Wing Chung, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the City University of Hong Kong. His research interest includes social problems and social development in Chinese societies, and social and sociological theories.