
張書森教授 Professor Shu-Sen Chang

期刊論文 Journal articles

Hwang, I.-T., Shaw, F. F.-T., Hsu, W.-Y., Kuan, C.-I., Liu, G.-Y., & Chang, S.-S. (2023). New COVID-19 challenges and response strategies adopted by a national suicide prevention hotline: A qualitative study. Death Studies, 1-10.2023-06-26
Hsu, C.-Y., Chang, S.-S., Large, M., Chang, C.-H. and Tseng, M.-C.M. (2023), Cause-specific mortality after discharge from inpatient psychiatric care in Taiwan: A national matched cohort study. Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci., 77: 290-296.2023-06-26
Huang, W. L., Chang, S. S., Wu, S. C., & Liao, S. C. (2023). Population-based prevalence of somatic symptom disorder and comorbid depression and anxiety in Taiwan. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 79, 103382.2023-06-26
Lin, C. Y., Hsu, C. Y., Gunnell, D., & Chang, S. S. (2023). Factors associated with fewer than expected suicides in Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 80, 103379. 2023-06-26
Lee, J. I., Hsu, W. Y., Huang, C. L., Chang, S. S., Shaw, F. F. T., Yu, H. T., & Yang, L. X. (2023). Taiwan National Suicide Prevention Hotline callers' suicide risk level and emotional disturbance difference during and before COVID-19. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 80, 103361.2023-06-26
Hwang, I.-T., Fu-Tsung Shaw, F., Hsu, W.-Y., Liu, G.-Y., Kuan, C.-I., Gunnell, D., & Chang, S.-S. (2022). "I can't see an end in sight." How the COVID-19 pandemic may influence suicide risk: A qualitative study. Crisis.2023-06-26
Chen, Y. H., et al. (2022). Author Response to "Letter to the Editor Regarding 'Routine HIV Testing and Outcomes: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan'." American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 62(6), e387-e389.2023-06-26
Wu, K. C.-C., Cai, Z., Chang, Q., Chang, S.-S., Yip, P. S. F., & Chen, Y.-Y. (2022). Criminalisation of suicide and suicide rates: an ecological study of 171 countries in the world.  BMJ Open,  12(2), e049425.2023-06-26
Huang, W. L., Chang, S. S., & Liao, S. C. (2022). The psychological features of distinct somatic syndromes: A cluster analysis according to population-based somatic symptom profiles in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 121(9), 1813-1822.2023-06-26
Wang, Y.-T., Chang, S.-S., Chi, Y.-C., Chien-Chang Wu, K., & Chen, Y.-Y. (2022). Suicide misconceptions and attitudes toward suicide prevention measures in Taiwan: A national survey study.  Crisis.2023-06-26
Chang Y-H, Lin C-Y, Liao S-C, et al. Societal factors and psychological distress indicators associated with the recent rise in youth suicide in Taiwan: A time trend analysis. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;57(4):537-549.2023-06-26
Choi, M., Sempungu, J. K., Lee, E. H., Chang, S. S., & Lee, Y. H. (2022). Single and combined effects of marital status, education attainment, and employment status on suicide among working-age population: A case-control study in South Korea. SSM - Population Health, 19, 101246.2023-06-26
Liu, G.-Y., Chang, Y.-H., Hwang, I.-T., Shaw, F. F.-T., Hsu, W.-Y., Hsu, C.-Y., ... Chang, S.-S. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on calls to a national suicide prevention hotline in Taiwan: An analysis of time trend and characteristics of calls.  Archives of Suicide Research: Official Journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research, 1-16.2023-06-26
Eddleston, M., Nagami, H., Lin, C.-Y., Davis, M. L., & Chang, S.-S. (2022). Pesticide use, agricultural outputs, and pesticide poisoning deaths in Japan.  Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.),  60(8), 933–941. 2023-06-26
Chang, S.-S., Lin, C.-Y., Liang, Y.-L., Chang, Y.-H., Hsu, C.-Y., & Yip, P. S. F. (2022). The impact of 2003 SARS epidemic on suicide in Taiwan and Hong Kong.  Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences,  76(5), 202-203.2023-06-26
Wu, Y.-K., Chang, C.-H., Yu, J.-H., Lan, K.-P., Yen, T.-H., Chang, S.-S., ... Chen, H.-Y. (2022). Intentional avermectin pesticide ingestion: a retrospective multicenter study.  Clinical Toxicology,  60(10), 1099-1105.2023-06-26
Pirkis, J., Gunnell, D., Shin, S., Del Pozo-Banos, M., Arya, V., Aguilar, P. A., ... Spittal, M. J. (2022). Suicide numbers during the first 9-15 months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with pre-existing trends: An interrupted time series analysis in 33 countries.  EClinicalMedicine,  51, 101573.2023-06-26
Wang, H. H., Chang, C. M., Chang, S. S., Yang, A. C., Liu, Y. H., Liao, S. C., & Wu, C. S. (2022). Ten-year trends in depression care in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 121(10), 2001-2011. 2023-06-26
Indira, M., Chowallur, M. J., M K, A., Lin, C.-Y., Chang, S.-S., Sooraj, M., & Thomas, J. (2022). Effect of pesticide ban on suicide trend - a 20-year study from a tertiary care center in Central Kerala from 2001 to 2020. Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.),  60(11), 1214-1219. 2023-06-26
Tu, C.Y., Yen, T.H., Chang, C.M., Chen, H.Y., Yen, Y.C., Guo, M.C., Lu, T.H., Wu, C.S., Chen, I.M., Cheng, H.C., Huang, W.L., Chen, C.C., Eddleston, M., and Chang, S.S., Characteristics and psychopathology of 1,086 patients who self-poisoned using pesticides in Taiwan (2012-2019): A comparison across pesticide groups. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2022. 300: 17-26.2022-02-07
Chen, Y.-Y., Tsai, C.-W., Chang, S.-S., Lin, Y.-H., Chi, Y.-C., & Chien-Chang Wu, K. (2022). Differences in reactions to media reporting of a celebrity suicide between emotionally distressed and nondistressed individuals in Taiwan. Crisis, 43(5), 426–433.2022-02-07
Chen, Y.H., Fang, C.T., Shih, M.C., Lin, K.Y., Chang, S.S., Wu, Z.T., Lee, Y.Y., and Chen, C.H., Routine HIV Testing and Outcomes: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2022. 62: 234-242.2022-02-07
Sethi, A., Lin, C.-Y., Madhavan, I., Davis, M., Alexander, P., Eddleston, M., and Chang, S.-S., Impact of regional bans of highly hazardous pesticides on agricultural yields: the case of Kerala. Agriculture & Food Security, 2022. 11.2022-02-07
Lin, C.Y., Chang, S.S., and Shen, L.J., Decrease in Suicide During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2021. 82: 21br14137.2022-02-07
Huang, C.Y., Huang, Y.T., Lin, Y.H., Chi, Y.C., Chang, S.S., and Chen, Y.Y., Factors associated with psychological impact of celebrity suicide media coverage: An online survey study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021. 295: 839-845.2022-02-07
Choi, M., Lim, J., Chang, S.S., Hwang, M., Kim, C.S., and Ki, M., Financial hardship and suicide ideation: Age and gender difference in a Korean panel study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021. 294: 889-896.2022-02-07
Griffin, E., McHugh, S.M., Jeffers, A., Gunnell, D., Arensman, E., Perry, I.J., Cully, G., McElroy, B., Maxwell, M., Chang, S.S., Ruane-McAteer, E., and Corcoran, P., Evaluation of the impact and implementation of a national clinical programme for the management of self-harm in hospital emergency departments: study protocol for a natural experiment. BMJ Open, 2021. 11: e055962.2022-02-07
Chang, S.S., Lin, C.Y., Lee, M.B., Shen, L.J., Gunnell, D., and Eddleston, M., The early impact of paraquat ban on suicide in Taiwan. Clin Toxicol (Phila), 2022. 60: 131-135.2021-08-02
Lin, C.-Y., Hsu, C.-Y., Chen, Y.-Y., Chang, S.-S., & Gunnell, D. (2022). Method-specific suicide rates and accessibility of means: A small-area analysis in Taipei City, Taiwan. Crisis, 43(5), 375–384.2021-08-02
張書森, 林倩宇, 李明濱, and 諶立中, 禁用巴拉刈預防自殺死亡的初步成效. 自殺防治網通訊(台北), 2021. 16: 10-12.2022-02-07
Suicide trends in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time-series analysis of preliminary data from 21 countries. Lancet Psychiatry, 2021. 8: 579-588. (click to see full citation and doi URL)2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Lin, C.Y., Hsu, C.Y., Chen, Y.Y., and Yip, P.S.F., Assessing the effect of restricting access to barbecue charcoal for suicide prevention in New Taipei City, Taiwan: A controlled interrupted time series analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021. 282: 795-802.2021-06-23
Chen, C.C., Cheng, K.W., Chang, H.Y., and Chang, S.S., Changes in alcoholic beverage preference and consumption in Taiwan following accession to the World Trade Organization. Addiction, 2021. 116: 497-505.2021-06-23
Russell, A.E., Mars, B., Wen, C.P., Chang, S.S., and Gunnell, D., Evidence for an association between inflammatory markers and suicide: a cohort study based on 359,849 to 462,747 Taiwanese adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021. 281: 967-971.2021-06-23
Wu, Y.C., Lo, W.C., Lu, T.H., Chang, S.S., Lin, H.H., and Chan, C.C., Mortality, morbidity, and risk factors in Taiwan, 1990-2017: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 2021. 120: 1340-1349.2021-06-23
張書森, 大專校院學生的心理精神照護. 學務通訊, 2021. 985: 5-6.2021-06-23
張書森, 林倩宇, 許嘉月, and 陳映燁, 限炭介入的長期效果. 自殺防治網通訊(台北), 2021. 16: 10-13.2021-06-23
張書森, 評論:新冠疫情、心理健康與防疫行為. 台灣公共衛生雜誌, 2021. 40: 97-98.2021-06-23
Niederkrotenthaler, T., Gunnell, D., Arensman, E., Pirkis, J., Appleby, L., Hawton, K., John, A., Kapur, N., Khan, M., O'Connor, R.C., Platt, S., and International Covid-19 Suicide Prevention Research Collaboration, Suicide Research, Prevention, and COVID-19. Crisis, 2020. 41: 321-330.2021-06-23
Lung, Y., Chang, S.S., Hsu, C.Y., Wu, S.C., Chen, C.Y., and Chen, W.J., Residential Socioeconomic Environments and Areca Nut Use in Taiwan: A Comparison with Alcohol and Tobacco Use in Multilevel Analysis. Substance Use and Misuse, 2020. 55: 2025-2034.2021-06-23
Liu, H.F., Ku, C.H., Chang, S.S., Chang, C.M., Wang, I.K., Yang, H.Y., Weng, C.H., Huang, W.H., Hsu, C.W., and Yen, T.H., Outcome of patients with chlorpyrifos intoxication. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 2020. 39: 1291-1300.2021-06-23
Lin, C.Y., Bickley, H., Clements, C., Webb, R.T., Gunnell, D., Hsu, C.Y., Chang, S.S., and Kapur, N., Spatial patterning and correlates of self-harm in Manchester, England. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 2020. 29: e72.2021-06-23
Lee, W.J., Cha, E.S., Bang, Y.J., Hsu, C.Y., and Chang, S.S., Suicide deaths among diagnostic medical radiation workers in South Korea, 1996-2017. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2020. 77: 675-680.2021-06-23
Hsu, C.Y., Chang, S.S., and Gunnell, D., Suicide and happiness: the association between two potential Sustainable Development Goal indicators for mental health. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2020. 81: 20I13339.2021-06-23
Guo, Y., Chang, S.S., Chan, C.H., Chang, Q., Hsu, C.Y., and Yip, P.S.F., Association of neighbourhood social and physical attributes with depression in older adults in Hong Kong: a multilevel analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2020. 74: 120-129.2021-06-23
Gunnell, D., Appleby, L., Arensman, E., Hawton, K., John, A., Kapur, N., Khan, M., O'Connor, R.C., Pirkis, J., and Covid-19 Suicide Prevention Research Collaboration, Suicide risk and prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet Psychiatry, 2020. 7: 468-471.2021-06-23
Chen, C.C., Wu, W.C., Chang, S.S., Chang, C.B., Yang, C.J., Su, H.K., and Chan, D.D., Common mental disorders in Taiwanese consumers of commercial low-dose computed tomography lung cancer screening: Comparison with a nationally representative sample. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 2020. 119: 1274-1282.2021-06-23
Chang, Y.H., Gunnell, D., Hsu, C.Y., Chang, S.S., and Cheng, A.T., Gender difference in suicide in Taiwan over a century: a time trend analysis in 1905-1940 and 1959-2012. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2020. 74: 898-906.2021-06-23
Chang, Y.H., Chang, S.S., Hsu, C.Y., and Gunnell, D., Impact of pandemic on suicide: excess suicides in Taiwan during the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic. J Clin Psychiat, 2020. 81: 20l13454.2021-06-23
Chang, Y.-H., Liao, S.-C., Lin, C.-Y., Hsu, C.-Y., and Chang, S.-S., Changing suicide trends in Taiwan: a joinpoint regression analysis from 1971 to 2018 (in Chin). Taiwan Journal of Public Health, 2020. 39: 536-552.2021-06-23
Cha, E.S., Chang, S.S., Choi, Y., and Lee, W.J., Trends in pesticide suicide in South Korea, 1983-2014. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 2020. 29: e25.2021-06-23
Lin, C.Y., Hsu, C.Y., Gunnell, D., Chen, Y.Y., and Chang, S.S., Spatial patterning, correlates, and inequality in suicide across 432 neighborhoods in Taipei City, Taiwan. Soc Sci Med, 2019. 222: 20-34.2021-06-23
Knipe, D., Williams, A.J., Hannam-Swain, S., Upton, S., Brown, K., Bandara, P., Chang, S.S., and Kapur, N., Psychiatric morbidity and suicidal behaviour in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Med, 2019. 16: e1002905.2021-06-23
Hsu, C.Y., Chang, S.S., and Yip, P.S.F., Subjective wellbeing, suicide and socioeconomic factors: an ecological analysis in Hong Kong. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 2019. 28: 112-130.2021-06-23
Chang, Y.H., Hsu, C.Y., Cheng, Q., Chang, S.S., and Yip, P., The evolution of the characteristics of charcoal-burning suicide in Hong Kong, 2002-2013. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2019. 257: 390-395.2021-06-23
Huang, W.-C., Chang, S.-S., and Hwang, T.-J., Risk assessment and prediction of suicide: towards a needs based approach. IPA Bulletin, 2019. 36: 11-12.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S. and Gunnell, D., Banning paraquat would prevent nearly 200 deaths from suicide per year in Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, 2019. 33: 119-121.2021-06-23
張書森, 減少農藥自殺死亡的策略:支持禁用巴拉刈的證據. 台灣公共衛生雜誌, 2019. 38: 453-456.2021-06-23
張書森, 我們應該依自殺風險來分類病人嗎?. 自殺防治網通訊(台北), 2019. 14: 13-15.2021-06-23
張書森, 限制致命工具以減少自殺死亡:原理與運用. 台灣公共衛生雜誌, 2019. 38: 223-227.2021-06-23
Strand, L.B., Tsai, M.K., Wen, C.P., Chang, S.S., and Brumpton, B.M., Is having asthma associated with an increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease? A prospective cohort study of 446 346 Taiwanese adults. BMJ Open, 2018. 8: e019992.2021-06-23
Ma, C.H., Chang, S.S., Tsai, H.J., Gau, S.S., Chen, I.M., Liao, S.C., Chien, Y.L., Hsieh, M.H., and Wu, C.S., Comparative effect of antipsychotics on risk of self-harm among patients with schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2018. 137: 296-305.2021-06-23
Guo, Y., Chang, S.S., Sha, F., and Yip, P.S.F., Poverty concentration in an affluent city: Geographic variation and correlates of neighborhood poverty rates in Hong Kong. PLoS One, 2018. 13: e0190566.2021-06-23
Guo, Y., Chang, S.-S., Chen, M., and Yip, P.S.F., Do poorer areas have poorer access to services in Hong Kong? A small-area analysis based on multiple spatial accessibility indicators. Social Indicators Research, 2018. 138: 1-21.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S. and Gunnell, D., Natural environments and suicide. Lancet Planet Health, 2018. 2: e109-e110.2021-06-23
陳柔慈 and 張書森, 世界衛生組織2017年最新自殺報導指引:正確資訊、正向行為與網路媒體的重要性. 自殺防治網通訊(台北), 2018. 13: 3-5.2021-06-23
林倩宇 and 張書森, 用媒體活動或宣傳來預防自殺. 自殺防治網通訊(台北), 2018. 13: 5-8.2021-06-23
Yip, P.S.F., Cheng, Q., Chang, S.S., Lee, E.S.T., Lai, C.C., Chen, F., Law, Y.F., Cheng, T.M.E., Chiu, S.M., Tse, Y.L.J., Cheung, K.R., Tse, M.L., Morgan, P.R., and Beh, P., A public health approach in responding to the spread of helium suicide in Hong Kong. Crisis, 2017. 38: 269-277.2021-06-23
Wu, X., Tsai, S.P., Tsao, C.K., Chiu, M.L., Tsai, M.K., Lu, P.J., Lee, J.H., Chen, C.H., Wen, C., Chang, S.S., Hsu, C.Y., and Wen, C.P., Cohort Profile: The Taiwan MJ Cohort: half a million Chinese with repeated health surveillance data. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2017. 46: 1744-1744g.2021-06-23
Wu, C.S., Liao, S.C., Tsai, Y.T., Chang, S.S., and Tsai, H.J., Comparative risk of self-harm hospitalization amongst depressive disorder patients using different antidepressants: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan. Psychological Medicine, 2017. 47: 81-92.2021-06-23
Mew, E.J., Padmanathan, P., Konradsen, F., Eddleston, M., Chang, S.S., Phillips, M.R., and Gunnell, D., The global burden of fatal self-poisoning with pesticides 2006-15: Systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2017. 219: 93-104.2021-06-23
Knipe, D.W., Chang, S.S., Dawson, A., Eddleston, M., Konradsen, F., Metcalfe, C., and Gunnell, D., Suicide prevention through means restriction: Impact of the 2008-2011 pesticide restrictions on suicide in Sri Lanka. PLoS One, 2017. 12: e0172893.2021-06-23
Kandt, J., Chang, S.-S., Yip, P., and Burdett, R., The spatial pattern of premature mortality in Hong Kong: How does it relate to public housing? Urban Studies, 2017. 54: 1211-1234.2021-06-23
Hsu, C.Y., Chang, S.S., and Yip, P., Individual-, household- and neighbourhood-level characteristics associated with life satisfaction: A multilevel analysis of a population-based sample from Hong Kong. Urban Studies, 2017. 54: 3700-3717.2021-06-23
Gunnell, D., Knipe, D., Chang, S.S., Pearson, M., Konradsen, F., Lee, W.J., and Eddleston, M., Prevention of suicide with regulations aimed at restricting access to highly hazardous pesticides: a systematic review of the international evidence. Lancet Global Health, 2017. 5: E1026-E1037.2021-06-23
Chen, I.M., Lin, P.H., Wu, V.C., Wu, C.S., Shan, J.C., Chang, S.S., and Liao, S.C., Suicide deaths among patients with end-stage renal disease receiving dialysis: A population-based retrospective cohort study of 64,000 patients in Taiwan. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2017. 227: 7-10.2021-06-23
林倩宇 and 張書森, 「新媒體」與台灣青年人的自傷行為. 青年研究學報, 2017. 20: 96-112.2021-06-23
Strand, L.B., Tsai, M.K., Gunnell, D., Janszky, I., Wen, C.P., and Chang, S.S., Self-reported sleep duration and coronary heart disease mortality: A large cohort study of 400,000 Taiwanese adults. International Journal of Cardiology, 2016. 207: 246-51.2021-06-23
Gunnell, D. and Chang, S.-S., Economic recession, unemployment and suicide, in The international handbook of suicide prevention: research, policy and practice. 2nd ed, R. O'Connor and J. Pirkis, Editors. 2016, Wiley: Hoboken. p. 284-300.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Cheng, Q., Lee, E.S., and Yip, P.S., Suicide by gassing in Hong Kong 2005-2013: Emerging trends and characteristics of suicide by helium inhalation. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2016. 192: 162-6.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Bjorngaard, J.H., Tsai, M.K., Bjerkeset, O., Wen, C.P., Yip, P.S., Tsao, C.K., and Gunnell, D., Heart rate and suicide: findings from two cohorts of 533 000 Taiwanese and 75 000 Norwegian adults. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2016. 133: 277-88.2021-06-23
Cha, E.S., Chang, S.S., and Lee, W.J., Potential underestimation of pesticide suicide and its impact on secular trends in South Korea, 1991-2012. Injury Prevention, 2016. 22: 189-94.2021-06-23
Cha, E.S., Chang, S.S., Gunnell, D., Eddleston, M., Khang, Y.H., and Lee, W.J., Impact of paraquat regulation on suicide in South Korea. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2016. 45: 470-9.2021-06-23
Strand, L.B., Tsai, M.K., Gunnell, D., Janszky, I., Wen, C.P., and Chang, S.S., Sleep duration, sleep quality and coronary heart disease mortality. International Journal of Cardiology, 2016. 223: 534-535.2021-06-23
Zhang, Y., Yip, P.S., Chang, S.S., Wong, P.W., and Law, F.Y., Association between changes in risk factor status and suicidal ideation incidence and recovery. Crisis, 2015. 36: 390-8.2021-06-23
Reeves, A., McKee, M., Gunnell, D., Chang, S.S., Basu, S., Barr, B., and Stuckler, D., Economic shocks, resilience, and male suicides in the Great Recession: cross-national analysis of 20 EU countries. Eur J Public Health, 2015. 25: 404-9.2021-06-23
Lin, A.S., Chang, S.S., Lin, S.H., Peng, Y.C., Hwu, H.G., and Chen, W.J., Minor physical anomalies and craniofacial measures in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 2015. 45: 1839-50.2021-06-23
Hsu, C.Y., Chang, S.S., Lee, E.S., and Yip, P.S., Geography of suicide in Hong Kong: spatial patterning, and socioeconomic correlates and inequalities. Soc Sci Med, 2015. 130: 190-203.2021-06-23
Gunnell, D., Derges, J., Chang, S.S., and Biddle, L., Searching for suicide methods. Crisis, 2015. 36: 325-31.2021-06-23
Gunnell, D., Coope, C., Fearn, V., Wells, C., Chang, S.S., Hawton, K., and Kapur, N., Suicide by gases in England and Wales 2001-2011: evidence of the emergence of new methods of suicide. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2015. 170: 190-5.2021-06-23
Cheng, Q., Chang, S.S., Guo, Y., and Yip, P.S., Information accessibility of the charcoal burning suicide method in Mainland China. PLoS One, 2015. 10: e0140686.2021-06-23
Chen, Y.Y., Chen, F., Chang, S.S., Wong, J., and Yip, P.S., Assessing the efficacy of restricting access to barbecue charcoal for suicide prevention in Taiwan: a community-based Intervention trial. PLoS One, 2015. 10: e0133809.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Steeg, S., Kapur, N., Webb, R., Yip, P.S., and Cooper, J., Self-harm amongst people of Chinese origin versus White people living in England: a cohort study. BMC Psychiatry, 2015. 15: 79.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Kwok, S.S., Cheng, Q., Yip, P.S., and Chen, Y.Y., The association of trends in charcoal-burning suicide with Google search and newspaper reporting in Taiwan: a time series analysis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2015. 50: 1451-61.2021-06-23
Chan, C.H., Caine, E.D., Chang, S.S., Lee, W.J., Cha, E.S., and Yip, P.S., The impact of improving suicide death classification in South Korea: a comparison with Japan and Hong Kong. PLoS One, 2015. 10: e0125730.2021-06-23
張書森, 網路搜尋與燒炭自殺. 自殺防治網通訊(台北), 2015. 10: 3-6.2021-06-23
Wu, C.Y., Liu, S.I., Chang, S.S., and Sun, F.J., Surveys of medical seeking preference, mental health literacy, and attitudes toward mental illness in Taiwan, 1990-2000. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 2014. 113: 33-41.2021-06-23
Li, J., Chang, S.S., Yip, P.S.F., Li, J., Jordan, L.P., Tang, Y.G., Hao, Y.T., Huang, X.M., Yang, N., Chen, C.Q., and Zeng, Q.M., Mental wellbeing amongst younger and older migrant workers in comparison to their urban counterparts in Guangzhou city, China: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 2014. 14: 1280.2021-06-23
Choi, Y.R., Cha, E.S., Chang, S.S., Khang, Y.H., and Lee, W.J., Suicide from carbon monoxide poisoning in South Korea: 2006-2012. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2014. 167: 322-5.2021-06-23
Chen, Y.Y., Yip, P.S., Chan, C.H., Fu, K.W., Chang, S.S., Lee, W.J., and Gunnell, D., The impact of a celebrity's suicide on the introduction and establishment of a new method of suicide in South Korea. Arch Suicide Res, 2014. 18: 221-6.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Chen, Y.Y., Yip, P.S., Lee, W.J., Hagihara, A., and Gunnell, D., Regional changes in charcoal-burning suicide rates in East/Southeast Asia from 1995 to 2011: a time trend analysis. PLoS Med, 2014. 11: e1001622.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Chen, Y.Y., Heron, J., Kidger, J., Lewis, G., and Gunnell, D., IQ and adolescent self-harm behaviours in the ALSPAC birth cohort. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2014. 152-154: 175-82.2021-06-23
Chan, C.H., Caine, E.D., You, S., Fu, K.W., Chang, S.S., and Yip, P.S., Suicide rates among working-age adults in South Korea before and after the 2008 economic crisis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2014. 68: 246-52.2021-06-23
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Gunnell, D., Chang, S.S., Tsai, M.K., Tsao, C.K., and Wen, C.P., Sleep and suicide: an analysis of a cohort of 394,000 Taiwanese adults. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2013. 48: 1457-65.2021-06-23
Chen, Y.Y., Gunnell, D., Lu, C.L., Chang, S.S., Lu, T.H., and Li, C.Y., Perinatal risk factors for suicide in young adults in Taiwan. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2013. 42: 1381-9.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Stuckler, D., Yip, P., and Gunnell, D., Impact of 2008 global economic crisis on suicide: time trend study in 54 countries. BMJ, 2013. 347: f5239.2021-06-23
Yip, P.S. and Chang, S.S., Providing quality care for the body and mind. Journal of Internal Medicine, 2013. 273: 42-3.2021-06-23
Reeves, A., Stuckler, D., McKee, M., Gunnell, D., Chang, S.-S., and Basu, S., Suicide, recession, and unemployment - Authors' reply. The Lancet, 2013. 381: 722.2021-06-23
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Yip, P.S., Caine, E., Yousuf, S., Chang, S.S., Wu, K.C., and Chen, Y.Y., Means restriction for suicide prevention. Lancet, 2012. 379: 2393-9.2021-06-23
Reeves, A., Stuckler, D., McKee, M., Gunnell, D., Chang, S.-S., and Basu, S., Increase in state suicide rates in the USA during economic recession. The Lancet, 2012. 380: 1813-1814.2021-06-23
Gunnell, D., Wheeler, B., Chang, S.S., Thomas, B., Sterne, J.A., and Dorling, D., Changes in the geography of suicide in young men: England and Wales 1981--2005. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2012. 66: 536-43.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Wen, C.P., Tsai, M.K., Lawlor, D.A., Yang, Y.C., and Gunnell, D., Adiposity, its related biologic risk factors, and suicide: a cohort study of 542,088 Taiwanese adults. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2012. 175: 804-15.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Lu, T.H., Sterne, J.A., Eddleston, M., Lin, J.J., and Gunnell, D., The impact of pesticide suicide on the geographic distribution of suicide in Taiwan: a spatial analysis. BMC Public Health, 2012. 12: 260.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Lu, T.H., Eddleston, M., Konradsen, F., Sterne, J.A., Lin, J.J., and Gunnell, D., Factors associated with the decline in suicide by pesticide poisoning in Taiwan: a time trend analysis, 1987-2010. Clin Toxicol (Phila), 2012. 50: 471-80.2021-06-23
Cheng, Q., Chang, S.S., and Yip, P.S., Opportunities and challenges of online data collection for suicide prevention. Lancet, 2012. 379: e53-4.2021-06-23
Thomas, K., Chang, S.S., and Gunnell, D., Suicide epidemics: the impact of newly emerging methods on overall suicide rates - a time trends study. BMC Public Health, 2011. 11: 314.2021-06-23
Page, A., Chang, S.S., and Gunnell, D., Surveillance of Australian suicidal behaviour using the internet? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2011. 45: 1020-2.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Sterne, J.A., Wheeler, B.W., Lu, T.H., Lin, J.J., and Gunnell, D., Geography of suicide in Taiwan: Spatial patterning and socioeconomic correlates. Health Place, 2011. 17: 641-650.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Page, A., and Gunnell, D., Internet searches for a specific suicide method follow its high-profile media coverage. American Journal of Psychiatry, 2011. 168: 855-7.2021-06-23
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Lin, J.J., Chang, S.S., and Lu, T.H., The leading methods of suicide in Taiwan, 2002-2008. BMC Public Health, 2010. 10: 480.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Sterne, J.A., Lu, T.H., and Gunnell, D., 'Hidden' suicides amongst deaths certified as undetermined intent, accident by pesticide poisoning and accident by suffocation in Taiwan. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2010. 45: 143-52.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Sterne, J.A., Huang, W.C., Chuang, H.L., and Gunnell, D., Association of secular trends in unemployment with suicide in Taiwan, 1959-2007: A time-series analysis. Public Health, 2010. 124: 49-54.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Gunnell, D., Wheeler, B.W., Yip, P., and Sterne, J.A., The evolution of the epidemic of charcoal-burning suicide in Taiwan: a spatial and temporal analysis. PLoS Med, 2010. 7: e1000212.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Liu, C.M., Lin, S.H., Hwu, H.G., Hwang, T.J., Liu, S.K., Hsieh, M.H., Guo, S.C., and Chen, W.J., Impaired flush response to niacin skin patch among schizophrenia patients and their nonpsychotic relatives: the effect of genetic loading. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2009. 35: 213-21.2021-06-23
Chang, S.S., Gunnell, D., Sterne, J.A., Lu, T.H., and Cheng, A.T., Was the economic crisis 1997-1998 responsible for rising suicide rates in East/Southeast Asia? A time-trend analysis for Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand. Soc Sci Med, 2009. 68: 1322-31.2021-06-23
Liu, C.M., Chang, S.S., Liao, S.C., Hwang, T.J., Shieh, M.H., Liu, S.K., Chen, W.J., and Hwu, H.G., Absent response to niacin skin patch is specific to schizophrenia and independent of smoking. Psychiatry Research, 2007. 152: 181-7.2021-06-23
Lin, S.H., Liu, C.M., Chang, S.S., Hwu, H.G., Liu, S.K., Hwang, T.J., Hsieh, M.H., Guo, S.C., and Chen, W.J., Familial aggregation in skin flush response to niacin patch among schizophrenic patients and their nonpsychotic relatives. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2007. 33: 174-82.2021-06-23
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