



-----.1994a. Kavalan: A sociolingustic investigation. Paper oresented at台灣南島民族母語言討會。May 31-June 2, Nangang.

-----.1994b. Language, writing and culture: A cognitive science perspective. June 26. 台大。

-----. 1994c.Is Chinese a pragmatic ordering language? International Conference on Chinese languages and Chinese linguistics( IsCLL-3). July 18-19. Nangang.

-----. 1994d. On the analysis of discourse markers—A methodolocial critique. Paper presented at the Forth International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Chinese. Taipei.

-----.1995a. Emergent lexical semantics. Paper presented at the Second International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan, June 3-4, 台大。

-----. 1995b. Sociolinguistics in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Conference on Taiwan on the Eve of the 21st century, Seattle, Wawshington. Sept 6-8.

-----.1996a. On the emergence of the definite determiner as a grammatical category. Paper presented at the Eighth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, May 17-19. Urbana, Illionois.

-----. 1996b. Discourse basis of syntax. Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, June 27-29. Hsinchu, Taiwan.

-----. 1996c. Form and function in discourse and syntax. Paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics, Dec.27-28. Mucha, Taipei.

-----. 1997a. "The discourse basis of Chinese syntax." Paper presented at the Ninth North American conference on Chinese Linguistics, May 4-6. Victoria, Canada.

-----. 1997b. "Declarative questions and sequentially sensitive grammars." Paper presented at the First Symposium on Discourse and Syntax in Chinese and Austronesian Languages, June 14-15. Taipei, Taiwan.

-----. 1997c. "The pragmatics of focus in Seediq." Paper presented at the First Symposium on Discourse and Syntax in Chinese and Austronesian Languages, June 14-15. Taipei, Taiwan.

-----. 1997d. <語言與演化>。第九次人文與科技對談背景報告。十月十八日。高雄中山大學。

-----. 1997e. "On a sequentially sensitive lexicon." Paper presented at the Mini-Conference on Lexical Semantics, Nov. 22, 1997. Chung Cheng University. Also at the Fifth International Symposium on the Teaching and Learning of the Chinese Language, Dec. 27-30, 1997. Taipei.

-----. 1998a. “The story of heads and tails—on a sequentially sensitive lexicon”. Paper presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics, July 16-18. Academia Sinica.

-----. 1998b. “Seediq: Semantic representation in a language without preposition”. Paper presented at the Conference of Ireland Cognitive Science Society. August 16-18, Dublin. Ireland.

-----. 1999. “Chinese as a metonymic language”. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Cognitive Linguistics, July 10-17. Stockholm, Sweden.

-----. 2000a. “The pragmatics of focus in Tsou and Seediq”. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association. Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 11-13, 2000.

-----. 2000b. Language in the wild: Grammar and distributed cognition. Panel paper presented at IsCLL-7, Chung-Cheng University, Dec. 22-24, 2000.

-----. 2001. Two different ways to travel. Paper presented at the Association of Linguistic Typology IV Conference, July 18-21, Santa Barbara, California

-----. 2002. The structure of motion events in Chinese, Tsou and Saisiyat. IACL 11, August 19-22, Aichi, Japan.

-----. 2004a ( with Fu-hui Hsieh). The pragmatics of the case marking system of Saisityat. Paper presented at 2004 Annual Conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2004), May 1-4. Portland, Oregon.

-----. 2004b. Emotion and affect in Formosan languages. Paper presented at Syntax of the World’s languages, August 5-9. Leipzig, Germany.

-----. 2004c. Split O in Formosan languages---- A localist interpretation. Paper presented at IsCLL-9. Nov. 19-21. 台大。

-----. 2004d ( with Fu-hui Hsieh) Grammar, construction and social action in Mandarin conversation. Paper presented at IsCLL-9. Nov. 19-21. Taida.

-----. 2005. (with Huei-ju Huang) Causative and applicative: their split and syncretism in Formosan languages. Paper presented at the Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Austronesian Languages, June 24-25. Taipei.

-----. 2006a. (with Huei-ju Huang) Verb types, lexical semantics and Split O in Tsou. Paper presented at International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics 10, January 17-20. Palauan, Philippines.

-----. 2006b. (with Yu-ting Yeh) Transitivity and ergativity in Squliq Atayal. Paper presetned at ICAL 10, January 17-20. Paluan, Phillipines.

-----. 2006c. Transitivity as an emergent category in Formosan languages. Paper presented at the Oxford-Kobe Seminar on the Linguistics of the Endangered Languages, April 2-5. Kobe, Japan.

-----. 2006d. Transitivity as an emergent category in Formosna langauges. Paper presented at IsCLL 10 and ICAL 14, May 25-28. Academia Sinica.



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