Polly Huang

Polly is a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University. Polly received her PhD from USC CS and her BS from NTU Math. Before returning to NTU, she spent the early days of her career at AT&T Labs-Research, ETH Zurich, and UCLA. Polly was also a visiting faculty member at MIT and Keio University.

She has over 25 years of experience in network and system research. Her recent interest includes multimedia networking and mobile IoT system. Despite being physically in Taiwan, she has enforced an all-English policy and remained selective of the students. The effort has kept her group competitive internationally. Her group has been the winner of the Best Presentation Award of ACM SenSys 2010, Best Paper Award of ACM/IEEE IPSN 2012, and more recently Best Paper Award of ACM AINTEC 2021, Best Demo Runner Up Award of ACM SenSys 2023, and Best Student Paper Award of ACM AINTEC 2023.

Polly has (co-)authored over 100 technical articles and over 10 US patents. She has served as a TPC member for competitive network/system conferences, including ACM Sensys, IPSN, WWW, Sigcomm, Mobicom, and MobiSys. She has also served as an associate editor of ACM TOSN and ACM IMWUT, and currenly an associate editor of ACM TWEB.


Polly Huang
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