BS (National Taiwan University)
MA (Texas Woman's University)
PhD (University of Southern California)
¡@Teaching Areas:
Pediatric occupational therapy
Sensory integration
Neurodevelopment treatment
Quality of life/subjective well-being
Occupational Science
Advanced Occupational Therapy Theory
¡@Research Interests: (click here for more details)
Quality of life of stroke survivors
Quality of life of caregivers of stroke patients
Balance training for stroke survivors
The Meaning of Daily Occupation for Different Subjects
Balance function of children with ADHD
¡@Current Research Projects:
The Development of a Pediatric Occupational Inventory
Study of the Need and Supply of Occupational Therapy in Different Arenas
- Lo, J. L., Hsiao, S. J.(2006). The Experiences and Adaptation of Daily Occupations of Mothers with Young Children with Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association R.O.C.,24, 11-24.
- Lo, J. L., Mao, H. F., Wu, C. Y. (2005). The Project of Inspection of Occupational Therapy Department in Medical Facilities in 2003. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association R.O.C., 23, 87-113.
- Chiu, C. Y., Lo, J. L. (2005). The Concurrent Validity of the Pediatric Daily Occupation Inventory. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association R.O.C., 23, 1-12.
- Lo, J. L., Wu, C. Y., Chu, T. F. (2004). The manpower supply and demand of occupational therapy in Taiwan. Formosan Journal of Medicine, 8, 20-31.
- Lo, J. L. (2004). The manpower demand of occupational therapy in medical system of Taiwan. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association, Republic of China, 22, 82-92.
- Lo, J. L., Mao, H. F., Wu, M. Y. (2004). The Manpower Demand of Occupational Therapy in the Evolving Domains. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association R.O.C., 22, 43-54.
- Lo, J. L., Wu, C. Y., Chu,T. F. (2004). The Manpower Supply and Demand of Occupational Therapy in Taiwan. Formosan Journal of Medicine, 8, 20-31.
- Lo, J. L., Mao, H. F., Wu, M. Y. (2004). The manpower demand of occupational therapy in the evolving domains. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association, Republic of China, 22, 43-55.
- Huang, S. L., Lo, J. L., J, Y., Lin, C. C., Mao, H. F. (2003). Use of assistive devices in parents discharged from rehabilitation ward. Formosan Journal of Medicine, 7(5), 681-688.
- Tzuang, T. E., Lo, J. L., Huang C. Y. (2003). The activating exercise program for psychomotor function of the elderly: an evaluation of the effect. The Journal of Long-Term Care, 7, 217-233.
- Lo, J. L., Chu, T. F. (2003). Survey of the current situation of occupational therapy in Taiwan. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association, Republic of China, 21, 56-67.
- Lo, J. L., Chen, W. S. (2002). The balance function of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. Formosan Journal of Medicine, 6(6), 815-820.
- Lo, J. L., Mao, H. F., Tsai, Y. J., Huang, S. L., Lin, H. G., Lee, S. D., Chang, J. J. (2002). The development of an occupational therapy delivery model for long-term care facilities. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association, Republic of China, 20, 117-128.
- Lo, J. L., Huang, S. L., Mao, H. F., Tsai, Y. J., Lin, H. G., Lee, S. D., Chang, J. J. (2002). The current status and needs of residents in nursing home facilitues. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association, Republic of China, 20, 95-106.
- Lo, J. L., Chu, T. F., Chen-Sea, M. J. (2001). Analysis of the current status of occupational therapy manpower in Taiwan. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association, Republic of China, 19, 9-23.
- Lo JL, Huang SL (2000). Affective experiences during daily occupations: Measurement and results. Occupational Therapy International, 7(2), 134-144.
- Lo, J-L, & Shih, S.R. (1999). The 2nd Asian-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress held in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China (ROC) from 11-14 September 1999 "Occupation: A crosscultural theme". World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 40, 56-57.
- Mao,H-F., Li, W., & Lo, J.L.(1999). Construct validity of Beery's developmental test of visual-motor integration. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research.19 (4), 256-273.
- Lo, J. L. School-based occupational therapy in Taiwan.The 2nd. Asian-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress,1999.9.12.
- Lo,J-L. (1998). Sensory integration and child development. Taipei: Psychological Publication.
- Lo, J. L. & Zemke, R. (1997). The relationship between affective experience during daily occupations and subjective well-being measures: A pilot Study. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health 13 (3):1-21.
- Huang, S. L., Chang, K. H., & Lo, J. L. (1996). The performance in activities of daily living of hemiplegic patients. Tzu Chi Medical Journal, 8(2):119-125 [in Chinese].
- Lo, J. L. (1996). The relationship between daily occupational affective experiences and subjective well-being. Occupational Therapy International, 3:190-203.
- Lo, J. L. & Zemke, R. (1995). The relationship between affective experiences during daily occupations and subjective well-being measures. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health.
- Lo, J. L., Lai, J. S., & Huang, S. L. (1994). The performance of normal adults on the Purdne pegboard test in relation to gender and handness. Journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of the Republic of China, 12, 51-57.
- Drake, M., Lo, J. L., Hwang, M. T., & Shih, L. (1994). Comparison of color meaning and content of drawings by Taiwanese & USA psychiatric patients. Journal of Occupational Therapy Association of the Republic of China, 12, 41-49 [in Chinese].
- Lo, J. L. (1994). Sex differences in the correlations of daily affective occupational experiences and subjective well-being measures. Journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of the Republic of China, 12, 29-39 [in Chinese].
- Lo, J. L. (1994). The relationship betweem affective experience during daily occupations and subjective well-ing measures. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Southern California.
- Lo, J. L., Lai, J. S., & Lien, I. N. (1992). The effect of sensory integrative therapy for learning disabled children: A follow-up study. Journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of the Republic of China, 10, 19-32 [in Chinese].
- Lo, J. L. (1989). The assessment and treatment of sensory integrative dysfunction children. Journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of the Republic of China, 7, 9-18 [in Chinese].
- Chu, T. F. & Lo, J. L. (1987). A report of the situation of occupational therapy in Taiwan ROC. Journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of the Republic of China, 5, 45-57 [in Chinese].
- Lo, J. L. , Yeung, K. T. , Howe, T. H., & Lien, I. N. (1985). Sensory integration therapy for learning disabled. Journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of the Republic of China, 3, 34-42 [in Chinese].
- Lo, J. L. (1984). Sensory integration: Theory and application. Journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of the Republic of China, 2, 43-48 [in Chinese].
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