



線上研討會:人工智慧技術於數位影像處理之應用研討會|電機系 丁建均教授



主講人:電機系 丁建均教授


AI 技術已經大量應用於日常生活中, 其中又以數位影像處理是諸多廣泛應用中常被討論的主題之一。此次台大國際產學聯盟特別邀請到丁建均教授為我們介紹如何結合AI 技術與傳統影像處理技術打造更穩定與更可靠的影像處理於人臉辨識、手寫辨識及模糊影像還原等應用。 





主要研究成果|生醫訊號處理/影像後製/ 影像追蹤



Artificial intelligence, including the support vector machine (SVM), the convolutional neural network (CNN), and the generative adversarial network (GAN), have been widely adopted in digital image processing. Machine learning techniques are popular in academia. However, in industry, the stability of the architecture and the complexity are important issues. Therefore, a good solution to solve an image processing problem is usually a hybrid of machine learning and classical techniques. In this talk, I will show some examples to use machine learning methods together with classical techniques to solve image processing problems, including face detection, handwriting verification, and image deblurring. I will also describe the prospect of machine learning techniques in academia and industry.