Administration Building - List of Offices

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行政大樓 Administration Building

行政大樓位於椰林大道上 、前方廣場是傅鐘和方形噴水池。 行政大樓是棟磚紅色的二層樓建築,正面入口 4 支古典的科林式柱是它的重要代表景觀。

The Administration Building (M50) sits on the Palm Boulevard behind the Fu Bell and water fountain. Layered with vibrant red bricks and adorned with classic Corinthian order columns, this Japanese-style building is representative of the University's historic past.


101 訪客中心
Visitor Center
102 課外活動指導組
Student Activities Division
103 第三會議室
Conference Room 3
104 事務組
General Services Division
106 註冊組
Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division
107 招生辦公室
Office of Admissions
108 課務組講義股
Instructional Copy Service
109 副學務長室
Deputy Vice President, Student Affairs
111 生活輔導組
Student Assistance Division
112 僑生及陸生輔導組
Overseas Chinese and Mainland Chinese Students Advising Division
114 學務長室
Vice President, Student Affairs
117 第一會議室
Conference Room 1


201 校長室
Office of the President
202 丁副校長室
Executive Vice President Ding
203 廖副校長室
Executive Vice President Liao
204 主任秘書室
205 媒體公關中心
Media Relations and Communications Center
206 記者接待室
Press Room
207 秘書室
208 課務組
Curriculum Division
209 教務處會議室
OAA Meeting Room
210 研究生教務組
Graduate Academic Affairs Division
211 教務處秘書室
Secretariat of Academic Affairs
212 教務長室
Vice President, Academic Affairs
213 總務長室
Vice President, General Affairs
214 總務處秘書室
Secretariat of General Affairs
215 張副校長室
Executive Vice President Chang
216 曾副校長室
Executive Vice President Tseng
217 接待室
Reception room
218 貴賓室
VIP Lounge
219 會議室
Conference Room


300 紀念品籌備辦公室
Campus Store Preparation Office
301 國立臺灣大學系統
National Taiwan University System
302 資訊組
Computer Information Management Division
303 臺大校友雙月刊
NTU Alumni Bimonthly
304 校園規劃小組
Campus Planning Office
305 保管組
Property Management Division
306 校務研究辦公室
Office of Institutional Research
307 永續辦公室
Office of Sustainability
308 文書組
Documentation Division
309 副總務長室
Deputy Vice President, General Affairs
Overseas Chinese and Mainland Chinese Students Advising Division


列印成績單 (大學部)
Print Transcript (For undergraduate students)

在註冊組辦公室 (106) 旁邊的樓梯間
In the staircase next to Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division (R106)

列印成績單 (研究所/博士班)
Print Transcript (For master/doctoral graduate students)

在招生辦公室 (107) 旁邊的樓梯間
In the staircase next to the Office of Admissions (R107)

校園地圖 NTU MAP

校園景觀 Campus View
