024-1 The Formula “Non-A is A” in Vasubandhu’s commentary on the Triśatikāyāḥ Prajñāpāramitāyāḥ Kārikāsaptatiḥ
宗玉媺=Choong, Yoke Meei
024-2 法眼文益悟道歷程及其史傳文獻意義考=A Critical Examination of the Biographical Accounts of Fayan Wenyi’s Enlightenment Experience
黃繹勳=Huang, Yi-hsun
024-3 松源崇岳生平及其禪思與禪風=The Life of Chan/Zen Master Songyuan Chongyue, His Chan/Zen Thoughts, and His Chan/Zen Style
邱敏捷=Chiou, Min-chieh
024-4 反工夫的工夫論— 以禪宗與陽明學為中心=Anti-Gongfu as a Gongfu Theory ─ with Special Focus on the Chan/Zen and the Yangming School of Thought
林永勝=Lin, Yung-sheng