J.-F. Ding, G.-L. Chen, P.‐H. Liu, K.-W. Tseng, W.-N. Wu, J.-M. Lin, S.-H. Tung, L. Wang,* C.-L. Liu,* “Enhancing the Thermoelectric Performance of Donor-acceptor Conjugated Polymers through Dopant Miscibility: A Comparative Study of Fluorinated Substituents and Side-chain Lengths”, J. Mater. Chem. A, in press.
S. H. Hong, C.-C. Hsu, T.-H. Liu, T.-C. Lee, S.-H. Tung, H.-L. Chen , J. Yu,* C.-L. Liu,* “Extremely Large Seebeck Coefficient of Gelatin Methacryloyl (GelMA)-based Thermogalvanic Cells by the Dual Effect of Ion-induced Crystallization and Nanochannel Control”, Mater. Today Energy, 2024, 42, 101546.
M.-H. Lin, C.-H. Hsu, D.-Y. Kang,* C.-L. Liu,* “Correlating framework structures and thermoelectric performance of metal–organic framework/carbon nanotube thermoelectric hybrids with n–p type inversion”, Chem. Eng. J., 2024, 485, 149732.
C.‐W. Hsu, S.‐K. Yu, M.‐Y. Shen, E. Ercan, Y.‐J. Wang, B.‐H. Lin, H.‐C. Wu,* Y.‐C. Lin,* C.-L. Liu,* W.‐C. Chen*, “Spider Silk/Hemin Biobased Electrets for Organic Phototransistor Memory: A Comprehensive Study on Solution Process Engineering”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2024, in press.
P.-S. Lin, J.-M. Lin, S.-H. Tung, T. Higashihara,* C.-L. Liu,* “Synergistic Interactions in Sequential Process Doping of Polymer/Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites for Enhanced n-Type Thermoelectric Performance”, Small, 2024, 20, 2306166. (featured as Front cover page)
A. Velusamy, Y.‐Y. Chen, M.‐H. Lin, S. N Afraj, J.‐H. Liu, M.-C. Chen, C.-L. Liu,* “Diselenophene‐Dithioalkylthiophene Based Quinoidal Small Molecules for Ambipolar Organic Field Effect Transistors”, Adv. Sci., 2024, 11, 2305361.
Y. Chang, Y.-H. Huang, P.-S. Lin, S.-H. Hong, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Liu,* “Enhanced Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Stretchable Thermoelectric Generators Formed by Doped Semiconducting Polymer/Elastomer Blends”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, 16, 3764-3777.
K.-C. Wang, P.-S. Lin, Y.-C. Lin,* S.-H. Tung, W.-C. Chen, C.-L. Liu,* “Tunable Thermoelectric Performance of the Nanocomposites Formed by Diketopyrrolopyrrole/Isoindigo-Based Donor-Acceptor Random Conjugated Copolymers and Carbon Nanotubes"”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15, 56116-56126.
C.-Y Lee, Y.-T. Lin, S.-H. Hong, C.-H. Wang, U.-S. Jeng, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Liu,* “Mixed Ionic/Electronic Conducting Hydrogels with Carboxylated Carbon Nanotubes for High Performance Wearable Thermoelectric Harvesters”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15, 56072-56083. (featured as supplementary front cover page)
C.-H. Tsai, S.-H. Tung, J.-M. Lin, C.-L. Liu,* “A PEDOT:PSS Nanocomposite Film Doped with Black Phosphorus Modified with Silver Nanoparticles for Wearable Photothermoelectric Generators”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 24890-24901.
P.-S. Lin, S. Inagaki, J.-H. Liu, M.-C. Chen,* T. Higashihara,* C.-L. Liu,* “The role of branched alkylthio side chain on dispersion and thermoelectric properties of regioregular polythiophene/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites”, Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 458, 141366.
C.-H. Tsai, Y.-C. Lin,* W.-N. Wu, S.-H. Tung, W.-C. Chen, C.-L. Liu,* “Optimizing the Doping Efficiency and Thermoelectric Properties of Isoindigo-Based Conjugated Polymers Using Side Chain Engineering”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 6874-6883. (featured as front cover page; 2023 HOT Journal of Materials Chemistry C article)
W.-N. Wu, K. Sato, J.-H. Fu, Y.-T. Chan, J.-M. Lin, S.-H. Tung, T. Higashihara*, C.-L. Liu,* “Synthesis and Brønsted Acid Doping of Solution Processable Poly(thienylene vinylene) for Thermoelectric Application”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 17091-17100.
S.-H. Hong, T.-C. Lee, C.-L. Liu,* “All-Solution-Processed Polythiophene/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites Integrated on Biocompatible Silk Fibroin Substrates for Wearable Thermoelectric Generators”, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2023, 4, 2602-2610.
Y. Chang, Y.-S. Wu, S.-H. Tung, W.-C. Chen, C.-C. Chueh,* C.-L. Liu,* “N-type Doping of Naphthalenediimide-Based Random Donor-Acceptor Copolymers to Enhance Transistor Performance and Structural Crystallinity”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15, 15745-15757.
Y.-T. Lin, C.-Y. Lee, C.-Y. Wu, J.-M. Lin, T.-Chou Lee, S.-H. Tung C.-L. Liu,* “High Thermoelectric Performance of Spray-Coated Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) Films Enabled by Two-Step Post-Treatment Process”, J. Power Sources, 2023, 556, 232516.
W.-N. Wu, T.-H. Tu, C.-P. Pai, K.-H. Cheng, S.-H. Tung, Y.- T. Chan,* C.-L. Liu,* “Metallo-Supramolecular Rod–Coil Block Copolymer Thin Films for Stretchable Organic Field Effect Transistor Application”, Macromolecules, 2022, 55, 10670-10681. (featured as supplementary cover page)
S. N. Afraj, M.-H. Lin, C.-Y. Wu, A. Velusamy, P.-Y. Huang, T.-Y. Peng, J.-C. Fu, S.-H. Tung, M.-C. Chen,* C.-L. Liu,* “Solution processable dithioalkylated methylidenyl cyclopentadithiophene based quinoidal small molecules for n-type organic field-effect transistors”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 14496-14507. (2022 HOT Journal of Materials Chemistry C article)
S.-H. Yang, C.-H. Tsai, X.-F. Wang, T.-C. Lee, C.-L. Liu,* “Enhanced Efficiency and Stability of Scalable Spray-coated Perovskite Solar Cells with Ionic Liquid Additives”, Sustain. Energy Fuels, 2022, 6, 4962-4969.
K. Jiang, S.-H. Hong, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Liu,* “Effects of cation size on thermoelectricity of PEDOT:PSS/ionic liquid hybrid films for wearable thermoelectric generator application”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 18792-18802.
S. N. Afraj, C.-C. Lin, A. Velusamy, C.-H. Cho, H.-Y. Liu, J. Chen, G.-H. Lee, J.-C Fu, J.-S. Ni, S.-H. Tung, S. Yau, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* A. Facchetti,* “Heteroalkyl-Substitution in Molecular Organic Semiconductors. Chalcogen Effect on Crystallography, Conformational Lock and Charge Transport”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2022, 32, 2200880.
C.-C. Lin, A. Velusamy, M.-C. Chen,* C.-L. Liu,* “Tunable Photoelectric Properties of n-Type Semiconducting Polymer:Small Molecule Blends for Red Light Sensing Phototransistors”, Adv. Opt. Mater., 2022, 10, 2102650.
T.-W. Chen, S. N. Afraj, S.-H. Hong, L.-H. Chou, A. Velusamy, C.-Y. Chen, Y. Ezhumalai, S.-H. Yang, I. Osaka, X.-F. Wang, M.-C. Chen,* C.-L. Liu,* “Synergetic Effect on Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance of Spray-Coated Perovskite Solar Cells Enabled by Additive Doping and Antisolvent Additive Spraying Treatment”, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2022, 5, 4149-4158. (featured as supplementary cover page)
L.-H. Chou, J. M. W. Chan,* C.-L. Liu,* “Progress in Spray-Coated Perovskite Films for Solar Cell Applications”, Solar RRL 2022, 6, 2101035.
A. Velusamy, Y.-C. Yang, C.-C. Lin, S. N. Afraj, K. Jiang, P.-S. Chen, S.-L. Yau, I. Osaka, S.-H. Tung, M.-C. Chen,* C.-L. Liu,* “Solution Processable Pentafluorophenyl End-capped Dithienothiophene (DTTR) Organic Semiconductors for Hole-Transporting Organic Field Effect Transistors”, Adv. Electron. Mater., 2022, 8, 2100648.
S.-H. Tang, A. Venault, L.-H. Chou, D.-H. Lan, G. V. Dizon, C. Hsieh, C.-C. Yeh, C.-L. Liu,* Y. Chang,* “Surface PEGylation via Ultrasonic Spray Deposition for the Biofouling Mitigation of Biomedical Interfaces”, ACS Appl. Bio Mater., 2022, 5, 225-234.
S.-H. Hong, S. N. Afraj, P.-Y. Huang, Y.-Z. Yeh, S.-H. Tung, M.-C. Chen, C.-L. Liu,* “Photoelectric Effect of Hybrid Ultraviolet-Sensitized Phototransistors from an N-type Organic Semiconductor and an All-Inorganic Perovskite Quantum Dots Photosensitizer”, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 20498-20507.
P.-S. Lin, Y. Shoji, S. N. Afraj, M. Ueda, C.-H. Lin, S. Inagaki, T. Endo, S.-H. Tung, M.-C. Chen,* C.-L. Liu,* T. Higashihara,* “Controlled Synthesis of Poly[(3-alkylthio)thiophene]s and Their Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 31898-31909. (featured as supplementary cover page)
Y.-T. Yu, S.-H. Yang, L.-H. Chou, I. Osaka, X.-F. Wang, C.-L. Liu,* “One-Step Spray-Coated All-Inorganic CsPbI2Br Perovskite Solar Cells”, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2021, 4, 5466-5474. (featured as supplementary cover page)
L.-H. Chou, Y.-T. Yu, I. Osaka, X.-F. Wang, C.-L. Liu,* “Spray Deposition of NiOx Hole Transport Layer and Perovskite Photoabsorber in Fabrication of Photovoltaic Mini-module”, J. Power Sources, 2021, 491, 229586.
A.-Z. Guo, L.-H. Chou, S.-H. Yang, D. Wang, X.-F. Wang, I. Osaka, H.-W. Lin, C.-L. Liu,* “Multi‐Channel Pumped Ultrasonic Spray‐Coating for High‐Throughput and Scalable Mixed Halide Perovskite Solar Cells”, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 8, 2001509. (featured as inside front cover page)
S. N. Afraj, G.-Y. He, C.-Y. Lin, A. Velusamy, C.-Y. Huang, P.-S. Lin, S. Vegiraju, P.-Y. Huang, J.-S. Ni, S.-L. Yau, S.-H. Tung, T. Minari, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen* “Solution-Processable Multifused Thiophene Small Molecules and Conjugated Polymer Semiconducting Blend for Organic Field Effect Transistor Application”, Adv. Mater. Technol., 2021, 6, 2001028.
C.-C. Lin, S. N. Afraj, A. Velusamy, P.-C. Yu, C.-H. Cho, J. Chen, Y.-H. Li, G.-H. Lee, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* A. Facchetti,* “A Solution Processable Dithioalkyl Dithienothiophene (DSDTT) Based Small Molecule and Its Blends for High Performance Organic Field Effect Transistors”, ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 727-738.
A. Velusamy, C.-H. Yu, S. N. Afraj, C.-C. Lin, W.-Y. Lo, C.-J. Yeh, Y.-W. Wu, H.-C. Hsieh, J. Chen, G.-H. Lee, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* A. Facchetti,*“Thienoisoindigo (TII)-Based Quinoidal Small Molecules for High-Performance n-Type Organic Field Effect Transistors”, Adv. Sci., 2021, 8, 2002930.
V. Joseph, C.-H. Yu, C.-C. Lin, W.-C. Lien, H.-C. Tsai, C.-S. Chen, A. A. A. Torimtubun, A. Velusamy, P.-Y. Huang, G.-H. Lee, S.-L. Yau, S.-H. Tung, T. Minari, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* “Quinoidal thioalkyl-substituted bithiophene small molecule semiconductor for n-type organic field effect transistors”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 15450-15458.
L.-H. Chou, Y.-T. Yu, X.-F. Wang, I. Osaka, C.-G. Wu, C.-L. Liu,* “Sequential Ultrasonic Spray Coating Planar Three Layers for 1-cm2 Active Area Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells”, Energy Tech., 2020, 8, 2000216.
S. Vegiraju, A. A. A. Torimtubun, P.-S. Lin, H.-C. Tsai, W.-C. Lien, C.-S. Chen, G.-Y. He, C.-Y. Lin, D. Zheng, Y.-F. Huang, Y.-C. Wu, S.-L. Yau, G.-H. Lee, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Wang, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* A. Facchetti,* “Solution Processable Quinoidal Dithioalkytherthiophene-Based Small Molecules-Pseudo Pentathienoacenes via Intramolecular S···S Lock for High Performance n-Type Organic Field Effect Transistors”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 25081-25091.
S. Vegiraju, X.-L. Luo, L.-H. Li, S. N. Afraj, C. Lee, D. Zheng, H.-C. Hsieh, C.-C. Lin, S.-H. Hong, H.-C. Tsai, G.-H. Lee, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* A. Facchetti,* “Solution Processable Pseudo n‑Thienoacenes via Intramolecular S···S Lock for High Performance Organic Field Effect Transistors”, Chem. Mater., 2020, 32, 1422-1429.
E. Ercan, C.-L. Liu,* W.-C. Chen,* “Nano–Micro Dimensional Structures of Fiber-Shaped Luminous Halide Perovskite Composites for Photonic and Optoelectronic Applications”, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2020, 41, 2000157.
L.-H. Chou, Y. Na, C.-H. Park, M. S. Park, I. Osaka, F. S. Kim,* C.-L. Liu,* “Semiconducting Small Molecule/Polymer Blends for Organic Transistors”, Polymer, 2020, 191, 122208. (cover image of issue 191c).
T. Y. Huang, C.-H. Chen, C.-C. Lin, T. Chang, C.-L. Liu,* G. S. Liou,* “UV-sensing Organic Phototransistor Memory Devices with a Doped Organic Polymer Electret Composed of Triphenylamine-Based Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 11014-11021.
Y.-S. Chou, L.-H. Chou, A.-Z. Guo, X.-F. Wang, I. Osaka, C.-G. Wu, C.-L. Liu,* “Ultrasonic Spray-Coated Mixed Cation Perovskite Films and Solar Cells”, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2019, 7, 14217-14224.
G. Zhang, Y.-J. Lee, P. Gautum, C.-C. Lin, C.-L. Liu,* and J. M. W. Chan,* “Pentafluorosulfanylated Polymers as Electrets in Nonvolatile Organic Field-Effect Transistor Memory Devices”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 7865-7871 (paper featured as issue cover page).
L.-H. Chou, X.-F. Wang, I. Osaka, C.-G. Wu, C.-L. Liu,* “Scalable Ultrasonic Spray Processing Technique for Manufacturing Large-Area CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 38042-38050.
B.-X. Yang, Y.-H. Chang Chien, T. Chang, C.-H. Liao, C.-Y. Liu, A. S.-T. Chiang, C.-L. Liu,* “Fully Solution-Processed Low-Voltage Driven Transparent Oxide Thin Film Transistors”, Phys. Status Solidi A, 2018, 215, 1800192.
S. Vegiraju, C.-Y. Lin, P. Priyanka, D.-Y. Huang, X.-F. Luo, C.-T. Tsai, S.-H. Hong, C.-J. Yeh, W.-J. Lien, C.-L. Wang, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* A. Facchetti,* “Solution-Processed High Performance Tetrathienothiophene Based Small Molecular Blends for Ambipolar Charge Transport”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28, 1801025.
S.-W. Cheng, T. Han, T.-Y. Huang, Y.-H. Chang Chien, C.-L. Liu,* B. Z. Tong,* G.-S. Liou,* “Novel Organic Phototransistor-Based Nonvolatile Memory Integrated with UV-Sensing/Green-Emissive Aggregation Enhanced Emission (AEE)-Active Aromatic Polyamide Electret Layer”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 18281-18288.
D.-H. Lan, S.-H. Hong, L.-H. Chou, X.-F. Wang, C.-L. Liu,* “High Throughput Two-step Ultrasonic Spray Deposited CH3NH3PbI3 Thin Film Layer for Solar Cell Application”, J. Power Sources, 2018, 390, 270.
S. Vegiraju, B.-C. Chang, P. Priyanka, D.-Y. Huang, K.-Y. Wu, L.-H. Li, W.-C. Chang, Y.-Y. Lai, S.-H. Hong, B.-C. Yu, C.-L. Wang, W.-J. Chang, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* A. Facchetti,* “Intramolecular Locked Dithioalkylbithiophene Based Semiconductors for High Performance Organic Field Effect Transistors”, Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, 1702414.
B.-Y. Jiang, S. Vegiraju, A. S. T. Chiang, M.-C. Chen,* C.-L. Liu,* “Low-voltage-driven Organic Phototransistors Based on a Solution-processed Organic Semiconductor Channel and High k Hybrid Gate Dielectric”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 9838-9842.
H.-S. Liu, W.-C. Chang, C.-Y. Chou, B.-C. Pan, Y.-S. Chou, G.-S. Liou,* C.-L. Liu,* “Controllable Electrochromic Polyamide Film and Device Produced by Facile Ultrasonic Spray-Coating”, Sci. Rep., 2017, 7, 11982.
S. Vegiraju, D.-Y. Huang, P. Priyanka, Y.-S. Li, S.-H. Hong, J.-S. Ni, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Wang, W.-C. Lien, S. L. Yau, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* “High Performance Solution-Processable Tetrathienoacene (TTAR) Based Small Molecules for Organic Field Effect Transistors”, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 5898-5901.
N. C. Mamillapalli, S. Vegiraju, P. Priyanka, C.-Y. Lin, X.-L. Luo, H.-C. Tsai, S.-H. Hong, J.-S. Ni, W.-C. Lien, G. Kwon, S. L. Yau, C. Kim,* C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen*, “Solution-Processable End-functionalized Tetrathienoacene Semiconductors: Synthesis, Characterization and Organic Field Effect Transistors Applications”, Dyes Pigm., 2017, 145, 584-590.
S. Vegiraju, G.-Y. He, C. Kim, P. Priyanka, Y.-J. Chiu, C.-W. Liu, C.-Y. Huang, J.-S. Ni, Y.-W. Wu, Z. Chen, G.-H. Lee, S.-H. Tung, C.-L. Liu,* M.-C. Chen,* A. Facchetti, “Solution-Processable Dithienothiophenoquinoid (DTTQ) Structures for Ambient-Stable n-Channel Organic Field Effect Transistors”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2017, 27, 1606761.
W.-C. Chang, D.-H. Lan, K.-M. Lee, X.-F. Wang, C.-L. Liu,* “Controlled Deposition and Performance Optimization of Perovskite Solar Cells Using Ultrasonic Spray-Coating Photoactive Layers”, ChemSusChem. 2017, 10, 1405-1412. (paper featured as issue cover page)
Nishiyama, K.; Hsiao, Y.-T.; Wu, W.-N.; Lin, J.-M.; Tung, S.-H.; Liu, C.-L.; Higashihara, T. Controlled Synthesis of Alkylthio-Substituted Poly(thienylene vinylene) and Its Carbon Nanotube Composites for Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance. J. Mater. Chem. A 2025, Advance Article.
Ding, J. F.; Yamanaka, K.; Hong, S. H.; Chen, G. L.; Wu, W. N.; Lin, J. M.; Tung, S. H.; Osaka, I.; Liu, C. L. Controlling the Thermoelectric Performance of Doped Naphthobisthiadiazole-Based Donor-Acceptor Conjugated Polymers through Backbone Engineering. Adv Sci (Weinh) 2024, 11 (48), e2410046.
Lin, M.-H.; Hong, S.-H.; Ding, J.-F.; Liu, C.-L. Organic Porous Materials and Their Nanohybrids for Next-Generation Thermoelectric Application. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024, 16 (49), 67116-67133.
Shih, W.-C.; Matsuda, M.; Konno, K.; Lin, P.-S.; Higashihara, T.; Liu, C.-L. Tailored thermoelectric performance of poly(phenylene butadiynylene)s/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites towards wearable thermoelectric generator application. Composites Part B: Engineering 2024, 286, 111779.
Lin, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-C.; Jiang, G.-H.; Chan, J. M. W.; Liu, C.-L. Optoelectronic Polymers for Phototransistor Memory Devices. In Optical and Optoelectronic Polymers, Wong, W.-Y., Ma, Y. Eds.; Vol. 38; Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024; p 0.
Lin, Y.-T.; Hsu, C.-C.; Hong, S.-H.; Lee, L.-C.; Jeng, U. S.; Chen, H.-L.; Tung, S.-H.; Liu, C.-L. Highly conductive triple network hydrogel thermoelectrochemical cells with low-grade heat harvesting. J. Power Sources 2024, 609, 234647.
Book Chapter
J.-Y Chen, C.-L. Liu,* (2019) “Organic Field-Effect Transistors for Flexible Electronics Application”, Flexible and Stretchable Electronics: Materials, Design, and Devices”, Chap 1 in Flexible and Stretchable Electronics: Materials, Design, and Devices, ed. by R.-W. Li and G. Liu, Jenny Standard Publishing, Singapore, pp. 1-32. (ISBN: 978-981-4800-46-4)