Curriculum Vitae


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Department of Sociology                                        Fax: +886-2-23683531

National Taiwan University                                  Phone: +886-2-33661229

No.1 Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road                                  Email:

Taipei 106, Taiwan




1995                Ph.D. Sociology, Columbia University, New York, NY

1989                M.A. Sociology, Columbia University

1985                B.A. History, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


Social Stratification and Social Mobility

Sociology of Organization

Social Network

Sociology of Religion



2007 ¡V present   Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

2015 ¡V 2018       Dean, College of Social Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

2016 ¡V 2018      Deputy Executive Office, D-School, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

2015 ¡V 2015      Deputy Director, Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

2009 ¡V 2012       Chair, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

2003 ¡V 2007      Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University

2000 ¡V 2003     Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan

1996 ¡V 2000      Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

1995 ¡V 1996      Lecturer, Department of Industrial Management, Chang Gung College of Medicine and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan



Yi, Chin-Chun and Kuo-Hsien Su (eds.), 2021. Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press. (in Chinese)

Su, Kuo-Hsien, Miaw-Fen Lu, Ying-Hwa Chang, Kuan-Chung Huang. 2013. Autonomy and Accountability: Academic Professionalism in Humanities and Social Sciences in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press. (in Chinese)

Journal articles

Yu, Wei-hsin, Kuo-Hsien Su, 2024. ¡§Who Benefits from Elite Colleges¡¦ Decreased Reliance on High-Stake Standardized Tests? Evidence from A Quasi-Field Experiment.¡¨ Research in Social Stratification and Social Mobility, Special Issue on Inequality in East Asia, James Raymo & Yu Xie (eds).

Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2020. ¡§Changes in Core Network Size in Taiwan: A Comparison Between 1997 and 2017 Surveys.¡¨ Taiwanese Journal of Sociology 67: 63-134. (in Chinese)

Wei-hsin Yu, Lin, Zhiyong, Kuo-Hsien Su. 2019. ¡§Parent-Child Coresidence and Experiences of Romantic Relationships: Evidence from Young Adults in Taiwan¡¨  Chinese Sociological Review 51(2): 173-206.

Lin, Zhiyong, Wei-hsin Yu, Kuo-Hsien Su. 2019. ¡§Comparing Same- and Different-sex Relationship Dynamics: Experiences of Young Adults in Taiwan¡¨  Demographic Research 40: 431-362.

Yu, Wei-hsin, Kuo-Hsien Su, Chi-Tsun Chiu . 2012. ¡§Sibship Characteristics and Transition to First Marriage in Taiwan: Explaining Gender Asymmetries¡¨ Population Research and Policy Review 31: 609-636.

Tsai, Wenpin, Kuo-Hsien Su, Ming-Jer Chen. 2011. ¡§Seeing Through the Eyes of a Rival: Competitor Acumen Based on Rival-Centric Perceptions¡¨ Academy of Management Journal 54(4): 761-778.

Liu, Jeng, Arthur Sakamoto, and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2010. ¡§Exploitation in Contemporary Capitalism: An Empirical Analysis of the Case of Taiwan. ¡§ Sociological Focus 43(3): 259-281.

Su, Kuo-Hsien & Wei-hsin Yu. 2007. "When Social Reproduction Fails: Explaining the Closing of the Ethnic Gap in Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Sociology 39:1-63. (in Chinese)

Chen, Ming-Jer, Kuo-Hsien Su, Wenpin Tsai. 2007. ¡§Competitive Tension: The Awareness-Motivation-Capability Perspective¡¨ Academy of Management Journal 50(1): 101-118.

Yu, Wei-hsin and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2006. ¡§Gender, Sibship Structure, and Educational Inequality in Taiwan: Son Preference Revisited.¡¨ Journal of Marriage and Family 68:1057-1068.

Tseng, Chr-Hung, Cher-Min Fong, Kuo-Hsien Su. 2004. ¡§The Determinants of MNC subsidiary initiatives implications for small business.¡¨ International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 1: 92-114.

Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2004. ¡§Social Production of Sociological Knowledge: Invisible Colleges among Sociologists in Taiwan.¡¨ Taiwanese Sociology 8: 133-192. (in Chinese)

Ishida, Hiroshi, Kuo-Hsien Su, and Seymour Spilerman. 2002. ¡§Models of Career Progression in Japanese and U.S. Organizations.¡¨ European Sociological Review 18: 179-198.

Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2000. "Organizational Demography, Wage Dispersion, and Employee Turnover: An Organizational-level Investigation in Taiwan." Sun Yat-sen Management Review, Vol. 8 (International Issue): 21-46.

Chen, Shin-tien and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2000. ¡§The Determinants of Employee Turnover: An Analysis of Hi-tech Firms in Taiwan.¡¨ (Taiwan) Journal of Technology Management 5(2):57-80. (in Chinese)

Su, Kuo-Hsien, Yeh Kuang S., and Shin-tien Chen. 1999. ¡§Demographic Composition and Organizational Performance: An Analysis of Enterprises in Taiwan.¡¨ NTU Management Review 10(1): 1-38. (in Chinese)

Chen, Shin-tien, Kuo-hsien Su, and Yeh Kuang S. 1999. ¡§The Organizational Determinants of Demographic Composition in Business Organizations.¡¨(Taiwan) Journal of Management 16(4) : 581-612. (in Chinese)

El-Bassel, Nabila, Neil Guiterman, David Bargal, Kuo-hsien Su. 1998. ¡§Main and Buffering Effects of Emotional Support on Job and Health Related Strains: A National Survey of Israeli Social Workers.¡¨Employee Assistance Quarterly 13(3): 1-18.

Su, Kuo-hsien, Yeh Kuang S., and Shin-tien Chen. 1998. ¡§An Analysis of the Determinants of Organizational Demography in Taiwan.¡¨ (Taiwan) Journal of Management 15(2): 319-341. (in Chinese)

Ishida, Hiroshi, Seymour Spilerman, and Kuo-Hsien Su. 1997. ¡§Educational Credentials and Promotion Chances in a Japanese and American Organizations.¡¨ American Sociological Review 62(6): 866-882.

Su, Kuo-Hsien. 1997. ¡§Market Autonomy and Performance: A Network Analysis of Industrial Market Structure in Taiwan. Sun Yat-sen Management Review 5(2) : 315-338. (in Chinese)

Schilling, Robert, Nabila El-Bassel, Andre Ivanoff, Louisa Gilbert, Kuo-Hsien Su, and Steven Safyer. 1994. ¡§Sexual Risk Behavior Among Incarcerated, Drug-Using Women.¡¨ Public Health Reports 109(4): 539-547.

El-Bassel, Nabila, Robert F. Schilling, Joanne E. Turnbull, and Kuo-Hsien Su. 1993. ¡§Correlates of Alcohol Use among Methadone Patients.¡¨ Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 17(3): 681-686.


Chapter in book

Hyunjoon Park, Hiroshi Ishida, Kuo-Hsien Su. (2023 April). ¡§Inequality and Stratification in East Asia.¡¨ In Markus Gangl, Lucinda Platt, Javier G. Polavieja, Herman G. van de Werfhorst (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Social Stratification (ISBN: 9780197539514), Oxford: Oxford University Press. Apr, 2023.

Su, Kuo-Hsien and Chin-Chun Yi. 2021. ¡§Introduction: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan¡¨ in Yi, Chin-Chun, Kuo-Hsien Su (eds.), Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press. (in Chinese)

Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2021. ¡§Calling, Vocation, or Profession? Professionalization of Clergy in Taiwan.¡¨ in Yi, Chin-Chun, Kuo-Hsien Su (eds.), Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press. (in Chinese)

Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2021. ¡§Work-Life Balance of Pastors in Taiwan¡¨ in Yi, Chin-Chun, Kuo-Hsien Su (eds.), Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press

Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2014. ¡§Diversity in Faith: A Survey of Christian Congregation in Taiwan¡¨ in Yi, Chin-Chun. (ed.), Pp. 184-243. Christianity in Taiwan: 2012 Christian Belief and Social Survey. Taipei: Chunghau 21st Century Think Tank. (in Chinese) 

Chang, Shi-Chia and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2014. ¡§Christian Belief, Experience, and Involvement in Taiwan¡¨ in Yi, Chin-Chun. (ed.), Pp. 142-183. Christianity in Taiwan: 2012 Christian Belief and Social Survey. Taipei: Chunghau 21st Century Think Tank. (in Chinese)

Su, Kuo-Hsien and Lin Nan, 2014. ¡§Status-based Differential Memory and Measurement of Social Capital: Recall Errors and Bias Estimations¡¨, in Nan Lin, Yang-chih Fu, Chih-Jou Jay Chen (eds.), Pp. 64-80. Social Capital and Its Institutional Contingency: A Study of the United States, China, and Taiwan, London and New York: Routledge.

Yu, Wei-hsin and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2008. "Intergenerational Mobility Patterns in Taiwan: The Case of a Rapidly Industrializing Economy." in Hiroshi Ishida (ed.) Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Late-Industrializing Countries. The 2005 SSM Research Series, Volume 14, Sendai, Japan: The 2005 SSM Research Committee.

Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2008. "Trends of Income Distribution and Social Mobility in Taiwan¡¨ in Wang, Hong-zen et al. (eds.). Pp. 187-217. Taiwan." Step in Forbidden Zones: Twenty Years Social Transformation in Taiwan, 1987-2008. Taipei: Socio Publishing Co., Ltd. (in Chinese)

Yu, Wei-hsin and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2004. ¡§On One's Own: Self-Employment Activity in Taiwan.¡¨ in Arum, Richard and Walter Mueller (eds.). Pp.388-425. The Reemergence of Self-Employment: A Comparative Study of Self-Employment Dynamics and Social Inequality. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2012. ¡§Social Network Analysis.¡¨ Pp.375-422 in Chiu, Hai-Yuan, H. D. Bih, Michelle Liou, Kuo-Shu Yang. (eds.) Research Method for Social and Behavior Science. Taipei: Tung-Hua Publisher. (in Chinese)

Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2008. ¡§Social Class and Social Stratification.¡¨ Pp. 103-128 in Chiu, Hai-Yuan & J. H. Wang. (eds.) Sociology and Taiwan Society¡ATaipei: Chuliu Publisher. (in Chinese)



2019- 2021            Council member, East-Asia Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

2019- 2020            Editorial board, Journal of Population Studies (Taiwan)

2014 - 2016           Editor, Taiwanese Sociology

2005 - 2006           Associated editor, Taiwanese Sociology

2012 - 2016           Editorial board, Chinese Sociological Review



2015-2018      Dean, College of Social Science, NTU

2009-2012      Chair, Department of Sociology, NTU



Undergraduate Courses

Sociology of Organizations

Social Stratification and Social Mobility

Introduction to Social Statistics

Research Method

Social Network Analysis


Graduate Course:

Social Mobility

Organization Theory

Advanced Social Statistics

Seminar on Social Networks and Social Capital

Seminar on Social Inequality

Seminar on Sociology of Education



2022-2025             ¡§Global East Religiosity and Changing Religious Landscapes¡¨ (CO-PI) $3,404,250 NT

2023-2025            ¡§Religious Belonging, Belief and Practices in a Multi-faith Context¡¨ (PI) 113-2410-H-002-082-MY2, $1,480,000NT

2021-2023             ¡§Trend in Social Mobility in Taiwan ¡V book project¡¨ (PI) 111-2410-H-002 -132 -MY2 $1,499,000NT

2020-2021             ¡§Educational Expansion and Social Mobility in Taiwan, 1997 to 2017¡¨ (PI) (109-2410-H-002 -060 -) $ 651,000 NT¢x

2019-2020             ¡§Immigrant Paradox or Immigrant Disadvantage? Educational Assortative Marriage and Intergenerational Educational Mobility¡¨ (PI) (108-2410-H-002-211) $628,000 NT

2018-2019             ¡§Trends of Assortative Mating in Taiwan, 1978-2016¡¨ National Science Council. (PI) (107-2410-H-002-081-) $929,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2017-2018             ¡§Changes in Ego-center Network in Taiwan: 1997~2017¡¨ National Science Council. (PI) (106-2410-H-002-129) $698,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2016-2017             ¡§Class Inequality in Higher Education: College Access and Performance¡¨ National Science Council. (PI) (105-2410-H-002-076) $744,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2015-2016             ¡§Romantic Relationship in Emerging Adulthood¡¨ National Science Council. (PI) (104-2410-H-002-093) $783,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2013-2017             ¡§Taiwan Social Change Survey 2015-2017¡¨ National Science Council. (CO-PI) (102-2420-H-004-026-SS4) $27,380,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2013-2017             ¡§Taiwan Education Panel Study and Beyond 2013-2017¡¨ National Science Council. (CO-PI) (102-2420-H-004-026-SS4) $29,200,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2014-2015             ¡§Project of Granting Humanities and Social Science Research Book: Social Stratification and Mobility.¡¨ National Science Council. (CO-PI) (103-2420-H-004-012-2E) $3,000,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2014-2015             ¡§Occupations and Class Reproduction: A Micro-Class Approach.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council. (103-2410-H-002 -138) $716,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2013-2014             ¡§Teaching Research Nexus: A Study of Faculty Time Allocation in Taiwan.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council. (102-2410-H-002-074) $586,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2012¡V 2013           ¡§History of Competition in Competitive Dynamics: An Analysis of U.S. Airlines Industry.¡¨ (PI), National Science Council. (101-2410-H-002-198) $229,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2011-2012             ¡§Work Life Balance? An Event History Analysis of Marital Dissolution in Taiwan.¡¨ (PI), National Science Council. (101-2410-H-002-198) $229,000 (New Taiwanese dollar) $506,000 NTD

2011-2012             ¡§Work Life Balance? An Event History Analysis of Marital Dissolution in Taiwan.¡¨ (PI), National Science Council. (101-2410-H-002-198) $506,000 NTD

2010-2012             ¡§Assessing the Research Productivity of Humanity and Social Sciences in Taiwan.¡¨ (CO-PI) Ministry of Education. $398,000 NTD

2009-2012             ¡§Taiwan Education Panel Survey and Beyond: The Linkage between Education and the Labor Market.¡¨ (CO-PI) National Science Council. (98-2420-H-004-002-SS3) $20,570,000 (New Taiwanese dollar)

2009-2010             ¡§Gender Tracking System and Occupational Sex Segregation: A Life Course Perspective.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council. (98-2628-H-002-002) $806,000 NTD

2009-2010             ¡§Taiwan Social Change Survey V.¡¨ (CO-PI) National Science Council. (98-2420-H-001-002-B1) $2,324,000 NTD

2008-2010             ¡§The Effects of Prolonged Education and Occupational Status on Transition to First Marriage and First Parenthood in East Asia.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (97-2628-H-002-176) $ 634,000 NTD

2007-2008             ¡§Class Mobility in Taiwan 1990-2005.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (96-2628-H-002-071) $1,071,000 NTD

2007-2009             ¡§Evaluations of The Academic Activities in Humanities and Social Sciences II.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (96-2420-H-002-006) $2,035,000 NTD

2006-2007             ¡§Network Control: The Structure Of Interlocking Directorate in Taiwanese Business Groups.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (95-2412-H-002-007) $377,000 NTD

2005-2006             ¡§Career in Academia: A Comparative Study of Initial Job Placement and Rank Advancement in Five disciplines.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (94-2412-H-002-007) $626,000 NTD

2005-2006             ¡§Evaluations of the Academic Activities in Humanities and Social Sciences I.¡¨ (CO-PI) National Science Council (96-2420-H-002-006) $3,993,912 NTD

2004-2005             ¡§The Effects of Work Experiences on Job Mobility.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (93-2412-H-002-011) $606,464 NTD

2003-2004            ¡§Social Comparison within the Family: The Effects of Sibship Composition on Status Attainment.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (92-2412-H-002-021) $256,000 NTD

2002-2003             ¡§A Longitudinal Analysis of Self-employment in Taiwan.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (91-2412-H-305-002) $288,400 NTD

2000-2001            ¡§The Competitive Dynamics in the U.S. Airline Industry, 1979-1990: A Social Network Perspective.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (89-2416-H-305-004) $367,200 NTD

1999-2000             ¡§Explaining yhe Relationship Between Organization Size, Human Resource Practice, and Labor Productivity.¡§ (PI) National Science Council (89-2416-H-110-019) $243,800 NTD

1998-1999             ¡§Do Competitive Pressures Strengthen Conformity? The Determinants of Inter-Firm Consensus on the Perceived Environments and Strategic Choices.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (88-2416-H-110-028) $269,200 NTD

1997-1998            ¡§Market Autonomy in a Transactional Network: A Network Analysis of Taiwan's Input-output Tables.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (87-2412-H-110-001) $254,400

1995-1996            ¡§The Determinants of Employee Turnover in Taiwan: An organizational level analysis.¡¨ (PI) National Science Council (86-2412-H-110-001) $221,550 NTD