Economics in the News: Micro Behavior (新聞中的經濟學:個體行為)


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NTU (Fall 2024)

Course Syllabus

Classroom and Time:

Lecture: Monday 9:10am-12:10pm at Core Subjects Classroom Building (Putong Lecture Building 普通教學館) Room 103

Office Hours: Monday 12:10-1:00pm after class, or by email appointment at Social Science Building (頤賢館) Room 754

Textbook and References:

Course outline:

 1. [ 9 / 2 ] Competition in the News 2017 (Review Ten Principles of Economics: Ch. 1[4e])
                  a. Free rides boost Kaohsiung MRT traffic by 10 percent (Taipei Times, 12/2/2017)
                  b. 高捷冬季免費傳捷報!今尖峰運量增21%、比首日加倍 (自由時報2017-12-04)
                  c. 超商雙雄對決科技型態店 (via NTU Library) (經濟日報2017/12/10)
                  d. Student Collusion in Professor J's Exam Question Contests (in-class event)
                  e. Chunghwa keeps low-cost 4G plan in blow to peers (Taipei Times, 2017/3/2)
                  f. 電信低價吃到飽打死不退 NCC:要勇敢 (中央社 2017/12/28) 
                  g. Your Uber Car Creates Congestion. Should You Pay a Fee to Ride? (New York Times, 2017/12/26)

 2. [ 9 / 9 ] Markets in the News of 2017 (Review Production Possibility Frontier: Ch. 2[4e] and Gains from Trade: Ch. 3[5e])
Taiwan to levy duty on online purchases over NT$2,000 (Taiwan News, 2017/05/24)
                  b. Busman’s holiday: London’s buses are losing passengers (via NTU library) (Economist, 10/19/2017)
                  c. 尖叫聲 94 分貝!嬤帶 5 孫租屋 遭投訴迫搬 (By TVBS, 2017/0/26)
                  d自費醫療 取消收費天花板 (via NTU Library) (聯合報2017-10-15)

 3. [ 9 /16] Markets in the News of 2022 (Review Supply and Demand: Ch. 4[7e])
                  a. In Russia, They Noticed a Rise in the Price of Bulletproof Vests By Thousands of Percent ( 2022/10/1)
                  b. In Russia After the Mobilization Soared Prices for Bulletproof Vests (Google Translation of Moscow Times, 2022/9/30)
                  cMandatory Service Key to Bolstering the Military (Taipei Times, 2022/10/10)
                  d. India Restricts Wheat Flour Exports to Ease Record Local Prices (Guardian, 2022/8/26)

 4. [ 9 /23] Markets in the News of 2021 (Review Elasticity: Ch. 5)
S. Korean drivers panic buy urea after China tightens supply (Reuters, 2021/11/5)
                  bSeoul looking to tap into industrial urea stockpile for diesel cars (Korea Herald, 2021/11/4)
                  c. China to ship 18,700 tons of urea to South Korea (Korea Herald, 2021/11/10)
                  dTaiwan plans to introduce carbon pricing mechanism by 2023 (via NTU library) (CNA, 2021/10/13)
                  e. Notability blinks on charging users more, grandfathers in existing users (2021/11/3)
                  f. COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan - After first case reported (Wikipedia)
                  g. Face mask price drops as government weighs in, factories return to work (China Post, 2020/1/31)

 5. [ 9 /30] Markets in the News 2020 (Review "Fixing" the Market? Bad Idea!: Ch. 6)
[投書]YouBike 2.0試辦後,台灣公共自行車要邁向什麼樣的未來? (報導者2020/9/16)
                  b. 向山旅館再開說明會,邵族人拒出席表達強烈反對 (環境資訊中心2020/10/30)
                  c雲林豬價下跌,張麗善向中央喊話重視養豬產業 (中央社2020-09-22)
                  d. 學者質疑:政府都說沒影響,幹嘛訂豬價下限 (via NTU Library) (聯合報2020/9/18)
                  e日本開放美萊豬,進口量不增反降 (自由時報2020/10/27)
                  f. 7月豬肉進口量暴增1.5倍,農委會:遞延效應 (農傳媒2020/08/12)
                  g. Overtourism a blessing and curse for Taiwan's outlying islands (Taiwan News, 2020/08/01)

 6. [10/ 7 ] Markets in the News 2019 (Review Markets and Welfare: Application to Taxation and Trade: Ch. 7-Ch. 9[4e])
不只物價變貴 非洲豬瘟對中國衝擊全方位 (中央社2019/10/24)
                  b. 猪价行情提前上涨!四季度活猪价将会突破2016年的历史高点 (猪价格网2019-06-28)
                  c. 惡性通膨來了?中國10月豬肉價格狂飆近2倍 物價全面上漲 (信傳媒2019/10/31)
                  d. 農產品批發市場豬肉均價36.45元/公斤比上週五升0.9% (北京新浪網 2019/9/23)
                  e. 中國豬價狂漲 中小學午餐費調漲或換菜 (中央社2019/11/1)
                  f. Gold sales likely to decline 50% on Dhanteras (via Mint) (India Times, 2019/10/9)
                  g. Inside Wisconsin’s Disastrous $4.5 Billion Deal With Foxconn (Bloomberg, 2019/2/6)

 7. [10/14] Markets in the News 2018 (Review Classical Market Failure: Externalities: Ch. 10)
Venezuela raises minimum wage 3,000% and lots of workers get fired (Bloomberg, 2018/09/14)
                  b. Chinese economy slowing faster than expected, worst yet to come (南華早報, 2018/10/31)
                  c. Argentina says exports soyoil to China for first time in 3 years (Reuters, 2018/8/28)
                  dEU to offer billions of funding for electric battery plants (Financial Times, 2018/10/14)
                  e. Canada passed a carbon tax that will give most Canadians more money (Guardian, 2018/10/26)
                  f. Sask. environment minister says Ottawa's carbon tax change mirrors province's approach (CBC, 2018/8/1)

 8. [10/21] Markets in the News 2016 (Review Classical Market Failure: Public Goods and Common Resources: Ch. 11)
風數據》YouBike收費多5元 趕走了哪些人? (風傳媒2016/7/18)
                  b. 蔬菜搶收供應量暴增 今菜價跌一成 (蘋果日報2016/9/27)
                  c. 台大農場畜產品漲價 牛奶、羊奶漲一成多 (via PTT) (蘋果日報2015/09/01)
                  d. The 58 Billion Hidden Cost of the Flu on the US Economy (CNBC, 2016/10/28)
                  e. 讀書能多活兩年?耶魯大學發現讀書與長壽之間的聯繫 (via secretchina) (端聞2016/08/12)
                  f中國金牌數銳減變「小三」 原因竟是... (蘋果日報2016/8/17)

 •  [10/28] Midterm Exam (180 minutes: 9:10am-12:10pm) - Review Ch.1-11
Old Midterms: 22F, 21F, 20F, 19F, 18F, 17F, 16F, 15F, 14F, 13F, 12F, 10F, 09F, 08F, 07F, Sample

 9. [11/ 4 ] Competition in the News of 2022 (Review Cost of Production: Ch, 13)
How Will America Deal with Three Way Nuclear Deterrence (via NTU library) (Economist, 2022/11/29)
                  b. How disappointed Taylor Swift fans explain Ticketmaster’s monopoly (Vox, 022/11/21)
                  c. South Korea’s Education Success Faltering (Bloomberg, Taipei Times, 2022/11/15)
                  d. The Guilt of a South Korean Cram School Mogul (Korea Hereld, 2017/09/09)
                  eWhy Workers Just Won’t Stop Quitting (BBC, 2022/08/19)

10.[11/11] Competition in the News of 2021 (Review Competitive Markets: Ch. 14)
Q3’21 Was a Record Quarter for Foldable Smartphones, Samsung Enjoys a 93% Share per DSCC Report (DSCC, 2020/12/31)
                  b. Taiwan Mobile to take over Taiwan Star to boost 5G (Taipei Times, 2021/12/31)
                  c. 台灣大哥大併台灣之星開啟電信新時代,業者分析:低價吃到飽將消失 (中央社 2022/1/3)
                  d上一篇文章談到找工作刷題的問題... (洪士灝臉書2021/12/29)
                  e. The Presidential Election of National iDaiwan University Revisited
                  f. Walmart Draws Anger In China Over Xinjiang (Wall Street Journal, 2021/12/28)

11.[11/18] Markets in the News of 2024 (Review Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition 23F: Ch. 15-16)
                  Classroom Experiment: Chain Production (Record sheet, with Market Structure)
政院:班班有鮮乳政策 持續協商滿足學校需求 (中央社2022/10/17)
班班有鮮奶政策突襲,羊乳業者措手不及,訂單驟減25成,產業如遭斷頭刀 (上下游2024/10/1)
                  c. 北運受阻菜價又高漲 農糧署估5日運輸恢復正常 (中央社2024/10/4)
                  d. 山陀兒颱風過後菜價再漲!高麗菜「這價格」婆媽一問嚇到不敢買 (TVBS, 2024/10/4)
                  e. 你最近花了多少錢看演唱會?娛樂通膨跟SXSW有甚麼關係? (TAICCA, 2024/5/30)

12.[11/25]  Competition in the News of 2020 (Review Oligopoly: Ch. 17)
National health insurance premium rate raised to 5.17% (via NTU library) (CNA, 2020/12/31)
                  b. How Premium of Taiwan NHI is Calculated (Taiwan NHI, updated 2023/11/20)
                  c. The Pandemic Is a Prisoner's Dilemma Game (New York Times, 2020/12/20)
                  d. Giga-Sweatshop Meets Corporate Overlords: An Exclusive Look Into How Tesla China Runs its Shanghai Gigafactory 3 (, 2020/9/16)

13.[12/ 2 ] Competition in the News of 2019 (Review Factor Markets and Earnings and Discrimination: Ch. 18-19)
What has gone wrong at MotherCare? (BBC, 2018/11/5)
                  b. Why airlines are rushing to add premium economy seats: Revenue from upgraded meals and wider seats rivals business class for profits (Financial Times, 2019/11/29)
                  c. 深度評論:台灣薪資停滯的成因與解方 (蘋果日報2019/12/17)
                  d破2000元的5G資費,你會埋單嗎?用囚徒困境,看懂為何台灣5G標金會飆破天價 (商業週刊2019/12/30)
                  e. 5G競價規則出爐!3.5GHz頻段27區段底價9億元,需求超過27加價3% (風傳媒2019/10/16)

14.[12/ 9 ] Competition in the News of 2018 (Review Frontiers of Microeconomics: Ch. 22)
主計總處透露高薪密碼:考研究所/進大公司/考台電 (via NTU Library) (經濟日報, 12/30/2018)
                  b. Pacific trade pact takes off with tariffs cut in six nations (Reuters, 2018/12/29)
                  c. Kery 買 Tesla 昂貴電動車的祕技:開 Uber (via YouTube) (癮科技2018/12/26)
                  d. 台大校長遴選2關3輪投票,不是小學生選班長 (聯合報1/31/2018)

 •   [12/16] Final Exam (180 minutes: 9:10am-12:10pm) - Review Ch. 12-22
         Old Finals: 22F, 21F, 20F, 19F, 18F, 17F, 16F, 15F, 14F, 13F, 12F, 10F, 09F, 08F, 07F

15.[Optional] Competition in the News of 2016
The Taiwanese see themselves as Taiwanese, not as Chinese (Washington Post, 1/2/2017)
                  b. Shipping Alliances Shore Up Industry, Unsettle Customers (WSJ, 1/3/2017)
                  c. Ex-Google employee alleges unequal pay (USA TODAY, 7/21/2015)
                  d. Tech firms shell out to hire and hoard talent (Economist, 11/5/2016)

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Last modified on 2024-12-13