Micro Seminar (專題討論─個體經濟、產業組織與貿易二)


Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

NTU (Spring 2017)

Course Syllabus

Class Time: Thursday, 1:45-3:15pm, at Social Science Room 604 (社科604教室) in the Social Science Building

Seminar Schedule:

[ 2 /23] Organization Meeting

[Sample Intro]


[ 3 / 2 ] Thesis Adviser Orientation (指導教授說明會) [Joint with two other seminars]



[ 3 / 9 ] Kalyan Chatterjee (Penn State 賓州州立大學)

            Title: Triggering Extremism: Political Consequences of Profit-Seeking Media

                     [Student Introduction: 林真黃鼎鈞鄭淳厚蔡婉青] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 3 /16] Tren Huang (NTU-Psych 台灣大學心理系黃從仁)

            Title: Big Data in Psychology - Part 1 (心理學中的大數據之一)

                     [Student Introduction: 黃瑄華連曼君夏紅剛蘇敬倫陳威揚曾冠瑋徐湘羚蔡婉青] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 3 /23] Tren Huang (NTU-Psych 台灣大學心理系黃從仁)

            Title: Big Data in Psychology - Part 2 (心理學中的大數據之二)

                     [Student Introduction: Same as 3/16]

[ 4 /13] Tianxi Wang (Essex 埃塞克斯大學汪天喜) [Joint with macro seminar]

            Title: A New Approach to Bank Liquidity

                     [Student Introduction: 謝竹盈王棋瑩林昱安] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 5 /11] Chun-Hsien Yeh (Sinica 中研院葉俊顯)

            Title: Relations Between the Central Rules in Bankruptcy Problems: A Strategic Implementation Perspective

                     [Student Introduction: 羅序智劉藍一陳梁政謝竹盈] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 5 /18] Benjamin Golub (Harvard University) at Room 307 [Note Special Location!]

            Title: Signaling, Stigma, and Silence in Social Learning

                     [Student Introduction: 唐恩信王棋瑩鄭淳厚] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 5 /25] Chien-Te Wu (NTU-OT 台灣大學職治系吳建德)

            Title: How Do Your Political Color "Dye" Your Trust?

                     [Student Introduction: 王棋瑩黃彥凱鍾耀寬陳梁政] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 6 / 1 ] Piin-Hueih Chiang (NCCU 政治大學江品慧)

            Title: Timing Competition of Asymmetric Complements

                     [Student Introduction: 羅序智蔡欣佑宋瑀瑄鄭淳厚] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 6 / 8 ] Shu-Heng Chen (NCCU 政治大學陳樹衡)

            Title: Cognitive Capacity and Earnings Performance: Evidence from Double Auction Market Experiments

                     [Student Introduction: 蘇敬倫張珮徐湘羚唐恩信] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 6 /15] Chia-Wen Chen (Sinica-RCHSS 中研院人社中心陳嘉雯)

            Title: Energy Consumption and Prosocial Behavior

                     [Student Introduction: 胡育嘉黃瑄華趙健揚張珮蔡婉青蔡欣佑宋瑀瑄連曼君] [Feedback to Intro]



Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

Last modified on 2017-06-13