Micro Seminar (專題討論─個體經濟、產業組織與貿易一)


Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

NTU (Fall 2016)

Course Syllabus

Class Time: Thursday, 1:45-3:15pm, at Social Science Room 605 (社科605教室) in the Social Science Building

Seminar Schedule:

[ 9 /22] Organization Meeting

[Sample Intro]


[ 9 /29] Jyun-Ying (Trent) Fu (HK Polytech 香港理工大學傅浚映)

            Title: Not Agreeing Isn't the Same as Disagreeing: How Directors Try To Balance Competing Stakeholder Demands

                     [Student Introduction: 羅序智蔡婉青] [Feedback to Intro]

[11/ 3 ] Pei-Yu Melody Lo (SHUFE 上海財大羅珮瑜)

            Title: Reputation and Competition among Information Intermediaries

                     [Student Introduction: 羅序智] [Feedback to Intro]

[11/24] Hans-Bernd Schafer (Bucerius Law School)

            Title: Economic Analysis of Takings Law: Reexamination

                     [Student Introduction: 羅序智蘇孟謙唐恩信黃瑄華曾冠瑋何佳毅] [Feedback to Intro]

[12/ 1 ] Wei-Shiun Chang (NCKU-IIMBA 成功大學張巍勳)

            Title: Other Regarding Preferences: Experiments on Purchasing Behavior

                     [Student Introduction: 蘇孟謙蔡婉青唐恩信曾冠瑋謝竹盈黃瑄華] [Feedback to Intro]

[12/ 8 ] Jie Gong (NUS 新加坡國立大學貢潔)

            Title: Adolescent Environment and Noncognitive Skills

                     [Student Introduction: 羅序智蘇孟謙余凌昊徐湘羚] [Feedback to Intro]

[12/15] Tsung-Chih Lai (NTU 台灣大學賴宗志)

            Title: Estimating Counterfactual treatment Effects to Assess External Validity

                     [Student Introduction: 蔡婉青] [Feedback to Intro]

[12/22] Meng-Chi Tang (CCU 中正大學唐孟祺)

            Title: Medical Provider Agency and Pharmaceutical Demand with Universal Coverage: Evidence from Taiwan

                     [Student Introduction: 葉芝宇蔡婉青蘇孟謙] [Feedback to Intro]

[12/29] Edward Kung (UCLA 加州大學洛杉磯分校龔致遠)

            Title: Interest Rates and Housing Market Dynamics in a Housing Search Model

                     [Student Introduction: 葉芝宇徐湘羚謝竹瑩] [Feedback to Intro]



Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

Last modified on 2017-05-31