Environment, Ecology & Resource LAB

Institute of Fisheries Science, National Taiwan University


I. Impacts of Species Distributions, Community Assemblages and Ecosystems under Climate Change


In addition to focusing on individual species, adding considerations of biotic interactions between species is necessary, when assessing impacts of climate change on species distributions. We use a variety of species distribution modeling to understand impacts of climate change both on terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Through the establishment of global species databases, we explore changes in species’ spatial distributions from the past to the present, particularly using biogeographical interactions. We additionally explore underlying environmental factors, which drive such species’ distribution shifts. We then project species distributions and interactions based on aforementioned relationships. This research theme will combine subsequent cross-disciplinary scientific aspects, add economic and social factors, and apply for management and conservation.

(1) Biogeography


[Global Change Projections for Taiwan Endemic Birds]—Endemic species are high-risk species that require special attention to their loss of unique and threatened habitats. Fifteen of the Taiwanese endemic bird species were projected to decrease in distribution by 2100, whereas two species, the Styan’s Bulbul (Pycnonotus taivanus) and the Taiwan Hwamei (Garrulax taewanus), were predicted to increase. A comparison of the actual observed elevation ranges and medians showed that the two “increasing-distribution” species occupied ranges whose median elevation was below the overall median elevation of Taiwan. Changing trends in species’ projected occupancy of maximum and minimum elevations revealed differing shift rates that could further explain why a species could increase or decrease. Under both the A2 and B2 scenarios, the “decreasing-distribution” species’ shift in minimum elevations from 2020 to 2100 would occur more rapidly than the corresponding change in maximum elevations. Together, these changes would cause species’ distributions to shrink. However, the “increasing-distribution” species would have an unchanging minimum elevations but higher maximum elevations than in a previous temporal snapshot. These changes would broaden their distribution areas. (See Publications Ko et al. 2009; Ko et al. 2012)

[Dietary guild composition and disaggregation of avian assemblages]—Through exploring how climate change projected by 2100 may transform the world’s avian assemblages by modeling environmental niche-based changes to their dietary guild structure under different dispersal distances, we examined guild structure changes at coarse (primary, high-level, and mixed consumers) and fine (frugivores, nectarivores, insectivores, herbivores, granivores, scavengers, omnivores, and carnivores) ecological resolutions to determine whether or not geographic co-occurrence patterns among guilds were associated with the magnitude to which guilds are functionally resolved. Under a nondispersal scenario, the highest proportions of highly impacted grid cells showed that high-level consumers are expected to increase in relative richness at the expense of primary and mixed consumers. As dispersal distances increased, a greater propensity for primary and mixed consumers would increase in relative richness at the expense of high-level consumers. Further exploration into the consequences of these significant broad-scale ecological functional changes at the community or ecosystem level should be increasingly on the agenda for conservation science. (See Publication Ko et al. 2014)



[Using Geographical Overlaps to Track Species Interactions and Community Coexistence Instability]—We analyze geographical overlaps to infer species interaction networks and provides indices of species interdependence, including mean spatial robustness (MSR), which represents the geographical impact of a species on other species, and mean spatial sensitivity (MSS), which indicates how a species is influenced by other species, to explore how species can spatially affect each other. In addition, when integrating MSR and MSS further allows us to assess community coexistence stability and structure. We found consistent and significant long-term increasing temporal trends of MSR and MSS were found in large marine communities across latitudes. Such species geographical interactions exhibited different correlations with species’ range sizes, number of interacting species, and species’ median proportion of overlap with interacting species. However, there were decreases in correlation strength over the past decades, indicating gradually symmetrical geographical structures in coexistence and unstable marine communities over time under environmental and climatic changes. (See Publication Lai et al. 2022)

[Trends in Geographic Sensitivity of Marine Fishes]—Extending from the above study, we also found that the species geographic interactions before warming was highly correlated with the relative change in current species geographic interactions. Depth range, body length, and age at maturity together explained most variations in species geographic interactions among species. (See Publication Tu et al. 2022)



[Assessing Warming Impacts on Marine Fishes by Integrating Methods]—Climate change pose a continuing threat to communities at multiple ecological levels. Range shifts, life-history changes, and alterations of trophic dynamics are three important aspects of warming impacts, yet there has not been a formal integration for them. We presented a novel and simple framework to assess marine species future distributions using thermal physiological temperatures. We found that warming generally reduces species biomass and shifts species size spectra towards larger individuals, but there were no strong correlations with species, species size and the pace of life history. More severe warming also affect the community more vulnerable to top-down perturbations, even though the community might remain sufficiently resilient overall. (See Publication Kuo et al. 2022)

(2) Dietary Shifts for Cephalopod


[Dietary Shifts for Argentine Shortfin Squid]—Argentine shortfin squid Illex argentinus is one of the major resources in squid fisheries globally, accounting for about 10% of the total catch of cephalopods, and also important in Taiwanese offshore fisheries. Using stomach analysis, we found that the Argentine shortfin squids switched from a diet dominated by crustaceans at small sizes to consuming larger prey, predominantly fishes and/or cephalopods, at large sizes during their growth and southward migration. Significantly higher consumption of fishes was observed in recent years compared with that observed in other studies since 1992, implying impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems in the Southwest Atlantic. (See Publication Chang et al. 2021)

II. Ocean Litter and Microplastics


According to studies, more than 8 million tons of "plastic waste" escape into the ocean every year, causing serious impacts on organisms and fisheries. If we continue to ignore ocean litter, the total weight of plastic waste in the oceans may exceed the total weight of fish in the oceans by 2050, which will ultimately affect food chains and human. Because we love our Earth, we try to understand what is happening to marine environments based on composition and source analyses of ocean litter, and end points of arrivals of ocean litter. We do care about what we can help for the corresponding policies! Besides, we will also explore how human activities would affect marine life, especially for commercial organisms and fisheries. We hope to understand how different pollution may change marine ecosystems through food chains and how fisheries industry may be influenced.

(1) Macro Ocean Litter


[Monitoring Multi-year Macro Ocean Litter Dynamics and Backward-Tracking Simulation of Litter Origins on Dongsha Island]—Large amounts of macro ocean litter, whose weight and quantity varied annually and monthly, entered the northern regions of the South China Sea, i.e. Dongsha Island, over years. There was no significant difference in annual weight between the north and south coasts of the island, but the annual number of litter items differed significantly. Macro ocean litter was mostly in an undegraded form. Styrofoam was the primary source of both annual and monthly macro ocean litter in the waters surrounding the Dongsha island, followed by plastic bottles, fishing gear and other plastic products. The majority of plastic bottles collected came from China and Vietnam, followed by Taiwan, Japan and Korea. Based on the backward-tracking model simulation, the estimated drifting time of the macro ocean litter in the shallow sea surface layer showed monthly and directional variability ranging from 8–496 days. Notably, the modeled results indicated that some litter remained in the northern South China Sea throughout the year and were never drifted back to land or to the surrounding sea.

We further provide regional to global management action plans:
1. Incorporate to existing environmental or wildlife monitoring rpograms, and to be “win-win”.
2. Not dump vessel litter at sea. Be collected, shipped back and processed onshore.
3. Exchange national information. Acknowledge and fulfill cooperation oceanic environmental protection plans through trajectory tracking.
4. Raise public awareness and action to protect ocean, Strengthen legal systems.
(See Publication Ko et al. 2018)

[Forward Tracking for Global Macro Ocean Litter]—Where are macro ocean litter globally? We stimulated offshore-and coastal-source litter to examine the spatial and temporal trends of global ocean litter accumulation, including litter being floating offshore, being floating near the coast, and having landed. Besides, we derived geographically explicit information regarding the cumulative effects of ocean litter by combining litter accumulation areas, marine phytoplankton biomass, fisheries, and marine biodiversity. We hope to provide more and better management potentials for ocean litter. (See Publication Ko et al. 2020)


(2) Microplastics


[Marine Pollution and Food Security]—Do you know human activities may let the Argentine shortfin squids eat what they should not eat? Do you know marine pollution, in fact, has correlations with food security!!!??? We observed that the ingested artifacts examined were composed of plastic and non-plastic materials in stomachs of the Argentine shortfin squids. Artifacts were observed in 19.9% of the total number of stomachs, with 20.5% of the empty stomachs containing artifact remains. But it is good that only limited numbers were found and we speculate the effects would be greater in the food chains in marine ecosystems than human diets. (See Publication Chang et al. 2021)

III. Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Sciences


(1) Climate Change Communication and Link with Humanity and Society


[Public Climate Change Awareness and Risk Perception around the World]—Based on a global dataset, climate change awareness and risk perception were unevenly distributed around the world. The highest levels of awareness (over 90%) were reported in the developed world, including North America, Europe and Japan. By contrast, majorities in developing countries from Africa to the Middle East and Asia reported that they had never heard of climate change, including more than 65% of respondents in countries such as Egypt, Bangladesh, Nigeria and India. National, cultural and geographic factors play an important role in shaping individual-level perceptions of climate change. Predictors of climate change awareness and risk perception varied worldwide. We suggest that climate change risk communicators should develop strategies informed by the predictors of public climate change awareness and risk perception among their own target audience. (See Publication Lee et al. 2015)

(2) Species Distributions and Public Health and Disease Dispersal


[Spatial Analysis of Scrub Typhus Infection and Its Association with Environments]—By analyzing multiple-years human cases of scrub typhus, we found that the standardized incidence rate ‘SIR’ incorporating inter-district variations in population, gender and age was correlated with environmental and socioeconomic variables. Higher incidence and SIR rates were clustered in the less developed, mountainous regions of central and eastern Taiwan, and also associated with a higher proportion of dry-field farmers in the population, a higher normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and lower mean annual temperature, but was not associated with rainfall. Small mammal hosts in high-SIR districts harbored more chiggers and had higher rates of seropositivity. This study provides a better understanding of the effect of environmental factors on chigger abundance and can help to prevent scrub typhus in Taiwan. (See Publication Kuo et al. 2011)

(3) Species Classification and Measurement Using Machine Learning

Machine learning methods have been widely used in various research fields in recent years. We hope to use such methods to solve the time-consuming and labor-intensive problems of manual fish measurements. By using different machine learning methods to analyze different fish species with different body shapes, and by using different pre-processing to increase model generalizability, we can expand the capacity of marine ecological research and help rapid species identification and individual measurements in the future.

(4) Ecosystem Service Assessment, from Ecology to Economy

Ecosystem services include support, supply, culture, and regulation. How to effectively quantify these services and calculate their potential impacts when they change is one of future research directions in Ko’s lab, which will also help us to support international natural- and ecosystem-based solutions and management.

IV. Temporal and Spatial Dynamics in Aquatic Ecosystems


(1) Freshwater Ecosystems


[Typhoon effects on phytoplankton and zooplankton]—Effects of episodic climatic disturbances (i.e., typhoons) on aquatic ecosystems have received less attention and fewer seasonal evaluations partly due to the lack of long-term time-series monitoring data in typhoon prevailing areas. Through cooperation with Academia Sinica, we take the Feitsui Reservoir as a monitoring system and explore typhoon effects on both phytoplankton and zooplankton in the freshwater ecosystem. The results showed that phytoplankton exposed to typhoons generally showed an increasing trend before, during and after typhoons in summer but not in autumn. Meteorological and hydrological environmental factors had different effects on phytoplankton. The post-typhoon weeks were important for the timeline of phytoplankton blooms following disturbances. Moreover, phytoplankton responses for the continuous typhoon events were not different but those for the discrete typhoon events were different between the summer and autumn seasons. We suggest that continuous and systematic monitoring is necessary for understanding impacts of weather events on aquatic ecosystems. If climate change will change frequency of climate disturbances, long-term data will be important and basic information for mitigating and adapting future changes. (See Publications Ko et al. 2016; Ko et al. 2017)

[Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity in Lake Biwa, Japan]—How different levels of human disturbances can influence freshwater ecosystems? We estimated relationships between diversity and environmental variables in Ado River (natural) and Yasu River (intermediately disturbed) watersheds, Japan. Alpha diversity was consistently slightly higher in the natural river watershed than in the intermediately disturbed one, but the spatial distribution was not equivalent. The opposite pattern was found for beta diversity. Significant differences in environmental variables existed between the two river watersheds, with especially high chlorophyll-a concentrations detected in the intermediately disturbed watershed. Understanding relationships between organisms and environments is critical to conserving diversity and can inform conservation planning to maximize watershed-wide biodiversity. (See Publications Ko et al. 2019; Ko et al. 2021)


(2) Ocean Ecosystems


[Seasonal Variations in Heterotrophic Bacteria in the South China Sea]—We explored temporal and spatial trends and underlying mechanisms in terms of bacterial biomass, productivity and growth rate. Overall, heterotrophic bacteria were largely dependent on exotic organic carbon sources, such as riverine inputs and resuspension processes. In cold seasons, coastal areas could become an important source of carbon dioxide, when there were high inorganic nutrients. (See Publication Austria et al. 2018)

[Effects of Mixed Layer Depth on Phytoplankton]—In open oceans, changes in mixed layer depth (MLD) may affect phytoplankton growth and biomass variations via the regulation of nutrient supply from deep waters, particularly in tropics and subtropics. We compiled and analyzed averaged euphotic-depth-integrated chlorophyll-a (IChl-a) and surface chlorophyll-a (SChl-a) concentrations collected from 27 cruises during the period of 1999–2019 and found that seasonal differences existed in both averaged IChl-a and SChl-a concentrations, with significantly high concentrations in the cold season. Over the past decades, the averaged IChl-a, SChl-a, and MLD decreased to a greater extent in the cold season than in the warm season, while sea surface temperature (SST) rose rapidly and dramatically in both seasons. Our results highlight the importance of IChl-a concentration, which is an overall measure of phytoplankton responses to euphotic zone conditions, and the MLD could be used as a good index for changes in phytoplankton biomass under climate changes. Moreover, the use of SChl-a concentration as a common indicator of phytoplankton biomass dynamics should be performed with caution. . (See Publication Hou et al. 2022)


V. Fisheries Ecology and Big Data Analysis of Long-term Changes in Fisheries Resources


(1)Fisheries Ecology & Fisheries Resources


[Relationships between Fish Larvae and Environments]—Larvae and juveniles, as exploited species in the “Bua” fisheries in Taiwan, play a fundamental and important role at the bottom of the food chain. We explore distributions of fish larvae and juveniles in the ocean and analyze how environments may affect them. The Taiwanese “Bua” fishery mainly targets both Engraulidae and Clupeidae families. However, other fish species may be caught due to time and place, thus forming “bycatch”. We will monitor the “Bua” anchovy fishery and develop methods using big data analysis and machine learning in order to introduce more modern and technological management to balance ecological conservation and economic and industrial development and achieve goals of sustainable, healthy and productive oceans.

[Stock Assessment and Fishing Forecast for Argentine Shortfin Squids]—There is still no effective and multilaterally recognized resource management unit for Argentine shortfin squids, as one of migratory fish species. Only when related countries jointly protect such fisheries resources can provide a chance for getting benefits. Therefore, we should research this fishery and make contributions to achieve the goal of "responsible fishery" and achieve effective regional fishery management in the future. We will conduct dynamic analyses of Argentine shortfin squid by historical data, assess stock conditions, and evaluate feasibility of forecasts.


VI. Any Interesting Studies that You Want My Lab to Support
