Chun-Lin Liu – Topics – Super Nested Arrays (1D)
Super Nested Arrays
2D representations of the nested array and the super nested array. (View larger) In array processing, mutual coupling between sensors has an adverse effect on the estimation of parameters (e.g., DOA). While there are methods to counteract this through appropriate modeling and calibration, they are usually computationally expensive, and sensitive to model mismatch. On the other hand, sparse arrays, such as nested arrays, coprime arrays, and minimum redundancy arrays (MRAs), have reduced mutual coupling compared to uniform linear arrays (ULAs). With denoting the number of sensors, these sparse arrays offer freedoms for source estimation because their difference coarrays have -long ULA segments. But these well-known sparse arrays have disadvantages: MRAs do not have simple closed-form expressions for the array geometry; coprime arrays have holes in the coarray; and nested arrays contain a dense ULA in the physical array, resulting in significantly higher mutual coupling than coprime arrays and MRAs. The super nested array has all the good properties of the nested array, and at the same time achieves reduced mutual coupling. There is a systematic procedure to determine sensor locations. For fixed , the super nested array has the same physical aperture, and the same hole-free coarray as does the nested array. But the number of sensor pairs with small separations (, , etc.) is significantly reduced. The last property helps to reduce mutual coupling effects. Simulations demonstrate the superior performance of super nested arrays in the presence of mutual coupling. Interactive Interface for Super Nested ArraysThis interactive interface assists users to understand the basics of super nested arrays and to create new array configurations of their own. With this interface, users can place the sensors arbitrarily on the 2D representation, show the associated difference coarray, and calculate the weight functions.
The interactive interface (left) and some information about the difference coarray (right). (View larger)
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