Taxation Theory (Government Revenues)

財 政 學 專 題 (租 稅 理 論)
 1  Instructor: Yusen Sung

Drop-in Open Office Hours: See here
 2  Class Time:

9:10 ~ 12noon Friday

Classroom etiquette:

 3  Prerequisite:

Undergraduate-level microeconomics.

This course is intended for students who have taken my Public Finance course.
Please do not register for this course if you have not done so.

 4  Grade Policy:

There will be an in-class mid-term exam and a term paper, each accounting for 50% of your final course grade.

The term paper must be printed out with a cover page, and placed in my mailbox (located in the Econ Department office) before the due date.

 5  Recommended Textbooks:

 6  Course Schedule:

A. Theory:
  1. Introduction: Taxation Theory and Practice
  2. Positive Analysis (Equity): Tax Incidence Note
    (Rosen-Gayer book: P313, P314, P315, P316, P317, P318, P319, P320, P321)
  3. Positive Analysis (Efficiency): Excess Burden Note
    (Video) EB_Definition
  4. Normative Analysis: Optimal Taxation Note
    Midterm Exam
B. Practice:
  1. Budget Deficit and Government Debt Note
  2. Fiscal Federalism: Local Government Finance Note | Video1 | Video2 | Video3
  3. Personal Income Tax Note
  4. Consumption/Property Tax Note
    Final Exam: Here
 7  Course Grades:

 8  Sample Exams and Answers:

School year: 2017 | 2018 | 2019_Fall | 2019_Spring | 2020

 Reference Sites