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台灣大學 外文系 特聘教授 2015 /08 迄今
台灣大學 台文所 合聘教授 2015 /08 至2022 /07
台灣大學 外文系 教授 2000 /08 至2015 /07
台灣大學 外文系 系主任兼所長 2006 /08 至2008 /07
台灣大學 外文系 副教授 1993 /08 至2000 /07
台灣大學 外文系 講師 1986 /08 至1993 /07
台灣大學 外文系 助教 1985 /08 至1986 /07

劉亮雅是台灣大學外國語文學系學士、碩士,美國德州大學奧斯汀校區英美文學博士。現任台大外文系特聘教授。曾任台大外文系主任、台大台文所合聘教授。曾獲國科會傑出研究獎、台灣文學學會第一屆傑出學術專書獎。主要研究台灣當代文學與文化、英美二十世紀文學、後殖民理論、女性主義理論、同志理論。著有《後殖民與日治記憶:二十一世紀台灣小說》(2020),《遲來的後殖民:再論解嚴以來台灣小說》(2014),《後現代與後殖民:解嚴以來台灣小說專論》(2006),《情色世紀末:小說、性別、文化、美學》(2001),《慾望更衣室:情色小說的政治與美學》(1998),Race, Gender, and Representation: Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, Sula, Song of Solomon, and Beloved (2000)。主編《多元新視界:台灣青壯作家二十一世紀小說》(2024)、與人合著《台灣小說史論》(2007);主編、導讀《同志研究》(2010)。曾編譯、導讀《吳爾芙讀本》(1987),導讀、審定《海明威》(1999)、《康拉德》(2000)、《吳爾芙》(2000),導讀《簡愛》(2013)。

Liang-ya Liou is Distinguished Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Taiwan University. She served as the Department Chair of Foreign Languages and Literatures from 2006 to 2008. She received her Ph. D. in English from the University of Texas at Austin in 1993. She joined the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature, National Taiwan University, as an Adjunct Professor from 2015 to 2022. She works in the fields of contemporary Taiwanese literature and culture, postcolonial theory, feminist theory, queer theory, and Twentieth-century English and American fiction. She won the 2014 MOST Outstanding Research Award.

She is the author of Houzhimin yu rizhi jiyi ershiyi shiji taiwan xiaoshuo (Postcoloniality and Memories of Japan: Twenty-First-Century Taiwanese Fiction)(2020), Chilai de houzhimin zai lun jieyan yilai taiwan xiaoshuo (Belated Postcoloniality: Post-Martial Law Taiwanese Fiction) (2014), Houxiandai yu houzhimin jieyan yilai taiwan xiaoshuo zhuanlun (Postmodernism and Postcolonialism: Taiwanese Fiction since 1987)(2006), Qingse shijimo xiaoshuo xingbie wenhua meixue (Gender, Sexuality, and the Fin de Siecle: Studies in Erotic Fictions)(2001), Yuwang gengyishi qingse xiaoshuo de zhengzhi yu meixue (Engendering Dissident Desires: The Politics and Aesthetics of Erotic Fictions)(1998), and Race, Gender, and Representation: Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, Sula, Song of Solomon, and Beloved (2000). She is the editor of Duoyuan xin shijie taiwan qingzhuang zuojia ershiyi shiji xiaoshuo (Twenty-First-Century Taiwanese Fiction: Critical Perspectives) (2024). She co-authored Taiwan xiaoshuo shilun (Essays on Taiwan Literary History) (2007) and edited Tongzhi yanjiu (Gay and Lesbian Studies) (2010). She has published in journals such as PMLA, Postcolonial Studies, The China Quarterly, Chung-wai Literary Quarterly, Ex-position, Tamkang Review, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, NTU Studies in Language and Literature, NTU Studies in Taiwan Literature, and Journal of Taiwan Literary Studies.