Y.-J. Chou, Y.-H. Mai, and C.-C. Tseng (2021)
Large-eddy simulation of coaxial powder flow for the laser direct
deposition process, Physics of Fluids, 33, 125121
Y.-J. Chang, R.-L. Chern, and Y.-J. Chou (2021)
Transient instability in long, tilted water columns with fast-settling,
particle-laden layers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 929, A42
T.-Y. Chiu, Y.-Y. Niu, Y.-J. Chou (2021)
Accurate hybrid AUSMD type flux algorithm with generalized discontinuity sharpening
reconstruction for two fluid modeling,
Journal of Computational Physics, 443, 110540
H. Yuan, J. Tian, Y.-S. Chien, R.-H. Luo, J.-Y. Guo
S. Li, Y.-J. Chou, H.-S. Shum, and C.-F. Chen (2021),
Hand-powered microfluidics for parallel droplet difital look-mediated isothermal amplification
assays. ACS sensors
Y.-Y. Niu, C.-H. Wu, Y.-H. Huang, Y.-J. Chou, and S.-C. Kong
C.-Y. Hung (2020), Evaluation of breakup models for liquid side jets in supersonic cross flows.
Numericla Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 79(5)353-369.
L.-W. Hsu, Y.-H. Lin, J.-Y. Guo, C.-F. Chen,
Y.-J. Chou, and Y.-C. Yeh (2020), Simultaneous determination of L-phenylalanine, Phenylethylamine,
and Phenylacetic Acid using three-color whole-cell biosensors within a microchannel device,
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3(8), 5120-5125.
C.-Y. Hung, Y.-Y. Niu, and Y.-J. Chou (2020).
Numerical study of convective sedimentation in thermally stratified environments.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 893, A27
Y.-J. Chou, C.-Y. Hung, and C.-F. Chen (2020)
Formation of drops and rings in double-diffusive sedimentation,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 884, A35
Y.-J. Chou, C.-J. Cheng, R.-L. Chern
C.-Y. Hung, 2019, Instabilities of particle-laden layers in the stbly stratified
environment, Physics of Fluids, 31, 124101
Y.-C. Chang, T.-Y. Chiu, C.-Y. Hung,
and Y.-J. Chou, 2019, Three-dimensional Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of particle
settling in inclined water columns.
Powder Technology, 348, 80-92.
Y.-J. Chou, Y.-C. Shao, Y.-H. Shen
C.-J. Cheng, 2019, Stabilized formulation for modeling the erosion/deposition
flux of sediment in circulation/CFD models,
Water, 11, 197.
T.-T. Tsai, T.-H. Huang, C.-A. Chen,
N. Y. Ho, Y.-J. Chou, and C.-F. Chen, 2018, Development a stacking pad
design for enhancing the sensitivity of lateral flow immunoassay,
Scientific Report, 8:17319.
Y. J. Chou, K. S. Nelson, R. C.
Holleman, O. B. Fringer, M. T. Stacey, J. R. Lacy, S. G.
Monismith, J. R. Koseff, 2018, Three-dimensional modeling of
fine sediment transport by waves and currents in a shallow
estuary, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean, 123(6), 4177-4199.
C. Y. Tseng and Y. J. Chou*,
2018, Nonhydrostatic simulation of hyperpycnal river plumes
on sloping continental shelves: flow strcutures and
nonhydrostatic effect. Ocean Modelling, 124, 23-47.
Y. C. Shao, C. Y. Hung, and Y.
J. Chou*, 2017, Numerical study of convective sedimentation
through a sharp density interface, Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, 824, 513-549.
Y. J. Chou, Y. C. Shao, 2016,
Numerical study of particle-induced Rayleigh-Taylor
instability: Effects of particle settling and entrainment,
Physics of Fluids, 28, 043302, doi:
Y. J. Chou, R. C. Holleman, O.
B. Fringer, M. T. Stacey, S. G. Monismith, J. R. Koseff,
2015, Three-dimensional wave-coupled hydrodynamics modeling
in South San Francisco Bay, Computers & Geosciences,
85, 10-21.
Y. J. Chou, S. H. Gu, Y. C.
Shao, 2015, An Euler-Lagrange model for simulating fine
particle suspension in liquid flows, Journal of
Computational Physics, 299, 955-973.
S. Hsu, Y. J. Chou, Z.
Travnicek, C.-F. Lin, A.-B. Wang, R.-H. Yen, 2015, Numerical
study of nozzle design for the hybrid synthetic jet
actuator, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 232:
J. Chou, F. C. Wu, W. R. Shih, 2014, Toward numerical
modeling of fine particle suspension using a two-way coupled
Euler-Euler model. Part 1: Theoretical formulation and
implications, International Journal of Multiphase Flow,
64, 35-43.
J. Chou, F. C. Wu, W. R. Shih, 2014, Toward numerical
modeling of fine particle suspension using a two-way coupled
Euler-Euler model. Part 2: Simulation of particle-induced
Rayleigh-Taylor instability, International Journal of
Multiphase Flow, 64, 44-54.
Ma, Y. J. Chou, F. Shi, 2014, A wave-resolving model for
nearshore suspended sediment transport, Ocean Modelling,
77, 33-49.
Y. J. Chou and O. B. Fringer, 2010, Numerical simulation of
sand ripple dynamics in turbulent flows, Hong Kong Institute
of Engineers Transactions, 17(4) (1 of 4 awarded papers
among more than 50 participants)
Y. J. Chou and O. B. Fringer, 2010, A model for the
simulation of coupled flow-bedform evolution in turbulent
flows, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C10041.
Y. J. Chou and O. B. Fringer, 2010, Consistent
discretization for simulation of flows with generalized
moving curvilinear coordinate, International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Fluids 62(10), 802-826.
Y. J. Chou and O. B. Fringer, 2008, Modeling dilute sediment
suspension using large eddy simulation with a dynamic mixed
model, Physics of Fluids, doi:10.1063/1.3005863.
Y. J. Chou and O. B. Fringer, 2006, An Unstructured Immersed
Boundary Method for Simulation of Flow Over Topography,
Proceedings of the 9th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling
Conference, 568-584, Charleston, South Carolina
F. C. Wu and Y. J. Chou, 2004, Tradeoffs associated with
sediment-maintenance flushing flow. A simulation approach to
exploring noninferior options, River Research and
Applications, 20:591–604.
F. C. Wu and Y. J. Chou, 2003, Simulation of gravel-sand bed
response to flushing flows using a two-fraction entrainment
approach: Model development and flume experiment, Water
Resources Research, 39(8):1211, doi:10.1029/2003WR002184.
F. C. Wu and Y. J. Chou, 2003, Rolling and lifting
probabilities for sediment entrainment, Journal of Hydraulic
Engineering, ASCE, 129(2):110–119.
F. C. Wu, H. W. Shen and Y. J. Chou, 2001, Variations of
roughness coefficients for unsubmerged and submerged
vegetation-Closure, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE,
F. C. Wu, H. W. Shen and Y. J. Chou, 1999, Variations of
roughness coefficients for unsubmerged and submerged
vegetation, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE,