Tay-sheng Wang, 2015, ”Localization of Foreign Laws in Taiwan: Rethinking the Role of Law in Bridging Chasms in society,” (keynote speech) presented in The 4th East Asia Law and Society Conference: The Role of Law in Bridging Chasms in and among Asian Societies held in Waseda University, Japan, August 4-6, 2015.
PPT LINK王泰升,2015年5月,〈Indigenous Peoples in the Legal History of Taiwan: Being a Special Ethnic Group, Territory and Legal Culture〉,發表於臺北教育大學教育經營與管理學系、輔仁大學法律學院基法中心、清華大學科技法律研究所主辦,「International Conference on the Prospect and Challenge of Indigenous Legal Institutions」(2015年5月30日)。
PPT LINK王泰升,2012年5月,〈Codification and Transplantation in Taiwan: A Model for Transplanting Foreign Laws in East Asia〉(keynote speech),發表於臺大法律學院、Taiwan Committee, International Academy of Comparative Law主辦,「The 2012 International Congress of Comparative Law With the Theme of “Codification”」(2012年5月24-26日)