1 綜合統計
2 人力資本
3 農業
4 工業
5 交通
6 貿易
7 價格
8 財政收支
9 金融
10 土地交易
1 綜合統計
2 人力資本
3 農業
4 工業
5 交通
6 貿易
7 價格
8 財政收支
9 金融
- 台中與嘉義借貸契約 (Kelly Olds)
Loan Data for Taichung and Chiayi
This data is a collection of loan contracts that were registered (1) at the
Taichung prefectural court from 1903-1945 or (2) at the Chiayi branch
of the Tainan prefectural court from 1903-1927. The original contracts
were photographed and copied onto DVDs by Prof. Tai-Sheng Wang
(王泰升) of the NTU Law School.
10 土地交易
- 台灣杜賣契 (Kelly Olds)
Taiwan land Sales Contracts Data Set