Please submit the required document below to the staff who is in charge of Study Abroad Program of your College/University. Check Program 1 to find out the contact person of your home university.

For those whose university has not had the Academic Agreement with CBA-NTU, please directly submit the document to Evaluation of your application is needed and we retain the right to decide the acceptance of your submission.


Application & Personal information form (for all students)
Transcript (for all students)
Electronic file of your head photo (for all students)
Declaration Agreement (for non-NTU students; scan and submit after signed)
Electronic File of Passport Copy (for non-NTU students)
台大學員課程同意書 (for NTU student)
English fluency certificate (for NTU student)
大學部繳交導師推薦函;研究所繳交指導教授同意書 (for NTU student)

About the application fee and program fee

    Application fee and program fee are variable dependent on what university you are in and when you pay. Please check Program 1 to find out. Payment should be remitted before the deadlines. Download NTU’s Bank Account Information.


Please make sure you are the student of our partner College of our sister university. Fill out the forms below. The official document should not be directly mailed to CIAEAE, instead, they need to be handled by the contact person of the international office of your College/University. CBA-NTU has the right in terms of accepting your application.

4 head photos
Internship program provides student a good opportunity to work in the laboratory. Students who want to participate in the one-month Internship right before BACT Program starts (duration: around the end of May to the end of June), we require you to fill out one additional application. Please note that you MUST be the student of our partnership universities and MUST also participant in the BACT program before you are allowed to take part in the Internship.
    Internship Application Form (not available until November 20, 2011)