Institude of Anatomy and cell biology

張銘峰 副教授 (Ming-Fong Chang associate professor)


15. Medical students' preferences for asynchronous online or face-to-face learning strategies in learning gross anatomy and neuroanatomy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chang MF, Yeh CC, Lue JH, Liao ML* . Clinical Anatomy First published: 12 July 2024


14. Implementing virtual reality technology to teach medical college systemic anatomy: A pilot study. Liao ML, Yeh CC, Lue JH, Chang MF* . Anatomical Sciences Education 2024 Jun;17(4):796-805. doi: 10.1002/ase.2407.


13. HSP27 Modulates Neuropathic Pain by Inhibiting P2X3 Degradation. Yeh TY, Chang MF, Kan YY, Chiang H, Hsieh ST* Molecular Neurobiology Volume 61, pages 707–724, (2024)


12. Impact of modified teaching strategies used in a gross anatomy course on the academic performance of dental students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Liao ML, Yeh CC, Lue JH, Lai IR and Chang MF* European Journal of Dental Education 2023 Nov;27(4):1077-1087. doi: 10.1111/eje.12901. Epub 2023 Mar 28.


11. Benefits of a Bilingual Web-based Anatomy Atlas for Nursing Students in Learning Anatomy. Liao ML, Yeh CC, Lue JH, Chien CL, Hsu SH and Chang MF* BMC Medical Education (2022) 22:341


10. The impact of asynchronous online anatomy teaching and smaller learning groups in the anatomy laboratory on medical students' performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Chang MF, Liao ML, Lue JH, Yeh CC. Anatomical Sciences Education 2022 May;15(3):476-492. doi: 10.1002/ase.2179.


9. Nonpermissive skin environment impairs nerve regeneration in diabetes via Sec31a. Kan HW, Hsieh JH, Wang SW, Yeh TY, Chang MF, Tang TY, Chao CC, Feng FP, Hsieh ST. Annals of Neurology 2022 Jun;91(6):821-833. doi: 10.1002/ana.26347.


8. Performance Analysis of an Anatomy Course between the Students of Second-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing and School of Nursing. Liao ML, Chang MF, Hsieh ST, Lu KS, Chen YL, Chien CL, Hsu SH, Lue JH. Journal of Medical Education 2020; 24: 18-28 DOI: 10.6145/jme.202003_24(1).0004


7.Benefit of Writing Laboratory Previews for Anatomy Learning in Medical Students. Chang MF, Liao ML, Hsieh ST, Wang SH, Lee LJ, Kung HN, Lu KS, Chen YL, Lue JH. Journal of Medical Education 2019; 23:185-196 DOI:10.6145/jme.201909_23(3).0006


6.Effective gene expression in the rat dorsal root ganglia with a non-viral vector delivered via spinal nerve injection. Chang MF, Hsieh JH, Chiang H, Kan HW, Huang CM, Chellis L, Lin BS, Miaw SC, Pan CL, Chao CC, Hsieh ST. Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 17;6:35612. doi: 10.1038/srep35612.


5. Clinical presentations and skin denervation in amyloid neuropathy due to transthyretin Ala97Ser. Yang NC, Lee MJ, Chao CC, Chuang YT, Lin WM, Chang MF, Hsieh PC, Kan HW, Lin YH, Yang CC, Chiu MJ, Liou HH, Hsieh ST. Neurology. 2010 Aug 10;75(6):532-8. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3181ec7fda.


4. Protein profilings in mouse liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy using iTRAQ technology. Hsieh HC, Chen YT, Li JM, Chou TY, Chang MF, Huang SC, Tseng TL, Liu CC, Chen SF. J Proteome Res. 2009 Feb;8(2):1004-13. doi: 10.1021/pr800696m.


3. Effects of 4-methylcatechol on skin reinnervation: promotion of cutaneous nerve regeneration after crush injury. Hsieh YL, Lin WM, Lue JH, Chang MF, Hsieh ST. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2009 Dec;68(12):1269-81. doi: 10.1097/NEN.0b013e3181c17b46.


2. Signaling pathways of magnolol-induced adrenal steroidogensis. Chen YC, Chang MF, Chen Y, Wang SM. FEBS Lett. 2005 Aug 15;579(20):4337-43.


1. Magnolol induces the distributional changes of p160 and adipose differentiation-related protein in adrenal cells. Chien CL, Chen YC, Chang MF, Greenberg AS, Wang SM. Histochem Cell Biol. 2005 Jun;123(4-5):429-39. Epub 2005 Apr 21.


1. 專利名稱:醫學影像學習應用程式及包含其之裝置 (中華民國專利號碼:I798705)


2. 專利名稱:訊息整合監測方法及系統(中華民國專利號:I852050)


3. 專利名稱:醫學立體影像收集及共享的方法及系統(中華民國專利號:I856742)



10. Chang MF, Yeh CC, Lue JH, Liao ML* (2024 Aug). Feasibility Study on an Online Anatomical Atlas for Students Across Seven Healthcare Disciplines. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education.


9. Liao ML, Yeh CC, Lue JH, Chang MF* (2024 Mar). Development of a web-based electron microscopic atlas with serial magnification: a pilot study.Anatomy Connected 2024


8. Chang MF, Yeh CC, Lue JH, Liao ML* (2023, July). A Pilot Study for Applying Virtual Reality System to Teach Systematic Anatomy in College of Medicine. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education.


7.Liao ML, Yeh CC, Lue JH, Lai IR, Chang MF* (2023, March) Investigation of changing teaching methods in gross anatomy course on dental students' performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. The 37th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science.


6.The Changes of Anatomical Teaching and Learning on Medical Students During COVID-19 Pandemic. Chang MF, Liao ML, Wang SH, Lue JH, Chen YL, Yeh CC. TAME 2021


5.Long-term gene expression in the rat dorsal root ganglia with a non-viral vector delivered via spinal nerve injection. Chang MF, Hsieh JH, Chiang H, Huang CM, Chellis L, Lin BS, Miaw SC, Chao CC, Hsieh ST. The 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences (2014)


4. Protein Profilings in Mouse Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Using iTRAQ Technology. Chang MF, Hsieh HC, Chen YT, Huang SC, Tseng TL, Chen SF. Annual Forum of Biotechnology, Industrial Technology Research Institute (2006)


3. Development of the porcine microarray for angiogenesis and cardiogenesis related gene expression studies. Chang MF, Chung YW, Hsu CL, Lin JH, Li CM. Annual Forum of Biotechnology, Industrial Technology Research Institute (2005)


2. Photodynamic therapy in oral cancer model: ALPcS2a triggered apoptosis signaling transduction pathway in Ca922 oral cancer cell-line. Chang MF, Chung YW, Lin JH, Wang CP, and Lou PJ. Annual Forum of Biotechnology, Industrial Technology Research Institute (2004)


1. Discrimination of 5 different cell lines and identification of their related genes and pathways by Phalanx Liver2k array. Chang MF, Lin WY, Li KL, Hsu CL, Liu KH, Huang JL, Su HJ, Lin JH. Annual Forum of Biotechnology, Industrial Technology Research Institute (2003)