統計學與實習二 | |||
期末考:6/20(三),10:00-12:10。範圍:10-13章。 | |||
課程目標:使同學在修完本課程之後,擁有從事實證研究所需的基本工具。 | |||
Syllabus | |||
Time | Tuesday 14:20-16:20 (單週上課), Wednesday 10:20-12:10 | ||
Office Hours | Wednesday 14:00-15:00. | ||
Textbook |
Stock and Watson (2011), Introduction to Econometrics, Addision Wesley, 3rd edition. |
Exams: | Midterm 4/25, Final 6/20. | ||
Grade | Quiz 30%, Midterm 30%, Final 40%. | ||
Teaching Assistant | 楊宗翰助教的實習課網頁 | ||
(2/21) Introduction, Economic Questions and Data
(2/22) Review of Probability
(2/29) Review of Statistics
Bivariate Regression I (~p.13)
(3/6) Bivariate Regression I (p.14~)
(3/7) Bivariate Regression II (~p.37)
Classical Linear Regression Model
(3/14) Bivariate Regression II (p.38~)
Multiple Regression I (~p.39)
(3/20) Multiple Regression I (p.40~)
Multiple Regression II (~p.48)
(3/21) Multiple Regression II (p.49~)
(3/28) 身高與所得
Nonlinear Regression Models (~p.19)
(4/11) Nonlinear Regression Models (p.20~)
(4/17) Assessing Regression Studies (~p.31)
(4/18) Assessing Regression Studies (p.32~)
(5/1) Regression with Panel Data
(5/2) Regression with Panel Data
Duggan and Levitt (2002), Winning Isn't Everything: Corruption in Sumo Wrestling, 投影片(~p.8)
(5/9) Sumo Wrestling (p.9~)
Regression with Binary Dependent Variable (~p.34)
(5/15) Regression with Binary Dependent Variable (p.35~)
(5/16) Hepatitis B and Missing Women, 投影片
Missing Women--- Wiki Gender, 艾蜜莉·奧斯特--- Wiki
Gendercide, The worldwide war on baby girls, Economist, 2010/3/4. 投影片
Instrumental Variables Regression (~p.16)
(5/23) Instrumental Variables Regression (p.17~56)
(5/29) Instrumental Variables Regression (p.57~93)
(5/30) Instrumental Variables Regression (p.94~)
Angrist and Evans (1998), Children and Their Parents' Labor Supply: Evidence from Exogenous Variation in Family Size, 投影片
The Effect of Fertility on Female Labor Supply in Taiwan--- An Instrumental Variables Estimation
Angrist and Kreuger (1991), Does Compulsory School Attendance Affect Schooling and Earnings?, 投影片(~p.3)
(6/6) Angrist and Kreuger (1991), Does Compulsory School Attendance Affect Schooling and Earnings? 投影片(p.4~)
Experiment and Quasi-Experiment (p.5~39)
(6/12) 大雨停課
(6/13) Experiment and Quasi-Experiment (p.40~54)
Experiment and Quasi-Experiment (p.55~) Chou, Liu and Hammitt (2003), National Health Insurance and precautionary saving: evidence from Taiwan, 投影片
楊子霆與駱明慶 (2009),〈誰付退休金?--- 勞退新制對私部門勞工薪資的影響〉,《經濟論文》, 37:3, 339-368。投影片
midterm: 2011-題目, 解答; 2010-題目, 解答; 2009-題目, 解答。
final: 2011-題目, 解答; 2010-題目, 解答; 2009-題目, 解答。
What You Need to Succeed—and How to Find Out If You Have It
Preventing AIDS--- A drug called money
The Long-Term Effects of Africa's Slave Trades
Sex and the single black woman--- How the mass incarceration of black men hurts black women
The Elite Illusion: Achievement Effects at Boston and New York Exam Schools
Estimating the Return to College Selectivity over the Career Using Administrative Earnings Data
Association of Coffee Drinking with Total and Cause-Specific Mortality