Hepatitis B and Missing Women
The Case of Asia's "Missing Women," Robert Barro, Business Week,
Where are Asia's "Missing Women,"
Tyler Cowen, 2/19/2005.
Search for 100 Million Missing Women, Dubner and Levitt, Slate,
Hepatitis B and Missing Women, Emily Oster, Journal of Political
Economy, December, 2005.
Explaining Asia's "Missing Women": A New Look at the Data, Monica Das
Gupta, Population and Development Review, September 2005.
Can Hepatitis B Mothers Account
for the Number of Missing Women? Evidence from Three Millions Newborns in
Taiwan, Ming-Jen Lin and Ming-Ching Luoh, November 2005.
[published version, American Economic Review,
98(5), 2259-2273.]
On Explaining Asia's "Missing Women": Comment on Das Gupta, Emily Oster,
Population and Development Review, June 2006.
Cultural versus Biological Factors in Explaining Asia¡¦s ¡§Missing Women¡¨:
Response to Oster, Monica Das Gupta, Population and Development Review,
June 2006.
Hepatits B and Sex Ratios at
Birth: Fathers or Mothers?, Baruch Blumberg and Emily Oster,
March 2007.
Hepatitis B Does Not Explain
Male-Biased Sex Ratios in China, Emily Oster, April 2008.
Hail Emily Oster, Tyler Cowen, 5/12/2008.
Revisiting Hepatitis Theory on China¡¦s ¡¥Missing Women¡¦, Wall Street
Journal, 5/21/2008.
Economist Scraps Hepatitis Theory On China's 'Missing Women', Wall
Street Journal, 5/22/2008.
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Academic Does the Right Thing, Stephen Levitt,
Missing women in South Asia and China: Biology or discrimination?
Stephan Klasen,
Hepatitis B and missing women: The rise and decline of a finding,
Stephan Klasen,