

Time Wednesdays 10:20-13:10

Stock and Watson (2020), Introduction to Econometrics, Addision Wesley, 4th edition.

Exams: Midterm 4/22, Final 6/17.
Grade 期初考 10%,實習課與小考 25%,期中考 30%,期末考 35%.
Teaching Assistant





   時間: 3/3,13:20-15:10

   範圍:Stock and Watson (2020),第二章和第三章。


             投影片,Review of ProbabilityReview of Statistics。     



 (Lecture 1, 3/4)       Economic Questions and Data

                                 Bivariate Regression I

                                 Data for Chapter 4

(Lecture 2, 3/11)      Bivariate Regression II

(Lecture 3, 3/17)      Multivariate Regression I

(Lecture 4, 3/18)      Multivariate Regression II

(Lecture 5, 3/25)      廢票哪裡來? 論文投影片


                                  對街少年亮槍 台大女中彈]


(Lecture 6, 3/31)      Nonlinear Regression Model

(Lecture 7, 4/1)        Assessing Studies Based on Multiple Regression   

(Lecture 8, 4/8)        Regression with Panel Data

(Lecture 9, 4/14)      Duggan and Levitt (2002), Winning Isn't Everything: Corruption in Sumo Wrestling 投影片

(Lecture 10, 4/15)    Mastering Metrics,


                                Chapter 1: Randomized Trials,

                                Chapter 2: Regression, 投影

                                Econometrics: The Path from Cause to Effect (影片)

                                          Ceteris Paribus: Public v. Private University (影片)

                                Selection Bias: Will You Make More Going to a Private University (影片)


                                 Regression with Binary Dependent Variable

              4/22           期中考,範圍 Chapter 4 - 4/15 的進度(不包含binary dependent variable)


(Lecture 11, 4/28)   Regression with Binary Dependent Variable


(Lecture 12, 4/29)  Hepatitis B and Missing Women, 投影片

                              Hepatitis B and the Case of Missing Women

                              Can Hepatitis B Mothers Account for the Number of Missing Women? Evidence from Three Millions Newborns in Taiwan

                           Missing Women--- Wiki

                           艾蜜莉·奧斯特--- Wiki

                           Instrumental Variable Regression


(Lecture 13, 5/6) Instrumental Variable Regression


(Lecture 14, 5/12) Angrist and Evans (1998), Children and Their Parents' Labor Supply: Evidence from Exogenous Variation in Family Size, 投影片

                           The Effect of Fertility on Female Labor Supply in Taiwan--- An Instrumental Variables Estimation

                           Angrist and Kreuger (1991), Does Compulsory School Attendance Affect Schooling and Earnings?投影片  


(Lecture 15, 5/13)  Experiment and Quasi Experiment



(Lecture 16, 5/20) Chou, Liu and Hammitt (2003), National Health Insurance and precautionary saving: evidence from Taiwan, 投影片

                            楊子霆與駱明慶 (2009)誰付退休金?--- 勞退新制對私部門勞工薪資的影響,《經濟論文》, 37:3, 339-368投影片


(Lecture 17, 5/26) 公私部門勞動報酬的比較

                             Prediction with Many Regressors and Big Data


(Lecture 18, 5/27)  Prediction with Many Regressors


(Lecture 19, 6/3)  Time Series Regression and Forecasting


(Lecture 20, 6/9)  Time Series Regression and Forecasting


(Lecture 21, 6/10)  Dynamic Causal Effects



   midterm:  2019-題目, 解答; 2018-題目, 解答;

          final:  2019-題目, 解答; 2018-題目, 解答;

