Lin, K-C., Chen, W-S., Chen, C-L., Chang, Y-J., Lee, Y-Y., Yao, G., Horng, Y-S., Hsu, W-L., Wu, Y-H., Pan, H-C. (July 2024). Outcomes of Mirror Therapy Preceding Augmented Reality in Stroke Rehabilitation. Research poster presented at 2024 biomedical research symposium of National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan.

Liu, Y-J., Huang, Y-F., Su, W-Z., Li, Y-H., & Lin, K-C.* (June 2024). Competency-based in clinical occupational therapy education. Paper presented at 2024 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, Y-J., Su, W-Z., Xu, W-Y., Huang, Y-F., Li, Y-H., & Lin, K-C.* (June 2024). The learning outcomes of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) in occupational therapy internship in mental health. Paper presented at 2024 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, Y-J., Chen, G-C., Xu, W-Y., Yang,M-Y., Li, Y-H., & Lin, K-C.* (June 2024). Physical exercise combined with cognitive training program in persons with schizophrenia: A feasibility study. Paper presented at 2024 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (May 2024). Advances of stroke rehabilitation in the clinic- and home-setting and outcome prediction of treatment success. Keynote speech presented at the Annual Conference of the Occupational Therapy Department, Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

Lin, K-C. (May 2024). Principles and evidence of mirror therapy and augmented reality in promoting stroke outcomes. Keynote speech presented at the Annual Conference of the Occupational Therapy Department, Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

Lin, K-C. (May 2024). Unilateral and bilateral approaches to stroke rehabilitation. Keynote speech presented at the Annual Conference of the Occupational Therapy Department, Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

Lin, K-C. (May 2024). Cognitive neurorehabilitation in stroke: Assessment and intervention. Keynote speech presented at the Annual Conference of the Occupational Therapy Department, Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

Lin, K-C. (May 2024). Principles and evidence of robotic stroke rehabilitation. Keynote speech presented at the Annual Conference of the Occupational Therapy Department, Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

Lin, K-C. (May 2024). Motor control and motor learning in stroke rehabilitation: An emerging trend and implications. Keynote speech presented at the Annual Conference of the Occupational Therapy Department, Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

Kuo, C-C., Li, Y-C., Lin, C-J., & Lin, K-C.* (April 2024). Responsiveness and validity of the Chedoke Hand and Activity Inventory in patients receiving stroke rehabilitation with home practice. Research poster presented at the 24th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, C-J., Kuo, C-C., Tsai, H-T., Lau, H-Y., & Lin, K-C.* (April 2024). A preliminary efficacy study of mirror therapy prior to augmented reality in stroke rehabilitation. Research poster presented at the 24th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C.*, Lau, H-Y., Kuo, C-C., Wu, Y-H., Hsu, W-L., Pan, H-C., & Lin, C-J. (April 2024). Mirror therapy preceding augmented reality practice in stroke rehabilitation: A randomized crossover trial of the practice setting. Research poster presented at the 24th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C.*, Lau, H-Y., Tsai, H-T., Hsu, W-L., Pan, H-C., & Lin, C-J. (April 2024). Comparative efficacy study of forearm- and wrist-prioritized robotic therapy in stroke rehabilitation .Research poster presented at the 24th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (November 2023). Innovative development of theoretical rationales and technological applications in neurorehabilitation. Keynote speech presented at the Annual Conference of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association, Beijing, China.

Pan, H-C., Hsu, W-L., Kuo, C-C., Tsai, H-T., Chang,W-Y., & Lin, K-C.* (October 2023). Upper-extremity robotics preceding restoration of motor impairment in stroke rehabilitation: A study protocol of the tenet of proximal-to-distal gradient of recovery. Paper presented at 2023 TOTA Annual Meeting and International Conference, Tainan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C.*, Chong, K-W., Chang, M-C., Chen C-R., Cheng, C-Y. (July 2023). Improving cognitive deficits in schizophrenia based on mind-body exercise: Preliminary results of a meta-analysis. Paper presented at 2023 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C.*, Lin, Y-F., Tsai, H-T., Yau, C-Y., Chong, K-W. (July 2023). Proximal- and distal-prioritized robotic therapy preceding impairment-oriented training in stroke rehabilitation: A pilot study. Paper presented at 2023 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, C-J., Lin, K-C.*. (July 2023). Movement therapy-primed interactive exergaming in stroke rehabilitation. Oral presentation at 2023 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (June 2023). Occupational therapy for stroke rehabilitation: Global trends and implications. Keynote speech to be presented online at the International Occupational Therapy Conference 2023, Hong Kong.

Lin, K-C.*, Lin, Y-F., Hsu, W-L., Pan, H-C., Lin, Y-C., Yau, C.Y. (April 2023). Rehabilitation robotics plus interactive gaming in stroke rehabilitation: A study protocol. Research poster presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C.*, Lin, Y-F., Wu, Y-H., Pan, H-C., Hsu, W-L., Lin, C-J., & Chong, K.W. (April 2023). Mirror visual feedback preceding augmented reality in stroke rehabilitation: A study protocol. Research poster presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Kuo, C-C., Lin, K-C.*, Lin, Y-F., Li, Y-C. (April 2023). Clinic-vs. home- based mirror therapy combined with interactive exergaming in stroke rehabilitation. Research poster presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (February 2023). Advances of stroke rehabilitation research: From technological innovation to Data-Driven Analysis. Keynote speech presented at the Symposium of Research Science Day, National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine, Tainan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (December 2022). Rehabilitation robotics and mirror therapy in conjunction with augmented reality: Application trends in stroke rehabilitation. Keynote speech presented online at the 2nd Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shenzhen, China

Lin, Y-C., Yip, K-S., Hsu, S-H., Kuo, I-H., Hsueh, Y-C., & Lin, K-C. * (December 2022). Applying problem-based learning into clinical internship practice education in occupational therapy for physical dysfunctions: A Case Series. Poster presented at 2022 TOTA Annual Meeting and International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan

Lin, K-C. (September 2022). An update of occupational therapy in Taiwan. Invited lecture presented online at the Taiwan-Japan Research Symposium, Sendai, Japan.

Lin, Y-C., Fu, C-P., Yip, K-S., Hsu, S-H., Kuo, I-H., Hsueh, Y-C., & Lin, K-C.* (October 2022). Occupational therapy education in the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented at Chang Gung Evidence-Based Medicine Day ! New Future of Evidence-Based MedicineResearch, Education and Clinical Application, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (September 2022). Rehabilitation robotics and mirror therapy in conjunction with augmented reality: Application trends in stroke rehabilitation. Deliver a keynote speech on 2nd Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shenzhen, China.

Zhou, C-X., Li, Y-C., & Lin, K-C.* (September 2022). The impact of splint selection on hand function for cervical spinal cord injury. Poster presented at 2022 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, Y-C., Huang, P-C., Lin, K-C.*, Hsu, W-Y., & Lee, I-H. (September 2022). Physical exercise combined with cognitive training program in people with severe mental illness. Poster presented at 2022 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, Y-C., Hsu, W-Y., Su, W-C., Chen, K-C., Yang, Y-K., & Lin, K-C.* (September 2022). Occupational evaluation of community rehabilitation center outcomes: A ten-year retrospective study. Poster presented at 2022 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C.*, Lin, C-J., Tien, C-J., Li, Y-C., Kuo, C-C., Tsai, H-T., & Wu, Y-H. (September 2022). Exergames in occupational therapy for stroke rehabilitation. Poster presented at 2022 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (April 2022). Stroke neurorehabilitation in occupational therapy. Lecture presented at the Residency Training Symposium, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (April 2022). Development of contemporary synergistic approaches to stroke rehabilitation: challenges and opportunities in the COVID-19 pandemic. Oral presentation at the 22st Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan. (202222屆國立臺灣大學職能治療學術研討會)

Lin, C-J., Li, Y-C., Kuo, C-C., Tsai, H-T., Lin, Y-C., Tien, C-J., & Lin, K-C.* (April 2022). Clinical- versus home-based rehabilitation in patients with stroke: A systematic review. Poster presented at the 22st Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan. (202222屆國立臺灣大學職能治療學術研討會)

Lin, Y-C., Yip, K-S., Hsu, S-H., Kuo, I-H., Hsueh, Y-C., & Lin, K-C.* (April 2022). Embedding medical ethics into occupational therapy clinical practice education in undergraduate occupational therapy students: A case series. Poster presented at the 22st Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan. (202222屆國立臺灣大學職能治療學術研討會)

Lin, K-C. (March 2022). Scientific revolution of occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation: consolidating our core value in science and arts. Deliver a keynote speech on International Occupational Therapy Conference 2022 (IOTC 2022), Chengdu, China.

Lin, Y-C, Yip, K-S, Hsu, S-H, Kuo I-H, Hsueh Y-C, Wu, S-H, Li, J-C, Lin, K-C.* ( December 2021). Embedding medical ethics into occupational therapy clinical practice education. Poster presented at 13th Chang Gung International medical Education Conference about retrospect, reflection and prospect of medical education under COVID-19 pandemic.

Lin, K-C. (November 2021). Scientific revolution of occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation. Keynote speech presented at the Cross Strait and Hong Kong Macao Rehabilitation Innovation Seminar 2021, Xiamen, China.

Chu, H-D., Lee, Y-C., Lin, C-J., & Lin, K-C.* ( August 2021 ). Effects of augmented reality in stroke rehabilitation: a systematic review. Poster presented at the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taiwan.

Li, Y-C., Lin, K-C.*, & Wu, Y-H. (November 2021). Effects of robotic primed mirror therapy and bilateral arm training in stroke: A pilot comparative efficacy study. Paper presented at the 7th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress, Manila, Philippines.

Lin, K-C. (September 2021). Advances of Occupational therapy in Stroke Neurorehabilitation. Poster presented at the 2021 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, Y-C., Huang, P-C., Lin, K-C.*, Lee, Y-C., Hsu, W-Y., Su, W-C., Huang, Y-F., & Chen, P-S. (September 2021). The Use of the Mini-CEX in occupational therapy postgraduate year training programs in Taiwan. Poster presented at the 2021 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, Y-C., Lee, Y-C., Huang, P-C., Lin, K-C.*, Hsu, W-Y., Huang, Y-F., Su, W-C., Chen, P-S. (September 2021). Competency assessment tools for occupational therapy postgraduate year training in Taiwan: Perspectives of faculty and trainees. Poster presented at the 2021 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C.*, Liu, Y-C., Lee, Y-C., & Huang, P-C. (September 2021). Comparison between training teachers and trainees on perception of using DOPS for OT PGY training. Poster presented at the 2021 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Li, Y-C., & Wu, Y-X. (September 2021). Effects of virtual reality in patients with stroke: a systematic review. Poster presented at the 2021 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (April 2021). Occupational therapy in stroke motor rehabilitation: An Update. Oral presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan. (202121屆國立臺灣大學職能治療學術研討會)

Lin, K-C.*, Li, Y-C., Chen, C-L., Yao Grace., Chang, Y-J., Lee, Y-Y., & Liu, C-T. (April 2021). Robotic Priming of the Bilateral Approach to Stroke Motor Rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 21st Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan. (202121屆國立臺灣大學職能治療學術研討會)

Yeh, Y-P., Li, Y-C., Liu, T-X., Chang, C., Kuo, C-C., Wu, Y-X., Xu, W-L., & Lin, K-C.* (April 2021). Effects of robot-assisted therapy with task-specific or impairment-oriented mirror therapy in chronic stroke. Poster presented at the 21st Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan. (202121屆國立臺灣大學職能治療學術研討會)

Lin, K-C. (January 2021). Occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation in the new era. Keynote speech presented at the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association Conference 2021. The Web Conference, Hong Kong.

Peng, C-F. & Lin, K-C.* (November 2020). The effects of physical activity on cognitive function and the enhancement of cognitive training in individuals with schizophrenia. Poster presented at the 9th Integrated Holistic Care Symposium at Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Yeh, Y-P., Li, Y-C., Liu, T-X., Chang, C., Kuo, C-C., & Lin, K-C.* (December 2020). Effects of Robot-Assisted Therapy with Task-Specific or Impairment-Oriented Mirror Therapy in Chronic Stroke. Poster presented at the 2020 Conference of the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taichung, Taiwan.(台灣職能治療學會2020年學術研討會)

Liu, T-X., Li, Y-C., Yeh, Y-P., Kuo, C-C., Chang, C., & Lin, K-C.* (December 2020). Proximal- Versus Distal-Prioritized Hybrid Robotic Therapy in Chronic Stroke. Poster presented at the 2020 Conference of the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taichung, Taiwan.(台灣職能治療學會2020年學術研討會)

Shin, P-H*., Chang, L-H., Shun, P-S., Lin, K-C*., & Wu, C-T. (March 2020). Developing a questionnaire of visual perception related daily function for mild cognitive impairments: preliminary study. Poster presented at the 34th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International, Singapore.

Hsieh, C-J., Li1, J-L., Tsai, K-L., & Lin, K-C*. (December 2019). Avoidable and Unrecognized Cataract Blindness in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Taiwan. Poster at the 24th Conference of the Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Chu, H-T., Lo, C-H., Wu, Y-H., Li, Y-C., & Lin, K-C*. (November 2019). Bilateral robotic priming technique for upper-limb stroke rehabilitation: A pilot study. Poster presented at the 2019 International Conference of the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.(台灣職能治療學會2019年國際學術研討會)

Li, Y-C., Lo, C-H., & Lin, K-C*. (November 2019). Comparison of robotic primed mirror therapy and bilateral arm training with transfer package in chronic stroke: A pilot study. Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference of the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.(台灣職能治療學會2019年國際學術研討會)

Shih, B-H., Song, B-S., Lin, K-C., Wu, Vince C-T., & Chang, L-H. (November 2019). Visual attention and visual perception in people with mild cognitive impairment. Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference of the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.(台灣職能治療學會2019年國際學術研討會)

Lin, K-C*. & Hung, C-S. (2019, October). Combinatory regimens on upper-limb and daily functions in stroke rehabilitation. Oral presentation at the 2019 Conference of Korean Society of Occupational Therapy - Special Joint Conforence between Korea and Taiwan.(2019韓國職能治療學術研討會)

Liu, Y-C., Huang, P-C., Lin, K-C., Hsu, W-Y., & Chen, P-S. (2019, August). Supervisors' perception of the use of
the generic version of the Mini-CEX in occupational therapy fieldwork education in Taiwan. Poster presented at the Conference of the International Association for Medical Education (AMEE), Vienna, Austria.

Lin, K-C. (2019, June). Progress of Occupational Therapy Research in Stroke Rehabilitation. (作業治療在卒中
康復的科研進展) Keynote speech presented at the 2nd cross-strait rehabilitation summit. 2019, Fuzhou, China.

Lin, K-C. (2019, April). Updated Occupational Therapy in neurorehabilitation. (神經康復作業治療的新進展)
Keynote speech presented at the 2nd Annual-Academic Conference of the Occupational Therapy association of
Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
, Shanghai, China.(中國康復醫學會作業治療專業委員會第二屆

Lo, C-H., & Lin, K-C. (2019, April). Synergistic bilateral upper-limb rehabilitation based on robotic priming technique: A case series. Poster presented at the 19th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, S-Y., Meng, N-H., Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2018, July). Comparative effectiveness of task-oriented mirror therapy versus bilateral arm training on recovery of motor function in individuals with chronic stroke. (任務導向鏡像治療與雙側上肢練習對慢性中風患者動作功能成效之對照試驗初探) Poster presented at the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2018, June). Current state of occupational therapy in stroke neurorehabilitation.(職能治療在中風復健的發展現況) Keynote speech presented at the 1st cross-strait rehabilitation summit.(首屆海峽兩岸復健產業高峰論壇) 2018, Fuzhou, China.

Lin, K-C. (2018, May). The promise of robotic technology and activity monitoring for stroke rehabilitation in occupational therapy. Keynote speech presented at the inauguration of the Occupational therapy association of Physical rehabilitation medicine foundation,(黑龍江省康復醫學會OT專委會成立大會) 2018, Harbin, Province of Heilongjiang, China.

Lo, C-H., Lin, K-C. (2018, April). Bilateral robotic priming of task-related practice after stroke: a systematic review. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2018, April). Management of daily life dysfunction in individuals with posterior cortical atrophy. Special lecture presented at the 18th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2018, March). Enablement and activity monitoring in occupational therapy after stroke: Linking technology and life functioning. Keynote speech presented at the International Occupational Therapy Conference 2018, Kunming, China.

Lin, K-C. (2018, March). Management and care of everyday skills in visual and amnesic Alzheimers Disease. Symposium speech presented at the International Congress on Space and Dementia 2018 and The 20th Zeelandia Symposium on Behavioral Neuroscience, Tainan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2017, December). How to conduct a research study in neuro-rehabilitation. Keynote speech presented at the 3rd China Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Education Congress, Fuzhou, China.

Lin, K-C. (2017, December). Current status and prospects of stroke neuro-rehabilitation: An update. Keynote speech presented at the 3rd China Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Education Congress, Fuzhou, China.

Lin, K-C. (2017, November). Development of robotic therapy in upper-limb motor rehabilitation after stroke. Invited speech presented at the Symposium for Upper-Limb Robotic Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2017, October). Advancing the frontiers of stroke rehabilitation. Keynote speech presented at the 1st Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Symposium, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Shih, T-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C. (2017, September). Quantifying kinematic features of upper-extremity movement strategies during tooth brushing in patients with stroke and healthy controls. Poster presented at the 23rd World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2017), Kyoto, Japan.

Lin, K-C. (2017, June). The road to induction to the AOTF academy of research. Keynote speech at the 2017 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Pan, H-C., Lin, K-C., Huang, W-Z., Guo, L-J., Ma, H-I. (2017, June). The effect of spatio-temporal task constraints on reaching performance in patients with stroke. Oral presentation at the 2017 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Shi, M-Y., Huang, Y-T., Ma, H-I., Huang, Y-S., Lin, K-C., Tsai, P-L. (2017, June). The impacts of pleasant music on academic tasks in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Oral presentation at the 2017 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Chien, T-Y., Wu, C-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., Lin, K-C. (2017, April). Bilateral Hybrid Therapy vs. Dose-Matched Robot-Assisted Therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Case Series. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lu, T-J., Wu, C-Y., Hsieh, Y-W, Lin, K-C. (2017, April). Effectiveness and time-dependent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with mirror therapy for stroke rehabilitation: a pilot study. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, W-Y., Huang, Y-M, Wu, C-Y, Hsieh,Y-W, Lin, K-C. (2017, April). A Pilot Study of the Effects of Mirror Therapy Augmented by Accelerometric Feedback in Stroke Rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2017, April). Robotic priming of task-oriented stroke rehabilitation: Current trends. Special lecture presented at the 17th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2017, January). An update on stroke neurorehabilitation. Invited speech at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Lin, K-C. (2016, December). Benefits of priming functional training with rehabilitation robots and mirror therapy in stroke rehabilitation. Invited speech presented at the National Congress of Hand Function Rehabilitation Therapy Committee of Annual Meeting, Shanghai, China.

Huang, W-C., Hung, C-S., Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2016, November). The application and promise of hybrid therapy in stroke neurorehabilitation. Poster presented at the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan. (學生組優等海報發表論文獎)

Lin, K-C. (2016, November). Robot-Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation Combined With Different Functional Training: Scientific and Clinical Innovations. Invited speech presented at the 13th National Congress of Rehabilitation Therapy of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hangzhou, China.

Lin, K-C. (2016, November). Teaching and Developing Occupational Therapy Research Programs. Invited speech presented at the 4th National Congress of Rehabilitation Education of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yangtai, China.

Lin, K-C. (2016, September). Advances in evidence-based robot-assisted stroke rehabilitation. Invited speech at the 2016 International Rehabilitation Shanghai Forum Summit, Shanghai, China.

Lin, K-C. (2016, August). Robotic hybrid therapy to augment stroke rehabilitation. Invited speech presented at the 2016 Biomedical Research Symposium of National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2016, July). Use of Rehabilitation Robots Combined With Different Functional Training in Stroke Rehabilitation. Invited speech at the 2016 ISPRM-DC Summit, Kunming, China.

Chen, Y-J., Hung, C-S., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2016, July). A Pilot study on unilateral vs. bilateral hybrid approaches to upper limb rehabilitation after stroke. Poster presented at the 2016 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Hsu, W-L., Shih, T-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2016, July). InMotion Wrist robot-aided system on kinematic properties of upper-limb trajectories in chronic stroke. Poster presented at the 2016 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Peng, C-W., Chen, C-L., Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., & Chen, H-C. (2016, July). Effectiveness of sensory electrical stimulation on upper extremity function in children with cerebral palsy: a preliminary study. Poster presented at the 2016 OTUROC Annual Conference, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Hung, C-S., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Jian, P-S. (2016, May). Robot-assisted therapy combined with task-specific or impairment-oriented training for stroke rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial. Oral presentation at the 10th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Lin, T-A., Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., & Hsieh, Y-W. (2016, April). Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with mirror therapy on sensorimotor functions of the upper extremity in patients with stoke: a sham-controlled case series. Poster presented at the 16th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, P-T., Lin, K-C., Hsieh, Y-W., & Wu, C-Y. (2016, April). Effects of combining proximal and distal robot-assisted therapy with intensive task practice on real-world upper-limb functions in patients with chronic stroke: a case series. Poster presented at the 16th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chuang, I-C., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2015, December). Rasch analysis of the Motor Activity Log in patients with stroke. Poster presented at the 2015 the 1st International Conference of the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, T-A., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2015, December). Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with stroke rehabilitative therapy on motor functions: a systematic review. Poster presented at the 2015 the 1st International Conference of the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, P-T., Lin, K-C., Hsieh, Y-W., & Wu, C-Y. (2015, December). Effects of robot-assisted therapy based on the InMoton systems on upper extremity motor functions in patients with stroke: a systematic review. Poster presented at the 2015 the 1st International Conference of the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Huang, Y-F., Cheng, H-J., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2015, June). A kinematic study of robot-assisted therapy combined with electrical stimulation for improving mobility after stroke. Poster presented at the 2015 OTUROC Annual Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Li, Y-C., Wu, C-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., & Lin, K-C. (2015, June). Effect of mirror therapy combined with bilateral arm training for rehabilitation after chronic stroke: a literature review. Poster presented at the 2015 OTUROC Annual Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Wu, C-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., Lin, K-C. & Korivi, M. (2015, May). The relationship between mild hyperglycemia and clinical outcome measures in patients with subacute stroke. Poster presented at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2015, Singapore.

Hsieh, Y-W., Lee,Y-Y., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2015, May). Use Fugl-Meyer Assessment to determine appropriate and effective rehabilitation interventions for patients with stroke. Poster presented at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2015, Singapore.

Lin, K-C. (2015, April).Occupational therapy for patients with stroke. Invited speech at the Symposium for stroke, Taiwan Association of Manual Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan.

Cheng, H-J., Huang, Y-F., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C.* (2015, April). Effects of robot-assisted therapy combined with neuro-muscular electrical stimulation on reaching in patients with chronic stroke. Oral presentation at the 15th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Ho, S-J., Lin, K-C.*, Wu, C-Y., & Hsieh, Y-W. (2015, April). Improving motor and daily functions after stroke using mirror therapy combined with transcranial direct current stimulation: a sham-controlled case series. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2015, March). Frontiers in neurorehabilitation after stroke. Keynote speech at the 2015 International Occupational Therapy Congress, Shenzhen, China.

Lin, K-C. (2014, November). Frontiers of Robotic Research and Application in Patients With Stroke. Invited speech presented at the Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2014 in conjunction with the Second Meeting of the International Society for Restorative Neurology, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., Wu, K-Y., Yao, K., & Hsieh, Y-W. (2014, July). Robot-assisted therapy combined with constraint-induced therapy to augment stroke rehabilitation outcomes. Poster presented at the 2014 Biomedical Research Symposium of National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan.

Hsieh, Y-W., Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., & Korivi, M. (2014, July). The relationship between a biomarker of oxidative stress and clinical outcomes in stroke rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Fang, Y-T., Wu, C-Y., Tsai, W-C., & Lin, K-C. (2014, July). Effects of lateralized light flash and color stimulation in individuals with post-stroke neglect: Evidence from behavioral and oculomotor measures. Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Lin, Y-T., Lin, K-C., Hung, C-S., Wu, C-Y., & Hsieh, Y-W. (2014, July). Robot-assisted therapy combined with task-specific or impaired-oriented training in chronic stroke. Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Lee, Y-Y., Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., Liao, C-H., Lin, J-C., & Chen, C-L. (2014, July). Combining afferent stimulation and mirror therapy for improving muscular properties and daily functions after stroke – a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Huang, Y-F., Cheng, H-J., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2014, July). Effects of upper-limb robot-assisted therapy combined with functional electrical stimulation on mobility in patients with stroke. Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Chang, W-Y., Huang, Y-F., Cheng, H-J., Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2014, July). Effects of task-oriented training in patients with chronic stroke: single-group design. Oral presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Ho, S-J., Ho, C-J., Lin, K-C., Hseih., Y-W., & Wu, C-Y. (2014, July). The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation as an assisted therapy in stroke rehabilitation: a literature review. Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Hung, C-S., Lin, Y-T., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2014, July). The comparison of impairment-oriented training and task-oriented training in upper-limb stroke rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Lee, M-T., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2014, July). A systematic review of the effects of the RehaCom programs on cognitive functions in schizophrenia. Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Ling, R-J., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2014, July). Predictive validity of accelerometery of real-world upper extremity activity in patients with stroke. Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Huang, P-C., Huang, Y-H., Lin, K-C., Li, K-I., Wu, C-Y., & Chen, C-L. (2014, July). Is the Adelaide Activities Profile valid and responsive in stroke population? Poster presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Chen, H-W., Hsiao, M-C., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2014, July). Effects of robot-assisted therapy combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation on motor control and motor impairment in chronic stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial. Poster presented at the 2014 Annual OTUROC Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Chen, I-C., Wu, Y-F., Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., & Tsai, P-L. (2014, July). Effects of dual task on hand dexterity in individuals with schizophrenia: a pilot study. Oral presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Cheng, H-J., Huang, Y-F., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2014, July). Effects of robot-assisted therapy combined with neuro-muscular electrical stimulation on sensory functions in patients with chronic stroke: a placebo-controlled pilot trial. Oral presented at the 2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Wang, W-E., Wu, C-Y., Wang, I-W., Hsieh, Y-W., Lin, K-C., & Hsuan, P-C. (2014, July). Effects of stroke rehabilitation and association of biomarker HbA1c with functional outcome in subacute stroke. Oral presented at the2014 OTUROC Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

Lee, M-T., Wu, C-Y., Lu, Y-Y., Wang, S-H., & Lin, K-C. (2014, June). Effects of robot-assisted therapy on sensorimotor recovery, daily functions, and level of biomarkers in patients with subacute stroke: a pilot study. Poster presented at the 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists 2014, Yokohama, Japan.

Cheng, H-J., Huang, Y-F., Lee, M-T., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2014, June). The utility of visual analogue scale in pain assessment in stroke rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists 2014, Yokohama, Japan.

Hung, C-S., Heish, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2014, June). Comparative assessment of robot-assisted therapies in chronic stroke: a pilot study. Oral presented at the 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists 2014, Yokohama, Japan.

Huang, P-C., Wu, C-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., & Lin, K-C. (2014, June). Manual dexterity predicted motor and functional outcomes after robot-assisted stroke rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists 2014, Yokohama, Japan.

Lin, K-C. (2014, April). Frontiers of Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy in Patients with Neurological Diseases. Invited speech at the Occupational Therapy and Neurological Diseases Conference of Kunming Medical University, Kunming, China.

Lin, K-C., Hsieh, Y-W., Horng, Y-S., & Wu, C-Y. (2014, April). Combining Constraint-Induced Therapy With Robot-Assisted Therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 8th World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey.

Cheng, H-J., Huang, Y-F., & Lin, K-C. (2014, April). Effects of Robot-Assisted Therapy Combined With Neuro-muscular Electrical Stimulation in Patients With Stroke: An ICF Perspective. Poster presented at the 14th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2014, March). Professional Education and Research Development in Occupational Therapy in Taiwan. Invited speech presented at the 2014 OTUROC Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2014, March). New Frontiers in Occupational Therapy Intervention After stroke. Invited speech presented at Division of Occupational Therapy, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2014, Februaury). Post-Acute Care project in stroke patients: new tendency and clinical guidelines in occupational therapy. Invited speech presented at the Post-Acute Care Program in stroke patients: professional training and pratical demonstration project, Tayoun, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2014, February). Stroke Neurorehabilitation in Taiwan. Invited speech presented at Gunma University, Gunma, Japan.

Lin, K-C. (2013, November). Professional and Post-Graduate Education in Occupational Therapy.  Invited speech at the 2013 Taiwan Medical Week - Conference of Taiwan Medical Association and 106th Annual Conference of the Formosan Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wu, C-Y., Liing, R-J., & Lin, K-C. (2013, November). Kinematic validity of arm- trunk movement during reaching within and beyond arm’s length poststroke. Poster presented at the 90th Annual Conference of American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Orlando, FL, USA.

Wu, C-Y., Huang, P-C., & Lin, K-C. (2013, November). Hybrid approach to mirror therapy and somatosensory stimulation for rehabilitating movement and function post stroke. Poster presented at the 90th Annual Conference of American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Orlando, FL, USA.

Lin, K-C. (2013, October). Evidence-based practice and education in occupational therapy. Invited speach presented at I-Shou university, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2013, September). Intervention for unilateral neglect after stroke. Invited speech presented at the Annual Occupational Therapy and Innovative Technology Symposium 2013 at Peoples Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin, China.

Lin, Y-H., Tang, P-F., Wang, Y-H., Eng, J. J., Lin, K-C., Lu, L., Cheng, J-S., & Chen, S-C. (2013, September). Deficits in reactive postural control in patients with posterior parietal cortex lesions following stroke and the effects of cueing. Poster presented at the 102th Annual Conference of Taiwan Stroke Society, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Lin, K-C. (2013, August). Stroke motor rehabilitation: research advances and future perspectives. Invited speech presented at the 2013 Biomedical Research Symposium of National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., & Liing, R-J. (2013, August). Unilateral versus bilateral robot-assisted rehabilitation on arm-trunk control and functions post stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Poster presented at the 2013 Biomedical Research Symposium of National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2013, August). Evidence-based stroke rehabilitation: research development and clinical application. Invited speech presented at the 10th Annual Conference of the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, Gansu, China.

Wu, C-Y., Huang, P-C., Lin, K-C., Chen, H-C., & Chen, C-L. (2013, August). Hybrid rehabilitation after stroke: the effects of upper limb mirror therapy with electrical stimulation on motor impairment, manual dexterity, ambulation function, motor control, and daily function. Poster session presented at the 2013 Biomedical Research Symposium of National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2013, June). Current development of chinese rehabilitation therapist education in Taiwan. Invited speech presented at the 7th World Congress of the Internetional Society of Physical and Rehabilitaiton Medicine, Beijing, China.

Lin, K-C. (2013, June). Neurological occupational therapy: recent innovations and clinical applications. Keynote speech at the 2013 OTUROC Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Cheng, H-J., Lee, M-T., Huang, Y-F., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2013, June). The effects of robot-assisted bilateral arm training on upper extremity motor function in stroke patients: a literature review. Poster presented at the 2013 OTUROC Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Lee, M-T., Cheng, H-J., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2013, June). Effects of robot-assisted therapy on upper extremity in stroke patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Poster presented at the 2013 OTUROC Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Lin, Y-T., & Lin, K-C. (2013, June). Bilateral arm training combined with unilateral arm training in upper limb stroke rehabilitation: a systematic review. Poster presented at the 2013 OTUROC Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Wu, C-Y., Huang, P-C., Lin, K-C., & Huang, W-L. (2013, May). Efficacy of mirror therapy combined with afferent stimulation on motor impairment, motor function, and daily function in chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Poster presented at the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research 2013 Scientific Sessions. Baltimore, MD, USA.

Hung, C-S., Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C.* (2013, April). Comparative assessment of robot-assisted stroke therapies: a pilot study. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2013, March). Advances in neurorehabilitation in Taiwan. Invited speech presented at the 2013 first Asia Pacific Neurorehabilitation Symposium, Singapore.

Ling, R-J., Wu, C-Y.*, & Lin, K-C. (2012, November). Concurrent validity of arm-trunk kinematics during reaching within and beyond arm’s length poststroke. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Conference of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taichung, Taiwan.

Hsieh, Y-W.*, Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2012, November). Predicting a clinically meaningful motor improvement after robot-assisted stroke rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Conference of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taichung, Taiwan.

Chen, Y-J., Cai, P-L.*, Syu, Y-M., & Lin, K-C. (2012, November). Effect of white noise on auditory working memory and attention in children with ADHD. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Conference of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taichung, Taiwan.

Lee, M-T.*, Mao, H-F., Lu, S-J., & Lin, K-C. (2012, November). The road of rehabilitation─the current situation and prospect of psychiatric halfway house in Taiwan. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Conference of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Taichung, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2012, August). Advances in occupational therapy education in Taiwan. Invited speech presented at the 2012 Second Education Conference of Chinese Association of Physical Medicine and Re-election Meeting of the Education Committee, Kunming, China.

Chen, H-F.*, Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2012, August). Rasch validation of a combined measure of basic and extended daily life functioning after stroke. Poster presented at the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium, Jiaxing, China.

Hsieh, Y-W., Lin, K-C.*, & Wu, C-Y. (2012, July). The impact of initial motor status on the effects of robot-assisted stroke rehabilitation. Oral presented at the 2012 OTUROC Conference, New Taipei City, Taiwan.

Lee, M-T., Wu, C-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., & Lin, K-C. (2012, June). Effects of mirror therapy in stroke rehabilitation: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Poster presented at the 2012 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., Yang, C-L., Chen, M-D., Wu, L-L., & Hsieh, Y-W. (2012, May). A comparative efficacy trail of unilateral versus bilateral robot-assisted arm training for improving motor and daily functions in patients with chronic stroke. Poster presented at the 2012 7th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Melbourne, Australia.

Lin, K-C., Chen, H-F., Wang, T-N., Wu, C-Y., & Hsieh, Y-W. (2012, May). Clinimetric properties of the pediatric motor activity log in children with cerebral palsy receiving rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 2012 7th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Melbourne, Australia.

Lin, K-C. (2012, May). Stroke rehabilitation: randomized controlled trail and comparative efficacy research. Invited speech presented at the 3rd International of the Asia-Oceania Neurotrauma Society, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. Research agenda in neurorehabilitation. (2012, April). Invited speech presented at the 12th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Hsu, S-P., & Liao, J-H. (2012, April). The effects of somatosensory electrical stimulation in upper-limb stroke rehabilitation: a review of literature. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wu, C-Y., Chuang, L-L., Chen, M-D., Chen, Y-T., & Lin, K-C. (2012, March).Unilateral and bilateral robot-assisted arm training had different effects on upper limb function in chronic stroke survivors. Poster presented at the 9th World Congress on Brain Injury. Edinburgh, Scotland.

Wu, C-Y., Chuang, L-L., Chen, M-D., Chen, Y-T., & Lin, K-C. (2012, March). Therapist-based and robot-assisted bilateral arm physical trainings have differential effects on motor control of upper limb and quality of life after chronic stroke. Poster presented at the Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 Scientific Sessions. San Diego, CA, USA.

Lin, K-C. (2012, February). Recent advances in stroke motor rehabilitation: Taiwan experiences. Invited speech presented at the 2012 International Occupational Therapy Conference, Hong Kong, China.

Chen, Y-T., Lai, W-H., Li, H-T., Wu, C-Y.*, & Lin, K-C. (2011, December). Effects of distributed constraint-induced therapy on stroke patients with unilateral neglect. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Wu, L-L., Wu, C-Y.*, Chiu, Y-H., & Lin, K-C. (2011, December). Effects on motor and daily function of unilateral and bilateral robot-assisted therapy in stroke patients: a pilot study. Poster presented at the 30th Annual Conference of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2011, December). Advancing knowledge translation in occupational therapy. The Mann-Tsong Huang Memorial Lecture at the 30th Annual Conference of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2011, November). Frontiers of occupational therapy research and development in the Asia-Pacific region. Keynote speech at the 5th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Huang, Y-H., Wu, C-Y., Wang, T-N., Lin, K-C., & Hsieh, Y-W. (2011, November). Determinants of change in stroke-specific quality of life after distributed constraint-induced therapy: a CHAID analysis. Poster presented at the 5th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Lin­­, K-C., Lin, Y-C.* , Wu, C-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., Liao, W-W., Lu, S-Y. (2011, October). Robot-assisted rehabilitation for elderly survivors with stroke: case series. 4th APRU Research Symposium on Gerontology- “Productive Aging: Creating a Dynamic and Participatory Aging Society in Asia”, Shanghai, China.

Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., Wu, K-Y., & Yao, K-P. (2011, August). Robot-assisted upper limb rehabilitation in stroke. Poster presented at 2011 Biomedical Research Symposium of National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2011, July). 職能治療實證科學與臨床專業教學. Invited speech presented at the 2011 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, Y-A., Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y.*, Yeh, Y-L., & Chao, J-P. (2011, July). The effects of combined distributed constraint-induced therapy with trunk restraint on motor function for stroke patients. Poster presented at the 2011 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, M-H., Wang, T-N., Wu, C-Y., Chen, C-Y. , & Lin, K-C. (2011, July). Concurrent and predictive validity of the ABILHAND patients questionnaire in stroke. Poster presented at the 2011 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Yang, H-W., Yang, S-W., Huang W-L., & Wu, C-Y. (2011, July). Effects of mirror therapy on upper extremity performance after stroke: a pilot study. Poster presented at the 2011 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C-L., Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2011, July). Upper limb training mediated by therapist or robot improves daily function and quality of life in stroke survivors. Poster presented at the 2011 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Lin, Y-C.*, Wu, C-Y., Liao, W-W., Lu, S-Y., Hsu, J-M., Jhang, W-Y., Lai, W-J., & Fong, J-C. (2011, April). Outcomes of robot-assisted stroke rehabilitation in motor, daily functions, pain and fatigue. Poster presented at the 11th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Hsieh, Y-W., & Wu, C-Y. (2011, April). The impact of increased dose of robot-assisted stroke rehabilitation on beneficial and potential adverse outcomes. Poster presented at the 11th Annual Conference of National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, Y-A., Chen, J-Y.*, Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C., & Yeh, I-L. (2010, November). Distributed constraint-induced therapy with trunk restraint for poststroke motor control and function. Poster presented at the 2010 Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lur, S-Y.*,  Ou-yang, P., Ku, F-L., Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2010, November). Reliability of myotonometer measurements of muscle tone in the affected and the unaffected arm of stroke patients. Paper presented at the 2010 Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C-L.*, Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., & Yu, H-W. (2010, November). Robot-assisted training for the rehabilitation of upper for-limb muscle performance after stroke. Paper presented at the 2010 Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Liao, W-W., Wu, C-Y.*, & Chang, W-Y. (2010, November). Effects of robot-assisted rehabilitation on real-world arm activity and daily functions in patients with stroke. Paper presented at the 2010 Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2010, November). The emergence and advancement of neurorehabilitation. Invited speech presented at the 2010 Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C.*, Hsieh, Y-W., Wu, C-Y., & Hsu, J-M. (2010, November). Effects of two different treatment intensities with an upper limb robot-assistive device for chronic stroke. Poster presented at the 2010 International Symposium on Occupation-Centered Research and Practice at National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Hsieh, Y-W., Lin, K-C.*, Liao, W-W., Wu, C-Y., & Wu, K-Y. (2010, November). A pilot study of the effects of treatment intensity in robot-assisted therapy after stroke. Poster presented at the 2010 International Symposium on Occupation-Centered Research and Practice at National Taiwan University School of Occupational Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2010, October). Advances in stroke rehabilitation therapies. Invited speech presented at the 1st Three Places Across Two Shores Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Progress Senior Seminar and the 1st Communication Summit On Work Injury Rehabilitation, Changsha, China.

Lin, K-C. (2010, October). Assessment and intervention for unilateral neglect after central nervous disease. Invited speech presented at the 1st Three Places Across Two Shores Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Progress Senior Seminar and the 1st Communication Summit On Work Injury Rehabilitation, Changsha, China.

Lin, K-C. (2010, October). Practice of evidence-based rehabilitation. Invited speech presented at the 1st Three Places Across Two Shores Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Progress Senior Seminar and the 1st Communication Summit On Work Injury Rehabilitation, Changsha, China.

Huang, W-C., Wang, S-C., Lin, K-C. & Wu, C-Y. (2010, June). Comparison of two types of bilateral training for stroke patients: a pilot study. Poster presented at the 2010 OTUROC Conference, Tainan, Taiwan.

Lu, W-T., Tsai, P-L., Chen Sea, M-T., Lin, K-C., Ma, H-I., & Kuo, L-J. (2010, June). Effects of prismatic adaptation on visual scanning and functional performance in unilateral neglect: case reports. Poster presented at the 2010 OTUROC Conference, Tainan, Taiwan.

Yang, C-L., Yu, H-W., Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2010, June). Devices-assisted movement training of upper extremity in stroke patients: a pilot study. Poster presented at the 2010 OTUROC Conference, Tainan, Taiwan.

Liao, W-W., Lin K-C., Hsieh. Y-W., Wu, C-Y., Chang, W-Y. & Lee, C-Y. (2010, June). Use of accelerometers in the outcomes study of robot-assisted stroke rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 2010 OTUROC Conference, Tainan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2010, June). Evidence-based occupational therapy in the era of translational research. Invited speech presented at the 2010 OTUROC Conference, Tainan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2010, June). Advances in evidence-based stroke rehabilitation in Taiwan. Invited speech presented at the 44th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Exposition, Sendai, Japan.

Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C., & Chen, Y-A. (2010, May). Effects of bilateral isokinematic training vs. distributed constraint-induced therapy on movement reorganization in patients with stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Poster presented at the 90th Annual Conference of the American Occupational Therapy Association, Orlando, Florida.

Lin, K-C. (2010, April). Evidence-based stroke rehabilitation. Invited symposium lecture presented at the 2nd Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Chuang, L-L. & Wu, C-Y. (2010, March). A comparative study of constraint-induced therapy versus bilateral arm training for stroke rehabilitation. Poster presented at 6th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Vienna, Austria.

Lin, K-C., Fu, T., Wu, C-Y., Hsieh, Y-W., Chen, C-L. & Lee, P-C. (2010, March). A psychometric comparison of the stroke impact scale 3.0 and stroke-specific quality of life scale. Poster presented at the 6th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Vienna, Austria.

Chao, J-P., Lin, K-C. & Wu, C-Y. (2009, November). A combined therapy approach is better than a single therapy approach to improve motor performance of upper extremity. Paper presented at the 28th conference of the Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Li, H-T., Lin, K-C. & Wu, C-Y. (2009, November). Eye-patching combined with constraint-induced therapy improves reaching movement and functional performance in stroke patients with neglect syndrome. Paper presented at the 28th conference of the Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yeh, Y-L., Wu, C-Y. & Lin, K-C. (2009, November). Effects of combined trunk restraint with distributed constraint-induced therapy on upper limb control and trunk compensation in patients with stroke. Paper presented at the 28th conference of the Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Hsieh, Y-W., Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y. & Chang. Y-F. (2009, November). A pilot study of brain reorganization and functional recovery after bilateral arm training in patients with stroke. Paper presented at the 28th conference of the Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, Y-T., Wu, C-Y. & Lin, K-C. (2009, November). Effects of distributed constraint-induced movement therapy and eye patching on neglect syndrome. Paper presented at the 28th conference of the Occupational Therapy Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

Yang, C-L., Lin, K-C., Chen, H-Y., Chen, H-Y., Chao, P-C., Lin, P-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2009, June). Effects of robot-assisted therapy in stroke patients: a literature review. Paper presented at the 2009 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2009, June). Recent advances in neurorehabilitation in stroke. Special lecture presented at the 2009 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Huang, M-T., Wu, C-Y., Chang, T-C., Tsai, P-L., Liu, J-S., & Yeh, H-H. (2009, June). Perceptions of and factors related to evidence-based practice among occupational therapy practitioners in Taiwan. Poster presented at the 2009 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Chuang, L-L., Wu, C-Y., Chang, Y-F., Chen, Y-A., & Chen, Y-T. (2009, June). Distributed constraint-induced therapy and bilateral arm training for improving functional performance and motor control in stroke survivors. Poster presented at the 2009 OTUROC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., & Hsieh, Y-W. (2008, November). Constraint-induced therapy versus alternative interventions in stroke survivors. Invited symposium lecture presented at the International Occupational Therapy Conference 2008, Guangzhou, China.

Lin, K-C. (2008, October). Distributed constraint-induced therapy after stroke: intervention effects and outcome prediction. Invited symposium lecture presented at the 1st Educational Course of International Society of Reconstructive Neurosurgery (ISRN), World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR), Asia Conference of Neurological Surgeons (ACNS), Academy for Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology (AMN) and QOLIBRI Society, Djakarta, Indonesia.

Chen, Y-A, Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2008, June). Trunk study of modified constraint-induced therapy and controlled rehabilitation in patients with chronic strokes: kinematics analysis. Paper presented at the 3rd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Hsieh, Y-W., Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2008, June). Clinimetric properties of three outcome measures of motor function after stroke rehabilitation. Paper presented at the 3rd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Chao, J-P., & Lin, K-C. (2008, June). Trunk restraint in upper extremity rehabilitation following stroke. Poster presented at the 3rd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Li, H-T., & Lin, K-C. (2008, June). Effects of eye patching treatment on unilateral neglect following stroke. Poster presented at the 3rd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Chang, K-C., & Lin, K-C. (2008, June). CIT versus control intervention to improve motor and daily functions in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: a systematic review. Poster presented at the 3rd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Huang, Y-H., Wu, C-Y., & Hsieh, Y-W. (2008, June). Determinants of change in stroke-related quality of life rehabilitative therapy: data-mining analysis. Paper presented at the 3rd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Wu, C-Y., Chang , Y-F., Lin, K-C., Chen, H-C., Chen, C-L., & Hong, W-H. (2007, November). Kinematic analysis of bimanual movement after constraint-induced therapy vs. bilateral movement therapy in patients with stroke. Paper presented at the 3rd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Tokyo, Japan.

Lin, K-C., & Wu C-Y. (2007, September). Constraint-induced movement therapy after stroke. Invited symposium lecture presented at the 2nd Congress of International Society of Reconstructive Neurosurgery & the 5th Scientific Meeting of the WFNS Neurorehabilitation Committee, Taipei, Taiwan.

Fan, Y-T., Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2007, September). Effects of the lateralized light stimulation and color lens on visual-spatial neglect following stroke: behavioral and oculor motor analyses. Poster presented at the 2nd Congress of International Society of Reconstructive Neurosurgery & the 5th Scientific Meeting of the WFNS Neurorehabilitation Committee, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, Y-F., Wu, C-Y., Chen, Y-T., & Lin, K-C. (2007, September). Intralimb performance and interlimb coordination on a goal-directed bimanual task in patients with stroke. Lecture presented at the 2nd Congress of International Society of Reconstructive Neurosurgery & the 5th Scientific Meeting of the WFNS Neurorehabilitation Committee, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, Y-F., Wu, C-Y., Chen, Y-T., & Lin, K-C. (2007, May). Modified constraint-induced movement therapy and bilateral movement training after chronic stroke: a kinematic study. Paper presented at the 2nd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., Lee, C-Y., Chen, Y-T. & Chang, Y-F. (2007, May). Effects of mCIMT on reach-to-grasp movements and functional performance after chronic stroke: a randomized controlled study. Paper presented at the 2nd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Lin, Y-C., Jeng, C-H., & Lin, K-C. (2007, May). Effects of modified constraint-induced movement therapy for children with cerebral palsy of hemiplegic type: a systematic review. Paper presented at the 2nd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Yeh, Y-L., Chen, S-W., & Lin, K-C. (2007, May). Motion analysis of contextual effects on upper-arm movements in persons with and without stroke: a systematic review. Paper presented at the 2nd OTUROC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2007, April). Evidence-based occupational therapy: from the bench to the bedside. Special lecture presented at the 7th Occupational Therapy Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wu, C-Y., Wei, T-H., Chen, H-C., & Lin, K-C. (2006, December). Effects of targets on reaching performance and postural balance during standing in persons with left cerebral vascular accidents. Paper presentation at the Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (Biomed), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C., Chen, H-C., & Chen, C-L. (2006, July). Effects of task objects on stand reaching in patients with right and left cerebral vascular accidents. Paper presented at the 14th Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Sydney, Australia.

Lin, H-J., Wu, C-Y., Chen, C-L., & Lin, K-C. (2006, July). Efficacy of modified constraint-induced movement therapy for children with cerebral palsy with asymmetric motor impairment: a kinematic analysis of reaching. Paper presented at the 14th Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Sydney, Australia.

Chen, I-H., Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C., & Hsu, W-D. (2006, July). Effects of modified constraint-induced therapy on bimanual coordination in stroke patients with hemiparesis: a kinematic study. Paper presented at the 14th Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Sydney, Australia.

Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (2006, July). Effects of contextual constraints on upper arm reaching kinematics in patients with and without unilateral neglect following stroke. Paper presented at the 14th Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Sydney, Australia.

Wei, T-H., Hsu, W-D., Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2006, June). Task context and reaching performance after stroke: effect of target distance. Paper presented at the 1st Occupational Therapist Union, ROC (OTUROC) Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Chen, Y-C., & Lin, K-C. (2006, June). Effect of constraint-induced movement therapy on stroke patients: a systematic review. Paper presented at the 1st Occupational Therapist Union, ROC (OTUROC) Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Lu, C-H., Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C., & Yu, Y-W. (2006, June). Effects of weighted cuffs with different location on prehensile performance by patients with intention tremor: a kinematic study. Paper presented at the 1st Occupational Therapist Union, ROC (OTUROC) Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (2006, June). Evidence-based neurorehabilitation. Special lecture at the 1st Occupational Therapy Union ROC conference, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Wu, C-Y., Chen, I-H., Lin, K-C., & Chen, C-L. (2006, February). Effects of modified constraint-induced therapy on bimanual coordination in patients with stroke: a kinematic study. Poster presented at the 4th World Congress of Neurorehabilitation, Hong Kong, China.

Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., Chen, I-H., & Lee, C-Y. (2006, February). Effects of constraint-induced movement therapy after stroke: a randomized controlled trial with kinematic and fMRI study. Oral presented at the 4th World Congress of Neurorehabilitation, Hong Kong, China.

Liu, Y-C.,Wu, M-Y., Yang, Y-K., Lin, K-C., & Lu, R-B. (2005, November). Association between syndrome and eye-hand preference in patients with schizophrenia. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry ROC (Taiwan), Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, H-J., Wu, C-Y., Chen, H-C., & Lin, K-C. (2005, November). A kinematic analysis of grasping performance in spastic cerebral palsy (CP) after modified constraint-induced movement therapy. Paper presented at the 2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, H-J., Wu, C-Y., Hsu, W-D., & Lin, K-C. (2005, November). Efficacy of modified constraint-induced therapy on movement performance for children with cerebral palsy. Paper presented at the 24th conference of the Occupational Therapy Association, ROC, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wu, P-Y., Meng, L-F., Lin, K-C., Lien, H-Y., & Wu C-Y. (2005, October). Hemispheric contributions to praxis in the comprehensive stage: evidence from individuals with unilateral left and right hemisphere lesions. Poster presented at the International symposium on cerebral cortical organization and function, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., & Hong, C-T. (2005, September). Functional recovery and cortical reorganization after modified constraint-induced movement therapy in stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial. Oral presented at the 2005 International Occupational Therapy Conference, Qingdao, China.

Huang, C-H., & Lin, K-C. (2005, September). The effects of constraint-induced movement therapy. Paper presented at 2005 International Occupational Therapy Conference, Qingdao, China.

Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., & Hong, C-T. (2005, September). Effects of Modified constraint-induced therapy on functional recovery and cortical reorganization: a clinical trial. Oral presented at the 2005 International Occupational Therapy Congress, Qingdao, China.

Lin, K-C., Wu, C-Y., Lee, C-Y., & Lu, T-W. (2005, April). Intensive task-oriented practice for motor rehabilitation: a new promise for neglect therapy? Oral presented at the 2005 Annual Conference of the Taiwan Neurological Society, Taipei, Taiwan.
Hsieh, C-J., Liou, S-W., Chuang, H-M., & Lin, K-C. (2004, November). Refractive status in premature infants without retinopathy. Poster presented at the 19th Congress of Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, Bangkok, Thailand.

Chou, S-H., Lin, K-C., Chung, H-Y., Hsiao, S-J., & Wei, T-H. (2004, September). Effects of task goal and viewing distance on line bisection performance in adults without disabilities. Paper presented at the 1st Taipei Medical University Neuroscience Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.

Fan, Y-T., Meng, L-F., Lin, S-Z., Lin, K-C., & Chan, H-L. (2004, September). Effects of eye patching on bilateral symmetrical attention: a combined ERPs and behavioral study. Paper presented at the 1st Taipei Medical University NeuroSCIence Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lu, C-H., Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C., Yu, Y-W., & Cheng, C-L. (2004, June). Effects of weighted cuffs and cuff locations on tremor reduction. Poster presented at the 5th World Stroke Congress, Vancouver, Canada.

Huang, Y-Y., Wu, C-Y., Aou, S-H., Lin, K-C., & Chen, C-L. (2004, June). The modified constraint-induced movement therapy improved reach-to-grasp movement in patients with hemiparesis after stroke. Poster presented at the 5th World Stroke Congress, Vancouver, Canada.

Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C., Chen, C-L., Chern, J-S., & Chen, H-C. (2004, June). Influence of task demands on upper extremity performance in patients with and without stroke: a kinematic study. Poster presented at the 5th World Stroke Congress, Vancouver, Canada.

Lee, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2004, April). Application of constraint-induced movement therapy for a subacute stroke patient. Paper presented at the 24th annual conference of the Occupational Therapy Association of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lee, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2003). Application of constraint-induced movement therapy for an individual with severe sensory impairment after stroke. The 13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Taiwan.

Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2002). Functional goal and personal preference improve reaching performance after stroke: a kinematic study. The 13th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Sweden.

Liu, Y-C., Lin, K-C., Yang, Y-K., Lee, I-H., & Wen, M-C. (2002). Eye-hand preference in schizophrenia: gender differences. The Annual Meeting of the Society Psychiatry ROC (Taiwan), Taiwan.

Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (2000). Effects of task goals and personal preferences on reaching in stroke patients. The 80th annual conference of the American Occupational Therapy Association, USA.

Liu, Y-C., Lin, K-C., Chen, C-C., Yang, Y-K., Lee, I-H., & Wen, M-C. (1999). Lateralized visual-field inattention in schizophrenia. Taiwanese Forum in Psychobiological Science, Taiwan.

Lin, K-C. (1998). Influence of task goal on reaching kinematics and spatial attention in healthy adults. The 12th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Canada.

Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (1997). Influence of contextual factors on functional reaching kinematics. The 77th annual conference of the American Occupational Therapy Association, USA.

Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C., & Lai, N-H. (1996). Relationship between object affordances and motor performance: a meta-analysis. The 76th annual conference of the American Occupational Therapy Association, USA.

Wu, C-Y., & Lin, K-C. (1995). Goal of laterally directed movement: effects on kinematics and attention allocation. The third annual research colloquium of the Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation Research Center USA.

Lin, K-C. (1995). Is neglect (only) unilateral? A gradient analysis of omission patterns on the cancellation test. The 1st Asian-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress, Malaysia.

Lin, K-C., & Wu, C-Y. (1995). Effects of purposefulness of motor acts on reaching kinematics and line bisection. The 75th annual conference of the American Occupational Therapy Association, USA.

Wu, C-Y., Lin, K-C., & Trombly, C. A. (1994). Enhancing motor performance through materials-based occupation: a quantitative review. The second annual research colloquium of the Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation Research Center, USA.

Lin, K-C., Cermak, S. A., & Trombly, C. A. (1994). Modulation of unilateral neglect: Relative efficacy of three cueing procedures. Boston University Science Day 1994, USA.

Lin, K-C. (1993). Effects of cueing on neglect in reading and line bisection. The Symposium for Occupational Therapy Practitioners, Students, and Allied Health Professionals, Massachusetts Association for Occupational therapy, USA.

Lin, K-C., & Tickle-Degnen, L. (1991). Laterality effect on constructional performance in post-stroke patients: A quantitative review. The 2nd National Stroke Rehabilitation Conference, USA.


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