Elective Advanced English 進階英文選修班 Fall 2001
Instructor: Karen Steffen Chung 
史嘉琳 台大外文系講師
E-mail: karchung@ccms.ntu.edu.tw
Website: http://ccms.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung

       The purpose of the course is to provide an enriched English learning experience for qualified students. It will consist mainly of:

        (1) Novel reading: We will start by reading Jane Austen's Persuasion. Price: NT$150 at Bookman Books 書林; with discount NT$128.

        (2) Poetry: We will try to learn one poem a week (from handout), to be memorized for recitation. Emphasis will be on analysis, discussion, and the rhythms of poetry reading.

        (3) Vocabulary building: Students will work to actively build their English vocabularies based on class and individual reading. Emphasis will be on high-frequency academic vocabulary, of the kind that often appears on college entrance exams.

        (4) Grammar: Basic grammatical terms and functions will be reviewed in class; textbook: Ellsworth, Blanche & John Higgins. 1992. English Grammar Simplified. HarperCollins College Publishers. NT$180, NT$153 with discount.

        (5) Writing: You will be given various writing assignments, including journal writing, essays, and creative writing, e.g. short stories and poems.

        (6) Miscellaneous: Other activities may be included based on student interests, as time permits, e.g. discussion of current events.


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Vocabulary for Persuasion

Essays: How I Readjusted to Taiwan

Poetry Handout Fall 2001    Spring 2002

English Prosody and Literary Terms Handout

Christmas carol lyrics

       Some resources on Stephen Hawking (relating to the quote assigned for reading aloud November 16-23): Professor Hawking's Web site: http://www.hawking.org.uk/home/hindex.htmll and an interesting article from the BBC on the man who may become Stephen Hawking's voice: http://www.hawking.org.uk/home/hindex.htmll Listen to Stephen Hawking speak with his voice synthesizer: http://online.itp.ucsb.edu/online/davidfest/hawking/

       Classic Notes biography of Robert Louis Stevenson: http://www.gradesaver.com/ClassicNotes/Authors/about_robert_stevenson.html
       The complete poems of Robert Louis Stevenson:

       The collected poems of William Butler Yeats: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5379/yeats_index.htmll

       Books and writers: Walter de la Mare:

       The Life and Times of Henry D. Thoreau:

       Poetry Exhibits: e. e. cummings

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