Vocabulary from Persuasion by Jane Austen


Chapter 1

page 9
(Ms. Chung):

1. amusement entertainment, pleasant way to pass the time
2. occupation business, job, work, something to do with one's time
3. idle free, not busy or occupied
4. consolation something to make one feel better
5. distressed feeling anxious, uneasy, unhappy
6. faculties abilities, including sight, hearing, etc.
7. to be roused into to be motivated, energized to do something
8. to contemplate to think about
9. remnant what is left of something
10. patent title or right to something, such as a piece of land
11. sensation feeling
12. domestic having to do with household matters
13. contempt condition of looking down on or despising someone or something
14. leaf page
15. volume book
16. Esq. Esquire; in England, a member of the gentry ranking just below a knight
17. issue offspring; child or children

page 10 (Amy Chen):

1. accurately 正確的;準確的
2. exertion 努力;運用;發揮
3. duodecimo 十二開的
4. infatuation 迷惑;醉心
5. valet 侍從
6. arms 紋章;徽章
7. presumptive 根據推定的
8. inferior 低等的;較差的
9. indulgence 任情;放縱;沉迷;嗜好;寬大
10. successive 繼承的;連綿不斷的;連續的
11. dignity 尊嚴;莊嚴

page 11 (Nadia):

1. indifference: of no importance; passable; no special liking.
2. legacy: inheritance; something that has come from a predecessor or the past.
3. bequeath: to leave by will; to hand down.
4. confide: to have or show faith; entrust.
5. authority: persons in command; power.
6. conceited: excessively (too much) high opinion of one's self or ability.
7. intimate: close association, contact, familiarity.
8. anticipate: to look forward to; to foresee and act in advance of.
9. acquaintance: a person whom one knows; personal knowledge.
10. apt: inclined (傾向於) by nature; likely or tending; quick to learn;
suited to the purpose.
11. discontented: not contented. - content: to satisfy modestly; something
expressed in a book, speech, etc.; significance or meaing
12. consequence: importance or significance; the effect or resault of an
earlier occurrence.
13. inferior: low or lower in rank or possession; of little or less vaule or excellence.
14. acquired: to get possession of; to gain through one's efforts.

page 12 (Joanne):

revive: (v.) 復活;恢復;再生
esteem: (n.) 尊敬;尊重
indulged: (v.) 使滿足;放溺
alliance: (n.) 同盟;關係
suitably: (a.) 適合的 恰當的
scarcely: (adv.) 將盡;殆無
deemed: (v.) 想;認為
amidst: (v.) 在其中;在其間
haggard: (a.) 憔悴的
coarse: (a.) 粗糙的
crow's foot: (n.) 魚尾紋
presiding: (v.) 支配
self-possession: (n.) 沉著, 自主

page 13 (Shiuan):

chaise: 四輪馬車
drawing-rooms: 客廳
revolving: 旋轉
scanty: 貧窮的
apprehensions: 掛念,憂慮 (n)
rejoiced: 感到高興
solicited: 請求,懇求
averted: 逃避的
overtures: 主動提出
persevered: 堅持
modest: 謙卑的

page 14 (Amy Wang):

accustomary: (a.) 例行的,習慣性的
acknowledge: (v.t.) 承認,自認,表示注意到
acquaintance: (n.) 相識的人,習知,諳識
agreeable: (a.) 合意,適合,令人愉快的
conducted: (v.t.) 行為,持身,處理,指揮
contemptuously: (adv.) 表示輕蔑地,侮慢地,藐視地
disapprobation: (n )不贊同,不認可
inferior: (adj.) 下級的,次等的,較劣的
intervention: (n.) 仲裁,調停,介入,干涉
perpetuate: (v.t.) 使不朽,使永存,使不被遺忘
regarded: (v.t.) 尊重,注意,考慮,重視
resented: (v.t.) 憎惡,厭惡,憤恨
shewn: (v.t&v.i.) 英古字=show,[shew-shewed-shewn]
tidings: (n.) 消息,佳音,噩耗
unsolicitous: (a.) 不關懷的,不掛念的,漠不關心的

page 15 (Jennifer):

1. sentiment: (n.) 感情, 心境, 意見, 感慨--
2. alloy: (n.) -合金---v.-減低--
3. agitation: (n.) [人心的]動搖, 騷動; 議論, 煽動 --
4. vacancy: (n.) 空隙, 空白處--
5. utility: (n.)-實用品, 有用物品--
6. accomplishment: (n.) 成就, 功業--
7. exceed: (v.): 超出, 多出, 勝過; (n.) excess
8. imperiously: (adv.) 專制地, 傲慢地, 迫切地--
9. dreadfully: (adv.)-可畏地, 可怕地---[口語]-非常, 極為--
10. retrench: (v.) 節省, 節約--
11. ardour = ardor: (n.) 熱情, 熱心--
12. refrain: (v.) 抑制, 戒除--
13. expedient: (a.) 方便的, 得當的, 划算的--
14. sufficient: (a.) 充分的, 足夠的, 有資格的--
15. extent: (n.) 寬度,程度,範圍--

page 16 (Nadia):

1. obliged: to bind morally, legally or physically; to place under a debt of
gratitude; to favor or help out.
2. efficacy: effective as a means, remedy, etc.
3. devise: to create from existing ideas, -to devise a method; to transmit
(property) by will; the act of disposing of property by will.
4. lessen: to make or become less.
5. relinquish: to give up.
6. estate: a piece o landed property; (literary) a period or condition of life.
7. dispose: to settle, to give an inclination to.
8. alienable: capable of being sold or transferred.
9. condescended: to lower oneself to do something.
10. mortgage: a transfer of real property to a creditor as security for a loan.
11. disgrace: loss of respect, honor, or esteem.
12. confidential: entrusted with private affairs; communicated in confidence.
13. expenditure: the act of expending something, esp. funds.
14. indulgence: the act of indulging. Indulge: to yield to an inclination or

Chapter 2

page 16 (Joanne):

1. civil 有禮的,文明的,市民的
2. cautious 慎重地
3. prompt 激勵; 提示台詞; 喚起; 敏捷的
4. recommend 推薦; 忠告; 討人歡心; 委託
5. implicit 暗含的; 盲目的
6. resolute 堅決的; 毅然的
7. adopted 採用; 當養子; 採取
8. anxiously 擔心不安的; 切望的
9. zealous 熱中的; 熱心的
10. consideration 考慮; 理由; 顧慮

page 17

1. opposition (noun)
1 : a configuration in which one celestial body is opposite another in the sky or in which the elongation is near or equal to 180 degrees
2 : the relation between two propositions having the same subject and predicate but differing in quantity or quality or both
3 : an act of setting opposite or over against : the condition of being so set
4 : hostile or contrary action or condition
5 a : something that opposes; specifically : a body of persons opposing something b often capitalized : a political party opposing and prepared to replace the party in power

2. integrity (noun)
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
2 : an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS

3. desirous (adjective) impelled or governed by desire <desirous of fame>

4. solicitous (adjective)
1 : manifesting or expressing solicitude <a solicitous inquiry about his health>
2 : full of concern or fears : APPREHENSIVE <solicitous about the future>
3 : meticulously careful <solicitous in matters of dress>
4 : full of desire : EAGER

5. aristocratic (adjective)
1 : belonging to, having the qualities of, or favoring aristocracy
2 a : socially exclusive <an aristocratic neighborhood> b : SNOBBISH

6. benevolent (adjective)
1 a : marked by or disposed to doing good <a benevolent donor> b : organized for the purpose of doing good <a benevolent society>
2 : marked by or suggestive of goodwill <benevolent smiles>

7. notion (noun)
1 a (1) : an individual's conception or impression of something known, experienced, or imagined (2) : an inclusive general concept (3) : a theory or belief held by a person or group b : a personal inclination : WHIM
2 obsolete : MIND, INTELLECT
3 plural : small useful items : SUNDRIES

8. decorum (noun)
1 : literary and dramatic propriety : FITNESS
2 : propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance
4 plural : the conventions of polite behavior

9. oblige (verb)
1 : to constrain by physical, moral, or legal force or by the exigencies of circumstance <obliged to find a job>
2 a : to put in one's debt by a favor or service <we are much obliged for your help> b : to do a favor for <always ready to oblige a friend> intransitive senses : to do something as or as if a favor

10. apprehension (noun)
1 a : the act or power of perceiving or comprehending <a person of dull apprehension> b : the result of apprehending mentally : CONCEPTION <according to popular apprehension>
2 : seizure by legal process : ARREST
3 : suspicion or fear especially of future evil : FOREBODING

11. consult (verb)
1 : to have regard to : CONSIDER
2 a : to ask the advice or opinion of <consult a doctor> b : to refer to <consult a dictionary>
intransitive senses 1 : to consult an individual 2 : to deliberate together : CONFER 3 : to serve as a consultant

12. scheme (noun)
1 a archaic (1) : a mathematical or astronomical diagram (2) : a representation of the astrological aspects of the planets at a particular
time b : a graphic sketch or outline
2 : a concise statement or table : EPITOME
3 : a plan or program of action; especially : a crafty or secret one
4 : a systematic or organized framework : DESIGN

13. emendation (noun)
1 : the act or practice of emending
2 : an alteration designed to correct or improve

14. vigorous (adjective)
1 : possessing vigor : full of physical or mental strength or active force : STRONG <a vigorous youth> <a vigorous plant>
2 : done with vigor : carried out forcefully and energetically <vigorous exercises>

15. reformation (noun)
1 : the act of reforming : the state of being reformed
2 capitalized : a 16th century religious movement marked ultimately by rejection or modification of some Roman Catholic doctrine and practice and establishment of the Protestant churches

16. indifference (noun)
1 : the quality, state, or fact of being indifferent
2 a archaic : lack of difference or distinction between two or more things b absence of compulsion to or toward one thing or another

17. equity (noun)
1 a : justice according to natural law or right; specifically : freedom from bias or favoritism b : something that is equitable
2 a : a system of law originating in the English chancery and comprising a settled and formal body of legal and procedural rules and doctrines that supplement, aid, or override common and statute law and are designed to protect rights and enforce duties fixed by substantive law b : trial or remedial justice under or by the rules and doctrines of equity c : a body of legal doctrines and rules developed to enlarge, supplement, or override a narrow rigid system of law
3 a : a right, claim, or interest existing or valid in equity b : the money value of a property or of an interest in a property in excess of claims or liens against it c : a risk interest or ownership right in property d : the common stock of a corporation

18. regulation (noun)
1 : the act of regulating : the state of being regulated
2 a : an authoritative rule dealing with details or procedure <safety regulations> b : a rule or order issued by an executive authority or
regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law
3 a : the process of redistributing material (as in an embryo) to restore a damaged or lost part independent of new tissue growth b : the mechanism by which an early embryo maintains normal development

page 18 (Shiuan):

1. singular being the only one; individual, being the only one of a kind; unique, being beyond what is ordinary or usual; remarkable.
2. conduct to direct the course of; manage or control
prevailing to be greater in strength or influence; triumph
4. expedition the quality of being expedite; efficient; promptness; haste; dispatch; speed; quickness
5. comprehensive so large in scope or content as to include much
6. prescribed formally laid down or imposed
7. self-denial sacrifice of one's own desires or interests
8. inclined to influence to have a certain tendency; dispose
9. requisitions a necessity; a requirement
10. contractions A period of decreased business activity.

page 19 (Amy Chen):

1. dictate 命令;指令
2. scruple 顧忌
3. ambition 雄心;抱負
4. alternative 選擇;替代
5. inclination 性向;愛好
6.dissuade 勸阻
7. predicament 困局;狀態
8. comparatively 相對的

page 20 (Joanne):

1. to induce 說服; 勸誘; 引起; 歸納
2. consequence 結果; (論理的)歸納; 重要性
3. to oblige 施恩惠; 不得不..
4. mortification 屈辱; 克服
5. arising 發生 ; 復活; 出現
6. circumstance 詳情; 事實; 情況; 環境
7. to be disposed (toward) 有....的傾向
8. solicit 懇求; 拉客; 教唆
10.scheme 設計; 組織; 概要; 方案
11. to engraft 接枝; 灌輸
12. trial 試驗; 審判
13. fortitude 堅忍不拔
14. profound 深的; 意味深長的; 衷心的; 謙恭的
15. degradation 降職; 低化; 退化
16. to spurn 排斥; 藐視; 嗤之以鼻
17. spontaneously 自發的; 自然的; 非培育的
18. supposition 想像; 假定

page 21 (Jennifer):

1. intimacy n. 親密的關係
2. unprosperous a. failed
3. burthen n. burden
4. complaisance n. 和藹可親;彬彬有禮
5. inclination n. 傾向
6. endeavour v. 努力;竭力
7. in vain phr. 枉然;白費
8. bestow v. 給予;安放;安頓
9. civility n. 禮貌;謙恭

Chapter 3

page 22 (Joanne and Grace):

1. juncture - 緊要關頭; a point in time. esp. a critical one
2. ashore - towards or on land
3. noble - impressive and magnificent
4. presume - 冒昧; dare(to)
5. method - 1. way or manner 2. technique
6. liberal - 大方; generous in behavior or temperament
7. contemplate - 1. consider as a possibility 2. think deeply
8. elude - 逃避; escape from by cleverness or quickness
9. venture - 冒險; dare to express (an opinion)
10. tenant - 承租人
11. remark - 說
12. wit - 機智
13. confess - 坦白
14. conceal - 隱藏

page 23 (Nadia):

1. liberality (n.) 慷慨施予,心胸寬大
2. shrubbery (n.) 灌木叢
3. rejoin (vt.) 回答
4. induce (vt) 說服
5. annex (n.) 附屬品 (及)附加,合併
6. dispose (vt) 使傾向 (vi) )決定
7. range (n.) 範圍 (vt) 配置、排列 (vi) 分布
8. presume (vt) 推測;利用 (vi) )濫用

page 24 (Joanne):

1. venture dare to express (an opinion)
2. privilege advantage or favour that only some people have
3. utility usefulness
4. grounds reason or motive
5. obscure 1. not well known. 2. hard to understand. 3. indistinct.
6. distinction characteristic of not being the same
8. vigour physical or mental energy
9. disdain feeling of superiority and dislike
10. prematurely happening or done before the normal or expected time
11. deplorable very bad or unpleasent
12. personage important person
13. rugged uneven and jagged; tough and sturdy

page 25 (Kelly):

1. wretch n. 1. unfortunate and miserable person. 不幸而可憐的人 2. contemptible, mean person. 卑鄙的人 3. (playfully or affectionately) rogue. (戲謔或親暱語)壞蛋
2. wretched adj. 1. miserable 可憐的、不幸的 2. causing misery 致使不幸或悲慘的 3. of poor quality; bad 劣質的、壞的
3. fare vi. 1. progress; get on 進展、進步、過日子 2. (old use) go, journey. (舊用法)旅行
4. expose vt. 1. uncover; leave uncovered or unprotected 揭露,使暴露;棄置 2.display 展覽;陳列 3.disclose, make known 揭發;揭穿
5. expose n. 1.orederly setting out or precis of a body of facts or beliefs
(對事實或信仰的)有系統的陳述 2. making public of discreditable fact(s).揭發不名譽之事
6. climate n. 1. weather conditions of a place or area; conditions of temperature, rainfall, wind , etc. 氣候(某一地區之天氣狀況;溫度、雨量、風等之狀況)2. area or region with certain weather conditions 具有某種氣候之地區 3. prevailing condition普遍的情形
7. knock about lead an unsettled life, traveling and living in various places. (俗語)過漂泊不定的生活
8. beautify vt. make beautiful. 使美化
9. betimes adv. (old use) early; in good time (舊用法)及早,及時
10. be better off richer; more comfortable 更富有,更舒服
11. toil vi. work long or hard (at a task); move with difficulty and trouble
12. toil n. [U,C] labour ; hard work 辛勞;辛苦工作
13. plod vi, vt. continue walking, working, etc. slowly and wearily but without resting 緩慢、疲倦但不休息的繼續步行,工作等;孜孜做事
14. care-worn adj. Showing worry; troubled. 憂心忡忡的;操心勞碌的
15. physician n. a person qualified to practise both medicine and surgery. 醫生
16. clergyman n. (not used of a bishop) ordained minister, esp. of the Church of England. (不用以指主教)正式任命的牧師(尤用以指英國國教)
17. oblige vt. 1. oblige sb to do sth, require, bind (sb) by a promise, oath, etc. 要求(某人做某事)、乙諾言、誓約等束縛(某人)2. be obliged to do sth, compel (尤用於被動語態)強迫 3. do sth for sb as a favor or in answer to a request 施惠;答應要求而做
18. infect vt. infect (with) contaminate; give disease, (fig) feelings, ideas, to a person, his body or mind 污染、傳染疾病;(喻)使某人、其身或心受情感或思想的感染
19. torment n. [C, U] (sth that causes) severe bodily or mental pain or suffering
20. lot n. 1. (one of a set of objects used in) the making of a selection or decision by methods depending upon chance 抽籤法;拈鬮法;籤;鬮 2. the lot, decision or choice resulting from this 中籤;抽中 3. person's fortune or destiny 命運;運氣 4. item, or number of items, (to be) sold at an auction sale (拍賣品之)項目、組 5. collection of objects of the same kind 一批(同樣的東西)6. a bad lot, a bad person. (俗語)壞人 7. (cinema) studio and surrounding land (電影)攝影場 8. plot of land 一塊地;一塊地皮
21. utmost adj. Most extreme; greatest 極度的;極端的;最大的
22. cease vt, vi. cease (from), (formal) come or bring to an end; stop (the more usual word) (正式用語)停止;終止(stop較常用)
23. anxiety n. 1.[U] emotional condition on which there is fear and uncertainty about the future 憂慮;焦慮;惶惶不安 2. [C] instance of such a feeling 憂慮或不安的實例 3. [U] keen desire 渴望;切望
24. bespeak vt. 1. (old use) order in advance; engage or reserve (a table in a restaurant, a room in a hotel).(舊用法)預約;預定(餐館座位、旅館房間)2. (formal) be evidence of (正式用語)顯示;表示

page 26

1. correspondent One who communicates by means of letters
2. acquired To gain possession of
3. inquiries A close examination of a matter in a search for information or truth
4. explicit Fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied
5. eligible Desirable and worthy of choice, especially for marriage
6. Trafalgar action A cape on the southwest coast of Spain northwest of the Strait of Gibraltar. The British navy under Adm. Horatio Nelson defeated the French and Spanish fleets off Cape Trafalgar in 1805.
7. livery A distinctive uniform worn by the male servants of a household.
8. hale Free from infirmity or illness; sound
9. fetch To bring in as a price

page 27

inquire: also spelled enquire. If you inquire about something, you ask for information about it. 詢問
ex: I rang up to inquire about train times.
2. manor: a manor is a large house in the country and the land and smaller buildings belonging to it, especially when the house was built in the Middle Ages or has replaced on that was built at that time. 采邑,地主的田地
3. deputation: a deputation is a small group of people who have been asked to speak to someone on behalf of a larger group of people.代表團
ex: A deputation of elders from the village arrived headed by its chief.
4. eloquent: eloquent speech or writing is well expressed and is very effective in persuading people.雄辯的;感人的
ex: I head him make a very eloquent speech.
5. peculiarly: strangely or unusually, sometimes in an unpleasant way.特有的
6. genteel: A genteel person or place is quiet, respectable, and refined.文雅的;有教養的
7. shrewd: A shrewd person is able to understand and judge a situation quickly and to use this understanding to their own advantage.精明的;機靈的
ex: His natural shrewdness tells him what is needed to do to succeed.
8. conversant: If you are conversant with something, you are familiar with it and able to deal with it. 熟悉的;精通的
9. recollect: If you recollect something, you remember it. 記起;再集合
10. conception: A conception of something is an idea that you have of it in your mind.觀念;構想
11. trespass: If someone trespasses, they go onto someone else's land without their permission.逾越;侵害
ex: They were trespassing on private property.

page 28 (Nadia):

1. orchard (n.) 果園
2. amicable (adj. )友好的,和睦的
3. gratitude (n.) 感激
4. curacy (n.) 副牧師之職務
5. curate (n.) 副牧師;助理神父
6. mislead (vt) 使誤解
7. perceive (v.) 察覺
8. zeal (n.) 熱忱
9. dwell (vi) 詳論
10. indisputable (adj.) 不容置辯的;確實的;明白的
11. solicitude (n.) 懸念,焦慮,擔心的事
12. estimate (v.) 評定 (n.)判斷;意見;估計
13. inhabit (及) 居住
14. infinitely (adv.) 非常,無限地
15. permit (vt) 許可 (vi) 准許;給以機會
16. proceed (vi) 進行
17. treaty (n.) 條約,協議
18. unobjectionable (adj.) 無意義的

page 29 (Jennifer):

1. soothing: soothe-soothing-soothed. If you soothe someone is angry or upset. You make them feel calmer. 撫慰性的;鎮痛的
ex: His casual, relaxed manner was very soothing.
2. intercourse: Intercourse is the act of having sex; social intercourse is communication between people as they spend time together. 交媾;交往
3. precedence: If one thing takes precedence over another, it is regarded as more important than the other thing. 優先;上位
ex: He took precedence over everyone else.
4. reference: Reference means consulting someone or something for information or advice. 參考;指示
5. expedite: If you expedite something, you cause it to be done more quickly. 使加速
ex: We tried to help you expedite your plans.
6. suspend: If you suspend something, you delay if or stop it from happening for a while or until a decision is made about.中止;延緩
ex: The union suspended strike action this week.
7. utter: If someone utters sounds or words, they say them. 說出
8. empower: If someone or something empowers you, they give you the means to achieve something, for example to become stronger or more successful. 授權;允許
ex: What I am trying to do is to empower people, to give them ways to help them get well.
9. flush: If you flush, your face goes red, for example because you are hot or embarrassed. 臉紅;氾濫 ex: He turned away embarrassed, his face flushing red.

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