羅宗洛 Tsung-Lo Lo

Tsung-Lo Lo

圖像出處 : 國立臺灣大學圖書館藏


簡歷:先生諱宗洛,浙江省黃巖縣人,生於清光緒 24 年 (1898) 6 月 15 日 (陽曆 8 月 2 日),卒於民國 67 年 (1978) 10 月 26 日,享年 81歲。先生為近代中國植物生理學主要創始人,曾任教中山大學、暨南大學、中央大學、浙江大學,本校首任校長 (民國 34 年 10 月至 35 年 7 月),中央研究院院士兼植物研究所所長。


Term of Office: October, 1945 - August, 1946

President Lo was born in Zhejiang Province in 1898. He was one of the main figures of modern Chinese plant physiology. Appointed as the University's first president during an age of postwar unrest, Lo was given the task of reforming the school's organization after the Japanese retreat. Lo worked on restoring national consciousness within the University while insisting against political interference, establishing the institute as an independent academic entity.

陸志鴻 Tse-Hong Loh

Tse-Hong Loh

圖像出處 : 國立臺灣大學圖書館藏


簡歷:先生諱志鴻,字筱海,浙江省嘉興市人,生於清光緒 23 年 (1897) 4 月 (陽曆 5 月),卒於民國 62 年 (1973) 5 月 4 日,享年 77 歲,為近代中國著名材料科學家、工程學家、金相學家、教育家。曾任教於中央大學及本校,並為本校第 2 任校長 (民國 35 年 8 月至 37 年 5 月)。


Term of Office: August, 1946 - May, 1948

President Loh was born in Zhejiang, China in 1897. He was a renowned materials scientists, engineer, metallurgical scientists, and educator. Loh's presidency was based on his belief that the university is essentially a research institute and that its mission is not only to impart information, but also to harbour the endless pursuit of knowledge. His administration laid the foundation of the NTU's structure.

莊長恭 Chang-Kung Chuang

Chang-Kung Chuang

圖像出處 : 國立臺灣大學圖書館藏


簡歷:先生諱長恭,字丕可,福建省泉州人,生於清光緒 20 年 (1894) 11 月 18 日 (陽曆 12 月 25 日),卒於民國 51 年 (1962) 2 月 15 日,享年 69 歲。先生為中國近代著名化學家、教育家,曾任武昌大學、東北大學、中央大學教授、院長;德國葛廷根 (Gottingen) 大學化學系研究員、慕尼黑 (Munchen) 大學化學系研究員,中央研究院化學研究所所長,國立北平研究院藥物研究所代所長;本校第 3 任校長 (民國 37 年 6 月至 37 年 12 月);中央研究院院士。44 年當選大陸地區中國科學院學部委員。


Term of Office: June, 1948 - December, 1948

Born in 1894 in Fujian Province, President Chuang was a famous modern chemist and educator. Chuang conducted research in China, Taiwan, and Germany before heading NTU in 1948. Chuang resigned as NTU president shortly after swearing in due to reasons related to personnel appointments.

傅斯年 Ssu-Nien Fu

Ssu-Nien Fu

圖像出處 : 國立臺灣大學圖書館藏


簡歷:先生諱斯年,字孟真,山東省聊城縣人,生於清光緒 22 年 (1896) 2 月 13 日 (陽曆 3 月 26 日),卒於民國 39 年 (1950) 12 月 20 日,享年 55 歲,為近代中國新文學、新文化運動先驅,歷史語言學家,教育家,政治家。曾任北京大學教授、社會科學研究所所長、國立中央博物院籌備主任、中央研究院總幹事、北京大學代理校長、本校第 4 任校長 (民國 38 年 1 月至 39 年 12 月),中央研究院院士兼歷史語言研究所創所所長。政治事務方面,曾任國民參政會參政員、政治協商會議委員、立法委員。


Term of Office: January, 1949 - December, 1950

Historical linguists, educator, politician, and pioneer of modern Chinese literature and the New Culture Movement, Professor Fu has been heralded as one of the most influential presidents in NTU history. Fu was born in 1896 in Shandong Province. President Fu was known for his decisive character and ability to stabilize the administration during an age of unrest. Under Fu's governance, NTU has become a free and autonomous academic institute, as well as a paradigm for devotion.